current season

  • Thread starter SPARECHANGE
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this is a myriad of msgs, i thought i left, here, but was a pm between a man, from Ireland...
so u have his take, too.

just msg'd, my ireland, kids.
msg'd my marrocco, gal... i will let y'all know, whether i hear, anything. not their news, propaganda; what THEY, see and hear.
if y'all have international, friends... try n get a pulse on reality. don't tell me, news n politicians, don't lie. y'all grow pot... y'all fucking know better.

Lincoln, never said that and George, never chopped a fargin cherry tree

the civil war, was not about freeing, slaves

how much more evidence, do we need

i walk through, when g has news on, from time to time

one day, trump was lying, imho, to preserve the economy n keep people from doing, exactly what some, r doing

wasn't but days, later... i could swear, i heard him sayin the exact opposite, with equal, fervor.

these folks, pour honey in ears, for a living

be smarter than ur average, bear, elephant, jackass...

it'll b awesome, seeing people, wandering the hood, withdrawaling, from smokes, booze n opioids, while ill... they'll make cool, level headed, happy, hungry, zombies, for ollywood.

nah... I'm just crazy and the zombies, won't b plied, with shit cause there is plenty of tp n facial tissue, to go around...

cause the government did such a good job, prosecuting n jailing, that island, secks perv.

they hid, nothing




black books don't always list, commonly dialed, numbers

the man is dead over faceless, unnamed, powerful, wealthy, perpetrators.

raisin, wrote this from Ireland

The common flu in the USA has about 35 million infections with 350000 hospitalizations and 22000 deaths 0.06% mortality each season.
In italy flu "only" has somewhere between 4-8% morality not gonna wipe out the human race especially if young and healthy,but if it infects as many as the common flu in the USA @ 6% mortality that's 2.1 million deaths. Its 10 times more infectious than the flu
Now I believe the usa has about a million hospital beds and 45000 icu beds in the country and about 75% in use at any time, they will be full up fast. And what happens when uncle Jim sticks his car over the ditch, or aunt Ann breaks her pelvis... no flu but no hospital bed available no ventilators available.
Gotta be smart and limit community transmissions to reduce the possible strain on the system.

raisin, again

Seems alot of Americans seem to live in a fight or flight mode constantly and with your decentralised for- profit healthcare system, hopefully it won't be a disaster altogether. We have all those dam socialist policies here which protect the workers at least a bit, from financial ruin. Blows my mind when a see Americans arguing against some sort of universal medicine there..

me, i believe

g says something about a cough description and if it is so, hospital, tiempo.
kidding me...

the last time i was at a hospital in either direction: they were so understaffed, or on twitter, that entire wings, were echo, empty... and i know this because i waz informed, i could take g home... i wandered floors n wings, lookin for the finance, aholes, who enjoy, fucking with u, in e.r.'s, moments, after the adenozine, works its magic... nobody... entire wings. the two, tweeters i did find... tried to pretend email and facsimiles, had yet to b invented and wanted me n my cane, to do more laps.
u want to get paid?
do your fucking jobs, or blow me n bill me. we're leaving. she's in recovery, you caulksuckers and u can c how I'm doing. trust me, you won't even have to leave your overpriced, chairs.

moments, later... a phone was lifted, blablablas were said and a printer, kicked out a bill.

the one n the other direction... well... neighbor penny, couldn't get bill's poo bag cleaned... period. she had to do it, herself. he'd fall... nobody was bright enough, to leave the mattress on the floor, for when he became combative, disoriented n determined, when nobody was lookin and straps, for whatever reason, they didn't want on him.
i had to c his bloodied, face, from ground zeroes.
if we think there wasn't already a stressed, med sstm... cause we just don't have the peeps, or enough... wanting to do it... how well y'all think I'd b treated, now?
u think every parent, isn't takin their snotgobbler in, over the slightest, cough?
didn't i already read a headline, somewhere, about peeps, not wanting quarantines, near their communities?
i never saw pics of the gals, who allegedly, asked the flight crew, for a place to lie down, for their hangovers... but imma guess they had breasts and "pretty", smiles... and that it was some random, who brought em, coronas... encouraging them, to behave like children, again. hey, if i thought i could jack it, to pretty smiles n have coronas, delivered, non-stop n actually get the kinda care, like i received at kindred something, in rialto... i might... but i doubt they're security is as accommodating about 24hr smoking, as $10 and a box of donuts, used to... "make em".
nope... I've had many flues n coughs, n my life and as long as i can breathe on my own... I'm keepin the lighs on, for my peeps and my lovely, g.
who else, gonna pay the bills... u think they wouldn't snatch her, too?
dog... hamies... blow me.

and here's what i received, from my irish clan: this is the website for our national health provider. Gives reliable info on the virus itself and what to do. In terms of media, the new york times are making all flu related articles free to the public and are very reliable and informative. Personally I've been keeping up to date using the irish times and the guardian (which is free). It's important to interact with reliable sources. Seems like it's going to get a lot worse before it gets better. But the more we try work together, I feel like overall we should pull true.

the above... he's the most outspoken of the 6, we found n the desert. it's the opinion of a 26-ish, year old, college lvl, educated, irish "kid"... take it for what it's worth. we love those guys.

thanks, raisin.

folks, i happen to agree with humiliated, grape...
please, do not feel uncomfortable, posting differing opinions, on our thread.
best decisions are made, with all available, intel... best stories, include: all sides...
nobody, on this thread, will argue, or harass, over more information... not if we can help it.

personally, i felt it was the naivety, of a 26yr old and y'all still saw, the end of his opining.

i love that i can hear him smiling, what i call him, before dawn, to (typically), c if we're working...
his headache, departed... he is not currently, symptomatic. the local cold, wet weather, will keep him in, through the weekend. i informed both clubs, of my symptoms... after the area, dries n warms up, if Larry the roofer, is still, healthy... we r going to have a conversation, about takin the remainder of 14 days, off. he is one strong, stubborn, son of a bytch and he will know just how much attention to pay, based on my situation, at that time.

I'm with raisin, on the overloading of our medical, community/professionals... there's no flu, i haven't beaten, yet.
i have a nebulizer, my albuterol, inhalers and a stockpile, of my heart pills, should the need, arise. believe me, if the time were to come, i know my body and i would know it was time.
i would lose my ability, to control the things, happening to me, as well as my lovely g...
g's talkin bout another trillion bailout, we don't have... china, again? think they won't b upset about our debt?
first thing he asked...
do u have enough steak and potatoes

i love my larry the roofer

my needs r met, regardless of cow, oj, corona, potatoes and lunch meat.

i actually eat healthier, than steak and potatoes...

fuk... milk... whatever. i have a grip, of creamer.

think i want to expose anyone else? above 60yrs?
we have around 2 wks, of all four food groups; period.


but u know that happens to me, bout 12x a day, by noon..., right? almost, shit my way to china, in the last week... but the border was close, from below the crust and the port of entry, asked me the strangest, questions...
first question: bachelor number two... where is our 13 trillion dollars
then, there was question two:
rarerange, bro... could ya spare a red square?

i didn't know wtf they were talking about so i got lost, on Singapore, airlines...


I'm fine. There are so many alternatives to tp, it should be on the bottom of the list. ;>. There was plenty of fresh produce at both places cos u just can't hoard it cos it rots! Things should be better, I was just disappointed in my little town, I guess. Feeling cheerier today. Everything can be ordered for delivery from Costco, Amazon or even U-line. Soon enough it will sort itself out.
yeah, i did see $8 rolls, on amzn. isopropyl, was unavailable. that's all i looked into.


Doctors ready , next patient please .....paper or probe , your choiceView attachment 951473
well, if it won't spray it out... it looks like one could claw it out.


during these trying, paperless times... we'd like to take you on the most amazing, adventure on our new, Disneyland, inspired, ride (since they won't b needing their truckloads, or urinal cakes... etc... wtf!)... we like to call
claw your-A-out, in the new horror section of our theme park, which will be closed, indefinitely... in this ride, we strap you in, like a race car driver... flip, twist and stop you, facing hell, in a near fetal/bike rest, position... then, a kid puts a tenty in and starts diggin with dire wolf's latest claw, dugout and pressure washing, system.

once the toy story characters, get a go atcha... you will bell empty, inside... rested, light headed, refreshed and violated... and for an extra twenty, we can leave you smelling, like pickled eggs, or a poopoo platta.

so take 14 days off and join us at 250 new, quarantine, locations, sure to b despised, near a poor community, or sanctuary city, your area.

we get chocolate lovers' grins, again and again. we guarantee it, or your brownwater, back.


reminds me of my xxx. i went out with a gal who looked just like her, mmm... maybe last night. i may go out with her, again, once g does another, single towel, load. brings back memories, man... back in the day, we used to have tissue.


do u have any idea how many times, I've had a hot, naughty nurse, walkin in on sc's happy time? that's even if u could get a corner office, in these trying times. nonono no... and if they're out of both, towle, mr hanky and ms sock baby... not goin!
actually, a few of em, kept dancing, after med school... ;P
paid better...


it's unfortunate that raisin makes too much sense to b a politician... there's also the issue of his citizenship... irish, just like me, only my peeps were responsible for the native, what's that nazi, term we use when it suits us? mmmm... wiping out of an entire culture... there r less than 10k, of the haluaipi and hobie, tribes... if they were animals, they'd b on the endangered list... and we'd have killed more n put em in worse captivity, than the reservation i was escorted, through.
so i guess raisin will never b pres, in America. sorry, raisin... have ur family, kill some natives n then... MAYBE.

shyt... thought i copied him... brb


this is @Raisin8420
speakin gospel

Yes I believe its respiratory, so in the lungs gets the damage, sipping liquids through the day can help protect yourself by wasting potential contamination down, no virus survival in the stomach plus washing hands not touching face as much as possible while out in public, contact with random ppl. also good advice for no pandemic situation too ... the asymptomatic incubation period is a problem, may have the virus but little to no symptoms, gotta be smart, use our knowledge and protect the vulnerable in our community/society. The fuck are we doing on the planet if we not gonna look after each other?

I believe there is a several day incubation on steel surfaces too, social distancing is common sense. Dont lick public windows, Stay away from the leper etc,
although lots of doom and gloom in the media and while serious its still 80% full recovery rate, comparison ebola had nearly 90% fatality but not as transmissable. High transmission high mortality is when big trouble starts.


I'll sign autographs, later, today

y'all realize, i might b the first kid on my block, to have the croup!!! woohoo! "give us a kiss"! I'll make ya famous! come smoke a bowl so i can contaminate my mota!



thiz, is me, puttin the moves, on g, last night

i guess there was a problem, with towel...
it was a small load, baby... i did it by hand.


as a reminder... remember what happened to the retirement plans, of 2001?... if one were planning to retire, this year... might wanna have a look at ur RETIREMENT, plans.


it's unfortunate that raisin makes too much sense to b a politician... there's also the issue of his citizenship... irish, just like me, only my peeps were responsible for the native, what's that nazi, term we use when it suits us? mmmm... wiping out of an entire culture... there r less than 10k, of the haluaipi and hobie, tribes... if they were animals, they'd b on the endangered list... and we'd have killed more n put em in worse captivity, than the reservation i was escorted, through.
so i guess raisin will never b pres, in America. sorry, raisin... have ur family, kill some natives n then... MAYBE.

shyt... thought i copied him... brb
Haha I don't think there is a politician in me, too much division involved in identity politics for me, it mostly makes me cringe. Although sometimes after a few whiskeys I have been known to extoll the virtues of a future united Ireland and belt out some anti imperialist rebel songs lol


It's that bad in Ireland now the pubs are closed and important supplies are being rationed out.....
FB IMG 1584451541168


how am i to sass g, with no voice!!!
argh argh!!!!

ya know, momz says
get some sleep

i was trying to, when she textme that

and she knows I'm up, usually

and knew t was goin to sleep

last night

so y is... o... it's 0930... my bad...


i went out round 1800
sawl y'all, round 6-ish, hrs later
n ummm...

oops... i may have overslept
dire wolf

dire wolf

well, if it won't spray it out... it looks like one could claw it out.


during these trying, paperless times... we'd like to take you on the most amazing, adventure on our new, Disneyland, inspired, ride (since they won't b needing their truckloads, or urinal cakes... etc... wtf!)... we like to call
claw your-A-out, in the new horror section of our theme park, which will be closed, indefinitely... in this ride, we strap you in, like a race car driver... flip, twist and stop you, facing hell, in a near fetal/bike rest, position... then, a kid puts a tenty in and starts diggin with dire wolf's latest claw, dugout and pressure washing, system.

once the toy story characters, get a go atcha... you will bell empty, inside... rested, light headed, refreshed and violated... and for an extra twenty, we can leave you smelling, like pickled eggs, or a poopoo platta.

so take 14 days off and join us at 250 new, quarantine, locations, sure to b despised, near a poor community, or sanctuary city, your area.

we get chocolate lovers' grins, again and again. we guarantee it, or your brownwater, back.
Hey spare ! Love the words , leading to the somewhat terrifing description of my sphinchter spritzer ....... but in truth , i was just dis assembling my home alone self watering rig , and i too , had a vision of a group anus assination rig .... but only for a moment , then those claws began to frighten me...

The spare spritzer im currently working is going to be more geared towards the cozy warm and fuzzy mindset , a gentle mist delivered from an egg round booty loving spray head , all foam and euphoric bubbles , a pleasure not a pain an the ass....

I would never contrap such s scary claw bubbler and associate the " sparechange" name with it 🤗
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Haha I don't think there is a politician in me, too much division involved in identity politics for me, it mostly makes me cringe. Although sometimes after a few whiskeys I have been known to extoll the virtues of a future united Ireland and belt out some anti imperialist rebel songs lol
u guys have to realize... i was kicked out of a strip club, trying to b polite... because my 6, were singing Ireland's national anthem... and this went on, every night... no lie.
these are an extremely patriotic, people...

see (i know y'all already seen it so...)

and look how they stood, together... it's a closer, culture... even though, Jameson and bushmills, don't mix, easily.... look what raisinette, is sayin... a united, country... not a n/s... entire people.

isn't that something

the boys, are like this, to this day... sending us the pictures of them, together... all smiles.... with a "sponsored by Guinness", disclosure, in the corner of the pics.

RAISIN... how old is your house...?
what's the roof made of?
what do you see
when u visit the most beautiful place
you're able to...
and what's the most beautiful place, you ever saw?

what'd you have for dinner, last night

what's a typical, Tuesday night, food wise?

what's your macdonalds carry

like spam n rice n lil smokies/viennas...?

how long it take you to get to work?

by car?

often, there r small ummm... differences, that can be sooo amazing.

raisin, besides the Victorian, i left round four... no house i have lived in, was more than 20yrs old. watch what he says, if he shares.
Screenshot 20171022 012414
Screenshot 20171022 012553


It's that bad in Ireland now the pubs are closed and important supplies are being rationed out.....View attachment 951643
oh my god, I'm so sorry they fucked with your churches.
i am so sorry you're having to live through times, like these.
u need to practice, keeping your thumb, out of the lens, sir.
i will dump and ship all mehhh... 20, 5 gallon-ish, (bout 42l, ea, if I'm not mistaken), r.o. jugs, like i mean yesterday... i had no idea it had come to this, already.

ummm... so sorry

y'all see how small that old lady's pale is? CHRIST ON A BARSTOOL! people!
Ireland, needs help!

save yourself, raisin... i have like 20 guest Guinness, in my fridge, right now... for irish car bombs. you may come to us... and please, feel free to bring one irish accented, lovely... for me and maybe one, larry the roofer, could test drive, from time to time.


jameson... is no longer allowed in my home, unfortunately... i have a couple bushmills, though... with irish company... AHEM... AA... 1000, isn't enough and 1... better b left, for all your friends...
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