A Message From Cm.....

  • Thread starter chickenman
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Premium Member
Milking Chickens?

There is an Yazidi song right now making fun of ISIS. It's in Arabic, but translated it has some very funny lines. One is, "ISIS milks the goat, even when it's male."

Thought you might like that Chickman. You don't milk the male goats, do you........
No Wally would not like


Premium Member
If we are painstaking about this phase of our development, we will be amazed before we are halfway through. We are going to know a new freedom and a new happiness. We will not regret the past nor wish to shut the door on it. We will comprehend the word serenity and we will know peace. No matter how far down the scale we have gone, we
will see how our experience can benefit others. That feeling of uselessness and self pity will disappear. We will lose interest in selfish things and gain interest in our fellows. Self seeking will slip away. Our whole attitude and outlook on life will change. Fear of people and economic insecurity will leave us. We will intuitively know how to handle situations which used to baffle us. We will suddenly realize that God is doing for us what we could not do for ourselves

Wow some one sent me this from AA..As a reminder.....
True dat....
My recovery, I still have anger issues, when shit breaks down, littls crap, but life is so much better without the misery I caused my self and others...
Free for now one day at a time..15 years not a drop.....
Boy did I feel useless and full of pity, serenity sure is better than misery.....


Best of luck. Peace
If we are painstaking about this phase of our development, we will be amazed before we are halfway through. We are going to know a new freedom and a new happiness. We will not regret the past nor wish to shut the door on it. We will comprehend the word serenity and we will know peace. No matter how far down the scale we have gone, we
will see how our experience can benefit others. That feeling of uselessness and self pity will disappear. We will lose interest in selfish things and gain interest in our fellows. Self seeking will slip away. Our whole attitude and outlook on life will change. Fear of people and economic insecurity will leave us. We will intuitively know how to handle situations which used to baffle us. We will suddenly realize that God is doing for us what we could not do for ourselves

Wow some one sent me this from AA..As a reminder.....
True dat....
My recovery, I still have anger issues, when shit breaks down, littls crap, but life is so much better without the misery I caused my self and others...
Free for now one day at a time..15 years not a drop.....
Boy did I feel useless and full of pity, serenity sure is better than misery.....
One small step at a time....
.....till that shit is far behind....
....and then , again, the sun will shine.

Thanks for the positive vibes this morning.


LOL...Except for Costanza....
"Feb 4th - Enjoying Recovery
What a journey!
This process of growth and change takes us along an ever changing road. Sometimes the way is hard and craggy. Sometimes we climb mountains. Sometimes we slide down the other side on a toboggan.
Sometimes we rest.
Sometimes we grope through the darkness. Sometimes we're blinded by sunlight.
At times many may walk with us on the road; sometimes we feel nearly alone.
Ever changing, always interesting, always leading someplace better, someplace good.
What a journey!
"Today, God, help me relax and enjoy the scenery. Help me know I'm right where I need to be on my journey"
The Language of Letting Go by Melody Beattie

On my way to the farm, the above is pretty much perfect, getting out of denver is getting closer to Heaven, at least until this Sunday.


Premium Member
Once you figure it out, the best is yet to come...will be awhile till I need the scooter....


Premium Member
Just remember kiddo's...
Back in the day song's had a meaning and a message...


Just remember kiddo's...
Back in the day song's had a meaning and a message...

They still do, you just have to look in the right places:) It is very funny to me that rap music is where I see the most social commentary these days as the commercial version is just as plastic as always.

I am sure I will forget to say it later, so CM, have a blast on your trip man. I hope it is amazing. You are one heck of a nice guy and deserve good things. If you find any crazy new zealand weed, you should bring back the seeds to help preserve the memory.


The state is starting to learn this, when I was on probation 2013 I was not allowed to smoke even with red card.
Now I'm starting probation again and the officer told me if you want to smoke get your med card.:)
To many people were being forced to quit then they go get allthehoodirs there allowed to from the doctor.:cool::smoking:


I was on paper before 2013 and I was told that since a positive drug test is proof of consumption, I was lying when I said I was compliant, because I was breaking a federal law. Didn't matter, the rules at that time required affirmation of being law abiding. Therefore no smokey. The prescription excuse didn't work because a red card is only a recommendation, not a prescription. Those were the two items they used to keep people on paper and in the system.

Sure, you are all done with probation. We just need to have you take one final drug test and we'll move to end supervision.


Glad to hear PO's either don't care or aren't enforcing like they used to. Progress!


I was on paper before 2013 and I was told that since a positive drug test is proof of consumption, I was lying when I said I was compliant, because I was breaking a federal law. Didn't matter, the rules at that time required affirmation of being law abiding. Therefore no smokey. The prescription excuse didn't work because a red card is only a recommendation, not a prescription. Those were the two items they used to keep people on paper and in the system.

Sure, you are all done with probation. We just need to have you take one final drug test and we'll move to end supervision.


Glad to hear PO's either don't care or aren't enforcing like they used to. Progress!
I talked to a few others who have had there sentencing and they put it on paper your allowed to smoke with med card now.lol
When my wife was on probation she was supervised and had to get a marinol script to smoke. Which was expensive but worth it


That dont stop my kids from tryin haha
My parents grew up on Nebraska farms, they made the mistake of telling us three kids that if we could catch a cat we could take it home when visiting relatives with outside barn cats. We spent the next three days trying to get one, and we finally got it about ten minutes before go-time. They made the same mistake the year after, then no more kittens.
I can attest to this.



I was on paper before 2013 and I was told that since a positive drug test is proof of consumption, I was lying when I said I was compliant, because I was breaking a federal law. Didn't matter, the rules at that time required affirmation of being law abiding. Therefore no smokey. The prescription excuse didn't work because a red card is only a recommendation, not a prescription. Those were the two items they used to keep people on paper and in the system.

Sure, you are all done with probation. We just need to have you take one final drug test and we'll move to end supervision.


Glad to hear PO's either don't care or aren't enforcing like they used to. Progress!

Wasnt there the Marinol work around back then? I think I remember a buddy telling me you would get a script for Marinol (same doc you get your card from usually) and then smoke all you want cause your dirty piss had a doctors note. Think he said something changed though on that. I wasn't here at the time so I have no idea.


Wasnt there the Marinol work around back then? I think I remember a buddy telling me you would get a script for Marinol (same doc you get your card from usually) and then smoke all you want cause your dirty piss had a doctors note. Think he said something changed though on that. I wasn't here at the time so I have no idea.
I can only speak to being in the system prior to 2012, my situation was early 2010, just before the green rush. My last week of supervision was the first undercover news story of 'my ear hurts give me a marijuana pass'.
I'm sure things have changed, but seeing specialists and my regular docs and psych stuff, there was never discussion of being allowed to take that drug. I believe probation can't tell you what prescriptions you can or can't take, that would include marinol but not flower, since a red card is not an Rx, just a recommendation. Therefore, in my county during probation, I was not allowed to break any law, even federal law where my PO or the legal system had no authority to enforce it, but they hammered home the idea that since mj and rec cards aren't prescriptions, you can't use it during supervision. The last few years we have seen more acceptance so it makes sense to me that things have changed in our favor.
I don't know of any pot docs who also write scripts for marinol. I don't know of any real doctors putting their names on pot recomendations, none of the six or so docs I have gotten my red card through have or were willing to prescribe marinol. I'm sure there are medical exceptions and such, but it has been a bit since I was on paper.

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