1st Grow Ever Looking For Pointers

  • Thread starter Gettnpacksin
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Hps 600w or 2 mars hydro 600w

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The summers are usually moderate some days high 80s maybe 90 buy average around mid to high 70s. As for this past summer it was a scorcher as it was everywhere, so if beat becomes a problem I have a portable air conditioner that I can throw into my fresh air draw to cool it down. Or I will purchase led to run as for they run alot cooler than hps ..

Sounds like you have a good plan in place. I hope you'll share your outcomes...I'm interested in hearing how things evolve for you!


Sounds like you have a good plan in place. I hope you'll share your outcomes...I'm interested in hearing how things evolve for you!
Once I start I will be starting a grow journal with daily/everyother day logs . (Once I figure out how to manage this site a little better haha). @OldPine i definitely appreciate all the helpful information man. Thanks for the superfast responses to a my questions. I will definitely have more questions in the next few days as I start making a hand written journal of steps to take and everything else till I can beat a routine into my head. If you can't tell I'm super excited to start this journey and to meet different farmers and ways of farming


It's my pleasure, Packs. I'm happy that I can help. I'll look forward to hearing about your continued experience. I'll certainly answer any and all questions I can along your journey. One thing is for sure - when it comes to this forum, there are a ton of people who have a wealth of experience decades beyond my own. No doubt you'll always find what you're looking for here...or at very least an extremely good debate with both sides of an issue clearly outlined which will allow you to make your own way based on good info.

I watched this site for a long long time before finally joining the other day. I guess I was too chicken to join up...not really sure why...but I wish I had gotten involved in the community much earlier.

By the way, a journal is a great idea. It's a must, if you ask me. I always surprise myself by needing to reference a decision made weeks, months, or years ago. And I'm always so thankful when I look back and it's obvious that I took good notes at the time. I always curse myself when it's obvious I got lazy and either took sparse notes or no notes at all.

But then I have the memory of a goldfish, so that doesn't help either.

Happy farming!


Sorry if I'm stepping on your toes @Juddz2891 in answering this question...and please correct me if I've misunderstood your post in any way.

@Gettnpacksin - what Juddz was referencing when he mentioned "hot" is that the Fox Farms Ocean Forest is well saturated with nutrients...to the point where he would classify it as "hot" or potentially too nutrient rich for young plants, especially if you start a nutrient feeding schedule immediately. His advice was to beware the nutrient schedule provided by FF as they tend to over prescribe their nutrients. This is true of most, if not all, nutrient companies. They want you to use as much of their product as possible. Therefore, their suggested nutrient levels are usually way too high. This can be a simple as a waste of product (and $) but could also do damage to your plants, especially when they're young. I do want to note that I have never used Fox Farms Ocean Forest, so I can't speak to this from personal experience. I'm simply expanding on what I believe Juddz was referring to.

I typically would not add nutrients for the first 10-14 days, especially when using FF or similar which already contains nutrients. When I do start adding nutrients, I start very slowly...usually around 15-20% of what the nutrient company suggests. I will then slowly raise my nutrients during subsequent feedings. For example, I might go for no nutrients until day 10 or 14, then start at 15-20% recommended levels for the first feeding. I would then keep that level for another 5-7 days until deciding to increase to 20-25%. Continue this pattern while paying attention to your plants. They'll tell you if they need more or if you overdid it.

By gradually increasing nutrient levels, you will better avoid you soil becoming to "hot" (too nutrient saturated) for your plants. You'll also be able to see where your plants are most happy. For example, if they are thriving at 40%, you probably don't want or need to increase from there.

Last thing I'll throw out there is that I typically never end up higher than 50% of what the nutrient company calls for. Every now and again, there will be a strain that wants more. But typically I stop at or around 50%. And if you want to enter another entire world of debate, start looking into what you'll be doing at or near the end of your flowering cycle in regards to nutrients. Personally, I gradually decrease my nutrient levels during feeding starting about three or two weeks out from harvest.

There's a post on here called Flushing is a Bad Practice Based on Flawed Science (https://www.thcfarmer.com/community...-on-flawed-science.64789/page-24#post-1797944). In fact, I just read this thread in it's entirety the other day. You'll see that there are people who have very good reasons for their preferred methods on both sides of the fence.

Sorry to go on-and-on with my responses this morning. I noted your comment regarding wanting to absorb as much info as possible. I hope I haven't just muddied the waters for you.


Sorry I'm late but exactly yea I messed up when I first started burned my babies but it was all trial and error and no steeping glad u was able to respond to it for me that's the reason I love the farm I came here with zero experience and every one so helpful and now I'ma able to give my little info jus from the experience so jus take your time don't rush them let them do they thing and u gon be happy with the outcome If I can help any kind of way I will and if I can't I'll put u in the right direction happy growing and I'll be watching the threads for yu keep me updated


It's my pleasure, Packs. I'm happy that I can help. I'll look forward to hearing about your continued experience. I'll certainly answer any and all questions I can along your journey. One thing is for sure - when it comes to this forum, there are a ton of people who have a wealth of experience decades beyond my own. No doubt you'll always find what you're looking for here...or at very least an extremely good debate with both sides of an issue clearly outlined which will allow you to make your own way based on good info.

I watched this site for a long long time before finally joining the other day. I guess I was too chicken to join up...not really sure why...but I wish I had gotten involved in the community much earlier.

By the way, a journal is a great idea. It's a must, if you ask me. I always surprise myself by needing to reference a decision made weeks, months, or years ago. And I'm always so thankful when I look back and it's obvious that I took good notes at the time. I always curse myself when it's obvious I got lazy and either took sparse notes or no notes at all.

But then I have the memory of a goldfish, so that doesn't help either.

Happy farming!
@OldPine quick question about veg. Would 200 or 400w hps work or should I try another route? Again thank you and everyone else I have about 6 pages of notes to go over all of which I found answers on this farm page . I was the same way I would come here read up on some questions I had and finally I decided to start my own to help with questions I couldn't find direct answers for . Thanks again


I think you'll be fine with hps, generally. Do you happen to have a digital ballast that can handle both hps and metal halide? If you do, then I'd suggest a metal halide bulb over hps for veg. Mh is able to produce the higher end of the light spectrum better than hps. That said, you'll be just fine with hps.

If you do decide to go hps, I'd probably start with 200w vs. 400w. Does your dimmable balast go as low as 200w? If so, I'd start there and work you way up. I personally hate battling heat, so I always try to get away with less.

Bottom line though, you'll be fine with 400w too - just a bit more heat and make sure you keep the lights a comfortable distance from young plants.


I think you'll be fine with hps, generally. Do you happen to have a digital ballast that can handle both hps and metal halide? If you do, then I'd suggest a metal halide bulb over hps for veg. Mh is able to produce the higher end of the light spectrum better than hps. That said, you'll be just fine with hps.

If you do decide to go hps, I'd probably start with 200w vs. 400w. Does your dimmable balast go as low as 200w? If so, I'd start there and work you way up. I personally hate battling heat, so I always try to get away with less.

Bottom line though, you'll be fine with 400w too - just a bit more heat and make sure you keep the lights a comfortable distance from young plants.
I believe It is capable of running hps and mh on the top of the ballast it has both names. And yes my ballast goes from 200w, to 400w and maxing out at 600w. What wattage mh should I run?


I think you'd do really well with 400w mh.

You'll want to flower with hps though...which leads back to your original question. If you don't want to end up buying multiple bulbs, you may want to just go hps this time around. It'll more than get you through the veg stage!


I think you'd do really well with 400w mh.

You'll want to flower with hps though...which leads back to your original question. If you don't want to end up buying multiple bulbs, you may want to just go hps this time around. It'll more than get you through the veg stage!
Maybe hps and start at 200 and see what feedback your girls give you? You can always work up to 400.


So I will run 400w mh for veg for what 3-4weeks? Then switch to the 600w hps bulb for flowering. I wish my tent would get here sooner so I can start.
Yeah, I'd run your mh until you're ready to flip them to flower. I forget, did you mention whether you're running an autoflower or photoperiod strain?


Yeah, I'd run your mh until you're ready to flip them to flower. I forget, did you mention whether you're running an autoflower or photoperiod strain?
Autofems for the the first couple but I did order a few photo also


Autofems for the the first couple but I did order a few photo also
Ok, so this is where you're outside of my knowledge base. I've never run autos. I would assume that you should run your mh until you start to see pre-flowers and then watch closely day-by-day for the first flowers. Then make your flip. But, like I said - it's probably good to ask directly of someone who is used to running autos.

I don't think you'll hurt anything if your transition from mh to hps isn't "perfect" - even if you're off by a few days all should be just fine...


Autofems for the the first couple but I did order a few photo also
I've also read about people having to force their autos with a day or two transition to 12/12. Apparently the ruderalis genes don't always do their thing. This also makes me wonder if you can force all autos into flowering when you want...I could see someone running a SOG want to flower earlier than someone running some other method.


Ok, so this is where you're outside of my knowledge base. I've never run autos. I would assume that you should run your mh until you start to see pre-flowers and then watch closely day-by-day for the first flowers. Then make your flip. But, like I said - it's probably good to ask directly of someone who is used to running autos.

I don't think you'll hurt anything if your transition from mh to hps isn't "perfect" - even if you're off by a few days all should be just fine...
Thanks alot definitely gained alot of knowledge. Will stay in touch


I hope you do stay in touch! I'd love to see some pictures along the way! And, I'm always here for any questions you might have.
I will be starting a grow journal in the coming week or 2. Just waiting on Everything else to arrive that I ordered. I will shoot you a message and Let you know


I will be starting a grow journal in the coming week or 2. Just waiting on Everything else to arrive that I ordered. I will shoot you a message and Let you know
Sounds great! I'm excited for you. It makes me think of my first grow...what a ride!!
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