OPERATION SWEET LEAF - Huge Bust in Metro Area

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sky high

sky high

Amendment 20 was set up so that Dr's only have to "recommend" that MMJ may help your condition. This was done, from my understanding, to keep the Feds at bay. As long as it isn't a "prescription"....they supposedly have not broken any laws/etc. and have protection from prosecution.

But now...with Dr's writing specific plant amounts above the protected 3/3 to cover certain ailments, usually as a result of paying EXTRA for the Dr visit/etc and nothing more...I have to wonder if it opens the door for other action by the Fed towards those Dr's who OK higher counts?

And with that higher count reflected in writing on the State paperwork....it will be interesting to see if there's any link whatsoever with the busts that just happened and if these folks were running on edibles recs. Remember, the database is protected until a warrant is issued under your name in association with a >criminal< action. At that point, all of your personal info the State has is up for grabs and you have no medical defense.

I wouldn't put it past them to find 25 folks with multiple plant recs to hit just so they can ASSURE that they can net at least 1000 plants and grab the headlines yet again in a negative way.

be safe, all

s h


Thanks for the clarification on "script versus recomendation," SkyHigh.


Kolah what you say is right on however trying to stay in total compliance is impossible. For example: one plant at harvest puts me over my legal limit of 2oz. Also, I am terrible at cloning, only get about 50% to take, that will also put me over for a few days. Any idiot lawmaker knows this and it just doesn't make since!!! No wonder congress can't get anything done except vote themselves a pay raise annually. I agree that I am like a fly on an elephants ass but I still look over my shoulder.
Tobor the 8th Man

Tobor the 8th Man

I know exactly what dreamy is saying and I agree with him.

It is safer to keep doing this the old school black market way where the cops don't know who you are unless they catch you doing what you are doing. You stay safe based on your own skills at remaining out of sight and mind.

In the MMJ med states you are only safe until someone changes their mind and they know who you are and where you live if they do change their minds. And the feds don't have to change their minds. They just have to decide to come and do it.

Now the dispensaries are dictating the prices for weed. They make more proportionately than the growers. The consumer pays more for it from the dispensary. How is this acceptable to the growers and smokers, the two main spokes in the wheel of the cannabis trade? Smokers could be getting $250 ounces and growers would be getting $4000 per lb.

I don't want a legal med state with dispensaries. I want a legal recreation state where I can sell my weed to any adult I want to and let the market and quality to dictate the price. Or I want it to stay illegal like old school.


Kolah what you say is right on however trying to stay in total compliance is impossible. For example: one plant at harvest puts me over my legal limit of 2oz. Also, I am terrible at cloning, only get about 50% to take, that will also put me over for a few days. Any idiot lawmaker knows this and it just doesn't make since!!! No wonder congress can't get anything done except vote themselves a pay raise annually. I agree that I am like a fly on an elephants ass but I still look over my shoulder.

Hell yeah, I still watch my back, but there are creative "legal" ways to be safe and stay within the limits.


I know exactly what dreamy is saying and I agree with him.

It is safer to keep doing this the old school black market way where the cops don't know who you are unless they catch you doing what you are doing. You stay safe based on your own skills at remaining out of sight and mind.

In the MMJ med states you are only safe until someone changes their mind and they know who you are and where you live if they do change their minds. And the feds don't have to change their minds. They just have to decide to come and do it.

Now the dispensaries are dictating the prices for weed. They make more proportionately than the growers. The consumer pays more for it from the dispensary. How is this acceptable to the growers and smokers, the two main spokes in the wheel of the cannabis trade? Smokers could be getting $250 ounces and growers would be getting $4000 per lb.

I don't want a legal med state with dispensaries. I want a legal recreation state where I can sell my weed to any adult I want to and let the market and quality to dictate the price. Or I want it to stay illegal like old school.

You raise good points for sure. :) Although I and others may disagree to some extent. This thread could end up to be: "What is better, becoming state legal or staying underground?"


Wade in the water children

This is just my opinion n to each there own but seems medical mj peeps think they are better than other peeps or something. In a sense every MJ user who has ever used since before the Buddah has used it "medically" ....um it produces a euphoric state which helps perhaps with a ton of ailments but its more an herb imo. Even more so than coffee or tea. For instance in a chronic pain situation its not stoping any pain its just makes it more bearable. NEWSFLASH when your stoned everythings a lil more bearable like wifes kids jobs traffic n bills too! Its not like a medicine like insulin which peeps will die without. Its a blessing and a holy plant to me. One of God's greatest gifts. He made the grass to grow for lambs. Jah made the herbs for man. I was born with cannibinoid receptors in my brain so were you.

Personally as ANOTHER STONER My heart prayers n vibes goes out to all the peeps in trouble over this. We all should have their backs 100% as fellow soldiers! No ones left behind.. This is a WAR folks. Please don't pretend otherwise. United by a plant yet divide by an unjust law? huh.

LEGALIZE IT thats the best thing you can do


Premium Member
Sooo they were sending weed out in the mail, kinda risky if ya ask me.
One time had small stash intercepted. They wanted reciever to pickup a parcel that may contain federaly illegal substance, asthey stated, reciver denied knowing sender nothing happened except a lesson learned.

Postal investigators probaly intercepted a shipment, investigated, got together with task force, dea, they got all ducks in a row, probbally allowed them to carry on for awhile to get enough evidence and them bang Zoom.... busted.

They also said on news station this will put a huge dent in the supply, May have to start jacking Dispenseries to get a fix... ....LOL


^^^ it will hurt all these peeps thier kids n families but sheez a 1000 plants putting a dent in CO's chronic. LMAO any suburb in Denver has that many plants in three blocks. I'll bet the farm on it.

If this is a free country peeps need to be free to do whatever they want. If I like it or not is irrelevant. Thats a part of freedom.

I'd rather my kid have access to herbs as a teen than not n sniffin glue shit. America's just a paper bag full of water. The war on drugs is just another government excuse why its leaking...........


As said earlier, try not to be swayed by what the pigs and the media say. As you know, cops lie, on a regular basis. Especially in drug cases. They are trained to lie, they have been given a free pass to lie and they will continue to lie. If they do not have enough evidence they plant it. If they need some good witnesses they buy them. They do what they want, when they want. Any investigations into their wrong doings is controlled by their own people. They are above the law and they abuse their powers to the fullest.


Cops lie. Especially in drug cases. They are trained to lie, they have been given a free pass to lie and they will continue to lie. They do what they want, when they want. Any investigations into their wrong doings is controlled by their own people. They are above the law and they abuse thier powers to the fullest.

That is the Most truthful statement ever put on the web....IA is there to cover fall out...and if i had a nickel for every friend who had his jar weighed as marijuana...


Yeppers, and the lying pricks often weigh the plants AND the soil. They later report to the media-whores how they found 50 pounds of weed when 45 pounds of it was just the soil it was grown in.


There is one more reason (unless I missed it) When a cop conducts a successful bust he gets more respect, publicity promotions exc... So the system rewards corruption.


Hate to see this go down, But I always read about people who get caught with over 100 plants in their house. Has anyone ever read a story that read "Local caregiver busted with 35 plants and 5 patient red cards"?

Seems the people that get busted are always the greedy ones 100+ plants, granted we all are over our 2 oz per patient limit at harvest time but that is only a week or so every few months.
Pretty sure someone in their ring got busted accepting a box of weed and flipped on the whole operation. 10+ connected grow op's requires way to many people to run and keep quiet.

Im very interested to see how this unfolds.


If cops here can still come in and not care about plants or #s
or my landlords are ok with it lol
I think ill take my "chances" if that's how u guys really see it lol

I love the whole list thing and they know where I am well fuck there is 200k+ card holders here and who knows how many underground heads

There's is no way any argument could be made that it is safer in a non Med state it just doesn't happen

Fuck in this state u can have expired not even legit paperwork not a card just papers and that holds up on court
even up to two zips is nothing but a petty offense and a 100 fine the first time for anyone in this state

there is no protection or leeway in most states so despite a "big" bust if ya wanna call it that....it sucks but I sure ain't losing sleep


I am unsure in regards to how updated this is..

The worst 4 states:

1. Oklahoma — Lawmakers in the Sooner State made headlines this spring when legislators voted 119 to 20 in favor of House Bill 1798, which enhances the state sentencing guidelines for hash manufacturing to a minimum of two years in jail and a maximum penalty of life in prison. (Mary Fallin, the state’s first-ever female governor, signed the measure into law in April; it takes effect on November 1, 2011.) But longtime Oklahoma observers were hardly surprised at lawmakers’ latest “life for pot” plan. After all, state law already allows judges to hand out life sentences for those convicted of cannabis cultivation or for the sale of a single dime-bag.

2. Texas — On an annual basis, no state arrests and criminally prosecutes more of its citizens for pot than does Texas. Marijuana arrests comprise over half of all annual arrests in the Lone Star State. It is easy to see why. In 2009, more than 97 percent of all Texas marijuana arrests — over 77,000 people — were for possession only. Those convicted face up to 180 days in jail and a $2,000 fine, even upon a first conviction.

3. Florida — According to a 2009 state-by-state analysis by researcher and former NORML Director Jon Gettman, no other state routinely punishes minor marijuana more severely than does the Sunshine State. Under Florida law, marijuana possession of 20 grams or less (about two-thirds of an ounce) is a criminal misdemeanor punishable by up to one-year imprisonment and a $1,000 fine. Marijuana possession over 20 grams, as well as the cultivation of even a single pot plant, are defined by law as felony offenses – punishable by up to five years in prison and a $5,000 fine. In recent years, state lawmakers have revisited the state’s marijuana penalties – in each case electing to enhance Florida’s already toughest-in-the-nation criminal punishments.

4. Louisiana — In Louisiana, multi-decade (or even life) sentences for repeat pot offenders are hardly a rare occurrence. Under Louisiana law, a second pot possession conviction is classified as a felony offense, punishable by up to five years in prison. Three-time offenders face up to 20 years in prison. According to a 2008 expose published in New Orleans City Business online, district attorneys are not hesitant to “target small-time marijuana users, sometimes caught with less than a gram of pot, and threaten them with lengthy prison sentences.”

View full post on NORML Blog, Marijuana Law Reform

If that don't get you packing your bags and fleeing out like a mofo NOTHING WILL!


If cops here can still come in and not care about plants or #s
or my landlords are ok with it lol
I think ill take my "chances" if that's how u guys really see it lol

I love the whole list thing and they know where I am well fuck there is 200k+ card holders here and who knows how many underground heads

There's is no way any argument could be made that it is safer in a non Med state it just doesn't happen

Fuck in this state u can have expired not even legit paperwork not a card just papers and that holds up on court
even up to two zips is nothing but a petty offense and a 100 fine the first time for anyone in this state

there is no protection or leeway in most states so despite a "big" bust if ya wanna call it that....it sucks but I sure ain't losing sleep

Well said, I sleep well also but I am still looking over my shoulder.


"Sometime, somewhere and somehow we will all have to stand up and fight for our liberties or continue to lick the jackboots that are trying to rule us."

Well said kolah and this goes well beyond a little weed.


Premium Member
'Sweet Leaf' raid netted Iraq dinar, dollars, silver bars and pounds of weed
Posted: 01/27/2012 6:04 PM

BRIGHTON —A massive raid of marijuana growing operations in the metro-area this week yielded piles of American and Iraq currency, nearly 148 pounds of dry marijuana and a cluster of environmental problems, officials said today.

The so-called "Sweet Leaf" raids carried out by the North Metro Drug Task Force on 25 suspected grow houses also showed that Colorado is becoming a major source for the distribution of illegal marijuana in the country, said task force Commander Jerry Peters.

"These were homes set up in neighborhoods and many were strictly just for growing," Peters said. "In some cases, no one was living in them. They were just grow operations."

Much of the pot was going out of state via the U.S. Postal Service to California, Iowa, Kansas, Nebraska, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Texas.

"This was a major criminal enterprise," Peters said.

Officials stressed that medical marijuana operations played little or no role in the raids. In fact, only one of the grow houses produced two medical marijuana licenses for two people and they had 25 plants.

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