Amendment 64 Task Force Final Report

  • Thread starter outwest
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Premium Gardener
Your definatley right about the average Joe grower with 6-12 having no issues at all. I pushed and pushed the limits for sure but still had paperwork to back it all up..unfortunately you have to still go chat about it in court in order to defend your rights

That really depends on your locale. In Boulder they aren't even sending cops to deal with grows anymore. They are sending the folks who deal with noise, odor, and housing complaints/violations.

Texas Kid

Texas Kid

Some guy with a light
City ordinances are goin to be more and more pains in the ass as time goes on...charge ya for inspect and reinspect, charge ya for being over, charge ya to have a permitted grow, charge ya to get it to code....

I think the small personal grower is goin to be so common that they are not goin ot even bother, but anybody killin it or even kinda killin it your goin to have to be on your toes


Premium Gardener
City ordinances are goin to be more and more pains in the ass as time goes on...charge ya for inspect and reinspect, charge ya for being over, charge ya to have a permitted grow, charge ya to get it to code....

I think the small personal grower is goin to be so common that they are not goin ot even bother, but anybody killin it or even kinda killin it your goin to have to be on your toes

You make a good point. Generally speaking I still treat it like it's illegal, with out the stress or risk, and I'm a small personal grower (1600w).



I'll be interested to hear what county was giving TK the grief when all is said and done, I got a few ideas just by the sounds of things.

We did get that Californication, application varies greatly by county....Even though all these bills were supposed to 'clean-up' the statewide variances.

But good point too. Everybody should 'be on their toes' a little more than they seem to be. Of course some of these newbs never had to in the first place, so really don't know(or refuse to acknolwedge) to begin with.

It's like the old proverb "If a tree falls in your forest and no one is around to see it, does it really make a smell?"


The big businesses are calling the shots at the Capital regarding the MJ reg's.

The only way you can change this is to go down there yourself and lobby or hire a lobbyist.

Mr Dank

The law makers are a joke because they are in bed with the big shops. The big shops are a joke because they suck so bad at what they do, and they know the only way they can succeed is to eliminate as much of their competition as possible
Texas Kid

Texas Kid

Some guy with a light
I think the state retail model is countin on that out of state canna tourism more than you think...ammend 64 may have only added a couple hundred thousand new potheads to add to the rolls but you add the out of staters its goin to be a windfall of folks comin to partake


I think the state retail model is countin on that out of state canna tourism more than you think...ammend 64 may have only added a couple hundred thousand new potheads to add to the rolls but you add the out of staters its goin to be a windfall of folks comin to partake
Just make sure when you come you bring and spend lots of money and you LEAVE when you are broke.
Texas Kid

Texas Kid

Some guy with a light

Blackhawk is goin to be killin it
Green Mopho

Green Mopho

My buddy working on the inside said that the next step is to scrutanize patients with the super high enhanced counts. He said 48 is under the radar but 70-99 plant count recs that have been sent in could get a knock, especially the 20 something kids without any other real medical issues or documentation. Right now its better to have a 24-48 plant rec and deal with the consequences if they do come than run big setups on the premise that a 99 plant rec will get you off. Either way you'll have to defend yourself in court, but high count patients are already being flagged. Up in my part of the state, just here in my little mountain valley, guys are running 30-40 light setups in basements and barns, they would be going to court regardless, better to not tip anyone off and stay with a fairly regular plant count. Once again it all depends on the local cops too and how hard or soft the prosecuting DAs are. Its not where youre from, its where youre at.


The big businesses are calling the shots at the Capital regarding the MJ reg's.

The only way you can change this is to go down there yourself and lobby or hire a lobbyist.

folks I know have. My local mayor is lobbying for business models that won't shut out the little guys/mom and pops. I think they are getting some traction. As to the ultimate success of the retail scheme, who but a tourist would buy pot with a 40% tax? No one in my area.


folks I know have. My local mayor is lobbying for business models that won't shut out the little guys/mom and pops. I think they are getting some traction. As to the ultimate success of the retail scheme, who but a tourist would buy pot with a 40% tax? No one in my area.
Don't forget about the legislation to lower the potency. LETS ALL COME TO COLORADO AND GET SOME POT THAT IS TAXED OUT THE ASS AND WON'T EVEN GET YOU HIGH.
Green Mopho

Green Mopho

The potency thing won't pass, neither will the nanogram blood count which was already thrown out. If they try to add a potency limit, trimming will be a thing of the past. Sell your pot with fan leaves still on it and the cumulative % thc will be much lower, problem solved. Rifling through leaves will just be a prerequisite to rolling a joint, just like separating seeds was in the old days. I think the potency limit is only for edibles, which from the viewpoint of low tolerance patients is understandable.


I like a lot of what Rob Corry is saying.


It is go time at the Capital for you all's interests.

Where ya at??? You ain't there. And if you ain't there you are going get fracked.

Wanna help? Don't wanna get fracked by big businesses and old politicians???

Do something!

We need articulate people to do citizen lobbying at the Capital in the next two - six weeks, making phones calls, organizing a large event, or money to fund articulate people to do this. We will train and get everyone up to speed.

The method we will be using has already shown to get about 200-500 people to show-up on citizen lobbying days.

PM me and I will direct you to the right party.


"The current Medical Marijuana industry, if Government mandates that
it be stagnant, with the same tired old players, no new blood, no new capital,
no new ideas, and it will fail. The Black Market will fill the void, and will
pay zero taxes, follow no regulations, undercut the inflated regulated price of
marijuana, and defeat the voters’ intent."

Pretty much along the lines of what the Feds were saying, too.

@JG: I think most people on this forum are banking on them fucking it up and the Fed coming in a shutting down the clown show. May have better luck getting the people who worry about a drug test than the ones who worry about a rogue DA to work the campaigning.


@JG: I think most people on this forum are banking on them fucking it up and the Fed coming in a shutting down the clown show. May have better luck getting the people who worry about a drug test than the ones who worry about a rogue DA to work the campaigning.

The Feds are not going to shut this down. Just like they haven't shut mmj down. AG Holder's office has said as much already.

So, when they don't shut it down, and if the industry groups get their way, warehouse weed will be plentiful and the prices will continue to drop. That will hurt thcfarmers.

Or, you all can fight for the ability to sell mj to the stores, own the stores, work in the stores, etc...

In politics you either fuck or get fucked. Not doing anything means you are gonna get screwed... Personally, I ain't down with that.

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