Council Of First Knowledge, Jedi Temple Training Facility

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Pain Releaf

your making this harder than it is...
just make up the bucket like he said and give them a good feeding then follow the wet/dry cycles as we recommended.

Well questions 1 & 2 (of3) were just trying to reconcile the 2 diff things I was told to do next in the last few pages; pull and take & post photos vs just go straight to feeding. That seemed like it was worth asking ;) Didn`t want to do one just to have to turn around and pull them again and strss them further still. Better to ask first it seemed.

@MW: not disagreeing with anyone on the PH pen; just if you too are in the situation where 2 or 3 hundred is simply not an option right now, at least not immediately, maybe later, that pen is the 1 I got this week. As a temporary option, it is a world better quality than the $15 one I had previously. Again, as a temp if no choice. And afer looking into Apera Instruments LLC seemed more legit than most in that price range: 26 year company, 30 countries, ISO 9001:2009 & a wide range of consumer and lab meters. Again, no hanna, BL, etc. but for the price seemed like a legit temp solution based on what little know/could tell.

Off to go grab a bucket etc. and go feed - thanks.
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One you recommended has 3.5 stars. That one has 4.5 with 200+ reviews :/
so which one did I recommend?
I dont fuck with BULLSHIT BOT REVIEWS!!
means nothing to me
go in to a hydro store
befriend the worker....make sure he or she actually grows
then ask them what ph pen gets the least takebacks or problems


ask on this or other sights

dont go by an amazon review
if you didnt know that 90% of those reviews are bot driven then you do now
been that way for a long time

ask people that actually use them what works

I am not a salesman nor making money on anything that anyone purchases
my only perk is that if what I recommend holds up
then my credibility holds up
and for an online persona helping growers out
my rep for credibilty is really all I have
I am not spending my money
of course there is a flip side (maybe I dont give a shit)
but the fact that I havnt steered anyone wrong yet....leeds me to believe I do have credibility for what I reccomend

but I havnt reccomended anything to you but to get a good name brand with detachable probe

Pain Releaf

so which one did I recommend?
I dont fuck with BULLSHIT BOT REVIEWS!!
means nothing to me
go in to a hydro store
befriend the worker....make sure he or she actually grows
then ask them what ph pen gets the least takebacks or problems


ask on this or other sights

dont go by an amazon review
if you didnt know that 90% of those reviews are bot driven then you do now
been that way for a long time

ask people that actually use them what works

I am not a salesman nor making money on anything that anyone purchases
my only perk is that if what I recommend holds up
then my credibility holds up
and for an online persona helping growers out
my rep for credibilty is really all I have
I am not spending my money
of course there is a flip side (maybe I dont give a shit)
but the fact that I havnt steered anyone wrong yet....leeds me to believe I do have credibility for what I reccomend

but I havnt reccomended anything to you but to get a good name brand with detachable probe

Yup, totally didn't mean anything contradictory, Wisher! You know this stuff inside, out and every other way and bend over backwards to help us, along with numerous folks here kind enough to share the wealth of knowledge gleaned from truly countless hours, money an blood/sweat/tears that have gone before.

Thanks immensely!!


Yup, totally didn't mean anything contradictory, Wisher! You know this stuff inside, out and every other way and bend over backwards to help us, along with numerous folks here kind enough to share the wealth of knowledge gleaned from truly countless hours, money an blood/sweat/tears that have gone before.

Thanks immensely!!
thnx.....that wasnt meant for you though......
I was just telling MW that I never reccomended anything to him with a review
but that my rep is all I have on a forum
I promise most people on this thread will not steer you wrong


Well questions 1 & 2 (of3) were just trying to reconcile the 2 diff things I was told to do next in the last few pages; pull and take & post photos vs just go straight to feeding. That seemed like it was worth asking ;) Didn`t want to do one just to have to turn around and pull them again and strss them further still. Better to ask first it seemed.

@MW: not disagreeing with anyone on the PH pen; just if you too are in the situation where 2 or 3 hundred is simply not an option right now, at least not immediately, maybe later, that pen is the 1 I got this week. As a temporary option, it is a world better quality than the $15 one I had previously. Again, as a temp if no choice.

Off to go grab a bucket etc. and go feed - thanks.
we understand brother.
We just trying to simplify it for you and us..
we know its all to easy to get overloaded with info,
and one recommendation runs into another...
Yes Im interested in the roots because im a root kinda guy, being that i have ran dwc most of my career.
But in your instance, we know what got you off track, and caused any pythium that you may have..

1. over watering frequency.
2. Underfed.

So what I do is shut the fuck up,,
and let wisher get you back on track..
Not so much that I dont pretty much know what to tell you,
but the fact that wisher has gave you advice, that is spot on,
and i dont want you to get confused on what to do, because im telling you to do things..
So some of it is to keep it understandable for you..
It can get confusing... esp for someone whos plants are in the infirmary..

Also your kung fu level is at KISS level as a newb...

KISS = Keep It Simple Stupid

and it applied to all of us,
not just you!


so which one did I recommend?
I dont fuck with BULLSHIT BOT REVIEWS!!
means nothing to me
go in to a hydro store
befriend the worker....make sure he or she actually grows
then ask them what ph pen gets the least takebacks or problems


ask on this or other sights

dont go by an amazon review
if you didnt know that 90% of those reviews are bot driven then you do now
been that way for a long time

ask people that actually use them what works

I am not a salesman nor making money on anything that anyone purchases
my only perk is that if what I recommend holds up
then my credibility holds up
and for an online persona helping growers out
my rep for credibilty is really all I have
I am not spending my money
of course there is a flip side (maybe I dont give a shit)
but the fact that I havnt steered anyone wrong yet....leeds me to believe I do have credibility for what I reccomend

but I havnt reccomended anything to you but to get a good name brand with detachable probe
Unfortunately in this cut throat market of grow equipment, it always pays to get quality.. So many ppl had the get rich idea when weed went legal, that had nothing to do but make money off new growers, and be legal doing it.. All the slimy salesman from here to the moon became an ebay seller over night..

I know why me and you get along, we both got about the same temperament....


See MW is going thru what I used to with Wisher..
I was always trying to get the next light, and i would brain storm all day at work and plan the build out, then come home and tell wisher of my great plan, that only a scholar like myself could dream up..
And in 77 characters or less, wish would shoot my plan down, and I would sulk privately( not really) (well maybe a couple times)(when he didnt want me to go RDWC)(I did anyway)(now going back to coco)(small laugh he is having right now probably)..

Some times I listened, and sometimes I didnt... Sometimes I got lucky, sometimes i didnt :)
Kind of like the continuous tea i brewed for 2.5 months... Gave me some of the best plants to date in coco..
Lucky???? Prob,, since there so many things that could go wrong...
Albert Einstein(esk)?


Unfortunately in this cut throat market of grow equipment, it always pays to get quality.. So many ppl had the get rich idea when weed went legal, that had nothing to do but make money off new growers, and be legal doing it.. All the slimy salesman from here to the moon became an ebay seller over night..

I know why me and you get along, we both got about the same temperament....
thats why we hit it off from the start

your not interested in BS
and I give no BS

and we both care about people and their overall success

I can also understand why people would question....but from our reps here on this thread....and the fact we aint really sellin anything or makin money off anything we reccomend

you know what I mean


thats why we hit it off from the start

your not interested in BS
and I give no BS

and we both care about people and their overall success

I can also understand why people would question....but from our reps here on this thread....and the fact we aint really sellin anything or makin money off anything we reccomend

you know what I mean
I dont think anyone on this thread questions our commitment. But sometimes you just cant explain why, or just how important that is to the health of Garden..
Yes I look at price, but really what I look at, is flower runs..
I say, what do I need to get thru the next flower run, while giving myself the greatest chance for success.
Its all about that harvest.
I do take into account longevity...
But I will also buy Used in a heartbeat..
Just about everything ive bought worked perfectly, or i was refunded partial or all...
I been ecstatic on every purchase ive had...
but i dont mind a lil diy...
I got my system for 500.
It was 1300 new.
It looks new and works awesome.
Im going on about 3 weeks since change out,
but with ro auto top off and the ph controller,
all I ever do is take a quart mason jar of ro, mix in 50 ml of grow, and dump in the system.

In 2 weeks since installed the ph controller, it has only dosed 1 time!
Now thats ph control!
Systems in a very healthy state at the moment..
Its been on auto cruise ever since i found out where i should keep the ppm..
I add at 320 ppm, 50 ml of cns grow, which brings it up to 370 ppm..
I do this every 2 days.. It takes 2 mins...
This system is very easy...

Well sry about that I kinda went way off track yacking about the system...

EDIT: I however when buying used, only only only buy the best name brand of equipment. BLUELAB, CCH20, AUTOPILOT, CAPP, etc


I feel like I almost need to go back in and do a ton of defoliation. There's a lot of little guys that are only little cause they are getting zero light. And my canopy has a bajillion leaves. The guys on top are doing awesome, the guys a tiny bit below that, not so much. Almost a yellow-lime color. I've removed a few and given some light and they turn green right away again.

One of the main colas is a hairy girl though. I'll do pictures tomorrow when they get tea.

As far as the fungus gnats, found 10-15ish on sticky traps today. Didn't really seen anymore flying around but I'm sure they're there. The oscillating fan below the canopy seems to help the very top layer of coco dry out good. Bumped water up to 2.5 gallons instead of 2 gallons to make up for what the fan dries out.


Time to smoke this fat blunt and build the stands for my trays, get the flower tent cleaned up and get all my plants in there. Big day.

My buddy who is more picky than me with smoke approved of my jawa pie last night which made me feel pretty good lol...

Hope everyone’s having a good Saturday!

Pain Releaf

See MW is going thru what I used to with Wisher..
I was always trying to get the next light, and i would brain storm all day at work and plan the build out, then come home and tell wisher of my great plan, that only a scholar like myself could dream up..
And in 77 characters or less, wish would shoot my plan down, and I would sulk privately( not really) (well maybe a couple times)(when he didnt want me to go RDWC)(I did anyway)(now going back to coco)(small laugh he is having right now probably)..

Some times I listened, and sometimes I didnt... Sometimes I got lucky, sometimes i didnt :)
Kind of like the continuous tea i brewed for 2.5 months... Gave me some of the best plants to date in coco..
Lucky???? Prob,, since there so many things that could go wrong...
Albert Einstein(esk)?

So does this mean I should start ditching all the RDWC gear that I have been buying?.

Lol - Er, sort ..wait, actually that's a serious question. Ugh.
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Pain Releaf

Btw, @MW: oK, I stand completely corrected!!!

Don't get that Apera piece of junk!

1 week after arrival... the garbage is drifting from 6.2 to 7.0...IN IT'S OWN 7.0 CALIBRATION SOLUTION!!!!! it won't even lock onto that!

(Yeah, yeah, yuck it up, Wisher and Events! I earned it. But what to do til I can afford a Blue Labs now....grrrr.) unless I can find a decent one local(doubtful), sounds like that feed will be a day or two out now since no way to PH things. Bummer, was all excited.

And yes, stored immersed in cap.
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Yea bro, I’m just making the switch from rdwc to coco.. IMO stop while your ahead. It’s just soooo much easier..
Well Im not gonna say that......
I find the system to be the Bugatti of growing...
But it needs the right race track to show you its 2000 BHP....
Which is tall ceilings and DE lighting...
The growth is phenomenal.
But you got to have all the ends and outs to make it run flawlessly..
Once I figured out where to set my ppm its been so simple that I havent did nothing but add 50 ml of grow every 2 days. If I had a ec controller and a 1 pump for the CNS grow, and 12 foot ceilings. I could leave for weeks at a time... I cant see it getting any easier than that...

So I know your prob asking me, well why do you want to change......
Well the ebb and flow is 24 buckets, that will be spaced thru out my 10x10 room in an 8x8 square.
Then I will run (6) 600 in hoods above them. I have enough ballast right now to do this. I do need 4 more hoods. but at 100 each that's doable..
And I find them used on amazon, for 50 bucks sometimes.. That is how i bought my last one and it works perfect....

my system is 6 buckets and requires a month of veg min to fill out canopy and might require 6 weeks...
That is almost another flower run.. When you compute electric and such, 24 buckets gets me to where i want to be, in way less time and covers twice the real estate...
Just speed veg with NG c02 burner at about 1500 ppm and do the fan leaf tech, flip and throw a scrog net in to support and position all my colas...

That is why im changing...


Btw, @MW: oK, I stand completely corrected!!!

Don't get that Apera piece of junk!

1 week after arrival... the garbage is drifting from 6.2 to 7.0...IN IT'S OWN 7.0 CALIBRATION SOLUTION!!!!! it won't even lock onto that!

(Yeah, yeah, yuck it up, Wisher and Events! I earned it. But what to do til I can afford a Blue Labs now....grrrr.) unless I can find a decent one local(doubtful), sounds like that feed will be a day or two out now since no way to PH things. Bummer, was all excited.

And yes, stored immersed in cap.
Actually in these instances we dont like being right..
We have already proved we know how to grow so its really about your successes now,
and your success is our success...
It also feels good to help people,
esp when we teach them how to grow there fav medicine...
What once was taboo, is now you :)


So I gave my 4 flowering plants in 1/2 gallon pots a 10 gallon flush,
So my timer came on at 2 am for there 1 min dtw feeding.
Well at 3 18 my pump woke me up sucking air and tiny bits of fluid..
I jumped up, unplugged the pump from the timer, opened the tent and all 4 dtw waste containers were full and just starting to overflow.
I dumped all the waste containers, and left the pump unplugged.

So today went and got a new timer for it, and made a new res.. I added 15 ml per of bloom, and 5 ml per of sweet raw... came to 6.0 and I left it.
tomm we start week 5, 28 days in the book today...

By the way, i have a sulking feeling that even tho i been growing for almost 2 years, I may have seen less good genetics than newbs in Cali, Wash, Mich, and Colorado...
Why do I say that????
Because this cookie glue is 10x frostier than my Urkles Girl in the tent, and it was my bravado strain that Ive hyped to many growers..
But I admit, I think this is gonna far out perform anything I have ever got to run...
Pictures just dont do it justice, even tho i will go get some :)
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