The New Shit,show Ya Pics.

  • Thread starter keiksweat
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Premium Member
I love this bring tears.
Joe told me they had tables and tables of pastries back stage for Luciano..
Just look at the emotion, Joe sang from his heart and gave us his all.
I still miss him so....


Premium Member
Another one of my faves..
Joe told me they rehearsed this earlier in the day.
He had no idea what was up with Patti going crazy, he handled it pretty well.
look at Billy Preston, just loving it..
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Premium Member
Folks like Patti and Joe when they sang it was not an act, pure emotion is what we see the real deal...
Was once sitting with Joe smoking a fattie in his living room listening to a pre release with Santana the song little wing. joe got up and started feeling the music like he does on stage..


is that leaf curl normal or a sign of a issue to come?


Chris, can,you get a hold of bat guano, it not expensive, it works good. Nitrogen, sulfur, good stuff .
Another choice ewc, lots of bennies, sulfur,nitrogen.


Premium Member
I like this place because we all know

Lots of fussing and fight hereon the farm in some places......


Chris, can,you get a hold of bat guano, it not expensive, it works good. Nitrogen, sulfur, good stuff .
Another choice ewc, lots of bennies, sulfur,nitrogen.
i have some food on its way.. basic ferts but will work for this grow. i will learn how to feed the plant for its needs with it.. next grow i can try some more organic soil stuff.

or foiler sprays etc when i have spare cash further along in the grow.


ok headed to get some shorts that fit. hah.

i miss my night walks and getting faded to the stars.. just what a loner likes. hha



Premium Member
i have some food on its way.. basic ferts but will work for this grow. i will learn how to feed the plant for its needs with it.. next grow i can try some more organic soil stuff.

or foiler sprays etc when i have spare cash further along in the grow.

really think you maybe overdoing all this somewhat.. not rocket
I have rarely failed by only watering when needed in those cups 2 days water till about 20% drains from cup. I never feed my plants pretty much till they go outside . I up can to larger containers till ready to plant in greenhouse or outside. By up can I mean trans plant into larger container about triple in size, up to 3 gallon pot then out they go.
Up canning will freshen up the soil so no nutes are necessary. I also use Fox farm Ocean forest till ready to go out..I know its a commercial mix but I have had good luck with it for many years.
after going outside I top dress a bucket of 10 plus year old goat and chicken manure, pure gold dude..
When plants go outside they take a beating. Were in the high, 6200 ft. mountain dry desert, windy, all afternoon.
Plants get stressed by wind, heat and sun.
they recover and bang zoom off the grow..
We live in a climate similar to the Kush maintain range in Afaganaatian SP?
Hot dry days, cooler night as the season progresses.
Long before I came here our area, in the 70's our area became world famous for a certain strain that actually the genetics came from a fella who live just up the road who brought seeds from Afganastian SP? and passed them around and everyone worked together and really cashed in. He has a nice adobe house and farm folks call the house that pot bought.
Was quite the scene, our long time friend said everyone would get together trim and smoke pound and pounds. one guy would come with a shit load of cash and off it went...
Was a real hippie paradise communal but everyone had their own properties that were insanely cheap to buy at the time so there was a hippie invasion that the old time farmers knew ell what was going on but here aborts folks do not care WTF you do as long as you do not fuck with their water or guns..

A bit wore out today...Wil chill, nap give some loving to wife after yesterdays fishing adventure..


really think you maybe overdoing all this somewhat.. not rocket
I have rarely failed by only watering when needed in those cups 2 days water till about 20% drains from cup. I never feed my plants pretty much till they go outside . I up can to larger containers till ready to plant in greenhouse or outside. By up can I mean trans plant into larger container about triple in size, up to 3 gallon pot then out they go.
Up canning will freshen up the soil so no nutes are necessary. I also use Fox farm Ocean forest till ready to go out..I know its a commercial mix but I have had good luck with it for many years.
after going outside I top dress a bucket of 10 plus year old goat and chicken manure, pure gold dude..
When plants go outside they take a beating. Were in the high, 6200 ft. mountain dry desert, windy, all afternoon.
Plants get stressed by wind, heat and sun.
they recover and bang zoom off the grow..
We live in a climate similar to the Kush maintain range in Afaganaatian SP?
Hot dry days, cooler night as the season progresses.
Long before I came here our area, in the 70's our area became world famous for a certain strain that actually the genetics came from a fella who live just up the road who brought seeds from Afganastian SP? and passed them around and everyone worked together and really cashed in. He has a nice adobe house and farm folks call the house that pot bought.
Was quite the scene, our long time friend said everyone would get together trim and smoke pound and pounds. one guy would come with a shit load of cash and off it went...
Was a real hippie paradise communal but everyone had their own properties that were insanely cheap to buy at the time so there was a hippie invasion that the old time farmers knew ell what was going on but here aborts folks do not care WTF you do as long as you do not fuck with their water or guns..

A bit wore out today...Wil chill, nap give some loving to wife after yesterdays fishing adventure..
That would be perfect for my Hindu Kush they would love it


Premium Member
Our farm raised chicken prepared up in the Gorge at Kamp Howdy. Chicken was stuffed with bread crumbs eggs. butter, walnuts, rasins , apple, onion garlic.
It was cooked on Weber Kettle over native woods, sage, juniper and scrub oak.
One could not do this at home. Was so good after a long day on river..

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