= EOS : Loompa Farms Pheno Hunt =

  • Thread starter EveryOneSmokes
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Active Farmer
Nice bro, I got some very nice looking sturdy foo dogs, there going in shortly..

I have three FooDog females and two Yetie females, going to be interesting.. Thanks for stopping by..
Glad you have some nice specimens to choose from dawgy. We're bound to find something good out of mines+your combined 56 beans popped. This about to get real good. I'm day 10 of the flip, to be continued


Nice log EOS ! Taking notes teach on. In regards to your kiss program in beds if you had to would you go with coco loco or big city hydro mix?
I've never used either/or so wouldn't be inclined to direct u either way.. I normally use canna coco mixed with chunky perlite.. I prefer a ratio of 70:30, the added perlite adds aeration or should I say air pockets in coco..


Glad you have some nice specimens to choose from dawgy. We're bound to find something good out of mines+your combined 56 beans popped. This about to get real good. I'm day 10 of the flip, to be continued
Hell yeah bro, I can't wait the room is almost empty, I'll probably be transplanting them in the beds in about 2-3 weeks and flipping then 10 days after that should be interesting ...I'm liking the stem rub of the y1&y9, I'm getting some straight pine notes.. The fd's have a similar piney but I get a different smell added to them, almost like a liquorish smell mixed with the pine.. Both interesting lines...


I was trying to save a few buck but canna it is buy the right coco the first time no half stepping. Thanks
It's always great to save some cash but it's wise to invest in the right stuff the first time no matter ur cost, cutting corners seems to bite me in the ass in the long run... I'm not sure if canna is the best or the worst , but has worked great for me..


Keep the thread lil interesting with some Little bit of root porn, this is one of the
older og's I run day 14, numbs came out at 7 and roots on day 1o.. Keeping it simple, a few of them couldn't help but root from higher up on the stem.. ;)
View attachment 455080
View attachment 455082
Oom pah pah

Oom pah pah

Loompa Farms
Keep the thread lil interesting with some Little bit of root porn, this is one of the
older og's I run day 14, numbs came out at 7 and roots on day 1o.. Keeping it simple, a few of them couldn't help but root from higher up on the stem.. ;)
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Candy striper! Do you guys know what a candy striper is? Well if ya. Don't . They are fine young ladies who volunteer their time w disabled veterans and those in need . They wear red and white striped outfits. .. Back on subject those roots look fierce . Whatever you are doing to those clones don't change it :)


Okay time to get back on the road with this thread, it's been some time and now I'm finally ready to get this show going..

So I was looking forward to doing a whole bed of loompas gear but due to sexing, revegging, and seeing everyone doing great work with their phenos I opted to run the five females I had ready.. This lady's have been pre-vegged in 4" rw cubes for 3.5 -4 weeks.. They were vegged a little longer to allow the other bedmates a couple weeks of veg, they are going to be flower along side OGR gear, my wifi keeper so I'm sure things will be even at the end..

First up the yeties then the FooDogs

Yetie 1

Yetie 2

FooDog 1

FooDog 3

FooDog 10

Bed shot


Candy striper! Do you guys know what a candy striper is? Well if ya. Don't . They are fine young ladies who volunteer their time w disabled veterans and those in need . They wear red and white striped outfits. .. Back on subject those roots look fierce . Whatever you are doing to those clones don't change it :)

I'll take two of those candy striped ladies plz.. :D

I like to keep it simple now a days with the cloning, I've notice that a little less watering frequency and little nutrients gets me numbs in 6-8 days and full on roots right after that, by then add little roots excel and I'm golden.. Or should I say I can't complain.. Thanks for stopping by.. Shows about to get good here soon.. ;)


Have you run test plants in beds before? Gotta be honest probably worst two rounds I had. Back to pots for testers around here. Maybe that was just my experience! lol. Hope yours kick ass
Tell u the truth everything I test weather it be seed form or clone, I've been running in the beds since my switch over.. But I normally don't go through many seeds, and the clones tend to be og's only so there's an expectation I hold from them.. If they can't perform with the rest, then I would have to consider whether it's worth keeping.. This room has an adjustable hanging trellis which in the event I get some shorted I can double trellis..

Other than that the only other concern is one of the phenos looks to be shorter than the rest and my wifi keeper stretches like a mofo, also testing out another special wifi but I hear she stays shorter, so we will see what happens.. Going to be alot of training going down..

Dam that's not good, what was the biggest issue u noticed?
true grit

true grit

Overall the lack of uniformity being they are all from seed was my issue. Also when it comes down to culling any weak or hermaphroditic plants. Many times I've ended up with holes in the bed where I culled something or something just couldn't compete with the rest. And oddly enough on a second run sometimes the slackers kept up in a pot of their own medium.

Testing new cuts in variety isn't usually as bad as seed runs though in beds. Not trying to worry ya lol. They're all OG esque seeds so I'm pulling for a nice canopy for ya....and your canopy management skills will def give you a leg up in the sitch vs anyone else!


Overall the lack of uniformity being they are all from seed was my issue. Also when it comes down to culling any weak or hermaphroditic plants. Many times I've ended up with holes in the bed where I culled something or something just couldn't compete with the rest. And oddly enough on a second run sometimes the slackers kept up in a pot of their own medium.

Testing new cuts in variety isn't usually as bad as seed runs though in beds. Not trying to worry ya lol. They're all OG esque seeds so I'm pulling for a nice canopy for ya....and your canopy management skills will def give you a leg up in the sitch vs anyone else!

Hell yeah bro, that's exactly what
I'm expecting, the loompa gear is the only Unknown variables in the table, so things should be interesting...

But I hear you, I'm not to concerned about the herms, I'm more worried if the FD 3 doesn't stretch as much as the rest... I'll know where I stand in a week of so, if something doesn't go right I'll replace the cut and have to run it again..
Thanks for stopping by brotha.. I'll be update weekly..


Week 1 of veg is in the books, time to get these lady's into flower, I'll be trying to take picture of there structure as they go, but I already see things ready to take off so it's going to be harder as the weeks progress...
So far the Both the yeties and FooDogs seem a little underfed as I was trying to go light on them.. Bumped the feed up bit, I'm in high ppm tap water so actually nutrient value is around 800 ppm..

This week they didn't really do much growth up top as they're doing below in the rootzone.. Rapid growth should be starting up this coming week..


Yetie 1 .. Looking og dom, stretching nicely, with a lot of branch work starting up..

Yetie 9 ... Also looking really og dom, stretches a little more than #1 in clone form.. . This girl has more of the traditional og structure, with nice branching ...

Still undecided which one would serve right as a keeper, I'm digging both structures, Bothe have a nice hb leaf pattern look.... I initially was drawn towards #1 as she looked the most og dom in seed form, but #9 isn't a slouch either.. We will see
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FooDog 1.. Has a nice stretch, looks like this one might keep up to the yeties as far as stretch goes.. Has more of a broader indica leaf, looking like she might branch out nicely as well..

FooDog 3 still a little undecided on this girl, she looks like she wants to stretch, but she also looks like she might stay shorter, she's a little one sided so far going to have to train her to branch out a bit.. Originally she was a runt in seedling form, the clone seems to be taking off fine tho..

FooDog 10... This girl right here looking like the keeper I pegged her as, she's branching out nicely more uniformly.. She still not stretching to crazy yet but she seems ready, originally noted down she looked to be hb dom... Will have to wait and see..


Week 1 of veg is in the books, time to get these lady's into flower, I'll be trying to take picture of there structure as they go, but I already see things ready to take off so it's going to be harder as the weeks progress...
So far the Both the yeties and FooDogs seem a little underfed as I was trying to go light on them.. Bumped the feed up bit, I'm in high ppm tap water so actually nutrient value is around 800 ppm..

This week they didn't really do much growth up top as they're doing below in the rootzone.. Rapid growth should be starting up this coming week..

View attachment 464976

Yetie 1 .. Looking og dom, stretching nicely, with a lot of branch work starting up..View attachment 464972 View attachment 464973

Yetie 9 ... Also looking really og dom, stretches a little more than #1 in clone form.. . This girl has more of the traditional og structure, with nice branching ...View attachment 464974 View attachment 464975

Still undecided which one would serve right as a keeper, I'm digging both structures, Bothe have a nice hb leaf pattern look.... I initially was drawn towards #1 as she looked the most og dom in seed form, but #9 isn't a slouch either.. We will see
Hey mang! I see some candy stripers in there! sweet!
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