Accurate Information About Autoflowering Plants

  • Thread starter Seraphim19
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Quick question for anyone who has good knowledge/experience in ph lvl. ESPECIALLY as it pertains to Autoflowering plants.
Ok: As a general rule which is worse; For a a nutrient solution be more ALKALINE or more ACIDIC? How about the same question but regarding soil runoff (therefore Including, I'd assume, the soil itself and around the roots)? Or basically IN GENERAL, hypothetically, for the sake of argument, WHICH would be more detrimental to the plant during the vegetative stage? How about the flowering stage? Any info would be GREATLY appreciated. Granted we all try to get as close to the Goldilocks zone (between 6-7 in soil and, I believe it's somewhere between 5-6 in a hydro setup?) as possible I was just wondering if I were to err a little bit on the ph one way or the other, which would be worse?


Anyone know if I can use Bud Booster from Green Planet on my Auto's when they are in Veg. state. The store said yes. But I am not sure. Will it stop them from growing??
Also. I cannot figure out how to post my own Thread? Need better glasses I think.


Can not help w/ question on nutes,but at the bottom of the home page for Autos threads there's a spot that says new thread.


Not really.. I used to think this to, then I read 4 grow books, got some experience under my belt and realized the only real true was to tell was going by the trichomes. I found out some plants the pistols change color for many reasons from plant traits, light heat and others.. also pollination will cause this early.. just sit back and enjoy the color change, make sure everything else looks healthy and wait for them buds to fatten up and crown up nicely because an early chop can make all that hard work go to waste.. your high will hit you fast and go away just as fast.. Rule of thumb: Clear trichomes= fast up high but won't last long as it should, Milky=morning smoke with a good uplift and really the only early time to chop but will lose out on some weight (my wife likes this high on some strains).. Milky/Amber mi= Good stoney high and at half ambering trichomes it should last a while... ,
All Ambering trichomes= the high most peeps are used to, kind of a drowsy can't get off the couch high and depending on the strain your not gonna get shite done for a few hours.. A great way to get 2 diff highs off a plant is take a percentage at Milky then let the others finish up going amber and actually watch the bud tips crown up and form a flowering head.. hope this helps ya out...
and on your 2nd photo, remove the lowest leafs so the plant can concentrate it's energies on the upper growth ok.. your plants looks great by the way..

A lil update I ended trimming most all the leaves giving the buds more light and a chance to really fatten up I plan to chop her down in say 3weeks or so what Yu guys think


Quick question for anyone who has good knowledge/experience in ph lvl. ESPECIALLY as it pertains to Autoflowering plants.
Ok: As a general rule which is worse; For a a nutrient solution be more ALKALINE or more ACIDIC? How about the same question but regarding soil runoff (therefore Including, I'd assume, the soil itself and around the roots)? Or basically IN GENERAL, hypothetically, for the sake of argument, WHICH would be more detrimental to the plant during the vegetative stage? How about the flowering stage? Any info would be GREATLY appreciated. Granted we all try to get as close to the Goldilocks zone (between 6-7 in soil and, I believe it's somewhere between 5-6 in a hydro setup?) as possible I was just wondering if I were to err a little bit on the ph one way or the other, which would be worse?

Its a bit complex but the simple answer is - in veg you want a slightly lower ph than in flower
so start with your soil at a ph of 6.8 and during veg your feed should be 6.3 and in flower your feed should be 6.5-6.6

your run off ph will indicate the ph of your soil there is an equation for working out soil ph from your run off which I will post later for you, but the basics of it are if you are putting in 6.5 and it is coming out at 6.4 then your soil is at 6.3. double the difference from in to out will give you soil ph.

Its hard to get the ph too high but easy to get it too low so my advice is, if you haven't got them yet then, get yourself a ph pen for measuring the ph of the feed and a ph spike for measuring the ph of your soil


A lil update I ended trimming most all the leaves giving the buds more light and a chance to really fatten up I plan to chop her down in say 3weeks or so what Yu guys think

Your plant needed all of those leafs. You could go ahead and cut it down now,she won't produce anything more now that you took her food makers away from her.



Your plant needed all of those leafs. You could go ahead and cut it down now,she won't produce anything more now that you took her food makers away from her.

Y is it that a lot of plants look close to leafless come harvest.... Dutch passion has a Facebook page with pics journals etc a few monsters on there with barely no leaves thought I give it a try...


That's when the plant eats its own leaves as it's not getting enough food from the root zone. In your case, the plant might have enough food in its root zone but has no way to process it as you just cut those solar panels of her power plant and at the same time removed 90% of her food storage.


That was for the photo or because they are harvesting in next day. But your plant needs all of those big SOLAR panel looking leafs. If the plant didn't need them they wouldn't produce them. Sorry but not a good move.. Let her ride and see what happens for the next few weeks.


That's when the plant eats its own leaves as it's not getting enough food from the root zone. In your case, the plant might have enough food in its root zone but has no way to process it as you just cut those solar panels of her power plant and at the same time removed 90% of her food storage.

That makes since I will definitely keep a eye on her the next few days and see how it goes just fed so don't wanna cut down just yet


In future if you want the light to penetrate further you should try tucking the leaves back or under the buds this way they can still process light but do not obstruct direct light from the bud sites. Also you want the energy from the leaves at the end too so its best if they are left on.

With autos I use the leaves as an indicator of when to harvest, in conjunction with trichs and hairs.

When 80%or more of the hairs are no longer white and have turned red she is close to harvest.

When trichs turn milky with 5-25% (depends on your prefered buzz) ambers she is ready, but not all plants amber up the same so...

When the plant is nearing the end of its lifecycle it will drink a lot less and will start to suck the stored nutrients out of the leaves, this causes the fan leaves to die back first and fall away, then you will see the sugar leaves starting to become affected, this is the point at which I usually harvest.


Hey @Seraphim19 I have one of the two Scouser's that have popped so far ,but will wait till 3-4days old (above ground) before I start a new thread for them.
Thank you again for counting me in ..


Hey @Seraphim19 I have one of the two Scouser's that have popped so far ,but will wait till 3-4days old (above ground) before I start a new thread for them.
Thank you again for counting me in ..
No mate thank you for continuing to provide real and accurate info to the auto novices, especially in my absence.
I said I owed you and I haven't fully repaid you yet, the next gift you get is going to blow your mind!


I'm just trying to pass on the knowledge that was giving to me. Kind of like the. Pay It Forward aspect.

I like mind blowing... ! Cool I'm hoping to blow these out for ya too. From what it sounds like it shouldn't be to hard though.


Hey Don... I'm hoping you didn't misunderstand me when I was trying to explain to you how to FIM cut your plants, but I don't remember saying anything about trimming away every leaf like that. I remove SOME lower leaf material for good air flow but like Seraphim says, I believe more in tying or tucking them large fan leaves.. consider them your solar panels, and everything a plant does that is good evolves around photosynthesis, converting light energy to the plant. When ya cut them away to soon your buds are going to stop growing. Don't get me wrong, I trim a few away on a very very leafy strain, but never strip them until a few days before the chop just to get ahead on the trimming process, but by then the plants are pretty much done plumping up and fully flowered.. FIM cutting is just taking the top part of the plant and cutting the leafy material in half to promote lower branching and not all strains like it and why I experiment.. on your next grow, try just concentrating on growing one out and leaving it be, then learn slowly as you go along.. remember, many of us have YEARS under our belts of mistake making and one thing we've learned, sometimes ya learn the hard way.. good luck bud


Hey @Seraphim19 I have one of the two Scouser's that have popped so far ,but will wait till 3-4days old (above ground) before I start a new thread for them.
Thank you again for counting me in ..

....btw, what is a scouser? I'm assuming it's some British slang?
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