Amendment 64 Task Force Final Report

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sky high

sky high

Like dopegeist, I'm still holding out hope the FED will crush this in it's tracks. Either way, I have no desire to work for minimum wage in a pot store or to sell my wares to some pot clown so he and the STATE can profit from it.

I'd rather give it away (and do) and keep the peeps I know out of these retail shops than to play into any of it.

glad I pushed it when I did....


much like the past, lay low, stay off everyones radar.

ill just stay with what has been workin for me, the med law. 5patients and myself, all with extended plant counts. very easy to stay well below our max plant count and enuff meds.

if the feds do come in, somehow shut the whole show down, i dont look forward to how thats gonna play out with the local police. Hick popo is gonna go batshit bustin every grow they know of, i know the cops here talk shit all the time.

i dont know if you guys on the front range have any idea how people here on the western slope think. think 50s alabama, im tellin ya the natives over here are truely old school when it comes to color, class, and everything else ya can think of. the "N" word is slung around in public conversations like its no big deal.

over here your still a lazy dirty stinky long haired hippie.


The Feds are not going to shut this down. Just like they haven't shut mmj down. AG Holder's office has said as much already.
Great so that leave 3 yrs till Bush #3 enters the White House.
Remember what Team America says, "Dicks need pussies, and pussies need dicks."

So, when they don't shut it down, and if the industry groups get their way, warehouse weed will be plentiful and the prices will continue to drop. That will hurt thcfarmers.
Well in my sense of fairness, if I made the laws, it would probably hurt most Thcfarmers more...So the games they play still work to the advantage of most, b/c they still support the underground by their actions, whether they intend to or not.
And prices will continue to drop regardless of what CO does, because what they have already done. Taken away penalties to grow your own. And people will push that envelope as hard as they did the medical.

Or, you all can fight for the ability to sell mj to the stores, own the stores, work in the stores, etc...
Kinda how like I can bitch about dispensaries or sign away my rights to own one.
And you can do whatever you want, it just might not be 100% legal. So yeah, I'm not fighting to sell to a Gov't sponsored middleman.
As RC said, the black market is the check valve, the war on drugs is ending, and yet they still want us to come to them for reconciliation. Let them continue to prove their ignorance and incompetence by passing senseless legislation.

In politics you either fuck or get fucked. Not doing anything means you are gonna get screwed... Personally, I ain't down with that.
Well I have met a lot more honest people in the Black Market, than I have in Politics and Activism. So go have at it, some of us are just sitting the shit show out.

And it still stands you probably better getting smokers to help than growers, as most growers profit off a Prohibition standpoint, regardless of our views/desires for Legalization. It's simple conflict of interest, and the clowns are already set up to fail b/c they were too willing to give in to the Gov't so they could be 'Legal'. Now they got their fix, and they want more....and more... and more...50% tax before it hits the customer's pipe is very possible given the actions in the last three years.
sky high

sky high

Ranchers/Farmers on both sides of the State are very conservative. I talked to some old boys over yer way last week about some land, top, and 2 of the 3 conversations degraded into birtherism, muslimnoia, and general right wing Faux News fare within 5-10 minutes. There are heads about but yeah...they are laying low. For sure, everyone knows everyone else's business....

The folks who are serious growers will keep on keepin' on no matter what the laws say, JG. Because of the risk to jobs/etc. many folks will not come topside with their use and just like we've seen in the medical arena, many casual users will be afraid to stop into a pot shop and buy weed, especially in smaller communities. (Buy pot today, get tested at work tomorrow/etc.). Like TK said, the tourists will be the ones who keep these shops going, not the citizens/locals.

Good luck on getting a nod for small time growers. The law was set up to specifically avoid such players, (known as/referenced as "character actors" by the State/by A64) and the people in control have it orchestrated as to who will get to play before the train even leaves the station. (if it leaves at all)


And it still stands you probably better getting smokers to help than growers...

It is all good. I know what you all want. And let me say - ya'all are fixin to be pleasantly surprised.

Shit got real over the weekend - and realer today. The side that will benefit you all is playin' it right while the otherside is not and can do nothing from here forward but fall back.

Trust me. Ya'all will be very happy. Some of you ARE fighting, secretly, and you doing an awesome job.

Obviously I can not say anything about what is going down, but, it is big.... big for jobs, big for families, big for little business people, and big for Colorado....

- Now for the price of this... is it high??? Not at all. Infact - it adds another shield from the big government.

Sun Tzu - Out


The law was set up to specifically avoid such players, (known as/referenced as "character actors" by the State/by A64) and the people in control have it orchestrated as to who will get to play before the train even leaves the station. (if it leaves at all)

If we win, you are going to be shocked.
sky high

sky high

Indeed, it will be interesting to see what happens at both a State and a Federal level on the entire matter.

What is the timeline on all of this?


It is all good. I know what you all want. And let me say - ya'all are fixin to be pleasantly surprised.

Shit got real over the weekend - and realer today. The side that will benefit you all is playin' it right while the otherside is not and can do nothing from here forward but fall back.
We wish you luck. Lots of us just got a little jaded of the 'activists' and such over the last few years.
But yeah, RC is speaking the truth on that, just wonder if anyone is going to listen.
I know over time the people of Colorado will weed out the clown show in time (I mean if the 'legal' weed is shitty, they'll just call up their buddy from grade school), just laying low for now myself to watch the dust settle, go from there.


You should hear the gist of what is going to happen soon.

I could write a killer book about all the drama that has gone down in Colorado's mmj political scene in the last 3 years - and that stuff ain't nothing compared to what is going down right now.
Green Mopho

Green Mopho

I also got a few buddies on the inside, and what they tell me is that there will always be opportunity for guys like me, even if we needed to dip underground for a while when things get strange and turbulent. This current system and political paradygm won't stick for long. Things are going to change. Better to relax and ride in the new tide than get your panties in a bunch.
We Solidarity

We Solidarity

You should hear the gist of what is going to happen soon.

I could write a killer book about all the drama that has gone down in Colorado's mmj political scene in the last 3 years - and that stuff ain't nothing compared to what is going down right now.

are you talking about the MMED audit? That shit is gonna get nasty fast...
sky high

sky high

Well DUH!!!! Finally! If they wade into the recreational law in the same way it will be complete bedlam. I'm gonna guess these numbers are wayyyy low and wayyy off. they just don't want the public to know that the machine is cranking out untracked pot over and over again. Hopefully the FED will react in kind and take this shit show down.

DENVER - Colorado's medical marijuana regulations need a dramatic overhaul, auditors said Tuesday.
Colorado's medical marijuana regulations are badly enforced and in need of dramatic overhaul. That's the conclusion Tuesday from a state audit reviewing the Medical Marijuana Enforcement Division.
The audit concludes that Colorado's seed-to-sale tracking of marijuana plants never materialized because the regulators ran out of money to implement it.
Auditors also found that the pot regulators in some cases approved licenses for marijuana businesses that should have been rejected. The audit also identified about $760,000 in underreported sales tax revenue in fiscal years 2011 and 2012.
The Medical Marijuana Enforcement Division is being closely watched because the agency is likely to oversee recreation pot sales, too.


didnt the med law just get revamped with 1284? sheesh man, there never gonna get it right, and the more they dork with it the worse it gets.

hopefully they go back to unlimited patients, that would be a step in the right direction.
Texas Kid

Texas Kid

Some guy with a light
263 there a link to the 89 page audit report they presented yesterday anywhere? I read all I could find but it looks like big changes could be at hand...
true grit

true grit

Lol. I see whats think pressure from folks with money ready to buy in is gonna go away? hell no. shit like this audit is what happens when outside players wanna play and aren't allowed to. Even if the mmc's got one year to themselves that would be it. Play on players.

Mr Dank

I like a lot of what Rob Corry is saying.

I love a lof of what Rob Corry is saying :D


28 there a link to the 89 page audit report they presented yesterday anywhere? I read all I could find but it looks like big changes could be at hand...

TX - Here ya go.

We Solidarity - No I am not talking about the MMED audit. I am talking about changing the system by removing vertical integration.

This next week will be very interesting. We expect a vote on VI no sooner than Tuesday.
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