Tnelz thread about whatever!

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420 lyfePpP

420 lyfePpP

Yeah he got out bout a year... last August I believe. Got a piece of medical cannabis history.
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Ned Kelly

Ned Kelly

5 is a tough number to try and run true perpetual.
I think I'd try and go big with that count. One plant per light in flower
Keep mother and veg #1 under a 4' multi bulb T-5
veg #2 under a 400 or 600, probably 10-15 gallon pot size min. Grow 'em multi-topped, short broad canopy
2 in flower under 600's or 1k's
Nice big plant like that should net you 8 zips minimum.
If you get a 8-9 week strain, that would let you pull every 4-4.5 weeks
Go OG style, figure 10 weeks. So you'd pull every 5 weeks
Either way gives ya about 2 zips a week;)

I wouldn't worry about room for "cloning". I'd just 'air layer' a branch of the mother.
Then when you're ready to harvest/rotate plants you'd have a clone already rooted and ready.
I'm no lawyer but, I'd think the 'air layered' plant wouldn't count as a 'plant' because it's still attached and
supported by the mother

Hey rub whats air layering thats a new one for me


So I was reading some guy on some thread say how Terpenator workds by stressing out your plant and how if you have any additional stresses it could cause more damage. If there is any truth to that it makes me wonder if by having heat stress in my tent and using Terpenator every watering if that accounts for any of the problems I had???hmmmmmm
Bro I use terpinator from time to time. Like whenever my hydro store throws me a bottle. It doesn't stress ur plant at all. I do feel as though it's a decent product but not something I'd pay for. Please y'all can we not debate this for 3 pages. Lol. I'm not for or against this product.


Awww bummer man, who needs um anyway we were fine without them to begin with. The entire system needs to just go away for good and cannabis needs to be declassified ● end of story..... Ik we all have heard this before but SHIT man when was the last time you have ever heard of someone being taxed and watched constantly monitoring your tomatoe gardens or regulations on how many or where? You can make drugs and cigarettes from the rite tomatoes here is a link to where you can find out how...

this leaf snuff update -

Scary part to me is they controled tobacco this way at first as well and look at where that got us....... no one had died from tobacco products or use until long after commercial tobacco became a thing!
420 lyfePpP

420 lyfePpP

If u would like to find Marc Emory he is very much in Facebook. He runs a dispensary in Canada and puts pics up of himself and customers doing dabs all the time.
No I know that I Got a book from a rally for legalization . Signed by him . A cannabis culture mag .


Does it actually make shit louder? @Tnelz
So ime and I stress ime it does. It also adds frost. But this is how I see it. If u have something loud and frosty it dosent do much. Like a nice og for example. Stinky greasy nugs don't get any more stinky or greasy. But if u have a strain that isn't really smelling like much and add terpinator it does bring out some smell same applies to a plant that isn't producing much frost. I've found that it will start pushing heavy trichs faster in strains that already get frosty. Is it worth the money not really. But if u get it for free it's cool. Just this man's opinion. I'm sure I'm spelling this wrong but it's mostly limoene. I've seen weed tested same strain same everything . 1 with terp 1 without. The plant with terp had slightly lower the but off the charts in some terms especially limoene. Makes sense to me. But it also says it does something.


^^^^^^^Oops forgot my quote^^^^^^^

Well it's cool that you are into quality for a patient. I was out for a few days and another buddy grabbed for me . It was cheap and shit . Sent it back . Called my boy and did the ride , also suspension. Fo life long story! 200oz But PRIMO
420 lyfePpP

420 lyfePpP

It is very crazy how it is watched. Hard enough to get them to admit medical benefits No different than street dealers. imo


Curious how people feel about parabolic reflectors. Once this dam inspection gets over I won't be blooming in my tents any more. Going to be blooming in the rest of the room. Way more space. Going to use the tents for veg now. Makes my life way easier. Either going to switch to 2 cmh fixtures or just rock 2 1ks. Not sure yet. For the time being I'll still just use 1 1k. In any case I don't need to air cool the light seeing as I cool my room so thinking a parabolic will be better than my air cooled hood that I used in my tent. Let me know ur feelings y'all.


Curious how people feel about parabolic reflectors. Once this dam inspection gets over I won't be blooming in my tents any more. Going to be blooming in the rest of the room. Way more space. Going to use the tents for veg now. Makes my life way easier. Either going to switch to 2 cmh fixtures or just rock 2 1ks. Not sure yet. For the time being I'll still just use 1 1k. In any case I don't need to air cool the light seeing as I cool my room so thinking a parabolic will be better than my air cooled hood that I used in my tent. Let me know ur feelings y'all.

Sounds good man, way more space. Maybe Just take the glass out of your existing light, does it have a big footprint?
420 lyfePpP

420 lyfePpP

Curious how people feel about parabolic reflectors. Once this dam inspection gets over I won't be blooming in my tents any more. Going to be blooming in the rest of the room. Way more space. Going to use the tents for veg now. Makes my life way easier. Either going to switch to 2 cmh fixtures or just rock 2 1ks. Not sure yet. For the time being I'll still just use 1 1k. In any case I don't need to air cool the light seeing as I cool my room so thinking a parabolic will be better than my air cooled hood that I used in my tent. Let me know ur feelings y'all.
Hey man I just grabbed a parabolic shade one I had was all bent ant I was parody of 'hot spots ' but the guy gave me good deal and he said for open cooled room it would be better without glass and a wider footprint. Sure u know bout the glass in an air cooled units? Hope this helps man. Just tucked in the ladies for night.


Sounds good man, way more space. Maybe Just take the glass out of your existing light, does it have a big footprint?
It has a nice enough footprint for a tent but imo I could do better. Seeing I'll have say 6x6 instead of 4x4 I don't love what it will give me. Either way I'll be running bare bulb.
Power OG

Power OG

It has a nice enough footprint for a tent but imo I could do better. Seeing I'll have say 6x6 instead of 4x4 I don't love what it will give me. Either way I'll be running bare bulb.
Obviously I'd go cmh but 1k's would smash I'd do one over head with xxxl hood no glass and 1 bare buld vertical, & and you smash brother.
My 2 cents


Hey man I just grabbed a parabolic shade one I had was all bent ant I was parody of 'hot spots ' but the guy gave me good deal and he said for open cooled room it would be better without glass and a wider footprint. Sure u know bout the glass in an air cooled units? Hope this helps man. Just tucked in the ladies for night.
I'm def familiar with what the glass does. However I'm of the mind air cooling allows u to get so much closer the loss from the glass is negligible. In the tent running an air cooled hood using a hyper 6 can I was able to keep my light 14 inches or maybe less above the plants. The way I will be setting up though will allow me to run a bare bulb. Just curious if I should go with the parabolic or a traditional hood without glass.


Obviously I'd go cmh but 1k's would smash I'd do one over head with xxxl hood no glass and 1 bare buld vertical, & and you smash brother.
My 2 cents
The cmh is Def Going to happen. A matter of when. If I run the 2nd 1k it will be overhead though. Reason being it would give me that much more of a footprint. Also thinking next round will be ebb and flow so don't really want to have a bare bulb close to bubbling water. Lol

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