13 days in , now ill start the show

  • Thread starter still smokin
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northern monsta

is it just 1 plant doing that? check your ph, strengh of feed ect in my room there might always be 1 in there that looks not as nice as the rest, i would say 75% of my problems i have experianced have been down to ph not being correct hope you can fix her, im sure you will! i use different nutes to yourself, any1 help my man out here? try your ph first then strengh of feeds i allways keep my ec at 1.5/6 ph at 5.7-6.3 ive had no problems since doing this dont friek man your girls look like they are having a ball lol

northern monsta

maybe too close to light thats a complete guess buddy just u said u might need to lift the roof higher making me think.

still smokin

thanks for all the advice man. had two that where doing it. so i flushed last night and in 2 hours the on was perfect again but the other is a little better . should i flush fresh water again befor the soil dries out or do i today will still wet?and ph on the on was way low so was the other but today the one was 6.5 the other still alittle low below 6.

northern monsta

i grow with coco ive never used soil but from what i can remember your ph sounds ok i would get a soil growers advice there are loads of good people on here some1 will drop in some advice uve got them this far bro if your unsure post a question with some picks loads of guys on here will jump in to help you im stumped how strong are your feeds try a weaker feed on the poorly ones making sure ph is correct then see what happens sorry i cant be of more help i would try the weaker feed that probably be what i would do

still smokin

here are some pics of my outdoor site #1 with the ladies in ther new home , they seem to love it here,
First grow in 15  or so years 018
First grow in 15  or so years 019
First grow in 15  or so years 020
First grow in 15  or so years 021

northern monsta

hey smokin the outdoor spot looks good the plants look good there how do u decide on a spot do u have to walk for miles to get to it or can u do it in your back yard ? besides the spot looks good u should do more loads of different kinds that would be well cool ive never done outdoors before im saving that for when i move to somewhere hot! looking good bro real nice erea u picked hope you get a ton of bud my friend i really do what are the temps like outdoors and do u get much rain? sorry bout all the questions im just really interested in outdoor growing even though im limited to indoors. do u dig a hole and fill it with soil of somesort and then call by once or twice a week to water? carrying all that water could be a bit tiring, i suppose on the flip side its a workout it will do u some good lol, nice pics of outdoors when u get them up and away will look brilliant

still smokin

hey buddy yeah its only 2 miles from myhousebut i hope to only have to go once a week cause the hole have 8 gallons over dirt per hole so that should hole them for a week i hope . yes it is raining here as i am typing this but it will in about 2 weeks then it will get into the 80s for the rest of the summer . but we get rain here all summer long off and on.the dirt was the hard part to get in cause im doing this myself (stealth baby stealth)so i brought my wheel barrow at night and carted it back that way, the groung in 2" thick with oak leaves so it didnt even leave a trail. (swee) and wate, yeah ill have to pack in on this sight 4 gallons a week . my soil has moisture thingys in it to hold more water through the heat. hope it works.you have to go through 50 yards of thike thistlse to get here from any direction . only deer should be here and ive pee all over the place to keep them away. lol


Hell ya man right on. Can I make one suggestion. The h202 is not compatiable with Bigbloom or the Molasses. It will kill off all the benefiticial bacteria in them. Love the 3 150's. I bet heat isnt a problem huh? Nice one.

still smokin

no man ,heat not a problem ...period. that was my whole idea behind it. i hate fighting heat in the middle of bloom. thanks for the info on the nutes though, i think that ill use the same as i a using on my reg sized plant s annd see what happens. i dont know enough about the nutes to mess to much with them and sure dont want to toast them.I have not posted any pics of the lr2 because 8 days is not all that to look at but i will get them up here soon as i see first blonde little hair... lol you have to love blondes.

pure arghan

still smokin, wot do you think of the afgahi that you grew, have one with about 3-4 onces on it and will be giving it the chop in the next week, has been growing from seed for 9 weeks, would have to say that it doesnt look as good as outher plants out there but iv been told that it is very potent-strong, would you agare?

still smokin

hey pure thanks for coming in . well my mazar x afghani so far is a disapointment. all my other plant are kickin ass. but the mazar is just starting and i am on my 21st day of bud. t my mystery plants are so much faster then the mazar but the mazar was almost 1 month younger then the mazar tso i think that that has alot to do with it. my mystery syrain was almost 7 weeks when i started the bloom but the mazar was only i think 4 weeks from seed so i can judge them yest but they do have sugar startng so i think by the time they are done they will be very nice. hang in there man

still smokin

I wish that i had a good camera so i could get a petter close up cause i think that this mystery strain is a white widow strain but not to sure . the sugar that is coming is very impressive i will try to get them to be better pics but just using my phone cam i cant expect to much. but ill put up some more pics and let me know what you all think this is. I did pinch the buds ever so softly and it has a very very nice fruity smell.

still smokin

damn these are crap pics , need good cam ...lol... when crop is off!!!!!

pure arghan


wot lights are you use'n man are they 150w ??:icon_dizzy:

still smokin

yes, i have 3 -150 hps from sun system . very bright for 150 watt. 16000 lumen each. you can get them 12 inches from the top if you have fan running across the top of the plants. so far so good

northern monsta

nice going man u got buds me too liokes those 150 watt lights u got i really do do they even give off any heat? coverage is nice with them anyways looking well cool man
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