__ingredi labratorium hemporium__

  • Thread starter gudkarma
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Bobby Smith

i would love to pick your brain because i know you (like me) read & research often.

ANY links or websites that might help me : send em

why cali? dont you think the market is glutted there?

i was thinking rhode island.

still, it has to be somewhere i can surf.

cali would be a dream.

do you think its possible?

i'll take the 4x4 ASAP!

you want any romulan, blue dream, headband, chco kush?

PM me...

gotta run, it's flip time.

mcuh love!

Yeah, the market is glutted but I (we) have enough capital to setup a grow large enough that I'll make money regardless - if I setup a 30K grow and push out 150 pounds a year, that'll be enough for me and the lady to live off of (would probably do a fair amount less, but just saying that I could go that big if need be).

Basically, yeah, there's a flood in Cali but there's also opportunities for people with capital that there aren't in other states (to my knowledge - even in CO there are plant count restrictions and other things happening).

Plus you can't beat that weather :)

And yeah bro, I'll always take new genes - already got that Jackberry vegging in my system now and will be flowered out with my super skunks.


Living dead girl
Bobby, I don't know how much research you've done into Cali's power prices, but for the majority of the state they're very steep. That's where the good OD growing can save your ass.

We definitely have a glut. QPs going for $400, of INDOOR weed.


Premium Member
Seamaiden, Wow! That is not too good! Sorry to hear that. I like a bargin like anyone else..but fair is cool, too! Hope I will be there soon! Good to see you here posting! monkey5



not only have i been to cali but definitely know the cost of living (real estate, basic services, insurances, etc) is high.

cali is the dream!

other options have plenty of positives too.

i'm focusing on capitol & research at this moment.

and given what seamadien just dropped... i'd rather stay illegal.

wholesale, any strain i can deliver, i get $1200 cash money for each & every QP.

my partner & i are thinking up north.

still gotta surf & live & love life... but economics play a huge part too.

at my age successful & legit biz is important.


afghan kush making the final push :

ppm : 950

in the rez : dynagrow bloom , beastie blooms , liquid karma , tap water

ph : 5.6


i tried kool bloom early in this cycle ...giving it a thumbs down.

will do some research to see how/when people are using kb & try one more time before tossing it in the trash.

dropped rez & put back my standard mix.
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A GK whats the average length of cuttings u like to take, and how do u do them?

"will do some research to see how/when people are using kb & try one more time before tossing it in the trash."

Tex posted a recipe in the Lucas formula thread, link if u wanna check out. He uses Koolbloom is point...


dex always bomb digity with some good information or a link!

much appreciated.


i like to do my best to keep cuttings in the 4" to 6" range. i have a guide on my cutting board to ensure i stay in my size range.


i do cuts like this :

1) prepare great white (myco) tea several days in advance

a) i use 2.5 gal of water to a half scoop of myco , a dip of the finger in molasas swirled in the bucket , air stones, pop the lid on bucket, and turn on air pump.

2) two days later i ph the tea to 5.6 to 5.8 (ish) & toss in the required number of rockwool cubes into the bucket.

a) let soak for a day

3) i prepare the cubes even further by squeezing them several times & , using the side with no hole, i flip the cubes over and make my own hole for the cuts (tight fit)

a) cubes ready, i remove them from the bucket and squeeze just right (not too dry, not too wet) and stack on a tray

4) empty bucket of myco tea now gets the cuts from my mom. i go through and snip cuts longer than i need , toss them in the bucket, & try to work them into my size range later.

5) after i take my preliminary cuts , i get my cutting board , razor , rooting powder (i like powder) ready & sterile while the cuts soak in the tea

6) everything ready , i glove up and use the marking on my cutting board to bring the cuts down to size.

7) i always try to make my final cut near or through a node ...if i cant i dont sweat it ...but i try.

a) i gauge my final cut location &, right above that area, I scarify the a few times.

8) quickly i cut on an angle , even quicker dip in tea , and quickly dip in rooting powder , & confidently put the cut into my hole in the rockwool block ...and place in cut tray.

9) batch finished and cut tray full, i mist with a simple solution of foxfarms kangaroots and water (5ml to a quart)

10) dome on till roots bust , keeping humidity up

11) keeping a careful eye on the cubes making sure they're never soaked or bone dry

12) once rooted , i leave them in the tray & start feeding light nutes ph'd to 5.6 to 5.8 by dipping the cubes by hand in my nute solution.

13) i never throw a tray down to flower until ALL the cuts have the right color and have stretched a bit... into the 6 to 8" (ish) range this is how i get those beautiful trays full of big colas.

a) we don't use 2" cuttings for that reason, they'd have to veg a hot minute

14) i have taken to putting the rockwool cubes directly into my bubble cloner in place of collars & netties.

a) fact is : the bigger, better, and more beautiful the roots... the better the end result will be. i've taken rockwool cuts, put them in the cloner, and grown out full beards in a few weeks which give me both height & root mass.

b) in the bubble cloner i also use the myco tea.

c) there's a thread in the hydro section (on myco) in which i posit my thoughts and a pic.



Thank you for tha rundown...Have u used the larger blocks of RW?

i mean through out a grow?


Thank you for tha rundown...Have u used the larger blocks of RW?

i mean through out a grow?

back in the early 90s ...sure.

i cant remember exactly, but it was like 4x4 (ish) rw cubes on a rw slab.

used a big slab that i cut in two ...and put two cubes on each slab ...for a total of 4 plants.

the rez & tray were these grey type heavy duty totes bus boys use.

cut square hole in the slab plastic and set the cube on top.

rez & tray stacked on top & drip emitters.

hahahahaha... flash fucking back!

my first hydro run ever.


i have a hard-on for the 2" cubes (for clones).


...damn! I for real hate this hydroton shit. I wanna try the silica rocks.

K. Rw cubes for cloning tho. I havent had much luck with cuttings lately, I really hate cuttings.


funny. cuts to me is like art.

fine art.

i depend on cuts to make the donuts so to speak.

and, i love me some hydroton.

come one, it's re-usable... which is awesome.

in my scenario, hydroton serves a security purpose too... as i cant stack bags of dirt, nor do compost, or hide much around the outside of my house.


funny. cuts to me is like art.

fine art.

i depend on cuts to make the donuts so to speak.

and, i love me some hydroton.

come one, it's re-usable... which is awesome.

in my scenario, hydroton serves a security purpose too... as i cant stack bags of dirt, nor do compost, or hide much around the outside of my house.

Cutting is for sure an art...I just aint got it down yet. I had three sets come out for me, and just when im like I got it, bam All these h**s died...just a little mad.

I use a "friends" house to compost anything big or If I was going to mix soil. Good to have friends.

I live in apt. and EVERYONE and they kids can here me fuckin with the hydroton...the silica stones wont be much better I suppose. Just wondered about them and other media. I also hate how it seems to be like quicksand when im trien to work with it...


high humidity is key to cut rate survival imo.

i'm not sold on working sterile but it's how i like to roll.

i use cheap rooting hormone so i know it's more method that does the trick.

work fast but know the procedure & work with purpose. i can take 70 cuts (from the bucket to the dome) real quick.

i have some good friends... though my biz partner is one hour from my house... and the rest of your nerds are online.

primarily i like SOG style growing because my waste is so little and its very easy to disguise.

plant count is high , but hey im a risk taker :-)


I think for sure sterilization is very important when taking cuttings homie.

Not only that i feel its necessary for the in-between period when u waiting for roots. That is a very vulnerable state for the plant.

Im glad u said something about humidity. The three times i did get cuttings to go where in cooler with plastic wrap on top. I have a little kit with a heating pad and little tray with dome. Gonna use it.

Any particular brand cubes? Also I thought u wasnt supposed to squeeze them cubes because it makes them not have air space. Im not saying u squeeze them like that but I was wondering if u have any thought on that.


i'd say, if you add the dome (humidity) to your cut situation, you'll see + results.

proper use of the heating pad... even better. my clone cabinet keeps a pretty good temp so i dont use a pad.

if you work clean (like i do) even more better :-)

agreed 100% on vulnerability?

two inch-ers... brand unimportant. my partner uses the 1.5s.

i dont know why... but no "squeezy" & they're too stiff (no homo) for me.

never heard the "lack of air space" thing ,

i thought rockwool was designed (in its purchased state) to always have air space.

97% to 100% success rate for me ...my way.

it's all about that great white (myco) tea & working quick & clean.


~52 days

we got major amber on the afghan.

gonna run a few days (5 to 7) of ph'd plain water flush & chop these sluts.

what's next?

new tray down. moving forward.

and kool bloom is in the trash ...as i got some extra & very late stretch on some tops.

slightly upsetting... but not ...really.

foxfarm trio is all i'll be using in the area of "boosters".

new tray down. the cycle continues.

rocking it non stop!

bowls, bongs, and rolling papers are depending on me :-)

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Chillin' in the Shade...
Nice thread and good looking girls! Keep up the perpetual hard work gudkarma... :cool


sharing some new pics

afghan kush before the chop , final flush.

& the next round ...including an old sour d mom (which is bear clawing from a little to much N)
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