AN Hammerhead PK 9/18 Discontinued?!?!

  • Thread starter Malachi
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International Toker
hammerhead reads around 9/8 for p and k

Canna pk 13/14 is really around 9/8

Kool bloom seemed to be highest ratio 10/10

Theres a few other boosters i found with even bigger numbers like a DNF product and of course blommbastic has crazy high p/k ratio

I am sure there new hammerhead product will have some high p/k levels too

Making your own guanos will surpass all these numbers if you mix the right ones together for a great p/k

Just curious how you got these numbers? Are you able to test for this yourself somehow?


Premium Member
I just got a bottle of the hammerhead 9/18 how much should I use the first time using it? I'm in week 5 and currently using Foxfarms big bloom tiger bloom epsom salt and molasses...Sorry if this is the wrong thread


Chillin' in the Shade...
Shady Tests… HammerHead PK 9/18 vs 4/8

Just wondering if you ever tested the 2 out. Thanks. :animbong:
Yeah I finally did... :wait

What have you come up with on them tests Shady buddy>>>>Im telling you peoples that there is no change but the flippen sticker:giggle
I rely on this stuff, do you think im into playing games and taking chances?>>>>same great product different label>>>I have a couple bottles of the new and will make it a point to use it next up and coming>>>shoot style<<<<:passingjoint:

Sup brah... the truth is shady in the beginning... :itwasntme

Shady Tests… HammerHead PK 9/18 vs 4/8

A little while back I picked up the new bottle of HammerHead PK 4/8 as I was running out of the 9/18. Advanced Nutrients claims that they made a mistake of the guaranteed analysis label on the original HammerHead PK 9/18 bottle. Let’s take a look…

In the following photos the HammerHead PK 9/18 bottle is on the right…

Even though I bought these bottles at diff hydro shops at diff times, it seems that the truth costs about $5 more…

Okay, the test will consist of two separate containers containing 3 L of RO at 13 PPM…

To start, I’ve carefully measured out 3 ml of HammerHead PK 9/18…

And after mixing it with 3 L of RO the result is 170 PPM…

Now, I’ve carefully measured out 3 ml of HammerHead PK 4/8…

And after mixing it with 3 L of RO the result is 184 PPM…

:giggle Hmmm, it looks like the extra PPM’s may be in the colored dye used in the PK 4/8. In any event it would appear that the original label was somehow misprinted by Dr. Hornby, so he must have been fired and they took his name off the new PK 4/8 label…
true grit

true grit

Interesting, i'll be interested to see what arrives this week...what I ordered specifically said 9/18...wondering if they still got old stock...
sky high

sky high

My local store still has the 9/18 formula on the shelf....


you mix 78.2 grams of Monopotassium phosphate, and 91.8 grams of potassium sulphate together in a 1 litre bottle. Fill the bottle to the 1 Litre mark with distilled water. Shake like hell. This gives you the same strength and ratio as Hammerhead.

Just curious how you came up with those numbers, im no chemist. Would you throw the ingredients in together and shake like you say or mix in one shake to dilute then put the other in and shake? I wanna save some money but not kill plants !


Been a little while but what I did was this...

(very old fashioned too)

using only the dry ingredients I figured out on paper that 50% by weight of both ingredients came out to:

Mono Potassium Phosphate 0-52-34
Potassium Sulphate 0-0-50

mixed equally by weight gives you 0-26-42

what we are doing is aiming for a 0:1:2 ratio

so I knew I needed more of the potassium sulphate to raise the K, and less of the Mono-potassium Phospate to lower the P

I then raised and lowered them respectively by 1% to see what the formula would be.
I kept on doing this till I got the ratio of 0:1:2

Once that was arrived at, I needed to find out the ratio of water to solids to get the needed 9% and 18% by volume

Super old school but with only 2 dry ingredients it isn't to difficult.


also...after working the 9% and 18% formula out, I tested it against a bottle of AN's Hammerhead PK9/18 and found the ppm when diluted were virtually identical.

That is why I keep scratching my head with AN. If my calculations to mix up 9% P and 18% K come out with the same ppm as AN's old PK9/18, then how come the new formulation of AN's PK4/8 is almost the same ppm as their old formula of 9/18 ?

I could be totally missing something, but to me it seems that something is greatly amiss.


Just to satisfy my own curiousity again...I mixed up a batch of the copy, and a batch of the original 9/18
both using 36ppm RO water. Yes that isn't the best but my filters are over a year old!

The copy measured 4ppm lower than the original 9/18.
Which over an amount of 3L, is good enough for my plants.

So whatever you want to call Hammerhead, it really does not matter! Just mix 1-2ml per Litre and be happy.


also...after working the 9% and 18% formula out, I tested it against a bottle of AN's Hammerhead PK9/18 and found the ppm when diluted were virtually identical.

That is why I keep scratching my head with AN. If my calculations to mix up 9% P and 18% K come out with the same ppm as AN's old PK9/18, then how come the new formulation of AN's PK4/8 is almost the same ppm as their old formula of 9/18 ?

I could be totally missing something, but to me it seems that something is greatly amiss.

That right there is enough proof for me if its coming out to the same ppm then there shouldn't be any worry for me to try this out. Thanks for this I plan on saving my money instead of giving it AN.


So no problems using 0 ec tap water for this instead of distilled?


I would image it is ok to just use RO water. I simply worry about any bacteria in the water which might make it go bad in time. I use it up quick enough that I don't worry about it, plus it costs less than 50 cents so even if it went bad.....its not a huge loss in $$$.


Hi there,

do u use hammerhead 4/8 2 or 3 times a week?

anyone had any experience with this?

500lbs Guerilla

500lbs Guerilla

Just checked the AN website and the label they show there displays a 2-4-10 ratio. Looks like another revision to their recipe.

R. Face

Ya I noticed that too, im getting tired of this switching bs from them, ive been looking into the Ginormous which is 0-10-10, or the good ol' Kool Bloom liquid 0-10-10 also. I personally dont beleive there is N in it, hasnt affected any of my plants when ive used it.

It also been missing off the shelves at our hydro store too, idk if they waited till they made the new-est change before restocking maybe. Either case, I think ima go through the last bottle of the Hamemrhead 0-4-8, then try the 2 others I labled above..sry AN ya pushed me away. They started doing all this hybrid junk to their gear, and seemingly watered down the Bud Candy a while back too. I noticed Botanicare's nutes doing the watered down shit also. Not cool, ive been using both brands for years and I noticed right away when I opened the lables on bastards ill tell ya.
true grit

true grit

No offense in the least R.Face but ive had one of my best runs this last one with teh AN gear...specifically the difference in bud candy and hammerhead.... seriously ive been an organic dude for sometime and the trich production and terpene difference has me sold. just sayin.....

R. Face

Hey TG, no prob homie! I too have used the Hammerhead and truly love it. Its just that since the orig. recipe and the 3x changes, one cant help but wonder what the hell theyre doing.

My best runs too have been with their PK booster, but now they are saying all this jazz about new N levels never seen or lables before, the 4/8 is whatever but this new recipe just had me wondering.

The Bud Candy I have seen recent things about lowering certain chemical levels and besides whats on the bottle, one day I opened it and it was all watered down, before it was super thick and smelled great, similar to their old Sweet Leaf, all molasses like. Now it smells similar but not as prominent as before. Idk if the science says its any diff. but many bottles from diff companies even, have been doing this latley. Im just hoping they arent trying to skimp out of the customer ya know?
true grit

true grit

Oh im sure they are!! They are all trying to make a buck off us, and know that as consumers in a partially illegal industry theres not gonna be too much hoopla over constant changes and watering down. though you are right and that is shady to say you got the same product and change npk values all the time...makes ya wonder. I'm using gtd's MOAB thing, so the hammerhead is just there doin work till the big guns get in there late...hehe....

So the bud candy is weeker? i would expect stronger as its both carboload and sweet leaf no? hmm....


Advanced Nutrients Sales Rep

What have you come up with on them tests Shady buddy>>>>Im telling you peoples that there is no change but the flippen sticker:giggle
I rely on this stuff, do you think im into playing games and taking chances?>>>>same great product different label>>>I have a couple bottles of the new and will make it a point to use it next up and coming>>>shoot style<<<<:passingjoint:


I'd put money that you work for AN brah!! You do a poor job of covering your identity. Notice Everyone, if you look at Danny's posts they all defend AN. His first posts are very ghetto english BRAH, then all of the sudden his posts are perfect english and grammer. I'd bet you want to appear to be a stoner Brah but then drop all the ghetto and give a very corporate responses.

Then all of the sudden you give us some technical explanation about how the measurements were done differently... Brah. Sorry but I don't buy it at all. If you had no interest you would not defend AN so adamently. You would be open to the possiblity that someone could be right.

I don't know anyone who would just call AN's 800 hot line then attempt to defend a totally plausable test in a forum telling this guy to stop giving poor advice. Where's your real life study brah?? Or you can't say because it's the guys in the lab in the next cubical over from your AN desk...

Stop playing games AN just post as AN with a legit explanation, even if it's a simple as someone made a mistake on the label and we are correcting it to be as accurate as possible for our loyal customers... instead of this rediculous supposed rasta guy who turns scientist and provides internal information about how things are calculated.


Keeping it real.

Buddy Flowers

I'm able to buy it here. The hammerhead I buy is 0-4-8. Plenty of it at the shops up in thee hills

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