desperately In need of advice!

  • Thread starter ayeob
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how long do you usually cure for?
A month is good if you can. Longer could continue to show improvements. Cool, dark space is good, if the room is in the 60s that's better than the 70s. But then it's technique. Keeping that consistent almost dry but still a little inner moisture to allow the buds/stalks to keep transitioning back and forth between almost dry, and just slightly moist. That's something you'll get a feel for over time. Opening the jars every 24 to 48 hours, it should be moist enough to allow more air drying but not so moist it allows for mold.....any ammonia or vinegar smell will tell you it's too moist and needed to be aired out longer......if there's not enough moisture that 24 to 48 hours in the jar doesn't moisten them back a little then it's too dry......better to lean a bit towards too dry until you really get that feel. You can't undo spoiled or moldy, but you can add a little piece of fruit peel or something to add a little moisture if it's too dry. It's in that transition back and forth, every day or 2, finding that zone where after 3, 4+ weeks you start getting it. Smoother, less green, less harsh, smells and taste keep'll know.


A month is good if you can. Longer could continue to show improvements. Cool, dark space is good, if the room is in the 60s that's better than the 70s. But then it's technique. Keeping that consistent almost dry but still a little inner moisture to allow the buds/stalks to keep transitioning back and forth between almost dry, and just slightly moist. That's something you'll get a feel for over time. Opening the jars every 24 to 48 hours, it should be moist enough to allow more air drying but not so moist it allows for mold.....any ammonia or vinegar smell will tell you it's too moist and needed to be aired out longer......if there's not enough moisture that 24 to 48 hours in the jar doesn't moisten them back a little then it's too dry......better to lean a bit towards too dry until you really get that feel. You can't undo spoiled or moldy, but you can add a little piece of fruit peel or something to add a little moisture if it's too dry. It's in that transition back and forth, every day or 2, finding that zone where after 3, 4+ weeks you start getting it. Smoother, less green, less harsh, smells and taste keep'll know.
okay i saved this for reference lol how long do you keep the jar open for? that’s called “burping” right?


okay i saved this for reference lol how long do you keep the jar open for? that’s called “burping” right?
Yep. It's more than just opening and closing the jar. You might need to even take the buds/stalks out of the jar, especially in the beginning because you don't just want to let air out/exchange the want to allow some time for re-drying. Eventually that could mean leaving the jars open for an hour or more, but in the beginning you might need more re-drying time than that. You will get the feel for it and a feel for the times.....

How big the buds/stalks are, the size of the jars......don't force/cram them into the jar but they should mostly fill the jar, with enough air also want to protect the buds, not bruise, damage/knock off the resin....

The amount of leaves you leave on will also matter. You want to leave some leaves on in the beginning to allow for that back and forth. It's a chemical change,'s really not much different than how tobacco is cured. Instead of being "green", bitter, hay-like, want that sweet weed/resin smell, smooth.....

All of this is experience and feel but you'll get it and be rewarded. Not picking too early, letting it properly ripen before harvesting, and good what makes an "8 or 9" become a 10.
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okay i saved this for reference lol how long do you keep the jar open for? that’s called “burping” right?
A few minutes is fine. A buddy does 5 minutes.

I open them all, grind some, put in pipe, clean up, close all jars, put away. I also use the boost or RH pads.


Yep. It's more than just opening and closing the jar. You might need to even take the buds/stalks out of the jar, especially in the beginning because you don't just want to let air out/exchange the want to allow some time for re-drying. Eventually that could mean leaving the jars open for an hour or more, but in the beginning you might need more re-drying time than that. You will get the feel for it and a feel for the times.....
so i take all of it out and dry it again? or how do i do that?


A few minutes is fine. A buddy does 5 minutes.

I open them all, grind some, put in pipe, clean up, close all jars, put away.
okay for sure, i think i was looking at jars that help with that. don’t remember what they’re called


yeah i am, my humidifier my buddy lent me doesn’t have humidstat, my new humidifier with humidistat comes in on wednesday and it should help keep it better
My spot was great until fall. Now I need to use a tent or find/make a spot.


My spot was great until fall. Now I need to use a tent or find/make a spot.
what happened to it?

also side note i just checked the bud i know they’re not gonna be dry yet but when i touched them they weren’t sticky.


Yep. It's more than just opening and closing the jar. You might need to even take the buds/stalks out of the jar, especially in the beginning because you don't just want to let air out/exchange the want to allow some time for re-drying. Eventually that could mean leaving the jars open for an hour or more, but in the beginning you might need more re-drying time than that. You will get the feel for it and a feel for the times.....
Doesn’t this depend on his environment? I had the opposite problem of drying to fast last time.

My jars needed the RH pads but are fine after that. I also put the small hygrometer in the jars. Just in case.


so i take all of it out and dry it again? or how do i do that?
If need be, yes......I know this requires time, work, you are harvesting, hanging, trimming, and you think "there's still all this curing work!?", but it matters, you will be rewarded. And if it means spending an hour carefully taking buds/stalks out of jars (bigger jars help, instead of 30 small jars, buy quart, even half gallon mason jars, make your life a little easier).....but yeah, take the time to pack and unpack the jars every day or so. You'll find your routine and get more efficient at it.

You've already done 90% of your drying after hanging. So when you unpack the jars, you can lay the buds/stalks out on cardboard or don't have to re-hang them all....

I like to trim over the course of curing stages......trimming, re-drying, cutting stalks down, repacking, more triming,'s all going on together, over time, back and forth, until you're left with you final, properly dried, cured, trimmed product that makes you say "this is great, I done good" ;)


what happened to it?
Sorry, missed this. Seasons changed and the furnace came on. 🤣

also side note i just checked the bud i know they’re not gonna be dry yet but when i touched them they weren’t sticky.
The more you touch the more you lose. 😝

Things will dry out more on the surface. They rub against each other etc.

Some will be more sticky, some not.

Before you test grind one or two smaller buds check it out. The squishyness. Pull it open. You’ll see, smell and feel the stuff.


Doesn’t this depend on his environment? I had the opposite problem of drying to fast last time.

My jars needed the RH pads but are fine after that. I also put the small hygrometer in the jars. Just in case.
Sure....everything matters. Temp, humidity, the room itself, bud/stalk sizes, all of it. It's all feel and experience.


The more you touch the more you lose. 😝

Things will dry out more on the surface. They rub against each other etc.

Some will be more sticky, some not.

Before you test grind one or two smaller buds check it out. The squishyness. Pull it open. You’ll see, smell and feel the stuff.
Yep. That's why I leave leaves on the stalks, as you hang upside down the leaves fall neatly over the buds and make this natural protection for the buds.....which will offer protection through curing.


If need be, yes......I know this requires time, work, you are harvesting, hanging, trimming, and you think "there's still all this curing work!?", but it matters, you will be rewarded. And if it means spending an hour carefully taking buds/stalks out of jars (bigger jars help, instead of 30 small jars, buy quart, even half gallon mason jars, make your life a little easier).....but yeah, take the time to pack and unpack the jars every day or so. You'll find your routine and get more efficient at it.

You've already done 90% of your drying after hanging. So when you unpack the jars, you can lay the buds/stalks out on cardboard or don't have to re-hang them all....

I like to trim over the course of curing stages......trimming, re-drying, cutting stalks down, repacking, more triming,'s all going on together, over time, back and forth, until you're left with you final, properly dried, cured, trimmed product that makes you say "this is great, I done good" ;)
I’m not big on small jars either. Not selling. Plus the large ones look cool full!

You sir are a conasur. 👍


Here's some from my summer/outdoor harvest. Still iin the jars after 4 months. Even though the cure is technically over, I just opened one up after not opening for a month and immediately it smells even better, sweeter......

This is Strawberry Widow, and I totally pollinated/seeded on the early these buds are actually well-seeded. Still very good. Because of a late warm fall I was able to harvest around Nov 1st and cured for about 2 months.
20230313 170710
20230313 170717
20230313 170750


Yep. That's why I leave leaves on the stalks, as you hang upside down the leaves fall neatly over the buds and make this natural protection for the buds.....which will offer protection through curing.
This helps to dry slower and more even. Keeps moisture in longer.

I used to cut the whole plant and hang. Even with a lot of fan leaves just to keep extra moisture when I know it was going to be dry at harvest.


Sorry, missed this. Seasons changed and the furnace came on. 🤣

The more you touch the more you lose. 😝

Things will dry out more on the surface. They rub against each other etc.

Some will be more sticky, some not.

Before you test grind one or two smaller buds check it out. The squishyness. Pull it open. You’ll see, smell and feel the stuff.
i gotcha lol and okay yeha that’s the first time i touched them since chopping it down and okay i will try that maybe thursday just to give it some time

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