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SoCal 420

SoCal 420

or, Thrill Up My Leg Chris Mathews... That dude almost busts his nutt prematurely @ the mention of Barack Obama, Makes me laugh every time...


Give it up, my dog has A Higher I.Q. than you posses. Do some reading, Educate yourself. It opens doors... Use your computer for something "Useful"
i guess your the same goes for you, because i have yet to see you outwit me or anyone in this thread with your bogus theories.

first you blame the media for making it a race thing and nothing else. now you post some shit about Zimmerman hiding and lurking in the shadows "scared for his life" rescuing someone out of a rolling truck as if its was actual fact and in no way possibly a publicity stunt. as if you know it to be actual factual, as if you were there to witness the act yourself; but on the the other hand, questioning anyone else's theory about the case because you, i and we weren't there to see what actually happened.
SoCal 420

SoCal 420

LOL... Carry On, By All Means, Dazzle me with your "Brilliance" Your making yourself look GOOOOOD. :woot:


well, think what you want; i really could give a fuck about what you think.

i guess it must be that favoritism that seems to go on around here, because i didn't see you mention anything about trolling every time he responded directly and specificly to what i posted a few days ago.


Fear Not!
I Dont believe that we landed on the moon in the 60's ;) (thats how much i trust the news)
Ya gotta go with yer gut
sky high

sky high

Can't stand Rush and his conservative bullshit. Almost a one sided as Keith Oberman. Neither one knows what the truth really is. Why people listen is beyond me.

It's all garbage. Like sports figures...overpaid, over-idolized, and way to much of a focus for many folks who have nothing else to do but constantly look for someone else to fill in the blanks in their life or to search for someone to blame for their ills/misfortunes.


Fear Not!

You guys Know Im a Moderator..right?

So, watch it! ;)


well, think what you want; i really could give a fuck about what you think.

i guess it must be that favoritism that seems to go on around here, because i didn't see you mention anything about trolling every time he responded directly and specificly to what i posted a few days ago.
True, just reading the latest. I think we should talk about who landed on the moon in the 60's.
SoCal 420

SoCal 420

:wideyed:... LOL. No Worries Here... caregiverken. I am "Extremely" carefull @ my wording here... Appreciate the "Check Yourself"
SoCal 420

SoCal 420

True, just reading the latest. I think we should talk about who landed on the moon in the 60's.
Remember Newt Gingrich in the preliminaries talk about "Flying to Space / Moon and was Laughed at on stage? Fast Forward to Democratic proposal to make Apollo Landing Site A National Park because of the expected "Return" to the lunar surface and the possible Damage / Looting for Profit... to A Historically Significant Site. Not laughing so much now, are they.


This violent POS strikes again just a few days of being free from shooting poor innocent Treyvon.

Or not.

HaHa Reading back a page or so, yall already know.
baba G

baba G

bean sprouts are tasty
How does one use self defense when you stalk/follow someone and an altercation ensures. We know Martin didn't follow or start it all, I mean there is evidence through the 911 call saying that Zimmerman was following and had an interest in apprehending Martin.
So, next time you go following someone and ignore the authorities words to follow that person...then proceed to use Your gun to kill that person cause your getting your ass kicked in a fight...HOW the fuck is that self defense? Did Martin make GZ get out of his car and allow himself to be beat the fuck up?? SElf defense is grossly being misused here!! I don't care about the rest.
baba G

baba G

bean sprouts are tasty
I mean if I walked up to any of you and started a fight and then was getting my ass kicked and had to rely on my weapon(gun) to stop the fight and end your life; would you consider that self defense? Now, If you walked up to me and just started kicking my ass and I needed to shoot you to save my life...yeah Self Defense.
SoCal 420

SoCal 420

or, If your walking the same direction / following (Still not Illegal) and someone says "Why you following me" punches you in the face and mounts you, "Take IT", "Suck it Up"... "Don't Worry", "Be Happy"... Whatever. I can tell you from "Experience" If I am in Top Mount, Almost any body... They are in for A World of Hurt. Been Their, Done That, in the Ring, Many Times...
baba G

baba G

bean sprouts are tasty
or, If your walking the same direction / following (Still not Illegal) and someone says "Why you following me" punches you in the face and mounts you, "Take IT", "Suck it Up"... "Don't Worry", "Be Happy"... Whatever. I can tell you from "Experience" If I am in Top Mount, Almost any body... They are in for A World of Hurt. Been Their, Done That, in the Ring, Many Times...
And why would you follow someone in a car for a bit and then get out of the car? If I were TM I might have thought a drive by or something sketch was gonna happen. GZ was following him because it's legal right?? LMAO I'm sure GZ wasn't following him because he wanted to do something to him....

I mean I always follow people with a gun and then go talk to them, especially when the police say NOT to. It's cause I'm a badass mofo or cause I wanna protect my neighborhood that I pick fights and kill folks with guns. Who will protect us from GZ?
baba G

baba G

bean sprouts are tasty
or, If your walking the same direction / following (Still not Illegal) and someone says "Why you following me" punches you in the face and mounts you, "Take IT", "Suck it Up"... "Don't Worry", "Be Happy"... Whatever. I can tell you from "Experience" If I am in Top Mount, Almost any body... They are in for A World of Hurt. Been Their, Done That, in the Ring, Many Times...
I typically hop out of my car, so I can be going the same direction...that is funny SoCAl!
SoCal 420

SoCal 420

And I guess you would say he (Zimmerman, Super Human Mind and Vision To) can see around A corner... I can't see him, Is he trying to Run? You make me laugh to. I don't have the answers for you G, I just know what was presented in the trial. In Florida, People can be walking around with A gun. Anybody... (Concealed Weapons Permit) Guess Trayvon didn't know that, or "His" decision may have been different. That is why Rapes, Muggings, Car Jackings, Thug Type crimes etc. are "Lower" in Florida than states that you Can't carry... Check the stats if you don't believe it.
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