the coffee shop

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oops didn't even see the next two pages...

happy birthday sea! yer an awesome person n much loved around here. hope u have a wonderful day filled with happiness n joy! :)



There was once a Magnificent oak tree that stood upon a hill...

It was a magnificent oak, surely. Resplendent in size and breadth, it stood perched upon the highest hill in the land, commanding a view as far as the eye could see. Way up top was an acorn. The biggest, baddest acorn in all the land, sitting atop the most majestic oak in all the land, and this acorn was the highest acorn for miles around.

"Look at me!" shouted the acorn, "I am the biggest, baddest acorn in all the land for one is higher than me, no one is better than me!" he shouted.

Until a great gust of wind blew its mighty breath and shook the trees, sending that poor ol' acorn just a flyin'. That big acorn tumbled to the ground so far below (he was really high) and cracked his big ol' fucking skull wide open, sending that sporty cap of his into orbit...

When he awoke, dazed and confused, he peered up through hazy eyes only to see a cow towering over him, thoughtfully ruminating. "You alright?" asked the beautiful bovine...

"Does it look like I'm alright??" screamed the acorn! "A minute ago I was the biggest, baddest acorn in all the land - no one was higher than me! I sat on top of that oak over there. Can you see how majestic it is?" he pleaded "Help me, pleeeease" whined the acorn.

So the cow says, "Sure, no problem..." and then turns around and unceremoniously takes a huge dump, the hot steaming pile of shit landing square on the acorn's head.

An unpecified amount of time later the snows thaw and the rains wash away most of the manure...

But then something miraculous happens! A shoot pops up one day when no one is watching and begins to reach for the heavens. Before long that beat up, shit on acorn grows tall and strong, easily surpassing the majestic oak it fell from so long ago. And he became the biggest, baddest oak in all the land!


agreed but there are certain "things" the other doc has to offer that keeps me coming back...gettin old ain't for sissies...


G'Evening, y'all. HBD Seamaiden, hope it's been a great day! Visiting my 90+ year old parents but wanted to stop by and say HIGH to y'all...
Smoking Gun

Smoking Gun

I have not, actually, though I really enjoy Kesey's works. The book of his I'd recommend is Sometimes A Great Notion. My husband didn't care for it at all, you've got to stretch your mind around the fact that he's talking to you from inside each person's head as well as jumping back and forth through time in retelling the tale. But that's what I love about it, I find myself fascinated with motivators. Also, the book was recommended to me at a very difficult time when I was being judged, and being judged harshly.

What I enjoyed most about TEKAT was that, despite never having dropped a single hit of acid, Wolfe wrote as though he was tripping his balls off. How'd he do that?

I have not read "Sometimes a Great Notion", but it is now on the list.

I do highly suggest "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest", its a great book. Not unlike Kesey's work it is from a very unusual perspective. I liked the movie too, but the book is definitely better.

Wolfe never needed to drop acid, his trip was watching everyone else. I know he never intentionally did acid, but I thought someone dosed him once. Maybe I made that up. But he never needed it, just the experience of being around all of that would be enough to create some very interesting view points and thoughts. I have to admit, the whole book actually made a lot more sense to me one night when I was pondering it while on mushrooms. That was a strange experience.

As long as we are talking about suggested reading, look into Douglas Adams. I am finishing up the "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" series again. Great books written by a truly open minded person who questions everything. I would definitely recommend the book and series.

Happy, happy birthday.

This is awesome, definitely need to do that some some time. Only thing I would do different is bringing the paddles to get back to shore.
Smoking Gun

Smoking Gun

That's -n- the boyz call smoking a joint "walking the dog" 'cause when we we kids we always used that as an excuse to go blaze! "Hey wanna walk the dog with me???"

In high school we used to call it baking cookies. We could get away saying this out loud even in class, "hey wanna go bake some cookies after school?" Obviously code for getting baked, but every once in a while we would actually bake those cookies after getting stoned.


Premium Member
Farm breakfast.........This is my vaccine, it not only prevents, it also nurtures, and sure taste's good...real food don't come in a box or can....and will never nourish or prevent....
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Dinner last night... Am on a mushroom binge....Grass fed sirloin of beef strip steak dry aged for 16 days, with sautéed onion, celery, Portobello mushrooms, and chopped collard greens.....That Cutco steak knife has been in my family for about 50 years. I remember when my mom purchased from door to door sales man in around 1960..


I love to cook.It's a real treat when I get my hands on "real" meat though.I miss Morels!
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