New indoors... CBD strains in the Northeast

  • Thread starter Alkhemit
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I read that post in the CBD thread regarding CBD being genetically determined. At one point one of the contributors to the early Cannatonic testing; the woman that grew the plant that popped the first 13%CBD Cannatonic was indicating that environment variables were also at play: "I am focused on the effect of the changing light spectrum and active plant pigments influencing CBD," she adds, "and other antioxidant properties of marijuana." ( from: ) I've also heard comments about alternating between light sources and wavelengths also effect RNA replication which can effect cannabinoid & terpene production etc (i.e. switching from HPS to plasma induction). If there was some way to effect the CBDa to CBD conversion function in the plant, that would be very cool, although environment may end up playing little part in this process. I have no idea where to even post a question or topic like this but it may eventually come into play on this forum imo. Anyway, thanks again leadsled!

My Sour Tsunami has tested at 14% CBD along with Harliquin at 11%. I also have a fiber hemp strain with quite a varying CBD rate of 9-15%.

Now CBD dominate strains should be harvested differently then drug marijauna, For example I harvest on whether the trichomes are the correct color etc. Thats a great way to harvest for maximum CBD, You want to get the crystals before the start turning there white frosty color you look for in THC dominate strains.

Those are just my experinces with CBD Dominance, I rely on it as medicine and I hope it will help your wife. If your in Northern California and need cuts, I will have more of the sour tsunami in a month or so as the seeds are kicking it waiting for germ.

I would also like to state that its among common belief that the Potency of THC dominant plants is dictated by there genetics mostly (Varying a few percent depending on environmental conditions), The same rule applies to CBD Dominance, You have to have a strain that holds dominance.



Good info Chobble. I checked into Sour Tsunami and at the time the beans were only available from NorCal dispensaries... this was maybe 5 weeks ago, that may have changed, I have to look again. I'll remember the clear trichome harvest tip. Is that because CBDa converts to CBD faster than the THC precursors? I will keep an eye on the CBD test results online also to see what's consistently scoring high. Have you noticed a difference in potency or results between concentrates vs smoking? Not to be intrusive or anything like that. Vaporizing to obtain oil is a pain in the butt to be honest... the oil is very difficult to scrape unless you do it immediately while its hot/warm. Butane extraction is probably what we'll stick with although its the only other method we've actually tried. She ingests it via small capsules although she does occasionally smoke a small amount for nausea if she needs it. She wasn't a smoker other than the typical party experiences when she was younger. Thanks again for the great information Chobble. Good stuff. All my best man.


Good info Chobble. I checked into Sour Tsunami and at the time the beans were only available from NorCal dispensaries... this was maybe 5 weeks ago, that may have changed, I have to look again. I'll remember the clear trichome harvest tip. Is that because CBDa converts to CBD faster than the THC precursors? I will keep an eye on the CBD test results online also to see what's consistently scoring high. Have you noticed a difference in potency or results between concentrates vs smoking? Not to be intrusive or anything like that. Vaporizing to obtain oil is a pain in the butt to be honest... the oil is very difficult to scrape unless you do it immediately while its hot/warm. Butane extraction is probably what we'll stick with although its the only other method we've actually tried. She ingests it via small capsules although she does occasionally smoke a small amount for nausea if she needs it. She wasn't a smoker other than the typical party experiences when she was younger. Thanks again for the great information Chobble. Good stuff. All my best man.

Im Bi-Polar. I use it to replace my mood Stabilizers It works quite like Lithium . I take an Alcohol based tincture every morning before I head out on my day. Making it into capsules is also good I did that for a while but tincture is your best bet.

Also CBDa does convert to CBD much quicker then THC, Now I've been told a new theory coming out of the UC's is proving that CBD doesnt convert to THC like previously suggested like many other authors.

Sour Tsunami is only available in California mostly Nor Cal unfortainately... Harlequin is another strain that has been running around Nor Cal thats high CBD Actually the original in my book.

If my Seed crop from these Fiber hemp come out good I should have some CBD Dominate beans also (They shouldnt require weeding out via testing like the Sour tsunami). Something else to be careful with is most strains dont "Breed True" with the CBD dominance, thats whats special about this hemp, Its breed for legal purposes to produce CBD not THC.

So the sour tsunami is at a 1:4 CBD rate. Meaning 1 out of 4 plants are CBD Dominant, If you dont have a lab near you Its really hard to grow strains with CBD as you do really need the test results.



Im Bi-Polar. I use it to replace my mood Stabilizers It works quite like Lithium . I take an Alcohol based tincture every morning before I head out on my day. Making it into capsules is also good I did that for a while but tincture is your best bet.

Also CBDa does convert to CBD much quicker then THC, Now I've been told a new theory coming out of the UC's is proving that CBD doesnt convert to THC like previously suggested like many other authors.

Sour Tsunami is only available in California mostly Nor Cal unfortainately... Harlequin is another strain that has been running around Nor Cal thats high CBD Actually the original in my book.

If my Seed crop from these Fiber hemp come out good I should have some CBD Dominate beans also (They shouldnt require weeding out via testing like the Sour tsunami). Something else to be careful with is most strains dont "Breed True" with the CBD dominance, thats whats special about this hemp, Its breed for legal purposes to produce CBD not THC.

So the sour tsunami is at a 1:4 CBD rate. Meaning 1 out of 4 plants are CBD Dominant, If you dont have a lab near you Its really hard to grow strains with CBD as you do really need the test results.

I definitely understand what you're saying about CBD testing. I'm working on home colorimetry CBD testing. It won't give me specific percentages but it will allow me to compare say same crop plants to each other... the more pronounced the color splotch, the greater the CBD, so I can cherry pick higher performers as I go based on the colorimetric results. I'll post a pic of one of the simpler testing methodologies. Eventually I may invest in a used mass spec machine at some point i I get way off into this. I had 3 years of molecular biology back in the day... more than enough background for home testing. That's interesting regarding the hemp CBD content. I'll post a decent quick video also that you might like regarding basic CBD conversion... you've probably already seen it. I just wanted to let you know I appreciate your help and input. I will share my home testing results with the colorimetry testing.. its crude but will provide some baseline for strain typing at home..especially if you have one known plant/clone in your catalogue. Its very cool for me to have some contact with a person who's actively working on CBD grows. Thank you.


The plan is grow out about 10 more Cannatonics and find the highest CBD male and female using home testing and use those as my gene stock for breeding and clones for my 2012 home projects. I'll pick some of those home testing kits and compare my basic home testing results against the commercial ones. If its very close, it could beneficial for saving people money on home testing.


The plan is grow out about 10 more Cannatonics and find the highest CBD male and female using home testing and use those as my gene stock for breeding and clones for my 2012 home projects. I'll pick some of those home testing kits and compare my basic home testing results against the commercial ones. If its very close, it could beneficial for saving people money on home testing.

We actually where discussing that at the farm I work at (We have to send over 500 lab tests in at the end of this summer). Steep hill labs released a home testing kit that is supposed to be very accurate, and ~1200$.

I would advise that if you have the money.. If you dont I understand :P



Whoa... that's pretty steep. I was thinking more around $250 but if I get more than one sample for that price I might just do it.. only need an initial accurate baseline for comparison.. might be worth it just to know for sure considering the investment in time and my whole reason for doing all this in the first place. I'll start Cannatonic home testing with the potassium hydroxide around week four or five since I read the Harlequin writeup on the CBD Project strain report and will post the results here. If I find other home testing kits and purchase them I'll share that data as well. Its good to see options popping up for this. Wishing you some excellent CBD percentage yields my friend!


Testing image post... pic of my Ayahuasca vine for those who were interested in it. Small Chakruna plant in bloom on the sill next to it. Have a few small coca seedlings too that I recently started.. very touchy sprouts..

Hey Alkhemit, my best friends mom was a Doctor of Natural Medicine so I respect your choice to seek out natural alternative therapies. I recently heard of Ayahuasca from the rantings of Joe Rogan, dude's crazy but entertaining lol, which lead me to the documentary," DMT; The spirit molecule". I have to say, it is a very interesting plant with a lot of possible medicinal benefits. The psychedelic trips people describe are crazy, lol.
Anyway a couple things my friend's mom would recommend for intestinal issues is aloe vera juice, probiotics, and digestive enzymes.

As a side note, it's crazy how much you learn about health and the human body from growing. Like the stuff that makes plants thrive are very similar to what makes humans thrive. It's amazing how similar chlorophyll is to our blood. The difference is that hemoglobin is composed of a protein complex surrounding a single iron atom, and chlorophyll has a similar complex surrounding a single magnesium atom.


Thanks Nebulius. Perhaps we have much to learn from the plant kingdom. Definitely, the ayahuasca analogues are amazing and definitely not a recreational thing. There's much data that points to that tradition back to the Essenes and even back into Egypt as well as the well known ties to south America. I've been into esoteric studies for years... Freemasonry, Rosicrucianism, the Martinist Orders as well as the Inner Work... deep dive meditation etc. DMT is a whole other thing. Where traditional entheogens like psilocybin peak at max, is where DMT starts.. its very different but allows you to do quite a bit of inner work if you're at that point. We've evolved with these plants over a great span of time and they have quite a head start on us. I don't want to get into the whole esoteric aspects of what is consciousness and all that, but perhaps things are more closely tied together than we typically give credence to. All my best brother!


Thanks Nebulius. Perhaps we have much to learn from the plant kingdom. Definitely, the ayahuasca analogues are amazing and definitely not a recreational thing. There's much data that points to that tradition back to the Essenes and even back into Egypt as well as the well known ties to south America. I've been into esoteric studies for years... Freemasonry, Rosicrucianism, the Martinist Orders as well as the Inner Work... deep dive meditation etc. DMT is a whole other thing. Where traditional entheogens like psilocybin peak at max, is where DMT starts.. its very different but allows you to do quite a bit of inner work if you're at that point. We've evolved with these plants over a great span of time and they have quite a head start on us. I don't want to get into the whole esoteric aspects of what is consciousness and all that, but perhaps things are more closely tied together than we typically give credence to. All my best brother!

I was talking to no one else then my mother (I bounce Ideas off her haha... No one better to tell your secrets to then your mom right?) I told her about how I was happy to see patients finally growing there own CBD dominante Meds instead of having to buy over priced dispensary prices, I make bottles of tincture and hand them out to patients in need(The scum who can charge 20/g for CBD dominant pot are the great scum at Harborside who preach about its greatness).

Anyways besides that rant :D I told her about how your wife had chrons disease, like nebulius said probiotics are a great choice. She said that one type in specific had saved her friend from wasting away with minor chrons disease(That just couldnt be treated) and had saved many other patients life, Its called VSL Probiotics. I really advise checking it out, I know my mum even takes it, She gets it from Costco.

Sorry for the long rant, Just smoked a little to much of the master :P.



Hey Chobble. No worries man :) It was a good rant lol. I will check out the VSL Probiotics. We have a Costco near us. Ya, its all about the dollars anymore... sad state but luckily we can help ourselves with a little effort. Good info! All my best brother and say thanks to your Mother for me and my honey.


You want to hear something really crazy, on the subject of probiotics. I was listening to NPR the other day and they were talking about a woman who got an infection and took antibiotics which helped get rid of her infection. Then later on she started to get really bad intestinal problems and went back to the Dr. They found out that the antibiotics caused an imbalance in her colon between good and bad bacteria and the bad bacteria was out-populating the good. The Dr. tried everything he could be nothing helped and the woman was given a few months to live. So the woman and her husband went to several Dr.s none of which could help except this one wanted to try a procedure done in other countries but not here. It's called a fecal implant:oops: and it is exactly what it sounds like. They took a small bit of her husband's fecies :eek: (he was healthy) and implanted it into her colon:eek::confused: . After some time went by the good bacteria from her husbands colon out-populated the bad bacteria and she got better.
Personally I would rather take probiotics, lol. But it shows there is still so much to learn in the medical community about what makes someone healthy.


Wow... that's pretty hardcore. Ya, I totally agree that the one size fits all, reductionist view of medicine may need to expanded at some point to look at the natural functions and a more holistic approach to medicine. Like you are saying, one person's framework of 'health' may be quite different than another. Good stuff Nebulius :)


At one point we were seriously looking at helminthic therapy out of Germany. They introduce healthy whipworm eggs into the patient. The gist of the treatment is that the Crohn's will attack the whipworm and ignore the intestines. Its a genetic defect... her immune system is just jacked up to the max and is attacking her own system. CBD is a more attractive approach since it should down-regulate her immune system naturally and keep the beast at bay, so to speak. There are many unusual treatments out there.


I treat my body how I treat my plants! A nice balance is always the best choice ;). Its actually why I love the endocannabinoid System so much :0 Cannabinoids regulate things in our body finding a perfect nirvana, and thats why the health benefits are so great.

Definitely check out the probiotics though! I've met many a people who they have helped.



At one point we were seriously looking at helminthic therapy out of Germany. They introduce healthy whipworm eggs into the patient. The gist of the treatment is that the Crohn's will attack the whipworm and ignore the intestines. Its a genetic defect... her immune system is just jacked up to the max and is attacking her own system. CBD is a more attractive approach since it should down-regulate her immune system naturally and keep the beast at bay, so to speak. There are many unusual treatments out there.
I have an auto-immune disease that attacks my joints, kind of like rheumatoid arthritis except attacks all joints including spine. Weird I was perfectly healthy one day then I got the flu when I was 27 yrs old and all of a sudden my immune system went haywire and I have had severe chronic pain since (32 now).
Auto-immune diseases are frustrating cause its your body causing harm to your body, I think my immune system is a masochist! I have experimented with things like cartilage supplements, where your immune system is supposed to attack the cartilage supplement and not your joints, but it didn't help. Another interesting one I have yet to try is bee sting therapy.
I've used CBD cannabis a handful of times and it comparatively out performs regular cannabis for pain, inflammation, nausea, muscle and nerve pain. Hopefully it will benefit your wife in similar ways. Can't wait til I have my own supply and can use CBD cannabis exclusively! It's in the works;)

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