Council Of First Knowledge, Jedi Temple Training Facility

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Same here bro, in learned a hard lesson my first run. Sitting on a bunch of seeded bud. Anything I do move is on the low. This round is all about quality first. I culled a few plants that I just didint like the look if. I'm gonna start with 1 light and ramp it up til I like what I see. :stinkyfeet::yuck::hungover::dead:

might I suggest running 2 600's hps over 1 1k
it will give better coverage
it has higher lumen per watt
and an overall more efficient lamp
if you have 2 ballasts and they can both run 600
I would just run 2 600
I meant to ask him earlier if his ballast was dimmable or select-able.. My 1k is both, and I have diff watt bulbs so im not really dimming the bulb.
But I agree with Wisher, 2 600 would be more efficient..


I considered it but I think I'm going to need more than 1200w for my area. Its 8x4x8 and I have 19 in 3gal smart pots. They're going to be at about 3' at flip. I followed your lollipop template this time and defoliated but I don't have the balls to pull every fan lol. I'll take a lot of them though. I'd love to hear your input on my grow for sure brotha. I do have 2 ballasts that are adjustable from 400-1200.
do you have an open hood or are they sealed air cooled?
1k runs a steady 4x4 which can be extended to 5x5
600 can run a 3x3 -4x4
so if you are just running a 1k right now you def arent gonna cover everything
but I will drop some videos for you



by the way my outside plant is 4' tall.. Im down to 4 plants. You can see a lot of damage from bugs but they were very healthy looking..
I hit them with the spinosad,,, that should help them... Gave then there second helping of tea...
And put out that coyote urine...
I have a feeling this one plant is gonna be a beast! I topped her last week and I prob top her again next week one last time..
They sure grow a lot different outside!


This brings me to an important question... When to up the power on your lights and when to drop it a little...
Im not for sure if any of this matters, so i throw it out there for thoughts.
Should you give them maximum light the whole grow or is it wise to amp up from 400 to 1k then back off the last week of riping to 600?
Any thoughts...
Would you think maximum light would be most important thru flip and stretch? Isnt that when the plant eats the most, and drops off quite a bit after 3rd week ?
Does anybody else notice that plants dont eat as much after stretch? Which is prob how newbies burn there plants when 2 weeks earlier they were fine with that EC...
Any thoughts on that?


do you have an open hood or are they sealed air cooled?
1k runs a steady 4x4 which can be extended to 5x5
600 can run a 3x3 -4x4
so if you are just running a 1k right now you def arent gonna cover everything
but I will drop some videos for you

Right now I have 1 xxxl magnum air cooled fixture and 1 open batwing style. I knew 1000w wasn't gonna do the whole room, I ran it last run but with a smaller footprint (5x5) that's what had me thinking of adding the 600w mh I have, or grab a 600w hps. I don't know what to expect from the summer temps. I'm in the basement so I figure it will be ok. I can't throw a bunch more money at this thing for awhile so adding ac is out.


Right now I have 1 xxxl magnum air cooled fixture and 1 open batwing style. I knew 1000w wasn't gonna do the whole room, I ran it last run but with a smaller footprint (5x5) that's what had me thinking of adding the 600w mh I have, or grab a 600w hps. I don't know what to expect from the summer temps. I'm in the basement so I figure it will be ok. I can't throw a bunch more money at this thing for awhile so adding ac is out.
here is my thinking for you. You can use that 600 mh in the batwing IF it doesnt raise your temps over 80 in your room. Because at 80, its prob 83 to 85 right at the leaf/canopy. I put temp/rh gauge at canopy. They are a little off when testing with a laser temp meter...
but anything above that would prob mean run both at 600... Which is prob the smartest thing to do. considering no ac....


here is my thinking for you. You can use that 600 mh in the batwing IF it doesnt raise your temps over 80 in your room. Because at 80, its prob 83 to 85 right at the leaf/canopy. I put temp/rh gauge at canopy. They are a little off when testing with a laser temp meter...
but anything above that would prob mean run both at 600... Which is prob the smartest thing to do. considering no ac....
That's exactly what I was thinking. If it gets too hot I'll just grab a 600w hps and run 2 600w. I'm hoping the cold basement air will keep me good


do you have an open hood or are they sealed air cooled?
1k runs a steady 4x4 which can be extended to 5x5
600 can run a 3x3 -4x4
so if you are just running a 1k right now you def arent gonna cover everything
but I will drop some videos for you

you know when i finally finish this episode im gonna have MANY questions right??? pretty good so far!


no.....that is why I was wondering what you were talking about
Ya lol i figured that when he never showed up on the thread.. But he did msg me and say he was back..
Idk brother...
So when plants throw red pistols early like week 4 or 5 that means the plant is stressed? And what was he pinching off on the tops here and there? lil fans? Why?


Ya lol i figured that when he never showed up on the thread.. But he did msg me and say he was back..
Idk brother...
So when plants throw red pistols early like week 4 or 5 that means the plant is stressed? And what was he pinching off on the tops here and there? lil fans? Why?
when you pinch of the leaves of the tops it stops the tops from growing to allow the rest of the branches to catch up to create a complete canopy without dividing branches into 2

so he say that red pistil early is the case

I am not so sure
in my grow right now
I have 2 plants that are reddining right now
and 3 that are still all white

I think it has to do with how many weeks the plant finishes

1 of the 2 quin n tonics is already half red but still throwing whites
and my Jews Gold is reddening and she is a 50 day flower and started red about day 33 which seems right
the quin n tonic is supposed to be between 55-65 day flower so around 30 days or so in seems right.....that leaves 2 weeks of ripening which is about right
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