Would Mitt Romney be Worse on Medical Marijuana than Obama?

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Dirty White Boy

Dirty White Boy

Hold on let me get this right Obama a half black president with ta black wife and two black daughters supports racial cleansing....? What racial cleansing do you mean illegal aliens Muslims blacks whites poor who?
Dirty White Boy

Dirty White Boy

I here a shower head works well.......the dali lama loved to have a coffee enema with all his underage girls every morning.......aaaaaaahhhhhh..........ffffffaaaaaarrrrrtttttt.......


They don't have enough FEMA camps to put us in if we all stick together. Divide and conquer has been a tool used since the days of Alexander the Great. It worked great then and works even better today. We have the media lying to us every day telling us what the establishment wants to tell us.

I keep hearing about these "FEMA camps" usually from right wing talk radio listening nut jobs.." Please, and i reapeat PLEASE show us just one ACTUAL example that these alleged camps exist.."

people need to stop listening to talk radio and spin doc's like Rush and Glen Beck.. morons.
Dirty White Boy

Dirty White Boy

Its on the moon! What do ya think gengrich was talking about when he said Im gunna put "space stations" on the moon.

Hey now old Rushy poo is my uncle, he might be a fat dim sack of russets, with the physique of a melting tire, whos face is the color of a chilipepper from the cock ring and buttplug he wears 24/7....but hes a ummm.....well he uhhhh........hes still alive and makes noises with his mouth?


I keep hearing about these "FEMA camps" usually from right wing talk radio listening nut jobs.." Please, and i reapeat PLEASE show us just one ACTUAL example that these alleged camps exist.."

people need to stop listening to talk radio and spin doc's like Rush and Glen Beck.. morons.



Just watched that whole video. didnt convince me. A lot of "what ifs" and allegations thrown around. There was no definitive evidence that these camps exist or average innocent Americans are being held in such camps.

I googled the T.Don Hutton Residential Center that the show features. It is a facility for illegal immigration. which coincidentally is located in Texas. Oh geez, now why in the world would they build an illegal immigration center in Texas??

If these camps exist, and so many innocent Americans have been imprisoned, then why havent we heard anything from grieving relatives? friends? neighbors? that kind of stuff doesnt happen in a vacuum. we dont live in a totalitarian society. people would speak out.


Google "japanese internment camps."

Yep folks it happend right here in the good old US of A. In 1942, they rounded up approx 120, 000 Japanese people (most of them american citizens BTW), and stuck them in camps. Of course, this never hit the mainstream news. Another history lesson your beloved government school system never told you about.
Dirty White Boy

Dirty White Boy

That's absolutely false. They teach about the Japanese internment camps on several occasions once in middle school and again in high school. I wrote a paper and made movie bout it high school.


yeah I learned about that too, especially in Montana because there was a camp near us. The government is just not that organized, you cannot infiltrate every public school in America entirely.....sure school books will act as a tool of organized conformity but there is no way to control the way every individual teacher will teach....thank God....humans are at least as diverse as this beautiful cannabis plant of ours.


There would be no schools, highways, parks... itd really be fuct .... the poor wouldnt stand a chance...no court system police... no minimum wage...

Didn't you know that all of these are socialism and that socialism is bad?

You mustn't have been reading your Bible enough or listening to enough old dudes in suits with microphones spouting total bullshit at you.



Just to respond to your post. I have never in my life listened to Glenn Beck or Rush Limbaugh or their talk radio shows. I actually have a mind of my own. The only thing I really know about Rush is he was Dr. shopping like everyone else in Florida for Oxy's but was dumb enough to get caught. He is such a contradiction because he talks bad about drug addicts but yet he is a drug addict. And BTW I thought DWB blocked everyone.


I know he's not a champion for marijuana per se, and that does stem from his social conservatism. Actually most often I adapt my arguments to respect the fact that most people do not understand or acknowledge that Obama is socially conservative. In fact, you are the first person to actually address me and say this on the internet or in real life.

Sad but true.

That said I still believe the guy thinks it's a bunch of bullshit. It just comes out of his statements. This is a guy who understands the history of the prohibition of alcohol. He gets it why it was repealed. We were losing the "war on alcohol", badly. The two situations couldn't be more analogous, and he understands that (I can't find a quote but I feel as though I've heard him reference this comparison, I am from Illinois so I've seen Obama for quite a bit longer than most).

He doesn't agree that it's the government's place to be making this decisions, and he understands that its an absolute fiscal clustrfuck-nightmare-snowball of gargantuan proportions.

He is not going to come out as a champion for MMJ because that isn't his "political identity" its not going to win him an election--and while for us "playing to the election" is about as appalling as "teaching to the test" or something similar--it is really important that we understand this is a process which is underwritten and guaranteed by the American people, not the candidates. We, as a whole, make it political suicide to do some of these types of things. Even if we hadn't it's also important to think of Obama's perspective--he needs to think about what he believes America will look like if Romney wins rather than him. This is a perspective that only he can really have, and it's a difficult one to try and wrap your head around adequately.

Do you stand up for the right thing, sink yourself, and end up putting someone into office (and essentially being willfully complicit with it) who you believe and know for yourself will do something wrong?

Or do you tell the people what they wanna hear, so that you can try to do what you know needs to be done--irrespective of what you had to do to get there.

The top one certainly sounds more noble--but it doesn't get a whole helluva lot done.

I'd say Obama is socially conservative, but that he doesn't believe social norms should come down as a dictat according to rule of law. The reason I identify so much with this is the same reason I think he believes it. I've experienced a very culturally and socially diverse upbringing.

What I've learned in that time is that both great people and absolute garbage come in all shapes, colors, sizes, and creeds. We'll do the best work if we pull that together rather than drive a lawful steak between it.

This is why things like gay marriage rights matter so much--not because of the actual thing, but because of the disconnect it causes. Its one less reason to work together as Americans, and that is the absolute last fucking thing we need right now.

This is all very true.
Dirty White Boy

Dirty White Boy

Nope just blocked you santi and one other.....sadly i can still read your crap before I get signed in....:(.....now i need a tissue, LMFAO!


If you don't know the answer then you need to smoke right away!!! You need medication!!!

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