WiFi Med Grow 2kw Dual-Arc 1st Grow Log!

  • Thread starter nMEEKS
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right on....thank you!!

they are looking really healthy...great job..! .......gonna be some serious fire bro..!!

I should be getting some cuttings of my wifi in the next few weeks!!

keep up the good work meeks!


Looking awesome bro.....those babies are blowing up your probly gonna get a great yield off those!

Is that same type of setup u ran with the 600watt?


Looking super healthy Meeks!

Thanks! yea the front 2 are the healthiest, the back two both have minor claw still from the Magic Green mistake over a week ago.

great looking grow you've got going on there. I had a great success with the UK Cheese clone under a scrog net. Good luck.

Thank you DB, I have grown ScrOG in all of my grows. I just can't bring myself to let them have just 1 main cola, and I don't see a better method of training/securing my plants than a screen.

right on....thank you!!

they are looking really healthy...great job..! .......gonna be some serious fire bro..!!

I should be getting some cuttings of my wifi in the next few weeks!!

keep up the good work meeks!

Much appreciated KL! I seriously cannot wait until these girls have some buds for me to drool over. They seem like they are taking their sweet time switching over to flower, I usually see a lot more pistil development by this time, but I have never done a 10 week strain before so we will see if that is why.

Looking awesome bro.....those babies are blowing up your probly gonna get a great yield off those!
Thanks a lot Mitch! Nothing compared to the uniformity of your garden, and you would probably freak out about how messy my grow room is right now after doing a transplant in the veg closet, but they are def loving life in this setup.

Is that same type of setup u ran with the 600watt?

Similar. I was working with a much smaller space with the 600w. A 2x5 closet and I have a tower fan on each side so the flower area was more like 2x4'. I ran 6 plants back then in that amount of space and had them all under a single screen (not individual or double layered like this run). This time around i have twice the square footage, 1.6x the wattage, and 2/3 of the plant count. So def not the same, but very comparable for me knowing what to expect.

I really like how your canopy is so even and that is what I would attempt to do in the past, but this grow I am trying to train the plants to be in a bowl shape with the low point of the canopy being right in the center of the 4x4 tray and the high point being around the perimeter. The idea behind this is that the colas around the outside are over a foot further from the bulb than the colas in the center, so by letting them grow taller than the center they will be more equally close to the bulb. I don't know how successful I am going to be tho, my plants are doing the opposite of this naturally. The tops closest to the center are getting the best lighting and growing the fastest. Maybe next run I will hold off on pulling the branches down until stretch is almost over, then spin all the plants around so the tops that were in the center (and ideally have grown the tallest) are rotated to the outside edge, and the tops that were on the outside (ideally the shortest) will be rotated into the center. Who knows if that will work but I will give it a shot with my White Urkles.

-Meeks :stonedsmilie:


Hey Meeks...nice grow! I wanted to comment on the claw you are getting. I am running the same strain in DWC and one I mine has the claw pretty bad. The problem is they are all in the same DWC so I'm in a bit of a situation. I did a 24hr flush and that didn't seem to help at all. It seems this strain may have phenos that are Nitrogen sensitive.

I was feeding in the 450ppm range but dropped down 280ppm...they are eating but the one with the claw almost seems to have gotten worse. I'm going to use the wait and see approach.


Hey Meeks...nice grow! I wanted to comment on the claw you are getting. I am running the same strain in DWC and one of mine has the claw pretty bad. The problem is they are all in the same DWC so I'm in a bit of a situation. I did a 24hr flush and that didn't seem to help at all. It seems this strain may have phenos that are Nitrogen sensitive.

I was feeding in the 450ppm range but dropped down 280ppm...they are eating but the one with the claw almost seems to have gotten worse. I'm going to use the wait and see approach.

Thanks for checking out the log WM. I also often use the 'wait and see' approach. I don't know if that is such a great idea in DWC tho, seeing as the plants respond to change very quickly in DWC there shouldn't be too much waiting once you find and fix the problem. I would recommend a nice foliar feeding of water to give the plants an alternative source of water that isn't heavy in salts or nitrogen. I have done this twice for my plants and it has not completely gotten rid of the clawing but it has stopped its progression. I don't think any of my plants are nitrogen sensitive, there are just a couple that are extremely nitrogen tolerant! A couple weeks ago I foliar fed all my plants with a batch of magic green mixed at 5ml per 1 Liter! A huge over dose based on a mistake on the Magic Green bottle label (which I actually used at 1/2 recommended strength). Long story short, two of my plants didn't handle the massive ofter fertilization very well and showed signs of Ca, and Mg deficiency, along with showing the claw. I don't know how big your plants are, but mine have been given feedings at around 1300 ppm at this point and they are growing healthy since the Magic Green problem.



Ok, Pics of the plants coming sometime soon, tomorrow maybe if I have time. They are about 2.5 weeks into flowering and are starting to set fruit. Some colas are gonna be massive, but will be furthest from the light due to their height so probably won't yield much higher than some others that are smaller right now. My 2 more sensitive plants are finally showing growth that isn't clawing at all. But past the newest 3-4" of growth the leaves are still clawed from the Magic Green on plant A. Stretch is still going strong, plants are at least an inch taller every time I go in there, which is at least twice a day usually. Anyways the reason I am posting is to share some new knowledge I got today from a professor at my university.

The pH of a foliar feeding solution has no statistically significant effect on yield! This professor did not do his research on marijuana, but he did do 2 years of trials on a bean crop covering multiple acres of land and conducted the research for his PhD work. It was professional and meticulous to say the least, and after discussing his results at length with him earlier today I believe there is no reason why his research would not translate to any other vegetative crop. His research also showed a 15% increase in yield when comparing a crop grown in pre fertilized soil (e.g. SubCool's Super Soil) and no foliar feeding with a crop grown in the same soil condition given a foliar feeding of macro-nutrients N-P-K and S (derived from Urea, Poly-Phosphate, and Potassium Sulfate + a surfactant).

So the 2 conclusions of his PhD were:
- pH ranging from 3.7-8.2 does not change the rate of absorption by the plant
- Foliar feeding of Macro nutrients can increase yield by up to 15%

And a fun fact for anyone ever experiencing a nitrogen deficiency that doesn't have much patients. 50% of nitrogen applied to the leaves in a foliar feeding is absorbed within the first hour!

The rates are not quite as dramatic for other nutrients, but for the most part, 50% of any nutrient that is fed to the plants through the leaves is absorbed within the first 24 hours. So if you are ever experiencing a deficiency, or think you might be, spray your plants with the nutrient you think might be deficient (pH doesn't matter remember so just mix any fertilizer up with some RO and a surfactant and your ready without adjustment) and if things don't improve visibly in 12-36 hours you have a different problem.

Also, it is generally recommended to foliar feed when it is not the heat of the day (dusk or dawn), so for indoor growing it is better to raise your lights and foliar feed shortly before lights out. Then give a very light (you don't want to wash off the nutrients) misting of just water shortly before lights come back on the next day to aid the remaining nutrients in entering the leaf.

I hope this information is as interesting and helpful to other farmers as it was to me. If anyone is curious to know more, I have a whole binder full of notes from a class I took with this guy that was focused entirely on fertilizers, and would love to share the wealth of knowledge I have gotten from this professor so just shoot me a PM or post here.



IG @delae_632
That's great info Meeks! Thanks for sharing it.


Amputating Fakeness
Awesome info Meeks! Thank you very much sir! I was always curious about how ph affected foliar feeding, so this definitely helped. Good on ya man! Peace out from the 303!


Nice post Meeks. Looking forward to some current shots of your ladies. Bummer about the Magic Green. I never foliar. Too hard to do with plants under a light IMO. I'm very anal about keeping my glass clean.


That's great info Meeks! Thanks for sharing it.

Your very welcome.

Awesome info Meeks! Thank you very much sir! I was always curious about how ph affected foliar feeding, so this definitely helped. Good on ya man! Peace out from the 303!

I had spent hours online trying to find a credible explanation of the effects of pH in foliar feeding and never found anything that was convincing enough. I figured if I couldn't find the answer to my question, there must be others with the same question and no answer. Glad that this helped!

Nice post Meeks. Looking forward to some current shots of your ladies. Bummer about the Magic Green. I never foliar. Too hard to do with plants under a light IMO. I'm very anal about keeping my glass clean.

I took a look at my glass after reading this and didn't notice any residue on my glass from when I foliar. But I did decide to do a wipe down of the glass anyways just to be safe. Its a good point you bring up, glass already reduces the intensity of the bulb slightly when its clean, spraying a foliar like Magic Green definitely must leave some residue on the glass making it reduce intensity even more. I will now wipe down my glass the mornings after I foliar to prevent that issue. And yea it was a bummer about the magic green, but I think I may have made it sound worse than it was, I am very lucky to still have all 4 plants alive and relatively healthy after the major over-dose. Pictures of the 4 girls will be up tonight or tomorrow for sure, and then you can see for yourself that with the exception of 1 plant, there is hardly any visible damage at all.

The reason I am posting right now before taking shots of the plants is to give a shout out to AEC, for being extremely helpful and having the best customer service I know of. *EDIT* CAN'T THANK AEC ENOUGH!




Damn dude, been wanting seeds from AEC for DAYS, but i cant get down there. Wish I knew Van or AEC crew! I live in SC and LA is too far of a drive for a pack of beans!


Glad you got hooked up bro. Nice job. Looking forward o seeing the White Sour D's.


Amputating Fakeness
That's some straight love right there! Wish they were here in Denver. Grats Meeks!, that's killer! Remember to re_spread that type of love around, pay it forward as they say. 2 more fire strains to the mix, nice! Peace from the 303!


Damn dude, been wanting seeds from AEC for DAYS, but i cant get down there. Wish I knew Van or AEC crew! I live in SC and LA is too far of a drive for a pack of beans!

I won't ever be able to say enough good things about AEC and their staff. It is too bad we can't get Raskal gear on the farm anymore, but he def chose a great place to be his distributor.

Glad you got hooked up bro. Nice job. Looking forward o seeing the White Sour D's.

Who isn't! I have been wanting those more than any other Raskal gear (besides the WiFi) since he announced the project in June!

That's some straight love right there! Wish they were here in Denver. Grats Meeks!, that's killer! Remember to re_spread that type of love around, pay it forward as they say. 2 more fire strains to the mix, nice! Peace from the 303!

Always trying to pay it forward. Fire strains for days over here. I realized the other day that I went from 0 seeds 5 months ago, to close to 100 seeds now. . . and they are all OGR gear.


Whoops, close call on that mistake. Got too excited and didn't think before I posted.



OK, Picture Update!

Haven't been putting up a lot of photos so here are way too many photos to make up for slacking.

All 4 girls:


From top to bottom, left to right: Plant A, Plant C, Plant D, Plant B


Now some individual shots:


Plant D


Plant B


Plant C


Plant A


Plant B

And some early fruit formation:


Plant B


Plant B


Plant D


Plant A

Some stem shots:


Plant B


Plant B


Plant D

CO2 Burner:

And finally, A nice new addition to my OGR collection:

WOW big update! Ok, so some info on the shots. If you look at plant A you can see some mottling in the leaf green, and slight clawing of some of the older/lower leaves. The mottled growth has been a characteristic of this pheno type even during veg growth. I don't know if it is a deficiency or not, but growth has been healthy besides the mottling and after a few days it starts to turn full green. Plant A is also the smallest of the 4 (not by much anymore) and has given me the most trouble, but today I have almost completely forgiven it for all the problems because it is gonna be SUCH a frost monster! The frostiest shots under early fruit formation are taken from the tops of plant A.

Plant B is stretching the most out of the 4. You can see one of the tops on the outside is significantly higher than the rest of the canopies. Plant B and plant D have been healthy throughout their life even with the Magic Green overdose they showed no signs of problems. They are both still stretching at least 1-2 inches per day.

I will be out of town for Thanksgiving and hope to come back to a room full of stinky girls! Then all that is left to do is fatten them up.

-Meeks :rastadancing:


Everything looks nice and clean bro, bang up job so far, I'm sub'd. How you liking them dual arcs? Been thinking about grabbing one but I'm torn between a fuller spectrum or more lumens.


Amputating Fakeness
Looking gorgeous Meeks! They look 5x5 to me (all good) . Glad to see they recovered from the magic green incident. Can't wait to see how they turn out! Peace man!
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