Why are these hairs longer that hails on my other plants

  • Thread starter Moeboi
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That's why bro gave me that bottle said o need potassium as a few others told me in post


I'm more on the organic side. In flower I use desulferd black strap molasses, Epsom salt and brown sugar.
If they need a little nitrogen I use Alaskan fish fertilizer "fish emulsion "

One thing you'll learn in flower; calcium, Magnesium, potassium and phosphorus deficiency will come if your not pouring on. And some strains will require a lot more than others.

When I'm testing a strain for mothers, I do everything your told not to do in a grow; depleted nutrients, extensive lighting, under lighting over wattering, overdosing with nutrients etc. Then im recovering and documenting every day in a journal and taking pics for that day.

What happens with your environment will also effect your plants requirement for nutrients. Example when you first get light burn it mimics cal mag difficiency according to most growers. In all reality the plant actually is going through a cal mag difficiency due to the massive amount of photosynthesis thats taking place. When it happens in veg, the next thing you see is all the leave stems turn purple in veg because of the potassium loss.

It all goes hand in hand. The best advice I can give you as a new grower is to look at and understand a feeding schedule. Almost every nutrient supplier puts them out. Understand what the plant needs at each phase and why.

You can dig you way through forums and youtube and wing it and you'll eventually have succes but you'll get there faster by studying the plant your growing.

There are a lot of growers in here that have been growing for years and in my opinion some of the best for advice when you can't figure something out. But you need to at least educate yourself on the basics.

With multiple strains growing at the same time, your going to get an education real quick.

I normally have 6 strains going at a time. When I add a new strain that I've never grown before trying to get the maximum volume of thc and terps out of it, my kindergarten education begins.

Your soil has potassium nitrate, urea, and amonium phosphate added in it. Your stuck with the results or you will have to flush the soil and start adding the nutrients it needs with each watering. You basically bought soil thats a competitor or knock off of miracle grow and that's why your nitrogen is high.


You can feed the stuff you have. but only give 1/10 of what the bottle calls for. You plant is flowering on a tiny bit of time release food in the potting soil. You do not want to put it into shock. Feed it gently.


Ok thanks alot...I know on my 2nd grow I'll do a little better on plants thanks to all of you much appreciated


Is it just me or is this plant revegging?
Thats a good question like I said I never expected for these plants to take this long I planted in back of shed in February and went outside one day they were looking good so I said I'll try and grow ..and I'm here now lol didn't have proper lighting n still probably don't is why the long time growing I just kept doing what I been doing and they made it this far but now I'm seeing a little change so I know I'm missing something..its not lighting if it was they wouldn't have made it this long so it's something I need to add but I don't know lol
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Thats a good question like I said I never expected for these plants to take this long I planted in back of shed in February and went outside one day they were looking good so I said I'll try and grow ..and I'm here now lol didn't have proper lighting n still probably don't is why the long time growing I just kept doing what I been doing and they made it this far but now I'm seeing a little change so I know I'm missing something..its not lighting if it was they wouldn't have made it this long so it's something I need to add but I don't know lol
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As long as you have good sealing lids they will be fine. I am using grovebags for my last harvest and i will say they are way less hassle and have been keeping my humidity at 59%-60% consistently without the need to burb ever.
Been thinking of trying the Grovebags.. do you also do the “sweating” after drying or just seal it up directly after drying ?
Aqua Man

Aqua Man

Are there any lights on or that have stayed on over the dark period? Even just once?

When did you switch to 12/12?

Where they ever outside without supplemented light for a while?


First time grower.... Lets have a couple of basics.

Light cycle = How many hours of light/dark do the plants get everyday? 18/6 or 12/12 or something else?
What kind of light do you have and how far above the plants is it?
Do you have it on a timer?


I'm pretty certain it is revegging bro.
Lol hopefully its genetics or stress not a light period issue. But I think your right. Just seen one do the same thing in my cousins grow but it was unstable genetics from an unknown Frankenstein cross.


Google rust spots on cannabis leaves and purple leaf stems on cannabis and see what comes up. If you look it up and learn it, it will stick better than me telling you. Look at the pics and see whats not normal green in your leaves in the bigger older leaves and look at the new growth and see whats not normal. See how the blade edges are starting to die on the old growth.

Also check your soil moisture, everything looks like its drooping down as if they were in the dark cycle or there water logged which could be why the tips of your leaves look like the do.

Download a lux app for your phone and make sure there at least getting 35000 lux or higher. My buds at that stage are getting over 70000 lux wich is getting co2 supplement.

Check your dark phase, make sure your timers are working correctly and there's no light getting to them. An interuption of One hour of light will throw them back in veg.

That might get you back on track.
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Awe hell with it, bator bird guano top dress the soil. 2 Table spoons desulferd black strap molasses, 2 table spoon brown sugar and 2 tsp of cal mag plus per gallon of water once a week till they brighten back up. Then 1 table spoon of the the molasses 2 tablespoon brown sugar 1 teaspoon calmag plus once a week till 1 week before harvest.

If phosphorus deficiency gets to bad have some foxfarm tiger bloom on hand feed once a week till guano kicks in.
But definitely look up your leaf signs and learn them.
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