Council Of First Knowledge, Jedi Temple Training Facility

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I've had maybe 2 or 3 other ones get to this point, and the thing just never comes any further out. So we'll see... been almost a full day with no progress
Your paper towel looks really wet, I don't know what dvd method is but you probably have too much water.
The embryo is triggered by moisture which then produces the radicle which cracks through the seed, it's guided by gravity, it's the only root that is then your stem pops up, then your cotyledons pop the shell.

So all this happens on its own, it just needs moisture and air. If this is not happening you're over watering or seeds are not viable.

Smells stinky, what would make something smell... water!?
Seed turned black... what would cause that? Water!?

If I was betting, I'd say 90% it's your fault!

Before saying I'm being an ass or something, ask yourself would you rather have someone give a honest opinion or blow smoke up your ass and say shit happens? IMO this comment is not aimed at anyone and I could be wrong about my opinions


Shrugs Shoulders
never seen it before

Looked into them. Not promising... at all

Your paper towel looks really wet, I don't know what dvd method is but you probably have too much water.
The embryo is triggered by moisture which then produces the radicle which cracks through the seed, it's guided by gravity, it's the only root that is then your stem pops up, then your cotyledons pop the shell.

So all this happens on its own, it just needs moisture and air. If this is not happening you're over watering or seeds are not viable.

Smells stinky, what would make something smell... water!?
Seed turned black... what would cause that? Water!?

If I was betting, I'd say 90% it's your fault!

Before saying I'm being an ass or something, ask yourself would you rather have someone give a honest opinion or blow smoke up your ass and say shit happens? IMO this comment is not aimed at anyone and I could be wrong about my opinions

Paper towel isn't too wet at all.

90% my fault huh. Lol. If you only knew.

/end of subject.


Your paper towel looks really wet, I don't know what dvd method is but you probably have too much water.
The embryo is triggered by moisture which then produces the radicle which cracks through the seed, it's guided by gravity, it's the only root that is then your stem pops up, then your cotyledons pop the shell.

So all this happens on its own, it just needs moisture and air. If this is not happening you're over watering or seeds are not viable.

Smells stinky, what would make something smell... water!?
Seed turned black... what would cause that? Water!?

If I was betting, I'd say 90% it's your fault!

Before saying I'm being an ass or something, ask yourself would you rather have someone give a honest opinion or blow smoke up your ass and say shit happens? IMO this comment is not aimed at anyone and I could be wrong about my opinions
seeds arent viable
Farmer P

Farmer P

I agree with MW, it's not his fault. I have a pack of seeds that I germed 7 of right away and all grew. Then less than a year later from the same pack I started getting the same thing he's talking about. They would look just like that, cracked open, then nothing. I've never had that before in my life. I'm starting to think it's something different IDK. Sun not putting off enough nutrinos? WTF. I got the same thing recently on other beans too. Wrong season? I think its weird. Probably my storage technique. Maybe MW's were irradiated at customs??


Then explain this? Ever soak a paper towel in water, what does it look like? Ok I won't bring it up again
20180116 175152


It is definitely weird. That seed looks as viable as they come but I’ve also seen the guy try every method and it really shouldn’t be that hard to pop a seed. The blue dreams are already a week old. Lol. So yea. I don’t get it


Sorry guys sometimes I think these forums are to help each other.
Not viable seeds, makes since. When I have like 10 seeds and only 1 or 2 pop the other ones are obviously not viable:/
I think it will grow personally. But I’m just saying it should have popped more by now. I’d throw it in the coco and forget about it.
But I think mw tried that too already.


I has some seeds do thst exact same thing. They were Urkles Girl. I only got 2 out of 7 to germ.. Was dank as hell on the 2 but the rest, same thing.. bought here at the farm.. Like most growers, I wrote it off to the game.
I think breeders take advantage of our inferority that it must of been the fault of the buyer.. BS!

Brazile, they aint over watered. They were rushed out the tree and across the pond.
These dude damned near video taped the germ process for us 3 times!!!
All of us!
we can play hopscotch all day but the fact is,
if you reach down and grab a handful of nuts,
its a dude...
And these are a dud... No 2 ways about it! Not even 1 would germ....
We just wanted to exhaust every available option before calling it game over..
He did it his way, my way, and wishers way, which was that diff in the first place..
About the only thing he didnt try, was sitting on them and hoping they would hatch..
Your more than welcome to try that :)


Not saying it's dead yet, but I've had a few get to this stage and no further. Thus they die after that. I feel like prying open the shell is a death sentence. Prior to this the only time I ever killed a seed I was trying to germ was me fucking with it
I know what you're going thru bud. I had a bunch of gear do that to me from the same bank. Soak, crack, see white tap and then it does
Your paper towel looks really wet, I don't know what dvd method is but you probably have too much water.
The embryo is triggered by moisture which then produces the radicle which cracks through the seed, it's guided by gravity, it's the only root that is then your stem pops up, then your cotyledons pop the shell.

So all this happens on its own, it just needs moisture and air. If this is not happening you're over watering or seeds are not viable.

Smells stinky, what would make something smell... water!?
Seed turned black... what would cause that? Water!?

If I was betting, I'd say 90% it's your fault!

Before saying I'm being an ass or something, ask yourself would you rather have someone give a honest opinion or blow smoke up your ass and say shit happens? IMO this comment is not aimed at anyone and I could be wrong about my opinions
Idk bud, i know i have limited experience but ive gone through the same issue. Ive left beans in water for 36 h without an issue, even after they tossed their shell. My understanding and what ive seen is its hard to drown a seed at that stage. i think the seeds aren't viable. Mimicks the same issue i had. I thought they were damping off(fungus) at first but i didnt change anything but where i got the seeds from and I've had almost 100% germ ever since. Never had that happen again actually.
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