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Knowing every type of deficiency!
Better lightingGIVEAWAY:
5 Lucky winners will be able to win their very own Controller 69 wifi, Cloudray S6, Cloudline S6, Light adapter, and outlet plug adapter.
To enter, like this post and comment your favorite grow tip you wish you knew before you started growing.
Winners will be chosen at random!
This giveaway will end on September 19, 2022 at 9am PST.
Good luck everyone!
To learn more about our new adapters visit out site! https://acinfinity.com/pages/ac-infinity-ecosystem/controlling-other-lights.html
View attachment 1281165
From page 12 of the Controller 69 Product Manual:No smell, no sell, no tell.
What's up with the Controller 69 "Pro" that is referenced in the product description on the web page? Hmmm, are we going to see an 8 port version in the future?
How to identify a nutrient deficiencyGIVEAWAY:
5 Lucky winners will be able to win their very own Controller 69 wifi, Cloudray S6, Cloudline S6, Light adapter, and outlet plug adapter.
To enter, like this post and comment your favorite grow tip you wish you knew before you started growing.
Winners will be chosen at random!
This giveaway will end on September 19, 2022 at 9am PST.
Good luck everyone!
To learn more about our new adapters visit out site! https://acinfinity.com/pages/ac-infinity-ecosystem/controlling-other-lights.html
View attachment 1281165
Still on my first try but had others fail because kids needing with the plant. Just bought a light and tent to keep insideGIVEAWAY:
5 Lucky winners will be able to win their very own Controller 69 wifi, Cloudray S6, Cloudline S6, Light adapter, and outlet plug adapter.
To enter, like this post and comment your favorite grow tip you wish you knew before you started growing.
Winners will be chosen at random!
This giveaway will end on September 19, 2022 at 9am PST.
Good luck everyone!
To learn more about our new adapters visit out site! https://acinfinity.com/pages/ac-infinity-ecosystem/controlling-other-lights.html
View attachment 1281165
I would definitely second that , this would be a grand prize for any grower.Good Luck everyone!! Thanks for the giveaway #acinfinity
KISS, especially as you start out.GIVEAWAY:
5 Lucky winners will be able to win their very own Controller 69 wifi, Cloudray S6, Cloudline S6, Light adapter, and outlet plug adapter.
To enter, like this post and comment your favorite grow tip you wish you knew before you started growing.
Winners will be chosen at random!
This giveaway will end on September 19, 2022 at 9am PST.
Good luck everyone!
To learn more about our new adapters visit out site! https://acinfinity.com/pages/ac-infinity-ecosystem/controlling-other-lights.html
View attachment 1281165
What's that stand for never heard it beforeKISS, especially as you start out.
Keep it simple stupidWhat's that stand for never heard it before
KISS - Keep it super simple or keep it simple stupidWhat's that stand for never heard it before