What you need to know before applying job as cannabis farmer

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IMO if the government Was smart and or cared about the people, they would have regulated in a way the the people in the black market could convert in this business to tax paying citizens instead of creating a market that’s impossible to get into for the little guy, trying to squash them all out while their corporate buddies can get LPs and the government can make more money that they will inevitably misuse. Hence why there is still a “black market” alongside a regulated market. Vent cycling off.
Pushrod Monkey

Pushrod Monkey

IMO if the government Was smart and or cared about the people, they would have regulated in a way the the people in the black market could convert in this business to tax paying citizens instead of creating a market that’s impossible to get into for the little guy, trying to squash them all out while their corporate buddies can get LPs and the government can make more money that they will inevitably misuse. Hence why there is still a “black market” alongside a regulated market. Vent cycling off.
I love the black market. I can drive to Touristville here and unload a bunch of fat eighths. They don’t balk at $50 for my products.


I’m in no way against the black market, merely shaking a stick in discontent for government in general. @Pushrod Monkey


No government that imposed laws and incarcerated people for possessing or cultivating flowers from a harmless plant has any business profiting from one.

I suggest a complete boycott of regulated weed before we aren’t even allowed to grow our own plants again. Just look at the lower and lower allowed plant counts.

surely dont thank and pay the scum who used to arrest us.


No government that imposed laws and incarcerated people for possessing or cultivating flowers from a harmless plant has any business profiting from one.

I suggest a complete boycott of regulated weed before we aren’t even allowed to grow our own plants again. Just look at the lower and lower allowed plant counts.

surely dont thank and pay the scum who used to arrest us.
100% with you on this.
Pushrod Monkey

Pushrod Monkey

Alaska historically turned their back to pot growers. I can only recall two people who really really pushed it that the state put down. To this day 24 plants or less are a misdemeanor. I’ve never known anyone picked up for growing and possession only in traffic stops and the cops wanted to screw with them. Meth or anything else is a totally different story.

$50 an ounce tax on flower. Paid by the grower. $25 for trim and $15 for garbage like roots and stems you might use for whatever. Don’t even think of dumping trim or anything in the trash and recovering it later because the video system you bought and feed to the state shows it. Two idiots in Anchorage found out.

However we pay the highest beer tax in the country as well along with the second highest taxes on wine and spirits both. Government has always had no trouble passing “sin taxes” and it’s no different than the mob sending some knuckledragger to collect from you or else.


Never trust a doctor who's plants have died.
What’s the penalty for a private citizen being in possession of a pound of marijuana?
Here in Seattle, if you don't have a license, they will take your pound. That's about it. If you were TRYING to sell it too them, it might make it a bit more complex.


Never trust a doctor who's plants have died.
no. I did not know that. But I wish Michigan voters had been more patient. Our medical weed laws were much better than the retail hell we get now.

I dont care though. 35 years I didn’t care and I don’t participate in regulated weed now. I payed them for a med card a while but they just keep regulating and regulating...
Fuck those CARDS, AND THIER BS LIMITS. When the police show up I'll give them all those licences I paid for in past years for the both of us, I'm not giving them ANYMORE OF MY MONEY, PERIOD... They can take my dope, I'll grow more of it. 10x more even, and they'll have to kill/incarcerate me to stop it.

The vast majority of the weed I grow, and the seeds I make, and the plants I spout are given away for free. To people with CANCER, EPILEPSY, and other urgent needs. Those are the facts.
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Fuck those CARDS. When the police show up I'll give them all those licences I paid for in past years for the both of us, I'm not giving them ANYMORE OF MY MONEY. They can take my dope, I'll grow more of it. 10x more even, and they'll have to kill/incarcerate me to stop it.

I stopped paying them for the med license when they stopped allowing us to sell overages to the dispensary. Been years now. And I stopped paying to be a licensed caregiver when they started raiding the dispensaries we worked with.


I stopped paying them for the med license when they stopped allowing us to sell overages to the dispensary. Been years now. And I stopped paying to be a licensed caregiver when they started raiding the dispensaries we worked with.
Do they still “allow” caregivers to sell to shops?


The same people who made money locking MFers up for decades are the same ones making coin. Screw the greed and screw slavery in all forms. Here in the US we are supposed to follow the Constitution but we have just about disregarded that. Big Government makes small people ALWAYS. Now we have conned the people into throwing away the keys to their shackles.
Great quote from marcus you have the same passion by the sounds of it peace ✌️
Pushrod Monkey

Pushrod Monkey

How about on-site consumption? I think a total of 3 places in Alaska have been approved. I was an RN for decades including OR at Level I trauma centers complying with JCAHO accreditation surveys.

It was easier in those!!!!!!!! And sadly anti-smoking laws in place everywhere makes this one a really steep uphill climb. With liquor we have stores and then we have bars and nightclubs. Not with cannabis. Not allowed.


Never trust a doctor who's plants have died.
Great quote from marcus you have the same passion by the sounds of it peace ✌️
Personally, I think he got the first part right, and the second part completely and utterly wrong. Sounds like red-neck gibber gabber too me. Tall-tales from the religious fanatic loonie farms.

Big Government saved your from being made into a commie.

I've lived in virtually every state in this country, and I've been on the top of the heap, and buried far below it. I've lived in the bushes under highways, for YEARS. I trained my neurology under the "so called" great Ben Carson, at Johns Hopkins University Hospital. That idiot forgot where he came from, and who his people were.

If it wasn't for schools, roads, hospitials, military, BIG GOVERNMENT we wouldn't be ANYWHERE. You wouldn't be reading my post on the internet, there would be no satellites in orbit, or space ships, or particle accelerators. If it wasn't for BIG GOVERNMENT, Albert Einstein would have been some rich-assholes accountant, and NONE of this would have EVER HAPPENED.

But with all great things, there must be balance. Safeguards, Checks and balances, and when those fail, the SYSTEM FAILS. Then people fail. BIG GOVERNMENT isn't the problem, it's the people running that big government, that's the real problem that need resolution. BIG GOVERNMENT IS AWESOME, IF IT'S DONE FOR EVERYONE.

IT'S WHAT MADE AMERICA GREAT. NOT, a bunch of no-nothing red-necks, who've never been 100 miles from their hometowns, except to visit Cancun, to have the Mexican's serve them liquor. (Disclaimer: To be clear, I'm not attacking anyone's beliefs, I'm just stating my reality, as I see it.)
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Fuck those CARDS, AND THIER BS LIMITS. When the police show up I'll give them all those licences I paid for in past years for the both of us, I'm not giving them ANYMORE OF MY MONEY, PERIOD... They can take my dope, I'll grow more of it. 10x more even, and they'll have to kill/incarcerate me to stop it.

The vast majority of the weed I grow, and the seeds I make, and the plants I spout are given away for free. To people with CANCER, EPILEPSY, and other urgent needs. Those are the facts.
Like this mans style I’m English different story altogether but I cannot accept and won’t be told that I cannot grow a plant by anybody lawmakers or not and they will never stop me from doing it again and again for the rest of my life some very very good things that are being made clear on the way they are controlling the way that you are buying the legal stuff very interesting and informative to the likes of me peace ✌️ to all


You mean corporations running that big government? 😉 😆

Size of government has to do with the amount of power that it has, right? Which is why countries with dominion over larger areas of land tend to have imperialist, threatening governments. People in power want to remain in power, and don't want to lose what power they have, so the balance of power globally tends to be smaller countries being "protected" by bigger ones. Now that global borders are more or less set with a few exceptions, countries have to rely on exploiting their domestic workforce to increasing degrees to increase profits. It's happening in China, Russia, the US, Brazil, Canada, India... So the size of a government definitely correlates with the amount of authoritarian tendencies that it has.

Government is as big as people let it be. If there was a general strike for a $20 per hour minimum wage across the continent, it would get passed before August. We have the power, they just want us to think they do.

We don't have to buy their products, we don't have to watch their propaganda and subscribe to the current manufactured outrage, we just have to organize the power of working class people and unite based on our similarities, not our differences.

Fun fact: the term "the white race" was first used in the US in 1613 (https://aeon.co/ideas/how-white-people-were-invented-by-a-playwright-in-1613), and has been used, along with police and private armies to bust unions, to keep disadvantaged white people from gaining class consciousness since. Racism is an intentional government tool to keep the working class divided and fighting for the table scraps of the aristocracy. The CIA didn't kill MLK because he wanted racial equality, they killed him because he realized that and started working towards it.
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Never trust a doctor who's plants have died.
It's all a fucking game to them, and we are the cannon fodder, on both sides.

So make your bunkers, and stockpile weapons all you want, because that's going to do jack shit, and they well know it. This is spiritual warfare, not fought in the physical realm.

Exodus 23:27 "I will send my terror ahead of you and throw into confusion every nation you encounter. I will make all your enemies turn their backs and run.
Deuteronomy 7:23 But the LORD your God will deliver them over to you, throwing them into great confusion until they are destroyed.

And finally, the Bible speaks clearly to us: (Those of us the United States)
These are the words of the Son of God, whose eyes are like a blazing fire and whose feet are like polished bronze.
I know your deeds—your love, your faith, your service, your perseverance—and your latter deeds are greater than your first.
But I have this against you: You tolerate that woman Jezebel, who calls herself a prophetess. By her teaching she misleads My servants to be sexually immoral and to eat food sacrificed to idols. Even though I have given her time to repent of her immorality, she is unwilling.

Behold, I will cast her onto a bed of sickness, and those who commit adultery with her will suffer great tribulation unless they repent of her deeds. Then I will strike her children dead, and all the churches will know that I am the One who searches minds and hearts, and I will repay each of you according to your deeds.

But I say to the rest of you in Thyatira, who do not hold to her teaching and have not learned the so-called deep things of Satan: I will place no further burden upon you. Nevertheless, hold fast to what you have until I come. And to the one who overcomes and continues in My work until the end, I will give authority over the nations. He will rule them with an iron scepter and shatter them like pottery —just as I have received authority from My Father. And I will give him the morning star.

He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.
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Never trust a doctor who's plants have died.
That pretty much sums it up. It kinda brings into focus the absurdity and inanity of it all.
Indentured servitude in exchange for some paper with photographs of dead presidents.

It was given power to wage war against God’s holy people and to conquer them. And it was given authority over every tribe, people, language and nation. All inhabitants of the earth will worship the beast—all whose names have not been written in the Lamb’s book of life, the Lamb who was slain from the creation of the world.

Whoever has ears, let them hear.

“If anyone is to go into captivity,
into captivity they will go.
If anyone is to be killed with the sword,
with the sword they will be killed.”
This calls for patient endurance and faithfulness on the part of God’s people.

It also forced all people, great and small, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hands or on their foreheads, so that they could not buy or sell unless they had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of its name.
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Never trust a doctor who's plants have died.
Then these same motherfuckers will sit and tell you, they can't print anymore money, because it will devalue the money they have stashed away. It will DEVALUE their fucking hoarding.

Because they are so smart, and wise, and cunning... to have hoarded it all. I would like to line people like that up, and drop them straight into the fire myself, but am content to simply witness it.
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