Stoney's Spot

  • Thread starter stoneyluv
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man those things are relentless... i'm finding them of all sizes now.. adult, juveniles, and babies... i just want genocide!!!!

oh i'm right on board with you on the fuckin squirrels... those bastards ate over hundred of my peaches this year... next year i'm running an electric fence down there!!!! be prepared for some great videos of squirrels getting zapped!!! and i'm not getting them the little rodent one, i'm getting the cattle size!!!!

i have mesquite hear but i can only get it in chips,,, my smoker likes whole logs.. so i just make up pouches of aluminum foil and put that in with my coals... it's such a strong flavor it doesn't need much either.. just like hickory, doesn't need much for the loud flavor!! we have lots of hickory around here, a few different kinds too... oak is one of my favs as well, white oak especially!!

man i sure wish i was around for taco day,,,, fuck that beef looks good... plus i could have brought ya a chainsaw too, man i have a few of em laying around. i was thinking of getting a battery chainsaw to cut up kindling in the garage!!!

and yes sir, i do still have the projector... some times i have to modify the 4k movies to get them to play. when the files have to many subtitles on them the movie skips.. i have a free program that lets you remove whatever you want from a .mkv file.

i also have a 100 inch screen.. maybe 110.. don't remember... it's big... i keep it all in the garage because we tried an outdoor deal for friends and the bugs were so ridiculous to the point we couldn't even finish the movie.. so it kind of spoiled my drive in nights... and nobody wants to sit in their car in the winter to watch a movie... so i have it connected in the garage and have it on my big sound system so it thumps pretty good!!!

that is really badass about greenpoint seeds bro... i had that experience once in my life. a guy delivered me roofing materials before even confirming and getting my CC info.. it was the next morning after i called him.. he even left a free calendar for me!! i called and said man i never even paid you.. he said yeah but you bought for here before... amish run. i'll never buy metal roofing from any other place now!

speaking of something else badass....

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i would have said it's all yours... i hate fish.. i like almost anything else from the ocean except for fish... every few years i try some just to see if my tastes have changed (because that has happened with other foods) but nope still turned off from any fish at all... i've eaten seafood from all around the world and liked everything but fish... and some eel from korea that was whole in a bowl was pretty nasty but anything else hell yeah!

i'm about to go caterpillar hunting. i found that when it's dark and i use a super bright headlight they are much easier to see. i bet they tastes gross... like mushy tomato leaves...

i'd also like to harvest a sky master plant.... hopefully i have time for both!!!


Look at that!!! I'm amazed and impressed all at once!

Man you have me thinking now with the electric fencing stuff! Yep they took out my peaches long ago and fucked up the trees so bad I had no choice but to cut them down they got so stunted. I really dont wanna wrap everything in netting or anything like that. Maybe a moat with squirrel eating gators in it or something would work. I also see motion sensor sprinklers as maybe being possible or maybe critter ridder spread around but I have my dogs to consider too. Just so frustrating. Now when I see roadkill squirrels I kinda think they had it coming. Some neighbor on my neighborhood forum found a baby squirrel and asked what to do with it and my first thought was wrap it in bacon and grill up the little fucker šŸ˜Ž

I'm hoping my drive in movie idea works. Last Saturday we had tix to a drive in hosted by Anthony Michael Hall. It was a double feature of Breakfast Club and Vacation and AMH was gonna do a Q&A at intermission. It was to be our first night on a date in months and I was so excited. Never even been to a drive in ever but that dang hurricane came along and the event got cancelled.
I looked around for other drive ins and found a little quaint drive in of 20 cars max for this Saturday and they'll show Jurassic Park II. Place has been around since 2017 and has lots of good reviews so I'll get a feel for if my idea will work out. I'm also hopeful about it because a home down the hill is a big Alabama fan home and they host outdoor watch parties using this big inflatable screen. Not sure if bugs are an issue or not for them or maybe they just so hammered they dont notice. Hell they're Bama fans so they might eat the bugs! šŸ˜‹
This weekend I'm installing the post for my speaker set. I found some restored drive in speakers online with a light up junction box to install in the driveway. They're the kind that hang on the window. I could pipe sound thru my boombox but I wanna get a little retro style with this project


I just need to set a pole in the ground to mount the box the wire it up so it can plug into the projector. For films I'll just plug in my Firestick and stream thru my wifi. I have a shit ton of movies I own both thru Prime Video and Vudu I've bought over the years so that will be the movie source. And on Halloween I might throw a watch party for all the kids around here and show The Great Pumpkin Charlie BrownšŸŽƒ
I tell ya man I get these ideas about doing something and I go off the deep end to make them happen šŸ¤Ŗ
Hell I might even get a custom drive in movie marquee with neon built. Call it the Lone Palm Dive In, named after the big ass palm tree I planted in my yard a long time ago šŸ˜‹


Look at that!!! I'm amazed and impressed all at once!

Man you have me thinking now with the electric fencing stuff! Yep they took out my peaches long ago and fucked up the trees so bad I had no choice but to cut them down they got so stunted. I really dont wanna wrap everything in netting or anything like that. Maybe a moat with squirrel eating gators in it or something would work. I also see motion sensor sprinklers as maybe being possible or maybe critter ridder spread around but I have my dogs to consider too. Just so frustrating. Now when I see roadkill squirrels I kinda think they had it coming. Some neighbor on my neighborhood forum found a baby squirrel and asked what to do with it and my first thought was wrap it in bacon and grill up the little fucker šŸ˜Ž

I'm hoping my drive in movie idea works. Last Saturday we had tix to a drive in hosted by Anthony Michael Hall. It was a double feature of Breakfast Club and Vacation and AMH was gonna do a Q&A at intermission. It was to be our first night on a date in months and I was so excited. Never even been to a drive in ever but that dang hurricane came along and the event got cancelled.
I looked around for other drive ins and found a little quaint drive in of 20 cars max for this Saturday and they'll show Jurassic Park II. Place has been around since 2017 and has lots of good reviews so I'll get a feel for if my idea will work out. I'm also hopeful about it because a home down the hill is a big Alabama fan home and they host outdoor watch parties using this big inflatable screen. Not sure if bugs are an issue or not for them or maybe they just so hammered they dont notice. Hell they're Bama fans so they might eat the bugs! šŸ˜‹
This weekend I'm installing the post for my speaker set. I found some restored drive in speakers online with a light up junction box to install in the driveway. They're the kind that hang on the window. I could pipe sound thru my boombox but I wanna get a little retro style with this project

View attachment 1008164

I just need to set a pole in the ground to mount the box the wire it up so it can plug into the projector. For films I'll just plug in my Firestick and stream thru my wifi. I have a shit ton of movies I own both thru Prime Video and Vudu I've bought over the years so that will be the movie source. And on Halloween I might throw a watch party for all the kids around here and show The Great Pumpkin Charlie BrownšŸŽƒ
I tell ya man I get these ideas about doing something and I go off the deep end to make them happen šŸ¤Ŗ
Hell I might even get a custom drive in movie marquee with neon built. Call it the Lone Palm Dive In, named after the big ass palm tree I planted in my yard a long time ago šŸ˜‹

man those speaker are so retro cool it's unheard of!!!! you better watch out they might be a hipster magnet!!!!!! hahahaha

with street lights and other house lights around you'll be alright... i was projecting the only light for a couple miles around so they all came over, country bug size too, not those skinny city bugs!!! hahaha

sounds like a blast man, i bet you will have a fun ass time!!!!! thats what neighborhoods need right now, wholesome fun sharing together instead of fighting alone!!


OH and your squirrel issue.... just get one of these bro, you can send them right over to the neighbors house!!!! hahaha

i got into a little home canning/pickling this year... it was fun, i'm sure i'll do it again!!!


still fighting the caterpillars... they're relentless and i'm afraid i may not win... they bury themselves at the end of the year and come back up the next year at the same spot. so i'll probably end the garden early this year and cut all the plants out and remove everything tomato or pepper and drench the soil in thuricide. maybe a thousand gallons should do it... i want to saturate the ground a couple feet deep!!!! i'll pump turicide on that ground for a month if i have to!!!! i won't spray it on the plants this year though. the whole purpose for me to grow a garden is to not use pesticides so i won't do it. and the garden is producing a lot of veggies right now so i don't want to quit yet but i will before it gets cool and hopefully before they decide to burrow underground. i never beat them yet so i'm not sure exactly what to do. just trying my best. i moved garden spots three time now because of them and i'm out of convenient places to go! it just sucks because i've never met a person with this problem.

i hope you enjoy the rest of your weekend and keeping cool in this heat!!!!!!!



<-------- Must have squirrel catapult!
If I had one of those I'd try to launch squirrels onto the balconies of the 3 story apartments behind my home šŸ˜‡
I like the sound effects too...gotta have that add on!
And did I ever tell you about the catapult I made in high school woodshop class? Teacher thought I was crazy but little did he know how much that project would help me later in life! šŸ¤Ŗ

You have a great weekend too buddy and those pickles look awesome!!! šŸ˜


Yeah I hear ya on the fish thing brother, not a huge fan of salmon myself but those little 10 pounders are very good if BBQed fresh. I did eat deep fried halibut as fast as I could catch them and then I had to sell my boat so now I haven't had any in awhile. River fishing for steelhead start in the fall after elk season is over, I'll be filling the geezer full this year for sure. To bad were so far away, I could might change your mind on the fish, I've been known to make some killer deep fryer did and chips, but what are yo gonna do?...
Anyway time to change gears and go look for fur bear season upens up on Saturday, and so does elk scouting for September. Maybe, and I don't know for sure but some ducks might eat them caterpillars, I know the eat slugs just a thought... Now it's time to go get the BBQ going, just burgers tonight nothing fancy.

Ok brother good luck...šŸŽÆāœŒ

sorry brother, i missed this post before.....

but yeah i had fish bbq'd, smoked, grilled, fried, blackened, baked, baked while being baked, even had it cooked in a hole on the beach once.... all sucked!!!! haha taste like nasty fish no mater how ya cook it!!! hahaha

i love fishing, especially from a boat!!! but man i am all 100% catch n release!!!

next week i am visiting an elk farm!!!! i'm pretty excited about it... sure hope i can buy some meat!!!!


i'm losing the war with the caterpillars.. fuckers are wiping out every single plant now... i have one pepper plant left with a few leaves and maybe 25% of my tomato plants are left... tomorrow afternoon there is gonna be a big storm rolling through here and it's gonna dump a few inches of rain so i'm gonna start a big fire just after and cut all my plants down and burn every last one of those caterpillars... i'll be left with the cucumbers and onions and my big asparagus plant. maybe next year i will not grow peppers or tomatoes just to make sure they're gone first.

sucks to cut it all down but it's better then them getting to eat them!!!

i was so pissed off tonight i picked some food and stormed back in the house and went downstairs and took out all my frustrations on my ganja garden... bro i got so much done and got everything cleaned up and in order... emptied and upcanned everything in my cloner... pulled a sky master out of flowering and put another of the same kind in her place... got my rain collector all topped off... swept the floor, cleaned a bunch of containers, mixed a few buckets of soil up for next round.. got all that done came back upstairs and i was still pissed off at those pillars!!!!!!!

i'll get over it after i burn em all to hell!!!!! hahahaha

<-------- Must have squirrel catapult!
If I had one of those I'd try to launch squirrels onto the balconies of the 3 story apartments behind my home šŸ˜‡
I like the sound effects too...gotta have that add on!
And did I ever tell you about the catapult I made in high school woodshop class? Teacher thought I was crazy but little did he know how much that project would help me later in life! šŸ¤Ŗ

You have a great weekend too buddy and those pickles look awesome!!! šŸ˜

ahhh yeah, you're experienced with it!!! i've seen people set up RC cars too, those look like a lot fun too!!!

in the next couple days i'm gonna harvest my first sky master.... can't wait to dry it and try it out!!!!!!!!!!!!


sorry brother, i missed this post before.....

but yeah i had fish bbq'd, smoked, grilled, fried, blackened, baked, baked while being baked, even had it cooked in a hole on the beach once.... all sucked!!!! haha taste like nasty fish no mater how ya cook it!!! hahaha

i love fishing, especially from a boat!!! but man i am all 100% catch n release!!!

next week i am visiting an elk farm!!!! i'm pretty excited about it... sure hope i can buy some meat!!!!


i'm losing the war with the caterpillars.. fuckers are wiping out every single plant now... i have one pepper plant left with a few leaves and maybe 25% of my tomato plants are left... tomorrow afternoon there is gonna be a big storm rolling through here and it's gonna dump a few inches of rain so i'm gonna start a big fire just after and cut all my plants down and burn every last one of those caterpillars... i'll be left with the cucumbers and onions and my big asparagus plant. maybe next year i will not grow peppers or tomatoes just to make sure they're gone first.

sucks to cut it all down but it's better then them getting to eat them!!!

i was so pissed off tonight i picked some food and stormed back in the house and went downstairs and took out all my frustrations on my ganja garden... bro i got so much done and got everything cleaned up and in order... emptied and upcanned everything in my cloner... pulled a sky master out of flowering and put another of the same kind in her place... got my rain collector all topped off... swept the floor, cleaned a bunch of containers, mixed a few buckets of soil up for next round.. got all that done came back upstairs and i was still pissed off at those pillars!!!!!!!

i'll get over it after i burn em all to hell!!!!! hahahaha

ahhh yeah, you're experienced with it!!! i've seen people set up RC cars too, those look like a lot fun too!!!

in the next couple days i'm gonna harvest my first sky master.... can't wait to dry it and try it out!!!!!!!!!!!!
Okay okay, I read ya loud and clear on the fish, but brother if you can get some elk meat and you have a chance to get some bottom round steaks šŸ˜ do it!!!. All elk steak doesn't take very long to cook, very lean. Just depends on how it was taken care of, I usually go with a marinade, Smoky applewood, mesquite, never tried cherry wood though. Post up the pics bro, would luv to see!!!

That sucks ass about the pillars man, but you were able to turn it into a positive of some sort, you got a bunch of stuff done, good on ya for that!!
Hotter than hell again today. I hope this heat gets done soon ok brother take care and keep up the good work.....šŸ‘ŠāœŒļø


Okay okay, I read ya loud and clear on the fish, but brother if you can get some elk meat and you have a chance to get some bottom round steaks šŸ˜ do it!!!. All elk steak doesn't take very long to cook, very lean. Just depends on how it was taken care of, I usually go with a marinade, Smoky applewood, mesquite, never tried cherry wood though. Post up the pics bro, would luv to see!!!

That sucks ass about the pillars man, but you were able to turn it into a positive of some sort, you got a bunch of stuff done, good on ya for that!!
Hotter than hell again today. I hope this heat gets done soon ok brother take care and keep up the good work.....šŸ‘ŠāœŒ

hey happy anniversary to you and yours brother!!!!!!!!!!!!

i hope it cools down for ya soon!! we just had a whopper of a storm roll through today so it's pretty nice out now, even got the windows open!!!

it's still pretty windy though so i might have to wait till tomorrow to burn all the caterpillars! i get real nervous having camp fires here sometimes... i see one amber float up in the air and i get panicked.

i hope you have a fun night bro!!!!



hey everybody!!! hope y'all had a great weekend!!!

i pulled all my tomato and pepper plants.... felt shitty doing it but felt better when i was able to burn all those bastards to a crisp!!!!


i left this first reaper plant... this was ground zero for the caterpillars and the plant is now trying to grow back leaves... i'll let it in here to see if any remaining caterpillars are alive and it will be easy to just look after the one plant.


one good sin is i found one with the predatory wasps eggs on it so they will hatch and hopefully fly around hunting for any other caterpillars!!!


at least the tomatoes that i did get were delicious!!!!


and i still have the asparagus plant, onions, and the cucumbers are growing like crazy!!!




so i will till the ground up a bit and prep the grow beds for some late year spinach.

other than that things have been pretty chill.... still need to harvest the sky master, i'll try and get that done tonight yet. maybe upcan a couple larger plants and get them ready for flowering.

have a great week everybody!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hey everybody!!! sunday sunday sunday!!!!

it's been about a week and i haven't seen any caterpillars in my garden... i'm hoping i burned them all and there are none left!!

my reaper plant is even making a comeback!!!


the scorpion is also growing it's leaves back. this one has a pepper growing on it so i kept it... its also the one that had the caterpillar with wasp eggs on it so i left it alone and there are still a few wasps left that didn't hatch yet so i left it there...



that;s it for now..... i'll gather an update on the ganja plants soon... about to harvest a White Fire!!!!! saw some bud rot though so i hope i got it all cut out.

this post has been chicken approved!!!!


have a great week all......keep em thick and chunky!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Hey everybody.... i got a question for anyone that can help...

so last night i had some money burning a hole in my computer so i went looking at the store here for seeds and found one that really perked my ears. so i added it to my cart...

here's my question... where is the cart to checkout?

i looked for like an hour, tried another browser and everything... i thought it was in the top right corner but i can't find it anywhere... it even shows a notification on my browser tab so the site knows its in the cart...

i am a moron and it's right in front of me......



Hey everybody.... i got a question for anyone that can help...

so last night i had some money burning a hole in my computer so i went looking at the store here for seeds and found one that really perked my ears. so i added it to my cart...

here's my question... where is the cart to checkout?

i looked for like an hour, tried another browser and everything... i thought it was in the top right corner but i can't find it anywhere... it even shows a notification on my browser tab so the site knows its in the cart...

i am a moron and it's right in front of me......

Pretty sure itā€™s ran through this third party,


Pretty sure itā€™s ran through this third party,

ehhhh,... i just looked there and they had the breeder but not the seeds i wanted, plus that place was twice the price!!!! my money ain't burning that bad!! hahaha

thanks anyway though... i appreciate it.


ehhhh,... i just looked there and they had the breeder but not the seeds i wanted, plus that place was twice the price!!!! my money ain't burning that bad!! hahaha

thanks anyway though... i appreciate it.
Maybe itā€™s a different one. I know
Someone had the same issue as you. Sorry bud.


Maybe itā€™s a different one. I know
Someone had the same issue as you. Sorry bud.

thanks man, if i can't figure it out i'll ask a moderator or admin... i just hate to bug them with silly shit.

i know there used to be one... i think it disappeared when the photo of the month banner went up... oh well!!


Hey everybody!!! sunday sunday sunday!!!!

it's been about a week and i haven't seen any caterpillars in my garden... i'm hoping i burned them all and there are none left!!

my reaper plant is even making a comeback!!!

View attachment 1017699

the scorpion is also growing it's leaves back. this one has a pepper growing on it so i kept it... its also the one that had the caterpillar with wasp eggs on it so i left it alone and there are still a few wasps left that didn't hatch yet so i left it there...

View attachment 1017700

View attachment 1017701

that;s it for now..... i'll gather an update on the ganja plants soon... about to harvest a White Fire!!!!! saw some bud rot though so i hope i got it all cut out.

this post has been chicken approved!!!!

View attachment 1017704

have a great week all......keep em thick and chunky!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hoe you get things under control brother, I'll leave you with this chicken approved pic of the great PNW....Have a great week bro..
MVIMG 20200816 202953

From my front yard last night...šŸŽÆāœŒļø


thanks man, if i can't figure it out i'll ask a moderator or admin... i just hate to bug them with silly shit.

i know there used to be one... i think it disappeared when the photo of the month banner went up... oh well!!

The site changes almost every time I seem to log in. I was even accidently banned šŸ˜‡, reinstated, and merged with another profile not my own. Shut the profile down and now I'm back as a "supporter" which I think means I'm well adapted to all methods of trellis support for cannabis šŸ˜Ž
The seed thing has changed a few times for me too but I have'nt clicked lately since the last time I did I was redirected to seedsman in the UK. Lots of new classified adds now too hitting my feed. Like craiglist for seeds or something IDK.
What cut you lookin' for? Something Alien I presume? šŸ‘½
Thse wasp eggs are always trippy to see and I think Fluffy Butt there is my new spirit animalšŸ“
Last edited:


Hoe you get things under control brother, I'll leave you with this chicken approved pic of the great PNW....Have a great week bro..View attachment 1018237
From my front yard last night...šŸŽÆāœŒ

that's gorgeous brother!!! i comphy chair and a smoke and you'd never get rid of me!!!!!! fire up the smoker i'm movin in!!!!!!!! i got my own grow lights... hahahaha

The site changes almost every time I seem to log in. I was even accidently banned šŸ˜‡, reinstated, and merged with another profile not my own. Shut the profile down and now I'm back as a "supporter" which I think means I'm well adapted to all methods of trellis support for cannabis šŸ˜Ž
The seed thing has changed a few times for me too but I have'nt clicked lately since the last time I did I was redirected to seedsman in the UK. Lots of new classified adds now too hitting my feed. Like craiglist for seeds or something IDK.
What cut you lookin' for? Something Alien I presume? šŸ‘½
Thse wasp eggs are always trippy to see and I think Fluffy Butt there is my new spirit animalšŸ“

yeah i still haven't found the cart.. i'm about to just give up. you would think it would be something alien... and yes i looked for that first!!! hahaha but something about the white OG S1 from karma has me wanting to try it...

i'd also like to get a UV sterilizer thats about the same price so if i can't get the seeds by the weekend i'm probably gonna go the other route.

i saw on wednesday (alll daaaaayYYY!!!) haha but yeah tomorrow night on discovery there is a new show with jim belushi growing ganja!!! right after some new dodgeball show... i'm gonna check em both out!!

and yep that fluffy butt is blue bell herself!!! cutest thing on four toes i tell ya!!! her comb recently got really big and it's so heavy it kind of leans over to one side all floppy like... so funny when she is looking straight at ya. of coarse she wouldn't look right at me when i tried to take a pick, or the others would step right in shot.... they had me laughing for like 20 minutes trying to get the picture!!! best redneck entertainment there is... way better than a bug zapper!!!!

so speaking of things flopping over.. my wifi buds got heavy and layed over then they got wet and the mold and rot started!!! it only takes one tiny brown leaf and a little dampness and bam! get ya every time!!!! i've been thinking about changing my area up.. was thinking of maybe getting a 4x8 tent and replacing my turntable with a linear mover like yours. i set one of those movers up for a friend and she loves it, very reliable and really maximizes her area. you helped in picking it out so i knew we were set up for success!!

i'm so limited with the turntable that everything plant related must be mobile and it's tough for me to support buds, never really found a solution. yet... but in the back of my mind i've always dreamed of a better space. plus i ain't gonna lie, it would be nice to have a little more bud on hand, sometimes i run thin. and of coarse we've been smokin more now being home so much.

caviar dreams!!!!!!

OH hey one other thing i saw for you and DJ... i have to pay to get mesquite wood where im at and i normally bought it from my local tru value and it's kinda pricey so i use it sparingly but i found this guy on ebay and i didn't think his pellets were that bad priced. i think pellets smoke better than chips anyway. but i ordered them on saturday night and i got them delivered today already.... less than a dollar a pound and free fedex shipping!!!

Have an awesome week brother!!!!!!!



Hoe you get things under control brother, I'll leave you with this chicken approved pic of the great PNW....Have a great week bro..View attachment 1018237
From my front yard last night...šŸŽÆāœŒ
that's gorgeous brother!!! i comphy chair and a smoke and you'd never get rid of me!!!!!! fire up the smoker i'm movin in!!!!!!!! i got my own grow lights... hahahaha

yeah i still haven't found the cart.. i'm about to just give up. you would think it would be something alien... and yes i looked for that first!!! hahaha but something about the white OG S1 from karma has me wanting to try it...

i'd also like to get a UV sterilizer thats about the same price so if i can't get the seeds by the weekend i'm probably gonna go the other route.

i saw on wednesday (alll daaaaayYYY!!!) haha but yeah tomorrow night on discovery there is a new show with jim belushi growing ganja!!! right after some new dodgeball show... i'm gonna check em both out!!

and yep that fluffy butt is blue bell herself!!! cutest thing on four toes i tell ya!!! her comb recently got really big and it's so heavy it kind of leans over to one side all floppy like... so funny when she is looking straight at ya. of coarse she wouldn't look right at me when i tried to take a pick, or the others would step right in shot.... they had me laughing for like 20 minutes trying to get the picture!!! best redneck entertainment there is... way better than a bug zapper!!!!

so speaking of things flopping over.. my wifi buds got heavy and layed over then they got wet and the mold and rot started!!! it only takes one tiny brown leaf and a little dampness and bam! get ya every time!!!! i've been thinking about changing my area up.. was thinking of maybe getting a 4x8 tent and replacing my turntable with a linear mover like yours. i set one of those movers up for a friend and she loves it, very reliable and really maximizes her area. you helped in picking it out so i knew we were set up for success!!

i'm so limited with the turntable that everything plant related must be mobile and it's tough for me to support buds, never really found a solution. yet... but in the back of my mind i've always dreamed of a better space. plus i ain't gonna lie, it would be nice to have a little more bud on hand, sometimes i run thin. and of coarse we've been smokin more now being home so much.

caviar dreams!!!!!!

OH hey one other thing i saw for you and DJ... i have to pay to get mesquite wood where im at and i normally bought it from my local tru value and it's kinda pricey so i use it sparingly but i found this guy on ebay and i didn't think his pellets were that bad priced. i think pellets smoke better than chips anyway. but i ordered them on saturday night and i got them delivered today already.... less than a dollar a pound and free fedex shipping!!!

Have an awesome week brother!!!!!!!

lm sure I can find a place for a hamic somewhere...


that's gorgeous brother!!! i comphy chair and a smoke and you'd never get rid of me!!!!!! fire up the smoker i'm movin in!!!!!!!! i got my own grow lights... hahahaha

yeah i still haven't found the cart.. i'm about to just give up. you would think it would be something alien... and yes i looked for that first!!! hahaha but something about the white OG S1 from karma has me wanting to try it...

i'd also like to get a UV sterilizer thats about the same price so if i can't get the seeds by the weekend i'm probably gonna go the other route.

i saw on wednesday (alll daaaaayYYY!!!) haha but yeah tomorrow night on discovery there is a new show with jim belushi growing ganja!!! right after some new dodgeball show... i'm gonna check em both out!!

and yep that fluffy butt is blue bell herself!!! cutest thing on four toes i tell ya!!! her comb recently got really big and it's so heavy it kind of leans over to one side all floppy like... so funny when she is looking straight at ya. of coarse she wouldn't look right at me when i tried to take a pick, or the others would step right in shot.... they had me laughing for like 20 minutes trying to get the picture!!! best redneck entertainment there is... way better than a bug zapper!!!!

so speaking of things flopping over.. my wifi buds got heavy and layed over then they got wet and the mold and rot started!!! it only takes one tiny brown leaf and a little dampness and bam! get ya every time!!!! i've been thinking about changing my area up.. was thinking of maybe getting a 4x8 tent and replacing my turntable with a linear mover like yours. i set one of those movers up for a friend and she loves it, very reliable and really maximizes her area. you helped in picking it out so i knew we were set up for success!!

i'm so limited with the turntable that everything plant related must be mobile and it's tough for me to support buds, never really found a solution. yet... but in the back of my mind i've always dreamed of a better space. plus i ain't gonna lie, it would be nice to have a little more bud on hand, sometimes i run thin. and of coarse we've been smokin more now being home so much.

caviar dreams!!!!!!

OH hey one other thing i saw for you and DJ... i have to pay to get mesquite wood where im at and i normally bought it from my local tru value and it's kinda pricey so i use it sparingly but i found this guy on ebay and i didn't think his pellets were that bad priced. i think pellets smoke better than chips anyway. but i ordered them on saturday night and i got them delivered today already.... less than a dollar a pound and free fedex shipping!!!

Have an awesome week brother!!!!!!!

come on up brother and bring them grow lights.....šŸ‘Š


that's gorgeous brother!!! i comphy chair and a smoke and you'd never get rid of me!!!!!! fire up the smoker i'm movin in!!!!!!!! i got my own grow lights... hahahaha

yeah i still haven't found the cart.. i'm about to just give up. you would think it would be something alien... and yes i looked for that first!!! hahaha but something about the white OG S1 from karma has me wanting to try it...

i'd also like to get a UV sterilizer thats about the same price so if i can't get the seeds by the weekend i'm probably gonna go the other route.

i saw on wednesday (alll daaaaayYYY!!!) haha but yeah tomorrow night on discovery there is a new show with jim belushi growing ganja!!! right after some new dodgeball show... i'm gonna check em both out!!

and yep that fluffy butt is blue bell herself!!! cutest thing on four toes i tell ya!!! her comb recently got really big and it's so heavy it kind of leans over to one side all floppy like... so funny when she is looking straight at ya. of coarse she wouldn't look right at me when i tried to take a pick, or the others would step right in shot.... they had me laughing for like 20 minutes trying to get the picture!!! best redneck entertainment there is... way better than a bug zapper!!!!

so speaking of things flopping over.. my wifi buds got heavy and layed over then they got wet and the mold and rot started!!! it only takes one tiny brown leaf and a little dampness and bam! get ya every time!!!! i've been thinking about changing my area up.. was thinking of maybe getting a 4x8 tent and replacing my turntable with a linear mover like yours. i set one of those movers up for a friend and she loves it, very reliable and really maximizes her area. you helped in picking it out so i knew we were set up for success!!

i'm so limited with the turntable that everything plant related must be mobile and it's tough for me to support buds, never really found a solution. yet... but in the back of my mind i've always dreamed of a better space. plus i ain't gonna lie, it would be nice to have a little more bud on hand, sometimes i run thin. and of coarse we've been smokin more now being home so much.

caviar dreams!!!!!!

OH hey one other thing i saw for you and DJ... i have to pay to get mesquite wood where im at and i normally bought it from my local tru value and it's kinda pricey so i use it sparingly but i found this guy on ebay and i didn't think his pellets were that bad priced. i think pellets smoke better than chips anyway. but i ordered them on saturday night and i got them delivered today already.... less than a dollar a pound and free fedex shipping!!!

Have an awesome week brother!!!!!!!


I gotta set my DVR for that show! Sounds cool!
I have some heavy buds too giving me lots of trouble. It's like bricks on the end of a rope and expecting the rope to stand up straight and firm.
I'm using stakes on some plants but have to use yoyos whne they start popping the wire or velcro ties and fall over. I'm not one to pump a plant full of silica or anything hoping to bulk up the stalks. I dont think that stuff works anyways. Hybrid breeding has brought us to this point of huge, heavy weight flowers on smaller plants. It's like if humans started being bred for bigger noggins, eventually the neck and spine would not be able to hold watermelon size heads up on our shoulders šŸ¤Ŗ
Trellising helps but if too low they still flop over right below the main colas. Too high and there's string in the good frosty parts. Catch 22. It's a rodeo for me every grow.

Tents and movers dont play well with each other too often Brother. Unless you go high end like a Gorilla or Gualala's light rail specific tent many tent frames are that cheap and flimsy metal tubing which bends with too much weight and causes the rail clip mounts to twist. Not to mention the lost headroom. With your skills I'd build a new cab man šŸ˜‰
I may have a motor for you to keep the cost down. I'm getting a little flu stimulus for stoners package together for ya and hope to send it soon. If I have that motor I'll get it in there for sure!
I have this paranoia thing where if the weed supply gets low I kinda panic. And by low I mean having less than a lb on hand at any given time šŸ˜‹
That's the main reason I do monocrops these days...I get nervous if I only have a few oz on hand and like having a lb or two of several strains, several oz of each on hand at any given time. Takes the pressure off the timing of perpetual supply but does have it's days of huge workloads like upcans and trimming all at one time rather than be spread out.
It's different...way less cloning as I use seeds most...that can get expensive so I breed the good stuff for free seeds and there's a lot more attention paid to curing and long term storage. Since the lockdown hit I've kinda been doing a hybrid of mono and perpetual and I think I like it a lot. Smaller crops running continuous but everything is the same age and size. It's a 100-120 day process and looks to be yielding higher quality and weights than if I was doing a big crop or managing plants of different age and sizes. This is cheaper, easier, and faster yet giving me better results so I'll keep it going. After my next crop I might have enough weed to last until 2022!šŸ„°


lm sure I can find a place for a hamic somewhere...
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come on up brother and bring them grow lights.....šŸ‘Š

Oh i 'll bring it all man, lights, fans, cloners, plants... hell i ain't leaving it behind!! i guess i'm gonna have to bring my woman too, she'd be pissed if i left her behind and took the plants!! hahahaha

I gotta set my DVR for that show! Sounds cool!
I have some heavy buds too giving me lots of trouble. It's like bricks on the end of a rope and expecting the rope to stand up straight and firm.
I'm using stakes on some plants but have to use yoyos whne they start popping the wire or velcro ties and fall over. I'm not one to pump a plant full of silica or anything hoping to bulk up the stalks. I dont think that stuff works anyways. Hybrid breeding has brought us to this point of huge, heavy weight flowers on smaller plants. It's like if humans started being bred for bigger noggins, eventually the neck and spine would not be able to hold watermelon size heads up on our shoulders šŸ¤Ŗ
Trellising helps but if too low they still flop over right below the main colas. Too high and there's string in the good frosty parts. Catch 22. It's a rodeo for me every grow.

Tents and movers dont play well with each other too often Brother. Unless you go high end like a Gorilla or Gualala's light rail specific tent many tent frames are that cheap and flimsy metal tubing which bends with too much weight and causes the rail clip mounts to twist. Not to mention the lost headroom. With your skills I'd build a new cab man šŸ˜‰
I may have a motor for you to keep the cost down. I'm getting a little flu stimulus for stoners package together for ya and hope to send it soon. If I have that motor I'll get it in there for sure!
I have this paranoia thing where if the weed supply gets low I kinda panic. And by low I mean having less than a lb on hand at any given time šŸ˜‹
That's the main reason I do monocrops these days...I get nervous if I only have a few oz on hand and like having a lb or two of several strains, several oz of each on hand at any given time. Takes the pressure off the timing of perpetual supply but does have it's days of huge workloads like upcans and trimming all at one time rather than be spread out.
It's different...way less cloning as I use seeds most...that can get expensive so I breed the good stuff for free seeds and there's a lot more attention paid to curing and long term storage. Since the lockdown hit I've kinda been doing a hybrid of mono and perpetual and I think I like it a lot. Smaller crops running continuous but everything is the same age and size. It's a 100-120 day process and looks to be yielding higher quality and weights than if I was doing a big crop or managing plants of different age and sizes. This is cheaper, easier, and faster yet giving me better results so I'll keep it going. After my next crop I might have enough weed to last until 2022!šŸ„°

ah so much great info in that post brother... you're absolutely right i would be way better off just building a cabinet.. well really i only have to build an extension... i have at least four feet to left to expand even way more just not sure how big i wanna go... my veg area can handle pretty much whatever i'd want to expand to.

a lot to think about, i don't wanna just dive in to fast and regret something right after i finished...

one question right off for ya though if ya don't mind... i assume i should use two separate mover rails, one for each lec light? i figured both lights including some sort of bracket to hold both and still be able to use my winches would be to heavy and would just wear on the mover to much. gotta have the winches!! i was thinking two independent movers. i'm not worried about having exhaust ducts or anything, i have a thermostat in my igloo so no worries there!! haha just two winches, a small steel bracket all mounted to a mover. then a mirror of that right next to it covering like a 10 x 4 space. sound doable?

i got a goody bag gathered up for you as well... was kinda waiting on that sky master harvest...

so i decided not to buy the seeds or the UV sterilizer, instead we decided we were getting a new vacuum cleaner for the house. hahaha i got schwooper'd on that one... i was all high, walked right into it, next thing i knew i was online clicking buy now!!!


edit>>> you gotta check out netflix cartoon hoops.... adults only!!!
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