1st Grow, Basic Questions

  • Thread starter WickedTomboi
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Wicked,what is too hot?My light on temp runs about 80* and light off is about 70*can you do 2 fans drawing air out?and open the bottom of your tent a bit for intake air and you could get a humidifier for a baby*s room at walmart or some such place they aren*t too spendy or just hang a couple wet towels in your tent let them evaporate,good luckPeace.
yeah, I'm thinking it's okay around 80-82 now that I'm doing more research, it's just the humidity thing really - it's definitely challenging to keep it reasonable, because when i have the humidifier on - condensation gets all the lights and whatnot and i'm afraid of electrical fire or something lol.

the wet towel thing sounds like it might be worth a try. Actually today for some reason it's the humidity is sticking around 40% at 80F so I'm pleased, I have the bottom of the tent open as well.

It's also hard cause the tent is INSIDE a storage shed which is in my bedroom (fairly large), the storage shed is for extra "stealth" so to speak, but when I know no one else is around (which is pretty often) I open the doors to get the airflow circulating.

happy b

Between 75/80 degrees is perfect . you can leave your extractor on the floor (although near the roof is better).as long as it's blowing outwards . it will be powerful enough to pull the hot air down from the top of your grow room . It would have been a better idea setting up the grow room before growing any plants . that way they would have an ideal start . If the humidity is too low it's ok to spray the plants as long as theyr not directly under the light when it's too low . raise it up a good bit when spraying so it doesn't burn spots into the leaves.


wouldn't hurt to add more perlite to your soil. better drainage and aeration. HID lights on new plants should be raised high (400) 3 feet or so.even if you dim down to lowest...start high then lower as it gets used to it.


Added more Perlite. Added small personal humidifier but not adding enough. I'm pretty steady at 77F and 30% humidity. Plants looking good so far. Here's today's pics. ImageImageImageImage


Things are getting better, I've got it where the 400 watt HPS light (75-100%) is on 2 plants, one JUST started 1st week vegetative (the White Widow) and the other is still seedling (has massive first leaves). They are both in 2 gal. smart pots (the breathable cloth ones). I poked some holes in the bottoms for extra air flow and as suggested added some more perlite. The humidity is still an "issue" but I'm always home and I'm always checking, so I'm pretty on top of it and keeping it around 30-40% is the best I can do for now.

Perhaps it seems redundant, but I'm wanting to really make sure I'm watering correctly - which is kind of difficult using these smart-pots, because they seem to absorb all the water. Sometimes if the soil appears too dense I'll take a spoon and do like a mini-irrigation type thing, letting air get into certain spaces. I try to turn the soil as much as possible around the plant to keep oxygen flowing. I have a couple of those digital moisture readers, seems like when I push it 1/2 way down it says "moist" when I push it all the way to the bottom it reads "dry". Also, Very rarely if ever does water seep out of the bottom of these smart pots.

Plants are looking great though.


1000w in small space is overkill. Will be difficult to maintain temps.
Just took these shots, was wondering ... Is it bad that the leaves are calling under a bit? it seems normal/ bushy but I'm not sure. This is an indica dominant strain (white widow).


Just took these shots, was wondering ... Is it bad that the leaves are calling under a bit? it seems normal/ bushy but I'm not sure. This is an indica dominant strain (white widow).

Honestly all looks well. If you start to see'em curl too much or if the tips start to burn you might have nutrient over fert (burn). I find that when I run into this problem, something high in potassium (K) helps. I use liquid kelp so that its still receiving other essentials during Veg.


Thanks for that. I'm using one of those I think digital stocks that measure pH. Said pH was around 7. Isn't it supposed to be like 6.5-7.5?


Honestly all looks well. If you start to see'em curl too much or if the tips start to burn you might have nutrient over fert (burn). I find that when I run into this problem, something high in potassium (K) helps. I use liquid kelp so that its still receiving other essentials during Veg.
I have another question that may or may not be relevant. Has anyone ever tried using liquid CO2 in their nute mix at some point? I've read countless articles on the value of CO2 to cannaibis plants but nothing that mentioned the liquid kind one would use in let's say .... An aquarium with water plants.


Thanks for that. I'm using one of those I think digital stocks that measure pH. Said pH was around 7. Isn't it supposed to be like 6.5-7.5?

This could be where your "curl" is coming from. I'm not sure what ph should be like in soil since I have little experience with it. Hopefully some can chime in on that one for you. I would stick around 5.8 just to be safe.


This could be where your "curl" is coming from. I'm not sure what ph should be like in soil since I have little experience with it. Hopefully some can chime in on that one for you. I would stick around 5.8 just to be safe.
Yeah that's what I'm going to have to do, bring the pH down a bit. It mixes with water though (the pH solution) so I guess I'll have to do it slowly over 3-4 waterings, seen a slight drop in pH after the first watering.

I'm confused about these damn smart pots bc they're supposed to be so much more "fool proof" due to their breathable material but it makes it hard to judge over or under watering as very little if anything comes draining out of the bottom.

And I'm the first person to literally overthink every aspect of EVERYTHING lol


Original Swamp Fam
Inside a 3'×2'×5' tent?

Yeah right. Lets have those plants really crispy.
I agree 1k would be overkill. but I have used a 1k in a 4x2 x6 closet many times before but room was cold and left door open in closet and had a fan moving the air around. its possible but I would try it for this grow.


Original Swamp Fam
wouldnt.. cant edit. I wouldnt for this grow.. plants look good. keep up the love and welcome to the far,


The drooping might be caused by the light being to close, if possible raise it up. you should see the leaves start to reach up.

Do not add liquid CO2 to your water!!! DO NOT !!!! CO2 is for the leaves to absorb, and only during lights on. roots need oxygen.

Since you are using smart pots (cloth) your water will dry out more, this is ok...better than not drying out. you can check your pots by lifting them,
when mostly dry they will be lite... after watering they will be heavy.
And you have seedlings, so you don't want to water, as to get a run off. your roots have not spread out far enough to absorb all the water. that is why your tester is reading that way. it will be moist towards bottom..no roots there.

Your ph should be 6.2-6.5

In veg it is best to have a higher humidity than 30-40% if possible raise it some. around 60-70.

I wouldn't turn the soil any, after your seedling has grown some, you will get the really small capillary roots that spread out just below the surface.
if its drying out to quickly, its because of low humidity, strong light, and cloth pot. you can put on a top layer of mulch, that will help maintain surface moisture.

And the 400 watt light is more than enough for your tent size.

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