Grow advise in Ontario

  • Thread starter Briand1234
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Go ahead pla t them now still 4 weeks of veg time in southern Ontario I'm 30 min away from Hamilton myself.

If your looking for lbs per plant well your shit outta luck but not many ppl veg indoors much longer than 4 weeks.

He'll I just planted a sour d and Bruce banner auto today in my back yard.

Seed strait to an organic soil.

In the grand scheme of things seeds are cheap AF. Even at 10$ a seed I end up giving lots away to friends and family.

I'd plant them all now. That way come spring I'd have a good idea of what strain I'd be doing and bit of what it likes or dislikes.

Just my opinion! Autos seem to be getting pretty popular and they veg for like 3 weeks a pp plant will veg till the lights say to flower another week or 2 will be too late.


That's pre flower it's just showing that it's mature, it's not flowering yet all my pp plants are showing sex already. Don't start your counting days yet lol


I dont think my seeds are autos just says feminized. I have cream caramel auto and a green posion auto they say 8weeks from germination to finish. I planted a cream caramel a month ago from seed and its slowly growing :( might start a few more as I think they will be duds.
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Next year I'm going to pop my seeds may 28th and have them inside under a 200w Full Spectrum light till possibly beginning or mid may. As that would be lots of veg time and hopefully lb plants 🤞as this year I planted my clones June 5th as I didn't get my seeds till July so I decided to wait till next grow season and try those baby's out. Only seed I manged to get ready was amnesia haze which totally forgot about didn't pop it till end of may sadly.


What it looks like now topped it to see if you'd go oh hey I'm suppose to grow faster as it suppose to be a 8week from germination and it's alreadybeen a month. So I have another 4 popping right now cause I'm going to assume it's a dud it's been having so much deficiency problems. Most pan in ass strain so far lol
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Is that plant in water? And sand? Are you feeding it? Looks hungry 8 weeks? Thought you said it was not auto. If it's not auto 8 weeks would be the time from start of flowering to harvest not from seed.

At a month it's a bit small but don't give up. Also don't top anymore this season let it grow when ya top it it shocks the plant and stops the growth for anywhere from 3-7 days. There is not enough time left for recovery. Time better spent on growing


I just watered it when I took picture and it's my ground dirt I'm in country so it's like a sandy dirt it's not best but below the sand dirt theres better dirt idk how to explain but also put so organic soil about 3feet below and 3 feet wide why there's a big hole and it said 8weeks from germination


It's a cream caramel auto on the site and on the slip it came with. So I assumed it would be done 8weeks from sprout am I wrong?


I got cream caramel auto and green posion auto. The seeds I mentioned at beginning of post are feminized. My friend gave me the autos late last year. And more recently as he knew i bought clones and said be better to grow from seed as he has a lot of them so he gave me 10 each of them. So I'm learning how to grow them as I'm use to just putting clones in ground and leave it till I see buds than keep eye of it. This is my second year so I'm still learning obv but I saw this group so I thought why not as people and see what opinions and advise. So maybe I could put that to use and see how it goes.


The gelato I got on there page it says 8-9weeks flowering time. Do si dos same 8-9weeks flowering time. white widow says 54days flowering time or harvest month September-October. Super lemon haze says 10weeks or 70days. So I'm assuming those would be good to grow if I start them in march? And have them grow inside till may to put them outside? Sorry i have no idea I'm used to clones. This my second year popping and growing from seed. So any advise would help as I have no idea when to start them etc obv
I have come to understand those flowering times are for indoor growing.
Also the Auto I had flowered very early and I don’t think I would ever pinch an AUTO, as it was not 30” tall.
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Oh okay so if I grow it inside till it flowers than plant in ground would it still work lol always a loop hole right?


Oh okay so if I grow it inside till it flowers than plant in ground would it still work lol always a loop hole right?
Is that so you could have bud sooner in the summer? I am assuming we are still talking Auto-Flowers. Transplanting always interrupts the growth and you would lose two weeks of growth out of your short growing period. I took a clone off my only Auto and it finished at 8” high the same time as the mother plant.
Because of our “early” fall rains in S. Oregon many growers have gone to greenhouses or “light deprivation”, despite being so close to the Emerald Triangle. Most years we are able to finish most strains but I have had 14-15 foot plants that never finished.
At dispensaries here we can buy clones year around for $20 and 18” “teen clones” in May and June for $40.
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I have come to understand those flowering times are for indoor growing.
Also the Auto I had flowered very early and I don’t think I would ever pinch an AUTO, as it was not 30” tall.
Oh okay so if I grow it inside till it flowers than plant in ground would it still work lol always a loop hole right?
If you are talking about a non-Auto-Flower, regular seed plant or clone yes by matching indoor light time with outdoor light time or less time. If the outdoor light time is more than indoor it would go back to veg and take three or four weeks to get back to budding.


@frebo you said you veg in dwc then put outside?

Do you mean you plant them in soil flower outside or do you mean dwc just outside?


I have Bruce banner autos and lowflyer autos. All planted the same time my Bruce banners are done pulling them Friday there in my tent but my flyers are in green house and they still have 2 weeks at least but both are supposed to finish the same time.

The weird part is that the ones in my tent under a 600w hps and grew much bigger and fatter and faster then the ones in greenhouse.

I'd have figured the sun would be better than a 600w light.

Who knew


I have Bruce banner autos and lowflyer autos. All planted the same time my Bruce banners are done pulling them Friday there in my tent but my flyers are in green house and they still have 2 weeks at least but both are supposed to finish the same time.

The weird part is that the ones in my tent under a 600w hps and grew much bigger and fatter and faster then the ones in greenhouse.

I'd have figured the sun would be better than a 600w light.

Who knew
And yes autos I planted mine from seed straight into the ground


That's insane I'd die for that backyard right now lol
Yeah, so would i, rippers shut me down for a few years, i was supposed to go this year and my logistics got pooched. 6 cubic yards of living soil delivered 3 days after sod laid down instead of 3 days before. Another week or so until an MT85 can safely move the soil.

I started plants indoors, vegged for a few weeks in bubblers and RDWC and then put 2' plants into 100 and 150 gallon grow bags full of ProMix, then fed full AN formula on a Conny base. Lot of fun until i became a local legend with the neighbourhood teens. My Airedale Terriers spread ProMix over my yard and killed what little grass was left; ergo sod.

What was it John Lennon said about Life being what happens while you're busy making other plans.......
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