No till regenerative

  • Thread starter shaganja
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This page has the bad stuff and the good stuff. It is for informational purposes. I want ppl to learn from my mistakes. Cause i dont want you to make these mistakes. I want you to grow great weed! Cause then more ppl grow great weed. And we have an upswing in quality as a whole in the market. This is pretty new way to grow for most of us. Even tho its hundreds of years old, so i am happy this information gets out to as many as possible. We learned to grow in an illegal market. So we didnt get to learn this style. We learned how to grow inside. And a fertilizer business grew from our gullability. Guilty as charged. But now we have the opportunity to learn this age old farming technique. So, you get to see the nice harvests, but also get to see mistakes, and results. Am very happy for thc farmer! Have learned so much from you guys and girls! And love to be a part of this learning process!
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I did find a ring of mold where stem meets dirt on worse affected plant. So maybe I need some oxygen to combat the mold? Ok, gonna try some peroxide today. Its hail Mary time.
Did it resemble anything like this?

This is a photo of Rhizocotonia that, like Fusarium can be prevented but not cured.

gonna try some peroxide today. Its hail Mary time.
You might find this to be an enlightening read:


Fusarium oxysporium. There are 14 strains. This is the one that affects hemp or cannabis. Am seeing this on my michigan forums also this season. So much rain this year. My suggestion so far is peroxide. Give the fungus oxygen. And dry the plant out as much as the plant will let you. The fungus needs moisture to grow. I havent beat this thing yet. The answers say you cant. But i dont like that word. They say chop and roast em out, or toss soil. Lol im not tossing out 8 yards of this wonderful cow from my feed store. Took two weeks to put it in! Instead, Im killing a fungus! Time to work on the soil. Am planting cover crops after harvest. Mustard, sudangrass, horsetail, nettles, hairyvetch, and broccoli. These are noted to help clean the soil of harmful fungus. Best of luck to all who have this shitty fungus. What a year of learning! Lol
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Alright farmers, the only thing i can find is, micorizal fungus additives to combat the bad fungus. Makes sense. And just found this MYCOSTOP. Picked up the 2 gram bag for 30 bucks. Dont know how to link, but if you are having wilt issues, this could be some help.


Did it resemble anything like this?

This is a photo of Rhizocotonia that, like Fusarium can be prevented but not cured.

You might find this to be an enlightening read:
Thanks! You posts are helping me do the research to fight this muthafungus! Lol


i have a feeling your issues are drainage related, whats the bottom of your pit look like? How much do you water, and how much rain do you get?


i have a feeling your issues are drainage related, whats the bottom of your pit look like? How much do you water, and how much rain do you get?
Yeah. Its a clay pit. I did dig 1 hole under everyplant, that goes down to the wet sand under the clay. They were done for drainage, and to let the tap find water. But, it has been raining all summer. I never water. The greenhouse sits less then a hundred yards from a river. just covered them last week, for flower. And the rain slowed down, and temp is dropping, so that is good. Hopefully the soil will dry, but this composted cow from my feed store holds water so well.


yeah, i always preach preventative gardening, really checking out and getting deep into the environment and the rhythms of that area. In your area its humid and moist from your proximity to the river, and on top of that you get a high amount of rain fall that tells me that you have a high chance of dealing with fungal activity, molds, mildews, and the like. Cannabis is highly susceptible to fungal attack, either PM or Bud mold, but also stem rot can occur. If i were to chose a spot and set up for these conditions i would choose the highest and driest area on your property and put raised beds or ideally fabric pots with a lot of spacing for verity of reasons. I would avoid too much cover cropping and mulch, not cut it out but just less, have tons of room in between each plant, and make sure to keep the area in between and around clear of weeds. Sun light, heat and wind are the best killers of mildew and molds so i would plan accordingly.
Sorry to break it to ya but you have created not ideal conditions for your plants, you have low drainage in your media, coupled with it being in a clay pit you probably have excess water causing a slew of issues. On top of that your plants are low and somewhat sunk into the ground, not too much air flow or light getting to the soil to dry it out. Having live composting in your beds and a lot of cover cropping/mulch from it it a killer idea but imo in your spot its a bad move, adding to the chances of having mold, mildew and rot.
Put your soil into pots or beds above ground some where hot and sunny, make EWC in tubs or beds and use after composted, and keep to your cover cropping and companion planting. Mix out your cow with peat or coco, get some fresh compost and some pumice/lavarock/pearlite/ ricehulls and make em' 200 gal pots/beds if ya can!! You'll grow pounders for days, and could easily achieve multipule per , promise!!


Alright farmers, the only thing i can find is, micorizal fungus additives to combat the bad fungus. Makes sense. And just found this MYCOSTOP. Picked up the 2 gram bag for 30 bucks. Dont know how to link, but if you are having wilt issues, this could be some help.
But do you know HOW it "combats the bad fungus"? I'll tell you: mycorrhizal fungi colonize healthy plant root cells in a mutualistic relationship that evolutionarily developed in phosphorus deficient soils. The myco fungi are much more efficient at accessing phosphorus in mineral soils where most of it is not in the soil solution, so they trade the phosphate for sugar from photosynthesis.

They can prevent infection from bad fungus but only in low phosphate soils or they will hardly colonize your plants roots. But they can't treat or cure an infection that already exists. FYI.
Yeah. Its a clay pit.
Sounds like you need a raised bed or mound


Bummer on the plant loss. When I look at this picture it appears that the stem has Botrytis. (Admitted hard to tell in picture.) Certainly a bummer, but not catastrophic. And the plant on the right has dark on the stem. I’d keep the stem clean, high and dry.

DBB6E2B9 134E 4578 A018 501D3E1F8580


Bummer on the plant loss. When I look at this picture it appears that the stem has Botrytis. (Admitted hard to tell in picture.) Certainly a bummer, but not catastrophic. And the plant on the right has dark on the stem. I’d keep the stem clean, high and dry.

View attachment 1164040
Not just a bummer. Its my calming medicine. No dispo has it. Its gonna be a bad year.


Mold on stems where the vaseline was. I cut multiple branches. I dont see fusarium. I think all this damage came from my dumb ass using vaseline on the stems for slugs. So here is a a lesson for everyone, DO NOT USE VASELINE, on your plants. It destroys the stem where you put it on, and creates a nice place for mold to grow. This might just be a simple yet tragic mistake. Am flowering out my closet early to start medicinal weed. Hopefully I can have some done by the time this is gone. I cut clones from infected plants, but as soon as put them in rooters, they picked right up! This is one reason I think it's not a fungus. The rest of outdoor plants are happy too. Praying even! I think this was just a very dumb mistake. We will see after harvest.


Said goodbye to dying plants, and am happy for my survivors! Stepping back into the path of progression. This plant helps us practice non attachment. How awesome is that? Lol
Have made the exec. Decision to move the thcv project to the greenhouse. I will make the babies for the project out there. So now have room to start some medicine. cracking acaranian gold, and lemon blue. Clipped a fucking incredible clone, before the plant died, so can still get chance to grow her out, and cross her with Acapulco. Create another calming strain. Am determined to help myself, and my p.t.s.d. freinds to find some calm in the storm of life!


Oh yeah! There is an awesome cannabis company coming to my neck of the woods! Evergreen organics. Natural, no till, closed loop, self sufficiency focused cannabis! So happy to finally see some natural farmers in the business here in the u.p! This could be the start of something great for the area. Les cheneaux artisanal! It's really good news for this area too. We are waterfront, vacation, islands, boats, type of community, so this organic natural farming method fits right in! Pure michigan


Mold on stems where the vaseline was. I cut multiple branches. I dont see fusarium. I think all this damage came from my dumb ass using vaseline on the stems for slugs.
Fusarium is hard to identify; it may not be noticeable in vascular (stem) tissue without a microscope. Typically, lab testing is done to get a solid confirmation on Fusarium.
How much vaseline did you put on the stems? If you just put it on a few inches on the base of the stem it shouldn't have had any effect.
But how serious is your slug issue? Slugs have never been a significant pest on Cannabis for me. Have you tried a beer trap?


Yes, will try different methods to control slugs next year, if they become an issue. They havent been an issue since i covered them. No rain. No slugs. The vaseline, despite how you might think vaseline affects a plant, i got proof, it destroys the bark within a couple months. But on a good note, ive been needing more info on girdling. Not much on the internet. Now i get to see exactly what happens when you destroy the cambium layer. Lol. It takes just a couple days, before the drop of leaves start, then complete droop, then yellowing of everything except tops that are kinda staying alive. All this takes about two weeks. I therorize, the mexicans did this to thier sativas, to kill them faster, and found it created better terpene expression, while keeping them on schedule to keep us americans fed. Lol


When you gather the imo, aren't you supposed to remove the funky colored mold, then make your solution?
Seems I remember that from watching some of the videos of knf.


From my understanding, the mold is what we are trying to create. Mold is the fungus we want to put into our soil. Was so suprised to see the many different types of colors that came from this. From my understanding, these many different colors are different types of micos. We want different colors, because that means we have diversity.


Why grow males outside I mean I get you might want some seeds but best to keep indoors if anybody around you was trying to grow for some smoke the pollen from your plant will seed out and ruin there plants I live in the PNW and this type of stuff could ruin 1000s of plants just by one guy growing males out side seems selfish to me


I watch my males very carefully. When i do this, i watch everyday. When i see a single bract open, i chop. I know he dropped, even tho not very much, but i know it doesnt take much. He never gets a chance fully drop. All i wanna see is the first open bract. Even more, the plants on the male side got some pollen, but the other side of the greenhouse didnt even get touched. I can tell when i harvest. The plants that got some pollen, have 1 or 2 seeds at bottom of nugs. Thats it. Ive done this type of open pollenation for a few years now. My neighbors have no need for worry.

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