LA Confidential Grow

  • Thread starter Afghi420
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Here is the beginning of another go around. This time with 8 LA Confidentials. I ordered 12 seeds, all of which germinated in 24 hours and so far have been very eager to grow. I gave 4 plants away to someone to keep the strain alive elsewhere, just incase i like it as much as i hope i will it will be good to have some extra's kicking around. I had to put a heater in the room as the 2 600's aren't keeping the tent quite warm enough. It has been below -10C for a couple weeks though and has just finally began to warm up above freezing. Anyway it is staying above 20C now so that seems good. I am having very low humidity now though, in the spring my room maintained 45 % always, now im at below 20 %. I tried putting a large bucket of water in the room which hasn't don e anything so far, so looks like i will be buying a humidifier in the next day or two. Im going to try and do a full diary with this grow and keep it up to date with regular pics. Im considering ordering up some Iranian Auto's for a summer outdoor grow, something about that strain seems to grab my attention, they really give it high praise in some of the mags. Anyone have any experience with Iranian Auto? Would appreciate some info from people with experience with the LA Con. It really looks like i can see two different pheno's already, a couple of my plants, including the one in the picture, have a fatter (afghanica style) leaf, they all have that wide indica leaf ofcourse, being a double afghani, but a couple are noticeably wider leaf. I will update with some pics as they grow some more, have a good one everybody.



Here's a picture of the LA CON that I have. Have never grown it, don't know the sex yet, but it certainly has those big leaves you mentioned.
View attachment 286357

If it is the plant in the middle there, that actually looks more like the skinnier leaf to me..They are still fairly wide, a classic indica leaf, but a few of my plants have an ever wider (almost round) leaf. Check out the picture i have there of the small plant, look at the leaf closest to the top of that picture, that is what im talking about.. I've got plants that look a lot like the one in your picture, but i think the pheno with the afghanica style leaf is the better of the two.. Although im really hoping that both pheno's are great..


I decided to take a picture of the two different phenotype's of the LA Confidential, this way people can see a side by side comparison of the different pheno's. A noticeable different in the leaf structure is easy to spot. I think i have atleast 3 or 4 plants with the afghanica style leaf structure. The plants with the wider leaf seem a bit slower to grow, they have begun to take off a bit though, when i checked them this morning they looked as if the put on a couple inches in growth. Hopefully i can get them to a decent size before i flip them, which i plan on doing by mid February at the latest. I might have to move by the end of April so i need these plants to finish by then.. I figure if i get them started flowering within a couple weeks that will give me 2 1/2 months.. Here is a couple updated pics and a pheno comparison.



I guess i never gave any info as to what my setup is, so i will give a bit of detail there.. First off, im using an 8x8 tent i built in my basement. Im running 2 600 watt hps hortilux. Im using an 8 inch inline fan for venting and a passive 12 inch intake. For fertlizers i use Earth Juice original formula grow and bloom, along with the earth juice catalyst. Im growing in 3 gallon pots, and here is my mixture i use for my medium. I started with this agro grow stuff, it's just a soilless medium like pro mix, minus the perlite, which i had to add.. So i added healthy amount of perlite to the mix, then i used a couple handfuls of sheep shit. I added a good 2 or 3 handfuls of worm castings, a pinch of chicken manure, a handful or two of dolomite lime and a spoonful of powdered myco fungi. This is just my own personal mixture i use but it seems to work quite well.. I plan on buying a bottle of this Neptunes Fish fertilizer, was going to buy some yesterday from a local market but the stuff they had has been left in a shed all winter exposed to freezing temperatures off and on, and im not sure if this would screw up the quality of the product or not, so im waiting to get a clear answer on this before i waste 20 bucks.


Can someone please help with this issue im having. Im thinking it is either maybe my lights were a bit too close, the humidity being too low or my PH being a bit too high.. My lights were around 19 inches, i raised them up a bit more tonight to about 24 inches. The humidity has been around 25 %. I bought a humidifier , a 2 gallon that did nothing at all.. I found one thats pretty much new for $50, it's a 9 gallon and a bit bigger, i might try getting that one and see if it will actually raise the Rh some. I have to use a heater right now which is drying things out too. My ph with my well water runs about 8.1.. I used to use PH Down when using just water, but when i always stared seedlings i never bothered to ph down and my plants always looked healthy, so i haven't been bothering to ph down this time.. Should i be ph'ing my water down to 7 or less? Can someone please tell me whjat the upward cuppig around the edges, and twisting leaves is as well? oh btw, my temps are usually never above 75 or couple degree's warmer at most.




Let me first say I am no expert so can't comment on the leaves. I do think tho that the couple of points you mentioned definitely need to be addressed.

RH shoud probably be closer to the 50-60% range. I often have had a hellavu time with RH as well. Purchased a home depot humiditier that has 2 containers each holding about 5 litres. I have to fill it at least once a day.

I would absolutely be using PH down, at least to get it 6.5 to 6.8. Lots of people like it lower, but you are not hydro or coco, so that range shoud be ok.

Don't think the lights were too low, I think if you get the RH & PH in line, your girls should come back. Hope I've helped


Let me first say I am no expert so can't comment on the leaves. I do think tho that the couple of points you mentioned definitely need to be addressed.

RH shoud probably be closer to the 50-60% range. I often have had a hellavu time with RH as well. Purchased a home depot humiditier that has 2 containers each holding about 5 litres. I have to fill it at least once a day.

I would absolutely be using PH down, at least to get it 6.5 to 6.8. Lots of people like it lower, but you are not hydro or coco, so that range shoud be ok.

Don't think the lights were too low, I think if you get the RH & PH in line, your girls should come back. Hope I've helped

So does your humidifier actually make a big difference in your RH ? I have my fan running all the time on the lowest setting, but it is a fairly hefty fan for my size tent. I actually put plastic around about 75 % of my filter to try and stpo so much air being taken out of the room so fast. Still with that and my humidifier on 24 hours a day my Rh barely goes up by 5 %. I have a heater on all the time atm as well, its been cold out. I guess i will try buying this 9 gallon double tank humidifier i found for sale half price, but its barely been used. It actually has a rh setting as well so it can maintain a specific RH. I gave my first watering last night where i ph'd the water down to 6.8. I have been misting the plants a few times a day as well which seems to be helping. Anyways, i will probably buy that humidifier today and try that out.. thanks .


Maybe if u purchase on of these (not very expensive) and set it to Var at a low setting it will help. It lets your filter/fan run at variable times and only exhausts small amounts, not full out 24/7. I can't say that I'm the person to help with anything technical, I've had to rely on other people to help me over the years. Right now, my filter/fan is hooked into this
002because I don't have a sealed room. This kicks in at the temp I want and as it exhausts the room it brings cool air in through an opening. My plants are only in veg right now, don't have to worry about odor too much, so I use this. The humidity is always lower when the lights are on and the filter/fan kicks in, prob around 50%. It rises when the lights are off, up to 60-65%, Again, not really sure this is any help for technical abilities are pretty much nil.


Here is a couple updated pics.. Plants are growing kind of slowly, but i heard this strain is like that anyway. It is the pheno with the rounder afghanica leaves that are the slower growers, i believe they are supposed to be fairly clone to their mother, the og la afghi.. Next go around i am going to transplant much sooner. When i took them out of the dome trays when they were just 2-3 inch seedlings they had up to half a foot long mass of roots hanging off of them, i should have had them transplanted much sooner and into their big pots.. They seem somewhat stunted, the nodes are too close together, actually trying to make them stretch some right now.. Would putting my light up higher be better for that? Lights are right around 2 feet right now. Here is a couple updated pics.



Well i put a different humidifier in my tent and it is doing the trick now. I seem to be maintaining about 45 % Rh now which should atleast not be harming the plants. They seemed to have slowed right down, taking several days to dry out, but in the past 2 days since i got the humidifier they have dried out much quicker, hopefully they are back on track. I did some more research on nutrients and stuff and have a much better understanding now of how the plants work. Really clears things up for me. I was always kind of worried about deficiencies and stuff, and always having the odd strange issue with some leaves or whatever.. I found a great post on Earth Juice that was super helpful for me, if anyone is using earth juice i really suggest they check it out. Im not going to post it here because its a very long post, but i will put it up under Nurtients for anyone to check out. It lists all of the ingredients for all of the Earth Juice Products, gives some helpful info and feeding schedules. I've learned a few new things about PH'ing too that will be very helpful. I used a 1 ml eye dropped to do some measurements as well, i found out that the spoon i was using that i thought to be 1 tbspn was only like 1/3 of what i thought it was. So i was definitly underfeeding them. Knowing all of the ingredients in the products i use was very helpful though, i then looked up those individual products and could find which nutrients they contain and so on.. I know now that with a proper dosage of Grow+Bloon+Catalyst i am giving my plants all of the vitamins and nutrients they should need. It really makes growing a lot more simple to have a basic understanding of this stuff. If conditions are perfect you shouldn't have any issues at all really..


Let me first say I am no expert so can't comment on the leaves. I do think tho that the couple of points you mentioned definitely need to be addressed.

RH shoud probably be closer to the 50-60% range. I often have had a hellavu time with RH as well. Purchased a home depot humiditier that has 2 containers each holding about 5 litres. I have to fill it at least once a day.

I would absolutely be using PH down, at least to get it 6.5 to 6.8. Lots of people like it lower, but you are not hydro or coco, so that range shoud be ok.

Don't think the lights were too low, I think if you get the RH & PH in line, your girls should come back. Hope I've helped

You were right about the Rh.. The plants had basically shut down and stopped taking in water.. Since i have put the bigger humidifier in the room, maybe a week or slightly longer now, they have been fed and dried completely 3-4 times. I found a great post on Earth Juice too that really helped me. I have been PH'ing my straight water down now too, have been trying to swing my PH from 6.3 then the next time i feed i will go to 6.7. From what i have read that seems like a good idea, would let in more of different nutrients that way wouldnt it? Anyways thanks for the info, they seem to be back on track.

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