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  • Thread starter dirk d
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dirk d

dirk d

ah man lol squiggly you crack me up lol. Oh no don't block me dude lol. I've been reading your freaking essays for the last 20 pages man lol. But I got to say you got me laughing my ass off right now lol. hey I thought my grammar was good??? All that college level english and still bad grammar? dam..lol

and of course you would have to pick a purple pt cruiser with the wood trim to land on my ass! lol that is great! ahh thanks for the laughs squiggly lol arrogant pig, fukc i used to hear that a lot. lol but i already told you i'm a "reformed narcissist" lol.

And please squiggly, smoke some different strains of weed bro, put that mexican schwag aside. I think you are going to blow your sphincter out man. and with that smoking hot fiancee of yours, I think you really need to try some of my Tahoe Og with a bit of my hash sprinkled on top. lol
dirk d

dirk d

Alright guys time to smoke a bowl and chill for a bit. No mexican schwag allowed though.



Squiggs, I find it easier just to ignore stupid people. ..instead of getting all riled up. :)

But, for the record though, I am with dirk 100%.

Someone once told that when a man knows he is right he has no reason to argue.


I know that you're with him--it's how your with him that keeps me from getting all riled up at you.

You beg the question, but rarely have I seen you purport yourself to know the answers. Most of what I've seen from you has been absolutely informational--now in my opinion you make some jumps and assumptions that are a bit out of reach, but much of what I've seen you rant about has been at the very least supported by some type of undisputed, documented, facts.

We disagree on the meaning of those facts, but I can respect and reply meaningfully to arguments which are supported in this way.

You're fully within your rights to believe dirk has done that here--but I think if we literally had any debate team coach, or member, in the entire country or any other country and had them look over this thread, they'd say that dirk has failed to make a cogent argument here.

Most would more than likely say that he's never been involved in any type of logical debate (defined by the rules of logic which debate is restricted to in this sense)--and that were this an actual debate (happening on a team or something) that dirk never stood a chance in the first place.

It's just like the chemistry argument I made before, if you don't know about chemistry I can convince you of anything (if you believe I am credible)--you wouldn't know the difference. For the same reason, many people here might think dirk is being logical in this defined sense (not as it appeals to your gut, I'm talking about a real process here like a trial, or a surgery--there are rules)--because they don't have a reference frame for what that definition is or what the rules are.

I don't fault anyone for not being brushed up on the finer points of logical debate, most people find that crap boring.

Well boring it may be, but it's also a useful skill which we as a society are quickly losing. Go back 50 years and you'll find a completely different story. Something needs to change that.

People have become too convinced of themselves, and too averse to criticism. For lack of a better way to say it, people are now giant enormous pussies who can't take the thought that they might be wrong. So they dodge this defined way to find a logical answer and instead go with whatever the fuck comes out of their yap.

You're right, I probably should just ignore people like this--but I feel like I'd be doing a disservice to anyone on the fence if I didn't present a counterargument, even if the original argument didn't really justify one. In truth I've never been talking to dirk, until the very end just now when I got tired of the personal attacks. I've been talking to the people who might listen to dirk, by trying to expose his lack of knowledge as to the finer points here--and to expose his flawed logic.

Anyone here can believe what they want, and I won't try to stop them--but I will certainly offer an alternative when people are talking crazy. Fact remains that there isn't a person in the world who is a student of Aristotle's rules of logic (yes, we use these same rules today in debate teams and such) who would think even for a second that dirk followed them anywhere in this thread.

He hasn't, and that's the skinny.

As conspiracy theorists go, not many of them do. That's why I give you slack kolah--I haven't minced words with you about this, I've been totally honest with you in the past. I think you're a little overparanoid and you jump to too many conclusions with not enough evidence--but as long as you keep framing your arguments in a logical and sane way, I will keep considering them and refraining from attacking your assumptions.

Who am I to say whether or not an assumption is wrong? No one. I don't know one way or the other. I'd be just as bad as dirk to do that.

What I can do is identify when assumptions have come out of thin air, without any well documented and accepted support to float them on. That is what dirk has been doing here.

I actually find some of the stuff you post interesting, even if in the end it seems crazy to me--because it's not a huge waste of time. Even if I don't like your assumptions, I learn something about the facts you've brought to bear. That's how a discussion should work--not this correctness entitlement that everyone else seems to want to run things off of.


Again the hate spews from you squiggly. Agree to disagree and move on, you and almost everyone has belittled someone on this thread or engaged in smart ass comments enticing argumentation. You, being so scientific and level headed should be the one with no emotion fraying your thoughts. I won't entertain this thread anymore as it is as useful as stomping on a shit filled bag on fire.

I fight hate with hate.

I'm not one of these touchy feel types, I thought we'd already addressed that.

Yes I'm an asshole and have a capacity to say mean things. It doesn't get anyone anywhere. If it makes you feel any better I had a ear to ear grin while I was typing every word of that--so it's not like I'm just over here really intently losing my shit at the computer screen. When I said I found dirk laughable, I meant it. That's a belittling from me to him which is totally intentional.

I don't claim not to be somewhat hypocritical in that sense, but then again I never said that I felt it was wrong of him to do this. I just simply have said I'm not going to deal with it. I could give a damn what he does/thinks/says. As I've just stated my intent was to draw out the ill-formed arguments and expose the flawed logic. Mission success.

Being nice wasn't on my to do list in this thread--I'm not sure anyone should have expected it to be. Accusing the government of mass murder is a serious thing--it should be expected to inflame people unless you've got proof.

I am that people it should be expected to inflame. I expect that proof which wasn't given. It is made PAINFULLY CLEAR in this thread that many folks don't have a grasp on what logic is or means in the conversational/debating sense. I just don't think it should be the lot of all such people to be duped by any guy who comes along with a slightly convincing argument (sans proof).

So I'll throw some fallacies out, point out some crazy jumps and assumptions, and move on. Could I have been nicer? Probably.

Is that the way the world works when you make crazy assumptions with wild accusations to follow them? Nope.

Does it so surprise you that the servant of science (and by proxy, logic) gets his feathers ruffled when people take a steaming shit all over that which he is in service to?

If I say that all conspiracy theorists are total fucktards what should I expect back? A lot of pissed off people talking mad shit, that's what.

That is essentially what dirk seeks to say about the peers whom I identify with--the scientists and experts who looked at this situation when it happened and did the proper reporting. He's essentially called them all tricksters, liars, and turncoats.

It's a load of shit and it pissed me off, yes. I start off nice, but if someone--like dirk--wants to get into the thick of it with me and stop pulling punches, I'll stop pulling them too.

Sorry for ya if you don't get that. I obviously apologize if that's ruffled your feathers in any way. This is who I am, and I've every right to be this if dirk d can be what he is.

Never said I was perfect, just said I'm better at logic than dirk and Dr. physics--and that they are pretty terrible at it to boot. That doesn't even have to make me some great logician. I could honestly be a dude who's read aristotle once and still come out on top with these two. That's the whole point.

Their arguments are total jokes to anyone with a reasonable education. I grew up in fucking section 8 projects--and I know better. Whats their excuse?


Premium Gardener
Again the hate spews from you squiggly. Agree to disagree and move on, you and almost everyone has belittled someone on this thread or engaged in smart ass comments enticing argumentation. You, being so scientific and level headed should be the one with no emotion fraying your thoughts. I won't entertain this thread anymore as it is as useful as stomping on a shit filled bag on fire.

I stopped reading this thread early on because it just bummed me out. I'm checking in, and checking back out. Bye.

baba G

baba G

bean sprouts are tasty
squiggly, you wished death on him and illustrated his wake. I refuse to subject myself to your b.s.


squiggly, you wished death on him and illustrated his wake. I refuse to subject myself to your b.s.

It's called exaggeration. Sometimes it's funny.

If I truly were wishing death on a person, rather than just venting, I wouldn't have been smiling while doing it. I don't really hate dirk or harbor him any ill will. He thought he'd be comedian, and so I brought my comedy into the mix--perhaps its too dark for you.

Dirk would probably get it lol.

[Edit: It appears he did get it--he liked the post]

I make no apologies. I don't ride on the PC bandwagon. I think that shit is deteriorating our country. Its falsified.

It's people not saying what they really want to say, or what they mean. It's a bunch of bullshit.

You seriously think I'm trying to be deep when I'm mentioning wood grain accented PT cruisers? Use your head dude.

Context clues.

Anyway--taking my leave of this thread, I've served the purpose I intended to. Could really not possibly care less how it made you feel, or what your opinion of me is.

I'm sorry that I'm not one of these pandering ninny's who will jump at any chance feign neutrality. I'm not neutral, I am opinionated--and those opinions do not depend in the moment on what other people might feel about them. After a discussion, I may reassess my opinions about something if I've learned something new--but this isn't new.

You're just whining at this point--you said you were done with me awhile back. Block me if you don't like it homie--I'll still be lurking your grows either way :)

Everyone take care, I'm gonna take a break from Activist Corner for a few months :)

Shits going to get heated when you start saying inflammatory things though, it's a given.

I really, honestly, don't think any of what I've said is any crazier than any of what dirk has suggested (with exception to the genocide comment--obviously this was a poor choice of conversational style on my part lol).

All this shit goes both ways, unfortunately. I'm no better than the next man in that regard.


I want to comment on one detail about the films- the many films- of the airliners hitting the Towers. I'm not sure who, but someone a few pages ago said the planes hitting hte towers looked completely made up because a plane would shatter into a thousand pieces when it hits something.

Well, no- materials travelling at high speeds behave differently than one might expect them to from experience with them at low speeds, and aluminum is a great case in point; It will crumple and smash at that speed, making it look exactly like the plane is disappearing into the building rather than breaking up against it.

Here's super slow motion video of a test done at Sandia Nat'l Labs. It shows footage of an F4 Phantom II hitting a solid concrete wall at about 500mph in a test;


Notice the aircraft doesn't shatter; it all but disappears into an unrecognizable mess as it hits the wall. Dirk, you're a pilot; you know most airplanes, inclusing the ones in question are made primarily of aluminum. I see zero disagreement between the video above and footage of the planes hitting the towers.

Why aren't there a bunch of plane parts? Because aluminum burns, and quite nicely, thank you- makes me wonder wtf the Nav is thinking when they want destroyers made out of the stuff, but that's another conversation. Why no black box, or engines? Again, when the planes hit the towers, these were lodged in the building- and stayed there when it collapsed and were subsequently buried and entombed- and then burned in the fire that lasted for several months. There are some parts of a modern jet engine that can survive a 500 mph crash into something solid, and parts that can withstand thousands of degrees of heat. There are NO parts in the engine, the cabin, the black box or anywhere else on that plane that can withstand both. This isn't quite as much about physics as it is 'properties of materials', more along the lines of an applied engineering science. This explains why no bodies were found in NY (I'm not as familiar with the Pentagon situation so I won't speak to it), no black box, no engine components, and no aluminum.

At least as far as the actual crashes of the planes themselves, I don't see the conspiracy.

I alluded to another conspiracy, though, one that has received no attention- meaning it's been successful so far; The Bush 43 administration entered office and from the very first day- or even before- were determined to put a stop to Saddam, by any means necessary, even if it involved fabricating evidence- which of course they did in a pretty shameful ruse to sucker the UN and the American People into a war we had no business starting for any legitimate reason. That's right; long before 9/11, Dick n Shrub had already decided to take Iraq down. Looking urther into THAT may yield some interesting insights.


This is the thing, I agree with you ty on the fact that Bush 2 wanted Sadam and their oil from the very beginning; the massive amount of repair contracts may have come as a bonus. I cannot believe that you and Squiggly really believe that the government had no idea about 9-11 and were caught "flat-footed".

That brings me to my next point. Squiggly you claim you are making a an Aristotle style argument but I do not see your argument in this thread. I am serious about this. I have seen you attempt to call out others on their lack of proof, but I am curious what proof you are offering and where exactly you stand on all of this, 9-11 that is. So I would not get too excited about the debate, the premises must be clear before a debate can exist and I believe you have failed here (or I have just missed it in the 16 pages of posts that we have here). At that I would love to know your position on the role of certain actors in the government having direct or indirect knowledge about the attacks on 9-11? I ask this and hope for the most concise answer; I also ask this question not to entice anger out of either you or ty, but because I respect both of your opinions and am truly curious about this.


This thread is about 9/11 ?I thought it was all about the squigmaster and how the stars and moons orbit around him.
dirk d

dirk d

I alluded to another conspiracy, though, one that has received no attention- meaning it's been successful so far; The Bush 43 administration entered office and from the very first day- or even before- were determined to put a stop to Saddam, by any means necessary, even if it involved fabricating evidence- which of course they did in a pretty shameful ruse to sucker the UN and the American People into a war we had no business starting for any legitimate reason. That's right; long before 9/11, Dick n Shrub had already decided to take Iraq down. Looking urther into THAT may yield some interesting insights.

TTystikk, i agree that at least one plane did hit the WTC Towers. And you are right that there wouldn't be much of that plane, if any, left after a 500+ mph crash. As far as the Pentagon goes I do not believe it possible to actually fly a plane that fast and that low, so I don't believe the "plane" would have disintegrated.

In that video you also see that the concrete does not give. So it would seem feasible that the Exterior Wall, although not as thick, would have held. With that much Jet Fuel every piece of that section that collapsed should show signs of Fire. And a simple release of the video from any of the, at least, 5 video surveillance cameras would put this to rest.

My question with the towers is why are there "explosions" as the building is falling? Also why are there support columns cut at a 45 degree perfect angle? obviously thermite, imo. A building that big would not implode on itself without help. It would lean to one side especially being that high as winds are much stronger the higher you go. How many people have been in a huge building and can "feel" the building swaying to one side or the other? Tall buildings are designed to sway.

Also what happened to WTC 7? you can't just prep a building for implosion in an hour? Also notice that WTC 7 collapsed exactly like the twin towers. coincidence? A building does not fall at free fall speeds without help. Too many things just don't add up.

We should look into the iraq situation as Ttystikk has recommended. I am a "self-described" expert on Iraq and Iran.

Also i am sorry if my actions have contributed to other members, except squiggly lol, disgust in this thread but taking a stand sometimes pisses a lot of people off lol. I do not expect people to like me and expected lots of attacks on my person for this. However it doesn't rule out the FACT that our government has been lying to us for a very long time.
dirk d

dirk d

This thread is about 9/11 ?I thought it was all about the squigmaster and how the stars and moons orbit around him.

Honestly Fish, I created this thread so we can discuss the MANY issues in our country and our world. Not just 9/11 it's just that sqig is constantly pressing this issue. There is so much more than 9/11 and after Living in this world for a long time, I have been exposed to many aspects of it.

btw the moon will be in taurus today lol
baba G

baba G

bean sprouts are tasty
It's called exaggeration. Sometimes it's funny.

If I truly were wishing death on a person, rather than just venting, I wouldn't have been smiling while doing it. I don't really hate dirk or harbor him any ill will. He thought he'd be comedian, and so I brought my comedy into the mix--perhaps its too dark for you.

Dirk would probably get it lol.

[Edit: It appears he did get it--he liked the post]

I make no apologies. I don't ride on the PC bandwagon. I think that shit is deteriorating our country. Its falsified.

It's people not saying what they really want to say, or what they mean. It's a bunch of bullshit.

You seriously think I'm trying to be deep when I'm mentioning wood grain accented PT cruisers? Use your head dude.

Context clues.

Anyway--taking my leave of this thread, I've served the purpose I intended to. Could really not possibly care less how it made you feel, or what your opinion of me is.

I'm sorry that I'm not one of these pandering ninny's who will jump at any chance feign neutrality. I'm not neutral, I am opinionated--and those opinions do not depend in the moment on what other people might feel about them. After a discussion, I may reassess my opinions about something if I've learned something new--but this isn't new.

You're just whining at this point--you said you were done with me awhile back. Block me if you don't like it homie--I'll still be lurking your grows either way :)

Everyone take care, I'm gonna take a break from Activist Corner for a few months :)

Shits going to get heated when you start saying inflammatory things though, it's a given.

I really, honestly, don't think any of what I've said is any crazier than any of what dirk has suggested (with exception to the genocide comment--obviously this was a poor choice of conversational style on my part lol).

All this shit goes both ways, unfortunately. I'm no better than the next man in that regard.
If talking about someone being fused to a car and the car killing them and their family seeing them smashed to said car at a wake is a joke, you are totally sick. I'm very far from Politically Correct squiggly, I just didn't think you had any humor in your post or pretty much all your posts on this thread. We obviously have different senses of humor, but don't fukn assume I'm PC. And because you were smiling while you thought about and pictured Dirk D dieing by car; I'm suppose to think it's a joke....Knowing you were smiling while hate typing just proves to me you enjoy it.:)

You can very opinionated and not spew hate, it's simple. Dirk never painted your death, hard to say you haven't said crazier shit than dirk.

Here is a blip of my humor and political correctness:

This video is so up your alley squiggly.

baba G

baba G

bean sprouts are tasty
All I ask is you watch this vid squiggly, smoke a fukn bowl by all means and sit back and laugh for once. they have many studies that prove laughter is great for you, it's a body workout and release many yummy feel good things into the system...lol
dirk d

dirk d

Here is a timeline of the Iraq Invasion

that private jessica lynch was a staged event?? wtf is going on??


I love Bill Hicks. Literally my favorite thing in the world is stand up. Only 2nd to smoking pot. Generally all of my leisure time is spent watching stand up and smoking bowls.

Since we're talking about that--IT'S A FUCKING HILARIOUS JOKE that you would say this:

If talking about someone being fused to a car and the car killing them and their family seeing them smashed to said car at a wake is a joke, you are totally sick.

And then post a BILL HICKS video for me to laugh at. This was a guy who had perhaps the darkest sense of humor ever to grace a comedic stage. What a crock.

Maybe you need to study up on your stand-up or something, lol.

It's like I said--it was intended to be funny.

There's something they say about jokes that you don't get:

They weren't meant for you.

Is there any point in telling a comedian you didn't appreciate his joke? No.

Now I'm not professional, but the same applies here (and I've said it already)--I don't give a shit what you think or how you took it.

Fact is you took it in a way which was not intended. I just "showed ignored content" and found that dirk laughed at it himself. THAT IS WHO THE JOKE WAS INTENDED FOR, AND IT WAS RECEIVED.

So quit your whining dude. Things which weren't intended for you didn't apply to you--big surprise. Move on, or block me as I said.

Honestly just for that I'm unblocking you--I like that you can come full circle and be relaxed about it, I was perhaps jumping to conclusions in blocking you. I personally thought the shit was pretty funny, and I'm glad that you agreed. It's pretty clear that we'll have to agree to disagree on the issues, but no harm done so far as I can see aside from that.

I'll end on this note:

You may be completely right, or I may be completely right, or perhaps both of us are half-right.

Either way, both of us have some distance to go in proving our cases one way or the other. That's really at the heart of my motivation here, I just don't think your position should be presented as something which has been fully proven any more than the position that nothing fishy happened should be presented as complete until its 100% proven.

I think you have some work to do as it goes to your proof and arguments, but I can certainly say that you mean well--and that is always what is of the utmost importance to me. Intention means everything to me, and I know that your intent is good. I suppose I'll just leave it there.
baba G

baba G

bean sprouts are tasty
All I meant was that I didn't find your picturing dirk dead as humor, must have been the way it came off. Then you proceeded to say that, perhaps your humor was too dark for me...
So, to illustrate how my humor is dark and very sarcastic I posted a video of my favorite comedian/philosopher in recent history.

You can give me a 5 paragraph essay about anything you want but it doesn't change that thought processes above.
Later skater

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