Playin With Fire

  • Thread starter G gnome
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You only use pollen of the sprayed cut and ditch that plant. And the cs is pretty much harmless if you don't overdo it

I just ordered some 240ppm colloidal that I'm going to dilute x5. I'm really confused on this point-> If I only shield & spray a branch or two and careful not to get it on any others is the rest of the plant safe for consumption or not? Cervantes is no help, he seems to take both views in his book. WTF? ...and the pollenated girls are safe to consume, right?

OK, I get that it's unsafe on the treated branches because the ppm builds up over time on the surface. But does the silver go systemic or only act on the surface of the plant? I'd figure if there were enough absorbed to make the rest of the plant dangerous it would also be producing beans everywhere else. Or am I not understanding how the silver effects the plant? (Something about the silver triggering more ethylene production)

I personally would never use colloidal silver internally as a long term immune suppliment. I know that it is unlikely to kill but it can do serious cell damage if used too much and, like many other metals, is hard for the body to sluff. But that's just my opinion and I have moderate OCD and am a bit neurotic so I'm a little over cautious.


You guys got to remember this is a rough crowd. I can't speak for other members but I don't think there was any malice going on.

I seem to remember that name the strain game. That's kind of long the same route. I just don't pop seeds from Hermes. It's not worth the risk to me.


Spider mites and pm are the herpes of the wanna world


Had spider mites before. Wasn't too hard to get rid of them. Even chili spray works. Mix some rape oil with it to prevent eggs to hatch an that's it. Although pyrethrine works fantastic too. Probably depends on the size of the grow and how bad the infestation is.

Good thing is you won't get those with seeds hahaha
Papa Indica

Papa Indica

Dudes my plant hermied guess I'm breeding now
LMFAO! Have you seen my meme that I threw up on IG? (Don't think I've posted it here before.)

thanks m8, time you get a pic in there again aye:badboy:
Soon I hope.
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