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SoCal 420

SoCal 420

Dude, you crack me up... Let me feed you, little bird... So hungry for Information on that which you speak of :)

Before the trial, On the Phone, With 911 Dispatch, Recorded and Submitted, During Trial... by Police / 911 Dispatch, That NBC News altered the recordings of, Broadcasted those Altered Recordings to the World via Media... Before the Trial, To Further portrayal of Zimmerman as "Racist", to Fit the Story that Media "Designed" and Have been "Caught in The Lie"

They Are Currently being "Sued" by Zimmerman Attorneys and Expected to "Settle" by their
"Own" admission of Guilt, and "Firing / Termination" of News Casters Involved...
Where in the World Have You Been? Do A "Little" Research my Fellow Farmer.

P.S. What in the world did you Assume all the Make George Zimmerman White / Al Sharpton / Jesse Jackson / Barack Obama's 2 cents (not 50) Protests have been about... o_O


hmm, i see you're a little emotional atm, and decided to pick and choose what to see from the debate so will say it again.

everyone has black in their ancestry, whether they want to believe it or not. don't believe me, look where civilization began and the color of the people there since history been recorded (yes even in the bible). once you come up with an answer, i am pretty sure you will easily come to the conclusion why all people have black in their ancestry.

but then again, you probably believe that the Egyptians or "people" of that time period and area were aliens do to there superior intellect and culture that has yet to be duplicated up until today.

and as far as everyone going out there way to make him "white", i couldn't answer that for you. i am assuming because of his name and white mother or farther and features could be your answer.

Egyptians were descended from the gods who came to earth and their pharoahs had these genetics which is why they were said to be demi gods and of royalty. The nephilim or "fallen angels" created numerous different human races using the locally available primates in different areas. I don't believe that all humans came out of the same singular region of the world, they were seeded in different areas and for different purposes, by different groups of nephilim/annunaki/fallen angels. Some were created to carry down the royal bloodline and maintain civilization while other humans were created simply to be slaves with limited lifespans, hence why africans and only africans are subject to sickle cell disease, why they are naturally more muscular and why africans and asians are more resistant to malaria and other tropical diseases. It's all written down, this is where the legends of dragons and the families of bluebloods come from. I was watching Game of Thrones the other day and was surprised how they brought up the idea of royalty being descended from dragons and carrying their blood. Anyways I think offically this thread has run off the rails but it was interesting while it lasted.
SoCal 420

SoCal 420

Agreed ^^^^^ bout the end of page 10 but I gave it A shot (back on point)


Yea SoCal you are 100% correct about Z-man's dedication to helping people out no matter what the color of their skin. He definitely went to bat for the man who was beat up by a cop's kid and spent many hours of his own time helping the community. I had not heard he used to date a black girl. Nobody brought up his past in court nor did they bring up Martin's past I supposed it was just about the facts of the incident. But if they had Z-man would have looked even better to the jury and Martin would have looked like the gangbanging, burglarizing, sizzurp drinking thug in training that he was.
SoCal 420

SoCal 420

sizzurp... :woot: Not to many peeps ever put that together... But man did they ever hammer Watermelon Ice Tea and Skittles (innocence of A child) in the media... If they only Knew.


Fear Not!
SoCal 420

SoCal 420

So, you think your going to be A Bad Ass and Slap around some White Cracker for Trayvon this Weekend... Don't "Ever" make the Mistake of Under Estimating your target Fool...

I give you, As Example... The One and Only, Master of Disaster and Harvenger of Sorrow A.K.A. The Angel of Death, and The One Man Sleeper Cell...

Mr Rogers...

Mrrogers 1

Mr. Rodgers Please Don't Hurt Me... to "You" Mother Fucker!

Tumblr lgqg3ckmfN1qzo0w4o1 r1 1280

Don't Make that Mistake cause it will only happen Once Sukka...


So, you think your going to be A Bad Ass and Slap around some White Cracker for Trayvon this Weekend... Don't "Ever" make the Mistake of Under Estimating your target Fool...

I give you, As Example... The One and Only, Master of Disaster and Harvenger of Sorrow A.K.A. The Angel of Death, and The One Man Sleeper Cell...

Mr Rogers...

View attachment 328105

Mr. Rodgers Please Don't Hurt Me... to "You" Mother Fucker!

View attachment 328108

Don't Make that Mistake cause it will only happen Once Sukka...

Mr Rogers was a fucking G. I kinda forgot that shit, thanks for reminding me bro. When I was a kid, I loved watching that dudes show. I was stoned the other day and was looking for it on Netflix.


lol, a lot or some of you make compelling arguements as to why you think this wasn't or isn't race related.

i guess a lot of you choose to ignore (doubt if most of you truly know about black history and how far white america has gone to discredit blacks contribution to the world and distorted the true facts) the past 400-500 years of (slavery) history and prejudice til this day. it's was so incredulous that white europeans couldn't even believe it and decided to get the facts straight, despite what they were told by their ancestors.

for every incident of black violence you post up that has offended white america, i can guarantee that i could post at least 100 to match.

the fact of the matter is, if Trayvon was a white kid in that neighborhood at the time, dress in a hoodie and walking down that block, we wouldn't be talking or discussing GZ at this very moment.

however, i do and agree with some on how the media is dragging and exploiting such events. reason being is that GZ racism just doesn't stop at "blacks" it's with other ethnicities as well (he also loathe and showed disdain towards the Mexican nationality as well).

also, don't know where some of you are from, but since when following a kid late at night a normal thing? some of you'll sound like you'll got a little pedophile in you'll or promote it.

Dude his mom, could barley fucking speak English, it's kinda hard to beleave dude doesn't like Mexicans. I'm talking here accent was as thick as the chicks at the taco stand bro.


Round 2.... Another trigger happy Jackass in Florida...
View attachment 328122
"I hate this thug music."

Becouse that story can't provided the nessisary divide needed, to start riots.
The hole thing about the TM and GZ case is that it's easy to take sides. The media makes it seem as though you have to take a side. Either TM or GZ.

In this case it's obvious, that this white guy was a fucking rasist nut case. In the TM GZ case it's much differant. It's simple covert hynosis, the NLP tactic being used in the TM and GZ case has to do with the Halo Effect, and each side can and will, ignore the faults of which side they choose to support. Blacks vs Whites.

In hopes to couse a riots in the street, and inact marital law.

Basically there was only one doushe bag in that case, and it was the white guy.



Crossbreeding completed, for further severance from their original beginning, WE
MUST COMPLETELY ANNIHILATE THE MOTHER TONGUE of both the new n-word and the new mule and institute a new language that involves the new life's work of both. You know language is a peculiar institution. It leads to the heart of a people. The more a foreigner knows about the language of another country the more he is able to move through all levels of that society. Therefore, if the foreigner is an enemy of the country, to the extent that he knows the body of the language, to that extent is the country vulnerable to attack or invasion of a foreign culture. For example, if you take a slave, if you teach him all about your language, he will know all your secrets, and he is then no more a slave, for you can't fool him any longer, and BEING A FOOL IS ONE OF THE BASIC INGREDIENTS OF AN INCIDENTS TO THE MAINTENANCE OF THE SLAVERY SYSTEM. For example, if you told a slave that he must perform in getting out "our crops" and he knows the language well, he would know that "our crops" didn't mean "our crops" and the slavery system would break down, for he would relate on the basis of what "our crops" really meant. So you have to be careful in setting up the new language for the slaves would soon be in your house, talking to you as "man to man" and that is death to our economic system. In addition, the definitions of words or terms are only a minute part of the process. Values are created and transported by communication through the body of the language. A total society has many interconnected value system. All the values in the society have bridges of language to connect them for orderly working in the society. But for these language bridges, these many value systems would sharply clash and cause internal strife or civil war, the degree of the conflict being determined by the magnitude of the issues or relative opposing strength in whatever form. For example, if you put a slave in a hog pen and train him to live there and incorporate in him to value it as a way of life completely, the biggest problem you would have out of him is that he would worry you about provisions to keep the hog pen clean, or the same hog pen and make a slip and incorporate something in his language where by he comes to value a house more than he does his hog pen, you got a problem. He will soon be in your house.
(Additional Note: = "Henty Berry, speaking in the Virginia House of Delegates in 1832, described the situation as it existed in many parts of the South at this time: "We have, as far as possible, closed every avenue by which light may enter their (the slaves) minds. If we could extinguish the capacity to see the light, our work would be complete; they would then be on a level with the beasts of the field and we should be safe. I am not certain that we would not do it, if we could find out the process and that on the plea of necessity." From Brown America, The story of a
New Race by Edwin R. Embree. 1931 The Viking Press.

I don't think you will find any one here that's going to disagree with you on that there was and still is some very sick fucked up in the head people bro.

I couldnt read every thing you posted, I just skimmed through it. I don't want that kind of shit in my head. To know it exist is enough.

Fuck I forgot my point,

I don't think this was it, but I didn't really read through it, cuz, Im not really lookin into breeding and enslaveing black people. Not really my thing.

My ansesters, came here after slavery, and there is a little info on the net, not much. But the first man to come to this country in my blood line, was said that he tought exslaves to read and right, amoung other things.

My granny has told me story's of her dad and grand dad haveing a still out in the woods, and they had cought some klan members out there tryin to have a meeting, and confronted them with shotguns, and ran them off the propertie.

So my new point is. Why don't you educate yourself, on the white people that have been there helping blacks since the beginng.

A good start would be the weather men, aka the weather underground, which was the white fraction of the black panther party. There's a documentary on Netflix about them, and I promise you, if you don't know there history, shit will blow your mind. ( every one should watch this black or white )

So back on topic, this shit wasnt race related to begin with, it was to fucktards, that collided, and was nothing more than the MAN try to devide the people. Buy spinning the shit as some rasist bull shit.

Both sides are right, both sides are wrong.


Living dead girl
I just watched a very interesting video, done by a guy who appears to be black. He, very saliently and very pointedly discusses black-on-black violence and how it's not discussed or played up by the black community. Anyone else see that video?

I'm still saying this is a MACHO MALE thing.


Totally agree Sea, que es mas macho. No black on white no black on hispanic. How this ever got to be a racist thing baffles me. I guess we are all just simply full of hate and need an excuse to show it. Mean while I am peacefully mowing my lawn getting ready for a dinner party (pot) with a group of friends tonight. Instead of fighting....I will be toking. Peace to all my Hispanic and Black brothers on the farm. Oh, even you white guys. lol


Its also a side show look here while we do this...

The farms not that bad chicken man. I've been watching some of the utube videos, and reading some of the comments. It's some pretty nasty shit from both sides, white and black. Like some of the shit these people say to each other is out there. I'm talking a hole other leval of trolling that I didn't even think exsisted.

It's pretty sad.


It seems, Everyone is guilty of "Racial profiling" watch this

Know Anyone Who Thinks Racial Profiling Is Exaggerated? Watch This, And Tell Me When Your Jaw Drops.

Lmfao this was FUCKING GREAT. But it's SO FUCKING WRONG.
SoCal 420

SoCal 420

So... Obama says (LOL) The Trial was legit, Jurors did their Job as the Law intended and to Remain Calm, as Protesters protest "Racism"??? The FBI Investigated for months and found "No Evidence" of Racism what so ever, and Florida Court found Zimmerman Not Guilty with "No Examples of Racism" presented... Eric Holder want's "YOU" to send him your tip proving Racism Motivated this Case... So... I sent Him A "Tip", and the "Tip of", In A photo... Hope He "Appreciates" My response :woot:

Send All "Tips" to ->->->-> [email protected]. <-<-<-<- Attn. Eric Holder


Totally agree Sea, que es mas macho. No black on white no black on hispanic. How this ever got to be a racist thing baffles me. I guess we are all just simply full of hate and need an excuse to show it. Mean while I am peacefully mowing my lawn getting ready for a dinner party (pot) with a group of friends tonight. Instead of fighting....I will be toking. Peace to all my Hispanic and Black brothers on the farm. Oh, even you white guys. lol
This is how it got to be a racist thing pute,THE MEDIA.
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