Curmudgeonland...home Of The Old Farts Club

  • Thread starter yooper420
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Morning fellers & LD. Windy, gloomy, and not that damn warm outside. Not looking forward to finding a new watering hole today. Might not, who knows? Guess I'll cop a buzz and see how the day plays out. Ain't motivated to do shit so far. That's the nice thing about being retired: If you don't want to do shit, shit doesn't get done.:)


Good morning old farts, residents of Curmudgeonland. Hope ya`ll are in a better mood then I am this morning. Been paying bills all morning, which never puts me in a good mood. This is the story of my life, the more I make, the more bills I got to pay. Time to have a bowl, ready or not, here I go. Join me, we be puffin` n passin`.


Rain stopped and the sun finally came out yay! time to move the plants back outside.

Got woke up from my nap to my dad wondering the hallway dropping a very heavy mag light on the floor at least 20 fucking times...

blood sugar was at 41.. He insists strange things are happening in the house but can't exactly tell ya what. . .

Oh so much fun around here.. Bout ready to tell my brother he can come over and deal with this for a change I need a vacation.


Good morning old farts, residents of Curmudgeonland. Hope ya`ll are in a better mood then I am this morning. Been paying bills all morning, which never puts me in a good mood. This is the story of my life, the more I make, the more bills I got to pay. Time to have a bowl, ready or not, here I go. Join me, we be puffin` n passin`.
good morning.
Fuck Yoop now I have to balance the check book and pay bills.


Someone took a pic of one of the brandings.
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I'm closest, sitting on my butt.
I remember that position, but I don't see your boot far enough up that rear end. Also, the kid holding the vaccine is exactly what my level of responsibility was and should be. "LGG, just follow her (the vaccinator?) around, stick the needle where she sticks hers, pull the trigger. Here eat this."
Ouch. You're right. There were seven of us that year.
Agent orange finally got Robbie.
Big Scott broke is leg, on a line camp up by Greybull. They said he died of thirst, before he was found.
My cousin, Slade broke his neck on a drilling rig, and eventually blew his own head off.
Little Scott sells used cars in Elko.
Petey drives a truck, now.
I never heard from Cookie, after that summer. But, he'd be 93 this year.
You should write more if you don't already, you have a way with words.
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Been working on a rough sketch, for a while. Twenty years ago, a friend and I rode our horses into the bar. That was my inspiration. It still needs a few revisions, but I'm thinking the finished piece should be 24" x 36", ...once I add the piano player on the left, and the knock out on the right.
What do you guys think? Would that look good over someone's man cave bar? What would they pay?
Name your price if you don't find a taker.
omfg it never ends around here...

Dads still fucking crazy as shit, no idea what his blood sugar levels are can't get them tested.. Can't get him to drink water very aggressive.. Emotional out bursts that are even less coherent.. Talking to him self talking to people who are not even here... Thinking very strange shit is going on when infact nothings going on but his mind is loosing control..

Had enough of this all night last night / today calling EMT's .. Hospital can deal with this shit. Im not a fucking nurse!
There is nowhere near enough advocacy for elder care. Get involved and be involved. Our parents and caregivers changed our diapers and wiped puke off of our (and their) clothes. The least we can do now is try and make sure they are getting the care they need. If you think it's bad wait until it gets worse. There is nothing that is more difficult than facing your parents getting sick or passing on. Good on you for helping and being there, but it sounds like this might be the beginning of a long journey. Enjoy the times that you have while they are good. The end sucks, it comes fast and it isn't ever pretty or easy to have to be in that position. I don't envy what you are going through but I admire you for it.

Friday was the first day at the new flip house, a property near Ruby Hill west of Overland golf course. The family living there had created rooms with bunk beds in the basement and had thriving home business. By home business I'm pretty sure it was a sweat shop. The back porch was closed and finished and held five industrial sewing machines, the next door neighbors never saw anyone come or go, and the homeowner could at least use a tape measure when they put up additional walls in the basement. We filled a haul-off and we haven't scratched the surface. In other news, the old homeowners raised ducks and I just found my excuse to never eat peking duck ever.

@mendel we didn't lose any plants at the parent's but a sugar maple didn't like the snow and fell. Where are you fishing and what are you fishing for?


Aurora horse races have started, and family near Kersey has been racing for years. They just brought back two horses from racing in Oklahoma, will train one they have here and they have a colt again this year after losing one last year and losing their best two racing horses in the floods. They both raced Sunday in short fields but the first horse won at 9:1 and the second came from behind to finish third at 15:1.

Being a baller, I bet about twenty bucks and won about nineteen bucks. It was neat to go down to the barns, one of the horses always gets an oat beer after every race, the other gets peppermint candies. The horse that won was not happy after the race, because he had to drop a urine drug test before he could cool down and get his brew. They also test the jockey and the trainer when a horse wins or when they do random flags. I didn't think doping the jockey would be an issue unless they are testing for laxatives or amphetamines to drop weight from 97 pounds to 93, although these jockeys were fat at 121 max. I think.


been gone for a few days. laid new carpet. the computer was put away. I am damn glad I did not have to do that for a living. my knees are raw. guess I should of bought them knee pads .lol
I have been on a ant killing spree. had a can of ant/roach dust. I went all around the grow dusting every hill. damn ants produce aphids for food.
also gave the seedlings their first dose of pyrethrum bug killer. had 2 stray bugs flopped feet up right in front of my eyes. saw some webs going from one pot to another . kill time.
hippie why do you need a new drinking spot? try the Otisville hotel. on Sunday nights they use to have a big blues jam. had a ball there. blues and 2 pool tables.


hippie why do you need a new drinking spot? try the Otisville hotel. on Sunday nights they use to have a big blues jam. had a ball there. blues and 2 pool tables.
'Cause they closed the Leaf. Hooerville Hotel? Killed many brain cells there. Coldest beer in the state. Too far for this old fart to weeble-wobble home from anymore.
Across the street was Ada's bar. Before she died, it was the longest held liquor license in the state. Old gal was a trip, too.


Well, the boy's real dad came to the graduation. Says he's going "legit". His mother moved to Nevada several years ago. She didn't come. This boy is dyslexic and has ADHD. We got him colored filters, and paper, to make it easier for him to read. We took him off the meds, and gave him a horse to take care of. He worked hard to get his diploma.
So, out of 3 boys, two graduated with their class, and one a year & a half early. Out of six parents, two came to their kid's graduation.
Their loss, I guess.

Takes some very special people to take someone else's kids in and raising them as their own. Not that I am religious, but there will be a special place in heaven for you and your wife. And the kids will always love you, just as if you were their real parents. Probably more !!!!
G gnome

G gnome

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been gone for a few days. laid new carpet. the computer was put away. I am damn glad I did not have to do that for a living. my knees are raw. guess I should of bought them knee pads .lol
I have been on a ant killing spree. had a can of ant/roach dust. I went all around the grow dusting every hill. damn ants produce aphids for food.
also gave the seedlings their first dose of pyrethrum bug killer. had 2 stray bugs flopped feet up right in front of my eyes. saw some webs going from one pot to another . kill time.
hippie why do you need a new drinking spot? try the Otisville hotel. on Sunday nights they use to have a big blues jam. had a ball there. blues and 2 pool tables.
Pot of boiling water, add peppermint oil, pour over hill worked for me in the past, a slower death would include borax and corn meal.


@LocalGrowGuy , fishing in a local pond for wipers, catfish, and bluegill...........ima go to John martin in the next few weeks, new state record striper was caught last week below the dam where I fish for flatheads and blues, 29 lb 6 oz.

Isnt schnitzel the german word for chicken fried steak? Whats the difference? Is there one? Looks tasty no matter what you call it, are them beets, love them things too..........
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