5x5 Corner-to-Corner Solo Cup Run

  • Thread starter Observationist
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This is quite the adventure you're starting! Could you explain the benefits/reasoning behind 4 on/2 off light schedule? I've never heard of/seen that one before. What are the parent plants for your strain you bred?
Also the plants seem to like it, seems to be more efficient, and then 2 less hours from 18, seems easier to control heat build up and more Calvin cycles.

Seems to be a little efficient but I have no data to back it up


Are you gunna go straight 12/12 from seed or give em some grow time? Curious as hell to c how this show pans out for ya👍


Are you gunna go straight 12/12 from seed or give em some grow time? Curious as hell to c how this show pans out for ya👍
4/2 for hopefully 1-2months then I’ll try 2/2 again - that doesn’t work then I’ll do 14on10off


So this shortened light schedule peaked my interest, did some research, and it makes a lot of sense to me. Have you tried a 6on/2off cycle? I'm curious if you have and the 4/2 is even better.


So this shortened light schedule peaked my interest, did some research, and it makes a lot of sense to me. Have you tried a 6on/2off cycle? I'm curious if you have and the 4/2 is even better.
Unfortunately at this point it’s all bro science. In my opinion there isn’t any issues running it other than helping give your plants a rest and your equipment a rest in different intervals. Some may even argue that the less stress on the plants is a disadvantage. I cannot wait for scientific studies to be done on this light schedule debate to truly find out if it’s worth running this over the normal 18/6.


So this shortened light schedule peaked my interest, did some research, and it makes a lot of sense to me. Have you tried a 6on/2off cycle? I'm curious if you have and the 4/2 is even better.
Yea I’ve done 6/2

6/4 sounds ideal-for the Calvin cycle

but then we run out of day hours

If you start a plant from the start with a longer cycle, it might adjust.


Unfortunately at this point it’s all bro science. In my opinion there isn’t any issues running it other than helping give your plants a rest and your equipment a rest in different intervals. Some may even argue that the less stress on the plants is a disadvantage. I cannot wait for scientific studies to be done on this light schedule debate to truly find out if it’s worth running this over the normal 18/6.
Eventually I’ll do side by side in a controlled experiment.

It’s all in theory for now

I like it more than 18 hours straight on for the environmental controls and DLI purposes/heat build up/ more “cycles” in the daily period.


Unfortunately at this point it’s all bro science. In my opinion there isn’t any issues running it other than helping give your plants a rest and your equipment a rest in different intervals. Some may even argue that the less stress on the plants is a disadvantage. I cannot wait for scientific studies to be done on this light schedule debate to truly find out if it’s worth running this over the normal 18/6.
They are definitely getting stressed in other ways, although


Duuuuuuude I just caught up on this wolvy berzerk style throw down 😂 You took FKIN SENNNNND IT and YOLO to another level here. No offense but you've helped me immensely cause I now don't feel alone about how long it takes me to water 😂 this should be hella more enjoyable to watch than to do ourselves so thanks for takin 196 for the team 🤣 I dig your thoughts on potential bottom feed. Just a thought and prolly stupid one but what if you got rockwool slabs, cut holes for the cups in the rockwool, put all of it in 1 piece flood tray, and stick blumats in the rockwool 😮🤔🤓🤪


Duuuuuuude I just caught up on this wolvy berzerk style throw down 😂 You took FKIN SENNNNND IT and YOLO to another level here. No offense but you've helped me immensely cause I now don't feel alone about how long it takes me to water 😂 this should be hella more enjoyable to watch than to do ourselves so thanks for takin 196 for the team 🤣 I dig your thoughts on potential bottom feed. Just a thought and prolly stupid one but what if you got rockwool slabs, cut holes for the cups in the rockwool, put all of it in 1 piece flood tray, and stick blumats in the rockwool 😮🤔🤓🤪
Haha thanks man

I’m thinking about sliding sheets of rockwool in under
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