Tired of trainwrecking other peoples threads? Well then, come party at the captains! Trainwreck this thread with…….trains? Anything goes here……….

  • Thread starter Captspaulding
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What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
Hot Hot Hot or medium? I've never made my own but should as much as I drink it!

Is that the clone only version I read about awhile ago?

I forget the strains, but that was one of a couple I was looking into....

Supposed to be a CREEPER.......

That is my hunt.....

I ended up getting Banana O.G........very disappointed.......

I will find one someday!
No, this is a gojo cross from trustfall. From seed. I prefer rolling from seed most of the time. Unless it’s genetics I don’t have a lot of stock in 👊🏻🤡


What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
How do you get permission to look at a thread.....

Gnick posted or answered a tread about optimal ec and it won't let me click.....

Maybe I don't want permission.......ha.....
I think you have to ask them specifically. I always thought it was a strange thing. But I get it in outlawed countries….


I did the 'french intensive' double dig for a couple years, it was a lot of work! I never tried those wall o waters, did you ever cook your plants with them?
Being in Michigan we're always trying to extend the season and the wall-o-waters really help. Instead of waiting 'til June, I put the tomato plants out in April and was able to harvest 2 weeks earlier than my neighbor. The wall-o-waters buffer the temperature. They keep the air around the plant warmer while also protecting them from frost. I took them off the second week of June.

I never saw much change in the plant, but I do believe the roots were developing below ground because once the weather was warm they took off. Ended up using 8 foot stakes and holding them together with 4 by 4 fencing to make it easier to tie all the branches up. Worked great.
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So today I'm noticing a few small rust colored specs on some of the older leaves. Does this look like calcium deficiency? I'm not sure how to use calmag yet with these nutrients so I haven't given them the full dose of it after buffering the coco. Been adding like half strength calmag to the nutes so far, which may not have been enough for the first couple weeks. I dunno..

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Well this growing caper always finds new ways to kick one in the balls had some dumb fk crash into a shop hitting a person hope they alright in our mall causing a massive gas leak shut our power down so I thought bugger it took the fam swimming for the arvo. Well no power no pressure difference in my tent which caused my tent walls to relax causing the tie wire to break on my fan long story short fan fell over landed on one of my plants not much damage but the fan ended up stuck on my tub causing the motor to burn out filling my entire tent and shed with putrid smelling electrical smoke my babies looked very sad last night can I be expecting em to just fall over n die yas reckon? So moral of the story don’t be a dc and drive into shopfronts 😂👍


looks like a slight watering too often issue,..
though i never have grown in coco
I'm still learning coco myself. Listening to that Dr. Coco guy you're supposed to water /feed until 10-20% runoff at least once a day. To me that seems excessive so I sometimes skip a day. The spots aren't rubbing off at all so maybe not rust fungus.
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