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If the president cant do anything about it like squggly says then I guess were screwed and law enforcement is running our country so were basically a police state.Im not gonna argue the point but if the president is powerless as stated who the fuck is the wizard behind the curtain pulling the levers?I think squiggly is an obama supporter and probably voted for him too he defends him so rigorously,im not drinking the kool-aid and im not supporting any candidate that does not support me no matter the party.

You seriously think Obama is that bad? Vote Republican, and see what happens to YOUR rights. Yeah, this is the party that brought us 'preventative war', the Patriot Act and Homeland Security Dept. You think they'll stop there? They'll make MMJ eradication a personal crusade! And all while robbing you and your children blind with deficit spending, so they can hand more tax breaks to the world's richest corporations- goodness knows they need the money- and then use the deficit as an excuse to gut what's left of this country's miserable excuse for a safety net for the poor and unfortunate.

Did you know that the single biggest cause of personal bankruptcy- over half of all filings- in this country are precipitated by medical bills? By people who HAVE insurance?! Let's have more of that! And while we're at it, let's have more 'stand your ground' laws, too!

I am no Obama apologist, but I do know two things; the limits of presidential power, and how much worse the alternative would be.

Google Social Darwinism, and see what you think. It's the latest 'new idea' to come from the right wing, so far to the right that even Newt Gingrich was loudly against it when he was Speaker of the house during the Clinton administration.


Im an obama supporter, but also a realist when it comes to politics. He might not be the best president and he may not be actively standing up for MMJ right now, but he is by FAR the lesser of two evils

ttystikkis absolutely right, dont let obamas lack of action on this issue convince you to not vote for him because if romney or any other GOP canidate wins MMJ is going to take a WAY bigger hit.


Premium Member
It's time for county sheriffs to step up.

I'll refrain from the politico comments...other than to say the "president" is nothing more than a puppet, a talking head pawn who takes his orders from the real owners of this country. He has no power. He does what he is told to do. JFK didn't obey and they blew his fucking head off. Same goes for Ol' Abe Lincoln (and a few others who strirred the pot of freedom..like MLK, Malcolm X, John Lennon, etc)

Obama is a lackey. A jr senator of 2 years gets elected into office. Way to go guys....fuckin puppet.

The states have been telling the feds to back off with no avail for a while now. Get used to the raids people


If the president cant do anything about it like squggly says then I guess were screwed and law enforcement is running our country so were basically a police state.Im not gonna argue the point but if the president is powerless as stated who the fuck is the wizard behind the curtain pulling the levers?I think squiggly is an obama supporter and probably voted for him too he defends him so rigorously,im not drinking the kool-aid and im not supporting any candidate that does not support me no matter the party.

Exactly my thoughts..it really clouds all the good points he makes. He admits that there's another side to the coin, he just won't acknowledge anything good could ever come from it.


Farming šŸŒ±


Why does everyone think Obama could NOT stop this?

He is the fucking president. He can stop it anytime he wants.

He sicked his fucking dogs on us, at worst.

At best, he has done nothing to stop them from biting.

This just isn't true.

Obama HAS issued a statement to the Justice Dpt and the DEA specifically that federal raids should not circumvent state law and should only target those masquerading as legitimate medical business in medical states.

Presumably, Leonhart agreed to follow this policy before he nominated her. Shortly thereafter--she issued a statement confirming the truth about the law which creates and governs her position as DEA administrator--essentially saying that only congress--not Obama--can tell her what to do so long as she is in line with federal law.

The president really has a very limited scope of what he's capable of doing if it doesn't concern national security.

Again, I urge people who are upset about this issue to first educate themselves about the reality of the governing structure and process, and then to turn the sights where they belong, on our impotent, dysfunctional, cry-baby congress.

Being upset about something is totally pointless if you don't know what the hell is going on.

Do you toss your motherboard if your video card goes bad? No. However, in order to know the difference you need a little bit of expertise and information on how a computer works--and perhaps a bit of insight to realize which part is malfunctioning.

The same is true here. If you don't know how the government works, and you refuse to educate yourself about it, then you are not in a position to make a judgment call about which parts of it are not working. Your opinion matters--but your methodology for deciding the issues is going to be fatally flawed if you don't really know a good amount about how the government works (in reality, not in some fantasy land where what the president says, goes).


If the president cant do anything about it like squggly says then I guess were screwed and law enforcement is running our country so were basically a police state.Im not gonna argue the point but if the president is powerless as stated who the fuck is the wizard behind the curtain pulling the levers?I think squiggly is an obama supporter and probably voted for him too he defends him so rigorously,im not drinking the kool-aid and im not supporting any candidate that does not support me no matter the party.

Ding ding ding ding.

Pretty much correct on all counts there. Yes I voted for Obama, yes I support him--but that doesn't change the process of how our government is run. Steps 1, 2, and 3 are steps 1, 2, and 3 regardless of who you or I vote for. That is what this argument is about.

I'm not trying to convince anyone that Obama is a great leader, or that all of his policies are the best for America. Do I believe that? Yes--but I don't think it should preclude any of us from talking about something which is removed from that several times. In fact something that worked the way it does now about a year before Barack was even alive.

The president isn't powerless--but the powers which have been ascribed to him in some of these arguments just are simply not powers he has. Even more than that, they are powers which he TRIED to exercise despite knowing that he didn't have them, on the off chance that it might work (it didn't work, obviously).

The president tells the military what to do and where (leaving the specifics to generals, of course). When we're talking the most powerful military in the world--I'd say that makes him pretty far from powerless. The president also holds the power to veto laws, and any law that we have in this country which wasn't in the original constitution has gone through a president--and his veto power--to become a law.

Again, having the final say on which laws work and which don't is a very powerful position.

Therein lies the real problem with the past 4 years, though. In order for the president to do much of anything that doesn't concern war--he needs congress to work together and send him bills. Signing bills, and fostering bipartisanship is the main duty of the president.

Both of those functions have been absolutely unavailable to Obama since before he was even sworn in, and to this day.

The REAL power of this country is and always has been the congress. This was the intention of the founding fathers and it is carried on today (although in somewhat perverted fashion from their original plan). The idea behind that is that, through elections every two years, the American people can have a pull on what laws are going into place.

Laws are the way of our land--the ultimate power in America is a law. In that way, we are a police state--but I don't think that necessarily means we should all get ready for curfew. Thinking that's on it's way would represent a severe disconnect from reality to my mind.

I'll say again that my argument isn't that Obama is the best thing to happen to MJ since skunk--but rather that he's a much better alternative to anything else out there. To go a step further it's worth mentioning that his beliefs are in line with yours--even if his ability to unilaterally make all of the bullshit go away for you is essentially nil.

If congress doesn't do something about this nobody can. That's the skinny of it. No two-ways, so to speak.

If you start talking about only supporting congressmen and senators who support you--you'll be absolutely on the right track. However, I'd hate to see a pro MMJ or de facto legalization bill make its way through congress with a republican president at the helm. It would be an almost guaranteed veto. That's only my opinion, but it's hard to forget which type of ideology it was that got us into this mess in the first place. It was the family-values are more important than your civil liberties type--that ideology is alive and well in the republican party, and you'd ignore that only to the likely detriment of progress on this issue.


Also worth noting that the article linked is from the Huffington Post--which is known to be a conservative-leaning (if not flat out conservative) publication. The shots taken at Obama in the article are expected--the right-wing media has made a business out of ascribing blame to Obama where it isn't due and in the process doing something ten times as reprehensible by letting the people really at fault off the hook.
Mississip Hip

Mississip Hip

I understand how government works quite well.

I think you are being naive.


Im an obama supporter, but also a realist when it comes to politics. He might not be the best president and he may not be actively standing up for MMJ right now, but he is by FAR the lesser of two evils

ttystikkis absolutely right, dont let obamas lack of action on this issue convince you to not vote for him because if romney or any other GOP canidate wins MMJ is going to take a WAY bigger hit.
I'm tired of this which puppet is the lesser of 2 evils bs, our 2 party system is bs imo. Also can't say obama didn't take away any of our rights, internet rights are just as important.


I understand how government works quite well.

I think you are being naive.

I'm starting to make a habit of asking you to back your blanket statements with supporting evidence... How is any part- seriously, ANY part- of what Squiggly said 'naive'? He's exactly on point about how our Federal Gov't actually works, and just because the outcomes it's generated up 'til now aren't to your liking doesn't mean making up reasons- or scapegoats- will make any difference.

If Squiggly's thinking is flawed, by all means, show us where. He's got a clearer grasp of the facts of the process of governance at the Federal level than anyone else here, me included. We need to deal with the situation as it is, and the first step is to learn exactly what that situation is, rather than guessing, getting mad at the figurehead, or- Heaven help us- believing one damn thing the Fox 'News' propagandists tell us. And don't get me started about blowhards like Limbaugh; he's just another ratings hungry entertainer, a cheap sideshow rabblerouser- and yet the Republican party in its 'wisdom' has all but enshrined his filth as Sacred Party Ideology.

Why do you suppose that is? It's to distract people from the truth, and convince them it's unnecessary to educate themselves about the nuts and bolts of governance, or even to bother to vote. That leaves the small group who DOES know these things running the show to serve their own ends, the other 99% be damned. That's as close to a 'conspiracy theory' as you'll get from me, and it's not even that because no one is actively hiding anything- it's all out there for an inquisitive citizen to discover on his or her own.


I'm tired of this which puppet is the lesser of 2 evils bs, our 2 party system is bs imo. Also can't say obama didn't take away any of our rights, internet rights are just as important.

I'm tired of it too, and I happen to agree that the two party system is a serious and potentially fatal flaw in our Union. However, ignorance and inaction only guarantees that those who are now pulling the strings will continue to do so.

Look, citizensip in a free society is NOT a spectator sport. Don't think for a minute that voting is all you need to do to protect your rights or your future. Standing up and protesting, demonstrating, or even educating others about specific issues that need attention are tools we all have, and we as citizens need to remember to use them. I see on the news that French citizens regularly protest when their government does something they don't like- and you know what? It works! I'm quite sure that if we did more of that here, things would get better for the 99%, and fast.
Mississip Hip

Mississip Hip

I'm starting to make a habit of asking you to back your blanket statements with supporting evidence... How is any part- seriously, ANY part- of what Squiggly said 'naive'? He's exactly on point about how our Federal Gov't actually works, and just because the outcomes it's generated up 'til now aren't to your liking doesn't mean making up reasons- or scapegoats- will make any difference.

If Squiggly's thinking is flawed, by all means, show us where. He's got a clearer grasp of the facts of the process of governance at the Federal level than anyone else here, me included. We need to deal with the situation as it is, and the first step is to learn exactly what that situation is, rather than guessing, getting mad at the figurehead, or- Heaven help us- believing one damn thing the Fox 'News' propagandists tell us. And don't get me started about blowhards like Limbaugh; he's just another ratings hungry entertainer, a cheap sideshow rabblerouser- and yet the Republican party in its 'wisdom' has all but enshrined his filth as Sacred Party Ideology.

Why do you suppose that is? It's to distract people from the truth, and convince them it's unnecessary to educate themselves about the nuts and bolts of governance, or even to bother to vote. That leaves the small group who DOES know these things running the show to serve their own ends, the other 99% be damned. That's as close to a 'conspiracy theory' as you'll get from me, and it's not even that because no one is actively hiding anything- it's all out there for an inquisitive citizen to discover on his or her own.


Why do I owe you an explanation?

Keep ranting about Limbaugh and the Sacred Party....lol...and of course the 99 %.

Gray Fox to Mother squirrel.......Gray Fox to Mother Squirrel......lol....I think they have it figured out.
Mississip Hip

Mississip Hip

I'm tired of it too, and I happen to agree that the two party system is a serious and potentially fatal flaw in our Union. However, ignorance and inaction only guarantees that those who are now pulling the strings will continue to do so.

Look, citizensip in a free society is NOT a spectator sport. Don't think for a minute that voting is all you need to do to protect your rights or your future. Standing up and protesting, demonstrating, or even educating others about specific issues that need attention are tools we all have, and we as citizens need to remember to use them. I see on the news that French citizens regularly protest when their government does something they don't like- and you know what? It works! I'm quite sure that if we did more of that here, things would get better for the 99%, and fast.

So what was the last protest you went to and stood up for states rights?....or anything else?


WAKE UP. The elites are smart and buy both sides. The way to tell who bought the current president is look at his cabinent appointments. Ill let you guys look it up but please do so before commenting. One of the first rules on control is divide the masses and get them againest eachother and keep them busy fighting eachother. Dem vs Rep. Come on how much do things change?? How many people who have gone to war have had a person from the other country do anything bad to them before the war started???

I voted for Obama cause the Republicians were horriable and for change. What has Obama done different?? Do you know what an executive order is. Obama is on track to break Bush who set the record. Its when he bypasses congress to create a law breaking the sacred checks and ballances the founders set for us. He has stated congress is there to advise him.

Do you know all the recent exective orders Obama has just signed?? He now has the power to cease control with a threat of of war granted by him. He extended the patriot act. He said he would take a diplomatic approach to Iran. His sanctions have now gotten the BRICS nations to start trade off the petrodollar. He sent troops to Liberya without congressional approval commmiting treason. Why they got off the petrodollar for oil just like iraq and now iran. His general or whatever just told congress on recorded tv that the military no longer anwsers to congress but to the UN???? A group of foreign nations but guess who pays for it. What else. His first exective order on jan 24 or 29 2009 was to seal all his records ie, birth certificate, ssn, etc. Why would any legit presisent want to do that??? He wants to force you to buy something or you are breaking the law. Obama who used to teach constitutional law just told the supreme court ie the judicial branch that it should not interfer with a law congrass passed , insurance, and that doing so would go against the will of the people yet he taught many students the judicial branch is there to uphold the constitution?? What do you think all the hoopla about that martin kid is for?? take your GUNS. I could state fact after fact.

Wake up. All the republicians are slime exept for Ron Paul but how could you vote for Obama after all this??? Bush is slime but at least he stated what he believed instead of tricky people. the system is broken.

Obama has gone insane and now belives his own propaganda
sky high

sky high

The thing is..... MMJ patients are what...FAR FAR less than 1% of the population.

While issues surrounding MMJ seem important to us....these issues just don't rate to MOST Americans.

Squiggly/tyystik are simply nailing it. FAR TOO MANY of ya just aren't old enough to remember the 60's and the HUGE daily/weekly protests that WENT NOWHERE (Ok..you got yer head beat in and got to go to jail..does that count?) All 4 of the conventions in 68 and 72 were awash with protestors and violence ("won't ya please come to Chicago..."?)....yet the Vietnam War didn't end until 1975. Yup...that protesting appraoch sure fosters change. Look at the folks camping in our parks today for proof. The only "change" there is spare change.

Bush didn't trick us? Can you say "The War is Over???" How about we let Laura drive for awhile?

Ron Paul has no chance.....and the rest of the Rep pube lickers HATE MMJ and have stated they will END IT ALL..... so vote accordingly, kids.....


"The term red pill and its opposite, blue pill, are pop culture terms that have become a common symbol for the choice between the blissful ignorance of illusion (blue) and embracing the sometimes painful truth of reality (red).
The terms were popularized in science fiction culture via the 1999 film The Matrix. In the movie, the main character Neo is offered the choice between a red pill and a blue pill. The blue pill would allow him to remain in the Matrix, a fictional computer-generated world. The red pill will lead to his escape out of the Matrix and into the "real world".

Go red, man. (google: Rothschild, Bilderbergs)


Fear Not!
That red pill is hard for some folks to swallow Kolah
and once you take it, its hard to go back to bliss. :eek:
sky high

sky high

I personally liked the Tuinals back in the day, kolah. A little bit Red..a little bit Blue....

just remember to wash it down with water and NOT the media-provided Kool-aid...whatever color you choose to ingest

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