Search results for query: spider mites

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  1. emanresu

    Spider mites are they immortal?

    Is there any way to kill these things? My friend is infested with them. We have tried neemoil, hydrogen peroxide solution, and even putting one of them outside in 25 degree weather with snow on the ground and it didn't kill them. I think he should have tossed the first plant he seen it on and...
  2. Letsgrowthroughit

    Leaf minors, spider mites, and aphids 😬 help!!

    Still in early veg and Last week I sprayed them with capt Jack ready to use dead bug brew for spider mites because I noticed a small web and since have found one aphid and have track marks of leaf minors 😬😬 what happened? Does that stuff invite more than it kills? Or do I just have the worst luck?
  3. bguwop420

    Spider webs on plant(not spider mites)

    I keep having these fuckin spiders making webs from leaf to leaf bud to bud, I've handed picked all the webs I can see off but I'm sure some got stuck to my buds Will a peroxide bud wash or any form of bud wash take them off?
  4. JD6

    Spider mites, some help please.

    I think I've got spider mites. I've removed the effected buds. I can't be sure if they've spread or not. I think I'm going to have to chop early. Will they die when it's chopped or carry on? If they don't die what can I do to it to kill them? Please don't recommend products only available in USA...
  5. B

    HELP! Aphids and possibly spider mites?

    I moved my plants into a greenhouse and now they are infested with aphids, this is my first grow and I'm so close to the end I don't want to lose it. I'm on a budget with this, all I have on hand is hydrogen peroxide and isopropyl. Will either of those help? What can I do here? Should I just...
  6. Grayshan

    How to deal with spider mites.

    I tried some neem oil and thought about just using a low Flowing hose and rubbing off the mites with my other hand. Is there a point to just remove the heavily infested leaves or plants, or are there any other ways to get rid of these spider mites? Thanks for any ideas.
  7. D

    Leaf issue & spider mites

    Hi there I’m new to hydro growing & have encountered 2 issues firstly spider mites & now a leaf issue which I think is septoria lycopersici but need assistance as I’ve never had these & not sure what to do. Please help so I can learn what to do Thanks Ducati
  8. K

    Spider mites!! Early infestation need help.

    Recently found a super small infestation early so looking to introduce a IPM. So I have ordered Nuke Em need instruction and reviews of the product. Predatory mites useful or no? Any idea to help prevent other insects from starting?
  9. LoveGrowingIt

    Got spider mites. What I've done and what to do next.

    I spotted spider mites on one of my two plants in my 2x2 tent. I know they're spider mites because I've seen them before. They were on one plant, mostly just above the lollipop and on the side of the plant closest to the other plant. The plants are sativa. It's the 5th week of flowering. This...
  10. bguwop420

    Spotted first 2 spider mites on 1 plant

    I spotted a spider mite inside a group of pistil hairs and kinda squeezed part of a bud site to kill it accidentally ripped out 2 or 3 pistil hairs while killing it...will that be able to repair itself? Afterwards I sprayed Green Cleaner ..mixed up a half gallon with 20ml and used my new pump...
  11. G

    What to do with spider mites..

    Hey all you green thumbed wizards I have a question. My girl is in the last weeks of flowering, and I just noticed a couple spider mites webs. I took off the leaves but should I just flush it and cut her or wait the 2 weeks??
  12. C

    Essential Oils are toxic for cats, how do I treat my plants for Spider mites?

    What is the best and safest way to get rid of these fuckers without killing my cat? He’s my best friend and I love him more than I love weed and I fuckin love weed! Please help!
  13. M

    Spider mites have returned again..

    ...peroxide, alcohol, water, and peppermint oil and sprayed the leaves They didnt do this much damage to the leaves the first time i just boticed the white spotting the first time. So is this damage from the spider mites? Or is it something else? They seem rather large to be from the mites...
  14. N

    Problems in the grow house please help!! Spider mites??? Or something else?

    Hi, I am a newbie grower. Found some spots on a few plants and some slight bite holes, I have checked underside of plants and I have found the odd dots of white and black. But the black spots don’t move so not sure if it could simply be some dried coco. But any confirmation of what it is or...
  15. Z

    Spider-mites problem on top of the bud in week 4 flowering

    So I’m having a big problem with spider mites on top of the bud in week 4 of flowering, what’s the solution for this?
  16. logic

    How to Prevent and Treat Spider Mites in Cannabis Plants

    ...also known as TSSM. In this comprehensive guide, we will discuss the best preventive measures and treatment options for dealing with spider mites in cannabis plants. 1. Understanding Spider Mites What are Spider Mites? Spider mites are tiny arachnids that belong to the Tetranychidae family...
  17. W

    Spider mites. Was planning on flipping with in a week

    ...okay since last round had zero issues). I noticed some white spots on my leaves and after closer inspection I noticed that it was spider mites. I sprayed them with neem oil tonight. My question is, is it worth trying to save this round, or should I scrap them and clean my room and...
  18. ViparSpectra

    Can't spray too much to fight spider mites pre-harvest

    ...are almost ready to harvest. Will leave them a little bit longer to let them gain maximum weight before the chop. They have plenty of spider mites and already added some meat-eating mites to fight them. Don't want to spray too much this close to harvest. Light used: ViparSpectra XS2000...
  19. R

    Spider mites? Thrips? Not sure what I’m facing here.

    Hi all, Got some problems in my garden and having a tough time identifying exactly what’s happening. I’ve had spider mites before so that’s my first guess and what I’ve been spraying for but I’m seeing really odd leaf formations (“burned”/bitten edges?) and even some signs of something biting...
  20. C

    Spider mites, Caterpillar, bugs infestation

    Hey everyone. I am a newbie so I do not know if I am doing something improperly. I have a heavy infestation by spider mites, caterpillars/worms. I have used Big Time Exterminator and Monterey BT to spray, but I still see a lot caterpillars on plants. They are in flowering stage now. Do I need to...
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