Kim's Beginner Diary

  • Thread starter KLight03
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And low and slow makes damn good barbecue too! Oops! this is probably a vegan thread LOL🤣😂🤣 just kidding, kinda..✌😷
It's actually not. I am actually a meat eater, but more veggies. I actually have a problem with vit D and iron, so while most are fruits and veggie laden, I'm not vegetarian. I do wish I had more sustainable meat supplies, though. There is a difference, I don't care what anyone says. The closer it is, the better it tastes.
Wait, you're not vegan are you, kim? Thought you loved bacon with me lol
I do. :) Y'all better stock up, too. I just saw where two major plants have a bacterial problem and have to slaughter their stock.


I forgot to ask. What are y'alls favorite curing habits?

I just let them on branches, tied them upside down and hung them in the closet. I'll have to check tomorrow because for whatever reason, we are drying up the last couple of days.


Wait, you're not vegan are you, kim? Thought you loved bacon with me lol
IMG 0266


Can someone tell me the most recommended thread to go to to learn about pressing? I just want the cleanest way possible. I don't want folk to get upset if I don't follow their ways. I only preface these types of things because it's an issue. I'm a natural born rebel. I learn by doing myself and I'll let my ego tell you what not to do later.

Peyote Critical is covered up with trichomes. So is my Blue girl (she's still my favorite, by the way. I'd love to get non-fem seeds) It seems a shame that I'm going to smoke it, you know? I'd like to try my hand at pressing it out and letting it cure for a bit. Not sure what to do with it after as I've only ever smoked it.

Also, I have two seedlings doing the weirdest thing. I'll post pictures later. Then y'all can tear my ass up again about how small they are. I'm transplanting tomorrow. Today is a new moon.

If any of y'all have a need for medicinal herb seeds, not of the cannabis kind, I'd be happy to share. Let me know if you want a list.


I bookmarked this 1

Just sharing my experience on making that left over trim into something special!

What you need:
160 micron hash bag
5 gallon bucket
2lbs dry ice per 3oz of trim
5 small containers for keef
25 micron rosin bags
rosin press

I take my fresh dried trimmings about 3oz at a time and place them in a 160 micron hash bag with no more than 2 lbs of dry ice. I shake the closed hash bag from the top while suspending it inside the bucket so I can collect the keef without making a mess. I do this in two minute increments, collecting (old gift cards work great) and keeping everything separate each time. You will find with each interval the keef becomes more green as additional plant material gets broken down by the dry ice, this why we want to keep each collection separate. You should end up with something like this:

View attachment 907544

The two on the left are pure enough that they can be pressed into a nice hash or saved for rosin. The next two wont make a great smoke but you can still squeeze some nice rosin out of them, while the last one is really only good for making oil which has been covered in other threads here.

To get the rosin I use anywhere from 1-3 grams in a 25 micron bag loaded bottle tech style and pressed with my nugsmasher mini.

View attachment 907546

This pull used 1 gram of the keef pictured above on the left at 185f for 3 minutes.

View attachment 907547

This produced .65 g on the first press and another .08g on the second.

View attachment 907548

All ready to enjoy!


I love this. Thank you. Boy. It sure seems like a lot of work.
Its not as bad as it sounds, you can process over a half pound in about an hour. A lot of time can be spent getting set up and cleaning everything when you are done so it helps make it more worthwhile to wait until you have a substantial amount of bud or trim to run. The dry ice can also last for several hours without losing too much to evaporation so you don't necessarily have to buy that much more to process large amounts. You can put the dry ice in a mesh bag inside the bag with the trim or bud to help keep it separated and easier to reuse.


Its not as bad as it sounds, you can process over a half pound in about an hour. A lot of time can be spent getting set up and cleaning everything when you are done so it helps make it more worthwhile to wait until you have a substantial amount of bud or trim to run. The dry ice can also last for several hours without losing too much to evaporation so you don't necessarily have to buy that much more to process large amounts. You can put the dry ice in a mesh bag inside the bag with the trim or bud to help keep it separated and easier to reuse.
I ordered some bags so I could try ice water & dry ice methods, like to know both in case of dry ice shortage lol. Ordering small press in next few weeks (not enough trim to bother yet, still saving)


Its not as bad as it sounds, you can process over a half pound in about an hour. A lot of time can be spent getting set up and cleaning everything when you are done so it helps make it more worthwhile to wait until you have a substantial amount of bud or trim to run. The dry ice can also last for several hours without losing too much to evaporation so you don't necessarily have to buy that much more to process large amounts. You can put the dry ice in a mesh bag inside the bag with the trim or bud to help keep it separated and easier to reuse.
You seem to know what you are talking about. Is there are tutorial somewhere? Right now, I'm wondering what the hell you do once you have all of the things you need? Do you just throw it all into a bag and shake it around, then keep sifting, like sand or something?


You seem to know what you are talking about. Is there are tutorial somewhere? Right now, I'm wondering what the hell you do once you have all of the things you need? Do you just throw it all into a bag and shake it around, then keep sifting, like sand or something?
I know how you feel, never made hash or anything before, always just grown. I ordered some bags that have ice water instructions & I'll be following that above link for dry ice method. He said in last sentence of his post here that you could put dry ice in mesh bag inside bag of trim so its reusable so assume you can also just put it directly in trim as well if you are not reusing it


I know how you feel, never made hash or anything before, always just grown. I ordered some bags that have ice water instructions & I'll be following that above link for dry ice method. He said in last sentence of his post here that you could put dry ice in mesh bag inside bag of trim so its reusable so assume you can also just put it directly in trim as well if you are not reusing it
So, it's not just any trim, right? It's the sugar leaves? Isn't dry ice hard to get right now?


I ordered some bags so I could try ice water & dry ice methods, like to know both in case of dry ice shortage lol. Ordering small press in next few weeks (not enough trim to bother yet, still saving)
The ice water method is such a pain but its nice to do on occasion, the end product may be far better than dry ice hash but its many times more work. Its almost impossible to extract everything off the bud this way and there is enough left behind that its worth letting the bud dry after you have done a few washes and save that for a dry ice run. Any video from Frenchy Cannoli is great for learning about water hash but this one has everything, worth watching the whole thing.
Is there are tutorial somewhere? Right now, I'm wondering what the hell you do once you have all of the things you need? Do you just throw it all into a bag and shake it around, then keep sifting, like sand or something?
DreamsofDiesel quoted my tutorial above. Once the bud or trim is in the 160 micron bag with the dry ice (either loose or in its own mesh bag, any size mesh will work) you shake the bag inside the bucket. Its not really sifting, the bud and or trim deep freezes and shatters into very small pieces before falling through the screen. If you were to keep shaking it eventually all of it would fall through. Each successive 2 minute session of shaking the bag produces increasingly less pure hash as more of the plant material breaks down and falls through the mesh. The first runs are the most pure because the trichs are the first part of the plant to freeze, snap off, and fall through. After 4-5 runs your bud or trim should look like its been finely mulched and can be discarded.
So, it's not just any trim, right? It's the sugar leaves? Isn't dry ice hard to get right now?
Trim kinda implies sugar leaves but you are correct, no sugarless fan leaves, those should be removed and discarded when harvesting in my opinion. I have not had trouble getting dry ice lately, its still readily available at the supermarket up the street from me and the local gas supply store. The gas supply stores will usually be less expensive but will often require a minimum purchase such as ten pounds.


The ice water method is such a pain but its nice to do on occasion, the end product may be far better than dry ice hash but its many times more work. Its almost impossible to extract everything off the bud this way and there is enough left behind that its worth letting the bud dry after you have done a few washes and save that for a dry ice run. Any video from Frenchy Cannoli is great for learning about water hash but this one has everything, worth watching the whole thing.

DreamsofDiesel quoted my tutorial above. Once the bud or trim is in the 160 micron bag with the dry ice (either loose or in its own mesh bag, any size mesh will work) you shake the bag inside the bucket. Its not really sifting, the bud and or trim deep freezes and shatters into very small pieces before falling through the screen. If you were to keep shaking it eventually all of it would fall through. Each successive 2 minute session of shaking the bag produces increasingly less pure hash as more of the plant material breaks down and falls through the mesh. The first runs are the most pure because the trichs are the first part of the plant to freeze, snap off, and fall through. After 4-5 runs your bud or trim should look like its been finely mulched and can be discarded.

Trim kinda implies sugar leaves but you are correct, no sugarless fan leaves, those should be removed and discarded when harvesting in my opinion. I have not had trouble getting dry ice lately, its still readily available at the supermarket up the street from me and the local gas supply store. The gas supply stores will usually be less expensive but will often require a minimum purchase such as ten pounds.
I'll have to look for places to get dry ice, I'm sure there's somewhere around us that has it but I havent looked yet, think the feed mill few miles away carries it normally.
I've got patience to learn ice water method, I just want my own quality supply so I dont have to buy hash/rosin. Plus I've been told using rosin/hash in edibles is much better, so far I've been disgusted with taste & quality so I'm gonna see if I can do it better. I'm not gonna be going commercial or marketing anything lol, just creating/experimenting for few close people & myself so I dont mind it being a pain since it wont be huge quantities anyway. I'll definitely keep leftovers after water to use dry ice on as well, thank you for the tip & I have that video bookmarked as well now


The ice water method is such a pain but its nice to do on occasion, the end product may be far better than dry ice hash but its many times more work. Its almost impossible to extract everything off the bud this way and there is enough left behind that its worth letting the bud dry after you have done a few washes and save that for a dry ice run. Any video from Frenchy Cannoli is great for learning about water hash but this one has everything, worth watching the whole thing.

DreamsofDiesel quoted my tutorial above. Once the bud or trim is in the 160 micron bag with the dry ice (either loose or in its own mesh bag, any size mesh will work) you shake the bag inside the bucket. Its not really sifting, the bud and or trim deep freezes and shatters into very small pieces before falling through the screen. If you were to keep shaking it eventually all of it would fall through. Each successive 2 minute session of shaking the bag produces increasingly less pure hash as more of the plant material breaks down and falls through the mesh. The first runs are the most pure because the trichs are the first part of the plant to freeze, snap off, and fall through. After 4-5 runs your bud or trim should look like its been finely mulched and can be discarded.

Trim kinda implies sugar leaves but you are correct, no sugarless fan leaves, those should be removed and discarded when harvesting in my opinion. I have not had trouble getting dry ice lately, its still readily available at the supermarket up the street from me and the local gas supply store. The gas supply stores will usually be less expensive but will often require a minimum purchase such as ten pounds.
Where has all of this been all of my life??!!! I used to do this as a kid on the beach for hours!!! Minus the machines, of course. I want to do this. How many thousands does that stainless steel machine cost? A girl can dream, I guess.

It's so funny. One of the stops along our journey required me to get a portable washing machine. Another part of my ego died that day. And here it is again. Hahaha! So funny how the Universe works. (I'm good with being weird to others)

How much trim does one need for this to work properly?


I'll have to look for places to get dry ice, I'm sure there's somewhere around us that has it but I havent looked yet, think the feed mill few miles away carries it normally.
I've got patience to learn ice water method, I just want my own quality supply so I dont have to buy hash/rosin. Plus I've been told using rosin/hash in edibles is much better, so far I've been disgusted with taste & quality so I'm gonna see if I can do it better. I'm not gonna be going commercial or marketing anything lol, just creating/experimenting for few close people & myself so I dont mind it being a pain since it wont be huge quantities anyway. I'll definitely keep leftovers after water to use dry ice on as well, thank you for the tip & I have that video bookmarked as well now
Same!!! Medicine for the people, My Friend. Myself first. I guess this is my next stop. In my health, I reached a plateau and I have been wondering what the next step is. This seems to be it and makes the most sense since it seems each level produces a different medicine, so to speak. It will be very interesting and has completely lit my brain on fire.

55F room!!! I'm menopausal and with Parkinson's it seems to turn the heat up more than regular. Sign me up!!! I'll be in there naked I get so hot sometimes. That will be enough to scare people away for miles and miles. Music and being alone in a meditative state. Sounds awesome.


Then, of course, reality sets in and I realize that I'm sure I don't have the money for such a thing. It's all good. Where there's a will, there's a way, right? I'm already frustrated at my little kitchen, which has provided us a place for nourishment and is an improvement upon where we were. For that, I'm grateful.

So, today is the day for all plants to be up. I know y'all think I'm odd, but I'm really kind of ugh about it. What do y'all think? Continue to top or is it time for all of them to come down?

First two are Blue Gelato.
Next two SSSD.
Then Peyote Critical. There is the weird one. I think it's a herm, but y'all tell me otherwise, I guess.
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Where has all of this been all of my life??!!! I used to do this as a kid on the beach for hours!!! Minus the machines, of course. I want to do this. How many thousands does that stainless steel machine cost? A girl can dream, I guess.

It's so funny. One of the stops along our journey required me to get a portable washing machine. Another part of my ego died that day. And here it is again. Hahaha! So funny how the Universe works. (I'm good with being weird to others)

How much trim does one need for this to work properly?
You dont need any fancy equipment for smaller amounts. Put bud/trim in five gallon bucket with ice water and stir, switching directions every minute or so, until the ice is mostly melted. Then pour the ice water and bud/trim mixture into your bags like Frenchy shows in the video and the rest is the same. I do this last part in the shower so that I have access to the shower head for spraying and the open drain for run off. You are only going to get a small fraction of hash compared to the weight of the material you started with using the ice water method, probably between 5-10% and thats after a few washes. So if you start with an ounce expect between 1.4-2.8 grams, maybe a little more if you bud/trim is particularly potent. You can continue to do more washes but they have significantly diminishing returns after the first few. The other option I mentioned earlier is to dry the washed bud and further process it with dry ice.

When using the dry ice method I can usually extract 20% or more of the weight of the starting material into some nice hash. Out of an ounce I can easily pull over 5 grams in about 10 minutes where it could take over 5 hours to get maybe half as much per oz using the ice water method. You can do either method with pretty much any amount but I would recommend staying between 1 and 4 ounces when using these standard size hash bags.


You dont need any fancy equipment for smaller amounts. Put bud/trim in five gallon bucket with ice water and stir, switching directions every minute or so, until the ice is mostly melted. Then pour the ice water and bud/trim mixture into your bags like Frenchy shows in the video and the rest is the same. I do this last part in the shower so that I have access to the shower head for spraying and the open drain for run off. You are only going to get a small fraction of hash compared to the weight of the material you started with using the ice water method, probably between 5-10% and thats after a few washes. So if you start with an ounce expect between 1.4-2.8 grams, maybe a little more if you bud/trim is particularly potent. You can continue to do more washes but they have significantly diminishing returns after the first few. The other option I mentioned earlier is to dry the washed bud and further process it with dry ice.

When using the dry ice method I can usually extract 20% or more of the weight of the starting material into some nice hash. Out of an ounce I can easily pull over 5 grams in about 10 minutes where it could take over 5 hours to get maybe half as much per oz using the ice water method. You can do either method with pretty much any amount but I would recommend staying between 1 and 4 ounces when using these standard size hash bags.
Thank you for your help! I'll price it out and put it on the wish list, which gets larger every day. Hahaha! Best part about living, I suppose.


Where has all of this been all of my life??!!! I used to do this as a kid on the beach for hours!!! Minus the machines, of course. I want to do this. How many thousands does that stainless steel machine cost? A girl can dream, I guess.

It's so funny. One of the stops along our journey required me to get a portable washing machine. Another part of my ego died that day. And here it is again. Hahaha! So funny how the Universe works. (I'm good with being weird to others)

How much trim does one need for this to work properly?
About 1 oz I think, decent press bout $200-300
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