The New Shit,show Ya Pics.

  • Thread starter keiksweat
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Just made my rounds, the ladies are bone dry, got to water. Once they shed old growth, buds will be more visable. Never saw them grow this nice except when I grow outside.


well with all the new rules for opiates coming i say you guys should make a side biz out of it with your fire.. hah.

call it stoner rehab, garenteed fire and edibles to knock your ass out for the first month (hah the doctors probably would not approve of getting fucked up on her to help withdrawals. i know they wanted to give me all kind of pills to help with it.. i was like fuck that, it will make it worse im sure. hah ).
that be like worth starting this process all over again.. hah. sure would of made this easier i believe at least it would of made mine.

Well it is Medicine, and being a science many if not the majority still base treatments based on the scientific data they were trained to follow.
It won't change overnight, it might take several generations. They still need education on medical uses for cannabis, and so does the society in which we live. As a consumer and grower of medical cannabis and for all the others doing the same have an obligation to educated and be good living examples of its use to be excepted.
I realized this when I joined a local,activist group, there are still to many out there that promote the negative stereotype of cannabis use.
Medicine will shun that imho.
Times are changing, attitudes also, we need to educate more.


Well it is Medicine, and being a science many if not the majority still base treatments based on the scientific data they were trained to follow.
It won't change overnight, it might take several generations. They still need education on medical uses for cannabis, and so does the society in which we live. As a consumer and grower of medical cannabis and for all the others doing the same have an obligation to educated and be good living examples of its use to be excepted.
I realized this when I joined a local,activist group, there are still to many out there that promote the negative stereotype of cannabis use.
Medicine will shun that imho.
Times are changing, attitudes also, we need to educate more.

yeah, i know i hope to be a fucking blinking neon sign for the pain doctors so they can start recommending it.. right now you talk anything about it.. its so fucking under the table.. the pain doctors did not want to let me even try weed. did not want to deal with the paper work.

now that guy who surgeon said he would not operate on him, and he needed a surgery soon.. dude could barely walk with his fucked up disks in his back. but he had a card, so surgeon said he would not operate on him.. wtf.

poor guy.

dunno, right now i don't give a fuck. but tomorrow i might.


Well it is Medicine, and being a science many if not the majority still base treatments based on the scientific data they were trained to follow.
I do not mean to jud
It won't change overnight, it might take several generations. They still need education on medical uses for cannabis, and so does the society in which we live. As a consumer and grower of medical cannabis and for all the others doing the same have an obligation to educated and be good living examples of its use to be excepted.
I realized this when I joined a local,activist group, there are still to many out there that promote the negative stereotype of cannabis use.
Medicine will shun that imho.
Times are changing, attitudes also, we need to educate more.
yeah, i know i hope to be a fucking blinking neon sign for the pain doctors so they can start recommending it.. right now you talk anything about it.. its so fucking under the table.. the pain doctors did not want to let me even try weed. did not want to deal with the paper work.

now that guy who surgeon said he would not operate on him, and he needed a surgery soon.. dude could barely walk with his fucked up disks in his back. but he had a card, so surgeon said he would not operate on him.. wtf.

poor guy.

dunno, right now i don't give a fuck. but tomorrow i might.
Ok, you don't have to care today lol


thats good.. because my mind is fully taxed. hah.. last night was bad enough.. stupid man in the mirror was kicking my ass all night..

leg sore from walking so have to focus on keeping that new pain in check.. which means i have less mental strength to deal with the withdrawals. hah.. fuck me.

i would love to know how many people each year get off opiates after such long time.. i do know the way i was going i would of been in a wheel chair, and probably dead in 4 years. but i digress.. i thankful im sorta tough. or id p probably be just crying my self to sleep like a baby. hah. o well. tomorrow will be better. iv basically given up on this Tyson OG today.. hit here and there to help with morning sickness.. but fuck it.. just not in the mood to try and get high. i need a 1g edible is what im craving. sigh.. at least im not thinking pills.. because ei know i could go back.. im easy money so im sure they have no issue doing so.. but fuck that way of thinking.. im to far into this for a easy fix. ill just ride the storm out, and hopefully not burn to many bridges on my way to getting healthy.

so i think you farmers should get faded for me.


bad hair days suck.. sigh, how did i end up here i wonder. hmm.. og yeah, that fucking tree. hah.. probably pay back for all the fucking trees i killed via chainsaw over the years i guess. karma what a bitch. hah.
man im in a dark spot today, i do not like it. laughs. shrugs.

and to top it off my light is almost dead.. and the sun is hidden by over cast so i can not even use a magnifying glass. hah, when it rains it fucking pours.

you know its times like this you need a friend shoving the bong in your face regardless how you feel, laughs.... D:
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well looks like my Pro LED 280 COB, will be here monday ( i am told i need 2 for my tent. but since im only gonna grow 2-4 plants . it should be ok until i can get a second one.. ). just need to get the fan/scrubber figured out, as i want it inside. already have the timer. i have two actually not sure which one to use.. one is digital other is older type.. shrugs its been around the house for 12 years.

well lets try and bowl up.
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I hope all had a good day or night. Spring is not far off here, the geese are returning, the days are getting longer. I bought a new vaporizer yesterday, at the neighborhood head shop. Not sure if I like it,guess I need to practice using it more. But I do get the flavors from my kush which I don't when I burn in a pipe/ joint. Just need to lean how to use it correctly. Its all good.
I'm the Same with my vape,it's because I like to skin up n smoke a j,old


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right then.....two Phillips elite agro bulbs,two shite reflectors,two maxibright 315 cmh digital more led panels in flower tent.had a switcharoo ,took my old veg led out ,and put one of my Mars 144x3 reflector series panels in it's veg spot.
things are seriously gonna blow up now ,if the last months growth,from one cmh is anything to go's a few pics...lambsbread bud,hanging to dry.oh and one of the 3 deep chunk x sour Ds,did turn out to be a it.if I had room,I'd have kept it for pollen ..beautiful looking plant it were...


View attachment 668132 View attachment 668131 View attachment 668129 View attachment 668130 View attachment 668128 View attachment 668125 View attachment 668126 View attachment 668127 right then.....two Phillips elite agro bulbs,two shite reflectors,two maxibright 315 cmh digital more led panels in flower tent.had a switcharoo ,took my old veg led out ,and put one of my Mars 144x3 reflector series panels in it's veg spot.
things are seriously gonna blow up now ,if the last months growth,from one cmh is anything to go's a few pics...lambsbread bud,hanging to dry.oh and one of the 3 deep chunk x sour Ds,did turn out to be a it.if I had room,I'd have kept it for pollen ..beautiful looking plant it were...
All looking mighty nice kiek! Good job! I am going to plant a couple beans today. All my cuttings are doing well,
My ladies going to give them a feeding and water. One last dose of Citrus-tone. They should be set them until it's time to harvest. That a little over a month from today:-):-):-):-) ( the Hk} The lemon kush might go a little longer. Both are kicking ass, my friend saw them yesterday, said they are twice as tall since he saw them last week. That was a good report for me.
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