Search results for query: coffee grounds

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  1. Gtglicky3

    New to the website . So Here is the grow journal i started

    lol me to my uncle told me about the coffee grounds and the article I read sed to use used grounds I think if there fresh there more acidic and might make the soil hotter
  2. cannafarmer420

    Help me shop for budget outdoor amendments. Growing in aged horse manure. sterilize all of these, I forget I think 375 for 40 mins should be plenty. Bannana peels, apple peels, egg shells, fan leaves, USED coffee grounds. That covers your NPK right there, K from Bannana peel, phosphorus from fan leaves, tons of nitrogen from used coffee grounds. Egg shells have...
  3. BryanOconner

    New to the website . So Here is the grow journal i started

    would coffee grounds have less nutrients in them ? Flushed already with hot water . But again coffee grounds may be bio into the soil to make it nutrient rich. Im far from a expert with soil .
  4. The_Greenist

    New to the website . So Here is the grow journal i started

    Brah, pour some monster on it to feed the micro organisms
  5. S

    New to the website . So Here is the grow journal i started

    how much coffee grounds per 5 gal bucket should one add to the soil?
  6. Captspaulding

    Nitrogen Deficiency During Flowering - What to do?

    😜 I see you buddy hahaha, coffee grounds do indeed supply that good nitrogen.
  7. Madbud

    Can you use coffee as fertilizer?

    Coffee grounds and egg shells are all our grandmothers used for tomatos.
  8. LoveGrowingIt

    Can you use coffee as fertilizer?

    Used coffee grounds are good for repelling slugs and snails from outside plants.
  9. MartyMcFly42oh

    Tired of trainwrecking other peoples threads? Well then, come party at the captains! Trainwreck this thread with…….trains? Anything goes here……….

    Definitely want to know what not to feed them, I think coffee grounds are bad for them, but I might be wrong.
  10. PlumberSoCal2

    Tired of trainwrecking other peoples threads? Well then, come party at the captains! Trainwreck this thread with…….trains? Anything goes here……….

    On a gardening page with people telling me stale beer, egg shells and coffee grounds work keeping slugs and snails away from plants. They have no clue who they're talking to apparently. 7 years ago my neighbor's daughter across the street worked for Star Bucks and would bring me bags of used...
  11. E

    Nitrogen Deficiency During Flowering - What to do?

    Little coffee grounds little banana soaked water whatever way I can get them the nutes.
  12. Gtglicky3

    New to the website . So Here is the grow journal i started

    Well I wouldn’t say using coffee is incorrect. I mix coffee grounds with my soil an have for years it adds organic material to the soil and is pretty much an organic fertilizer also help make it slightly more acidic. There’s tons of articles about it. coffee grounds includes 2% nitrogen, 0.06%...
  13. Gtglicky3

    New to the website . So Here is the grow journal i started

    I put 1 1/2 cups of used coffee grounds with 5 gallons of slightly damp soil then mix it well and let it sit for a day or 2. Then when the plant gets 6” to 12” I scratch the surface with my fingers and top dress with 2 or 3 tablespoons and water it with 1/2 teaspoon of molasses in a Gatorade...
  14. 2Water

    Nitrogen Deficiency During Flowering - What to do?

    Could always water with used coffee grounds🤷‍♂️
  15. BryanOconner

    New to the website . So Here is the grow journal i started

    Its now a living soil . I see all kinds of different bugs moving around in it have to zoom way in . No bag bugs im sure of that , Used to kill everything with chemical nutrients in the past .
  16. Tumbleweed375

    Tired of trainwrecking other peoples threads? Well then, come party at the captains! Trainwreck this thread with…….trains? Anything goes here……….

    They are good in moderation. Too many will spike the ph. Definitely going to be a learning curve, but once i get my worms dialed in i'm hoping it's gonna cut my nute costs back
  17. Captspaulding

    Tired of trainwrecking other peoples threads? Well then, come party at the captains! Trainwreck this thread with…….trains? Anything goes here……….

    I use a copper band stapled to all exposed edges here. It really friggin works. It causes them to get a. Little zap too. 🤡
  18. Dadman86

    Need help finding better nutes.

    I got tons of backyard and read that composted soil has most bacteria life or microbial life that plants thrive in. We eat a lot of produce. Bananas strawberries oranges egg shells old coffee grounds. It's all free no Xtra cost. By next summer I could have my own living soil
  19. A

    Can you use coffee as fertilizer?

    and banana peels
  20. 2Water

    Good morning to everyone, I'm about as new as you can get on this posting stuff

    Yup, used coffee grounds or green tea, great nitrogen booster
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