Bag Seed Hunting & The Lst Adventure

  • Thread starter rmoltis
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The Beast Slayer
Hey @stonestacker .
Is that a surgery wound under that gauze, or am I just happy to see you ;)View attachment 636703

Gauze was removed yesterday.
I know you guys don't want to see my groin. So I cropped the photo down to only the needed visual information.

20160929 133735

My belly button has been mangled lol.
Also it was kind of weird having a lady other than my wife shaving my genital area. I turned and asked if my wife minded another woman encroaching/touching those areas :D.

I tend to use humor during hard times. To help me keep my mind off the discomfort/anxiousness/nervousness/pain/nausea etc.

At noon today it will have been the end of the 3rd day (72hrs).

First 24 hours wrecked. Worst pain I've ever experienced. Pure agony.
The percocet wasn't controlling the pain. Mobility severely limited.

2nd day upped the percocet since my body had grown past the nausea they gave me instead of 1 every 4hrs I had one every 3 hrs. Mobility severely limited but was very marginaly better maybe %5 or less. Was able to make an exodus to the living room only took 30 mins to get there. And without that abdominal floor yet it felt like all my guts we're just hanging down unsupported. Causing a sort of suction on my Lung an upper chest making my aspiration very limited maybe %10 breathing capacity. Any deeper hurt too much. After all day in chair in living room I walk to bed at bedtime to go to sleep. So I get 2 walks a day (From bedroom to living room and vice versa)

This helps the forming scar tissue tailor to the motions of my body as it grows in. If I didn't move the whole recovery. It may form in a bad position setting me up for future problems.

Peeing still very hard. Can't use abs to squeeze bladder yet (painful). So I wait hours for the urine in my bladder to build enough pressure to empty itself. Then I just relax and let it fill up a big water bottle wherever I am.

I'm keeping myself on a fairly strict mostly liquid diet. Protein shakes, yogurt, watermelon isn't all liquid but at %92 water & %6 sugar. It contains only a very small percentage of solids.

The purpose of all of this. Is to prevent poop from forming until my abdominal floor has a chance to heal. If I have a bowel movement right now it would ruin me. I'm dreading the point when it arrives.

The high protein diet allows my tissue to heal more rapidly. By giving my body a surplus of the raw materials to rebuild with

Day 3 getting better. Still pain while I sleep. But seems after a few hours of lying still the pain fades away. At least until I wiggle my way out of bed in the morning for the exodus to the living room. Today's exodus to the living room was less painful than the past few days but only by another small amount maybe %5-8.

Going from lying down, to sitting up, to standing is getting marginally easier to accomplish. Still hurts a lot when abs are accidentally engaged. But getting better.

I'm about to run out of pain pills today. I'm not ready to be off them yet :nailbiting::bored::hungover::dead:. I really hope when I call him he gives me a refill. Their whole office kept trying to sell me on tylenol only. But that shit does nothing to touch this pain/discomfort.
What a joke.


Gauze was removed yesterday.
I know you guys don't want to see my groin. So I cropped the photo down to only the needed visual information.

View attachment 637227

My belly button has been mangled lol.
Also it was kind of weird having a lady other than my wife shaving my genital area. I turned and asked if my wife minded another woman encroaching/touching those areas :D.

I tend to use humor during hard times. To help me keep my mind off the discomfort/anxiousness/nervousness/pain/nausea etc.

At noon today it will have been the end of the 3rd day (72hrs).

First 24 hours wrecked. Worst pain I've ever experienced. Pure agony.
The percocet wasn't controlling the pain. Mobility severely limited.

2nd day upped the percocet since my body had grown past the nausea they gave me instead of 1 every 4hrs I had one every 3 hrs. Mobility severely limited but was very marginaly better maybe %5 or less. Was able to make an exodus to the living room only took 30 mins to get there. And without that abdominal floor yet it felt like all my guts we're just hanging down unsupported. Causing a sort of suction on my Lung an upper chest making my aspiration very limited maybe %10 breathing capacity. Any deeper hurt too much. After all day in chair in living room I walk to bed at bedtime to go to sleep. So I get 2 walks a day (From bedroom to living room and vice versa)

This helps the forming scar tissue tailor to the motions of my body as it grows in. If I didn't move the whole recovery. It may form in a bad position setting me up for future problems.

Peeing still very hard. Can't use abs to squeeze bladder yet (painful). So I wait hours for the urine in my bladder to build enough pressure to empty itself. Then I just relax and let it fill up a big water bottle wherever I am.

I'm keeping myself on a fairly strict mostly liquid diet. Protein shakes, yogurt, watermelon isn't all liquid but at %92 water & %6 sugar. It contains only a very small percentage of solids.

The purpose of all of this. Is to prevent poop from forming until my abdominal floor has a chance to heal. If I have a bowel movement right now it would ruin me. I'm dreading the point when it arrives.

The high protein diet allows my tissue to heal more rapidly. By giving my body a surplus of the raw materials to rebuild with

Day 3 getting better. Still pain while I sleep. But seems after a few hours of lying still the pain fades away. At least until I wiggle my way out of bed in the morning for the exodus to the living room. Today's exodus to the living room was less painful than the past few days but only by another small amount maybe %5-8.

Going from lying down, to sitting up, to standing is getting marginally easier to accomplish. Still hurts a lot when abs are accidentally engaged. But getting better.

I'm about to run out of pain pills today. I'm not ready to be off them yet :nailbiting::bored::hungover::dead:. I really hope when I call him he gives me a refill. Their whole office kept trying to sell me on tylenol only. But that shit does nothing to touch this pain/discomfort.
What a joke.
Sorry you are in so much pain.
Hope it gets much better soon. I hate pain meds myself but take them sparingly when necessary.
Good vibes to a speedy recovery.


The Beast Slayer
Sorry you are in so much pain.
Hope it gets much better soon. I hate pain meds myself but take them sparingly when necessary.
Good vibes to a speedy recovery.

I tried to wean off yesterday. But as they subsided pain returned. I need them mostly to help stay asleep, getting in and out of bed, and if I have to walk anywhere.

I just want this bad part of the recovery to be over :dead:.
I'm working on it guys.

Today I'm gonna see if I can increase my tylenol dosage and cut out the Perc's. That way I can at least tell the doc I tried it if it doesn't work.


The Beast Slayer
On a side note. Today was trimming day. I had the wife setup next to me. I'm in a chair by the couch.

She sat on the couch with a baking sheet to catch trim and to hold empty stems.

Then I proceeded to teach her about trimming. My standards on how, what to look for, and minimizing handling/trichome losses.

She cut off 1 cola at a time.
Worked on each phenotype separately so we could jar them separately with labels.
And she trimmed them all for poor old me.

She did a great job. Exactly how I would have done it if I had the capacity to.

Here are the final jars.
With flash.
20160930 140123

Without flash.
20160930 140100

I'm guessing between 3-4oz.

I have a separate jar of trim too. Just not worth taking a picture of.


The Beast Slayer
I never got whole plant pics this round at harvest sorry guys. Had a lot on my plate lately.

But here is them in the jars.





Hey @G gnome & @jumpincactus . These flowers were ready to come down all the pistils were brown before harvest. The trich's are almost all milky maybe %3-%5 clear with %1 amber.
Could have gone another week but I had no choice but to chop them right before surgery. Still turned out great looking. Much more frosty than my first grow (probably due to the increased uv of the metal halide light)

The flowers have great smells wafting off of them. Mostly sweetness, some fruity, some citrus. But they are still curing so let's give em time before I give a smell report.

I've got some weeks of recovery left before I resume smoking. So they should be well cured by then.

At noon today it will be start of day 5 of recovery (120hrs since surgery)

Cut out percocet yesterday. There were some bad times and some good ones.

I had to make my first bowel movement yesterday. I Was very scared I would rip my mesh loose bearing down. It was a very long and slow process. Made it feel like the mesh on the left side ripped loose of the new tissue growth. It's probably fine.

It was very wierd feeling the mesh texture on my skin from the inside.
Makes me wonder if I will always feel it.

Got to start eating real food yesterday.
I had some tortellini. May seem simple, but after days of protein shakes, yogurt, water, and pills. It was like a gourmet meal.

Sleeping was rough. I woke up in pain 3 times. Had to take half of one percocet at 6:30am to ease the stomach pain and fall back asleep.

It also was in my system long enough to help me get out of bed this morning. Everyday it gets a little better & easier.

After getting out of bed and walking around to the living room. I had the urge for a 2nd b.m. nervous again like last time but a little more confident. Things went smoothly. Still hurt but getting better.

After done. The left side I thought I felt the mesh pull away yesterday was giving me pain again and I can now feel the mesh poking me as I walk, sit etc. Probably nothing, but worth making a note of at least.

Today I'm optimistic it will be a good day. And I'm feeling marginally better than yesterday. Everyday gets better and better.
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Nice looking stash, sendi
I never got whole plant pics this round at harvest sorry guys. Had a lot on my plate lately.

But here is them in the jars.

View attachment 637458
View attachment 637459
View attachment 637460
View attachment 637461

Hey @G gnome & @jumpincactus . These flowers were ready to come down all the pistils were brown before harvest. The trich's are almost all milky maybe %3-%5 clear with %1 amber.
Could have gone another week but I had no choice but to chop them right before surgery. Still turned out great looking. Much more frosty than my first grow (probably due to the increased uv of the metal halide light)

The flowers have great smells wafting off of them. Mostly sweetness, some fruity, some citrus. But they are still curing so let's give em time before I give a smell report.

I've got some weeks of recovery left before I resume smoking. So they should be well cured by then.

At noon today it will be start of day 5 of recovery (120hrs since surgery)

Cut out percocet yesterday. There were some bad times and some good ones.

I had to make my first bowel movement yesterday. I Was very scared I would rip my mesh loose bearing down. It was a very long and slow process. Made it feel like the mesh on the left side ripped loose of the new tissue growth. It's probably fine.

It was very wierd feeling the mesh texture on my skin from the inside.
Makes me wonder if I will always feel it.

Got to start eating real food yesterday.
I had some tortellini. May seem simple, but after days of protein shakes, yogurt, water, and pills. It was like a gourmet meal.

Sleeping was rough. I woke up in pain 3 times. Had to take half of one percocet at 6:30am to ease the stomach pain and fall back asleep.

It also was in my system long enough to help me get out of bed this morning. Everyday it gets a little better & easier.

After getting out of bed and walking around to the living room. I had the urge for a 2nd b.m. nervous again like last time but a little more confident. Things went smoothly. Still hurt but getting better.

After done. The left side I thought I felt the mesh pull away yesterday was giving me pain again and I can now feel the mesh poking me as I walk, sit etc. Probably nothing, but worth making a note of at least.

Today I'm optimistic it will be a good day. And I'm feeling marginally better than yesterday. Everyday gets better and better.
I think you may be feeling the internal stitches. I never feel the mesh myself. Might be a good idea to use a stool softener as opiates can constipate you.


The Beast Slayer
Nice looking stash, sendi

I think you may be feeling the internal stitches. I never feel the mesh myself. Might be a good idea to use a stool softener as opiates can constipate you.

I'm a stubborn dude. I engineered a pooping plan days before surgery.

I fasted the day before surgery.
To allow my gastrointestinal tract to empty itself out. Pooped that night and morning of surgery.

Then the first 3.5 days after surgery I went on a liquid diet of protein shakes, yogurt, watermelon & water.
The plan was not to eat anything with high % of solids for the first 3 days or so depending on how I felt.

Then on the 4th day I was weening off the percocet (this shit really does affect your body's recovery in bad ways I started feeling less symptoms as I weaned off. But as a trade off pain resumed it's job) And I noticed my gastrointestinal Tract started moving.
It happened right after I ate my first egg (boiled) it started pushing my food on through. Tried to use the toilet and nothing for 30 mins.

So then I think to myself "I need food in my belly to create pressure on my intestines to assist in the evacuation."

Had the wife make some tortellini. And sure enough as soon as I filled up my stomach with solid food for the first time. Everything came out under its own pressure. Making my abs do less work.

Later i ate much more tortellini before bed. I knew as I slept it would digest and be ready for the morning.

Sure enough morning came and after a very very slow walk around the house it wanted to be out.

Now my daily planning takes into account what kind of foods I eat and at what parts of the day to facilitate easier evacuation (with less strain/less pain).

I'm probably one of the few who made it through with no constipation medicine. I try to rely on nature's methods to aid me before I turn to certain medicines/surgery etc.

But on a side note I did buy a bottle of milk of magnesia just in case I needed it.

Like I said to @jumpincactus and my wife. "I had to engineer in safety controls". better to engineer a problem out of the equation before it occurs. Then wait for the problem to arise then correcting it. Just like how they do the safety walks on job sites.

Thanks for popping in @incogneato . Nice to have people to talk to.


I'm a stubborn dude. I engineered a pooping plan days before surgery.

I fasted the day before surgery.
To allow my gastrointestinal tract to empty itself out. Pooped that night and morning of surgery.

Then the first 3.5 days after surgery I went on a liquid diet of protein shakes, yogurt, watermelon & water.
The plan was not to eat anything with high % of solids for the first 3 days or so depending on how I felt.

Then on the 4th day I was weening off the percocet (this shit really does affect your body's recovery in bad ways I started feeling less symptoms as I weaned off. But as a trade off pain resumed it's job) And I noticed my gastrointestinal Tract started moving.
It happened right after I ate my first egg (boiled) it started pushing my food on through. Tried to use the toilet and nothing for 30 mins.

So then I think to myself "I need food in my belly to create pressure on my intestines to assist in the evacuation."

Had the wife make some tortellini. And sure enough as soon as I filled up my stomach with solid food for the first time. Everything came out under its own pressure. Making my abs do less work.

Later i ate much more tortellini before bed. I knew as I slept it would digest and be ready for the morning.

Sure enough morning came and after a very very slow walk around the house it wanted to be out.

Now my daily planning takes into account what kind of foods I eat and at what parts of the day to facilitate easier evacuation (with less strain/less pain).

I'm probably one of the few who made it through with no constipation medicine. I try to rely on nature's methods to aid me before I turn to certain medicines/surgery etc.

But on a side note I did buy a bottle of milk of magnesia just in case I needed it.

Like I said to @jumpincactus and my wife. "I had to engineer in safety controls". better to engineer a problem out of the equation before it occurs. Then wait for the problem to arise then correcting it. Just like how they do the safety walks on job sites.

Thanks for popping in @incogneato . Nice to have people to talk to.
I had a feeling you were an engineer, very meticulous in nature. I know you can get a little stir crazy waiting around to get better. For me it wasn't so bad as I was younger and was happy to sit around playing final fantasy but even that got old after awhile. Some motrin might offer a little relief without the narcotic side effects. Looking forward to a smoke report on that last harvest after a good cure. Stay well


Premium Member
I'm a stubborn dude. I engineered a pooping plan days before surgery.

I fasted the day before surgery.
To allow my gastrointestinal tract to empty itself out. Pooped that night and morning of surgery.

Then the first 3.5 days after surgery I went on a liquid diet of protein shakes, yogurt, watermelon & water.
The plan was not to eat anything with high % of solids for the first 3 days or so depending on how I felt.

Then on the 4th day I was weening off the percocet (this shit really does affect your body's recovery in bad ways I started feeling less symptoms as I weaned off. But as a trade off pain resumed it's job) And I noticed my gastrointestinal Tract started moving.
It happened right after I ate my first egg (boiled) it started pushing my food on through. Tried to use the toilet and nothing for 30 mins.

So then I think to myself "I need food in my belly to create pressure on my intestines to assist in the evacuation."

Had the wife make some tortellini. And sure enough as soon as I filled up my stomach with solid food for the first time. Everything came out under its own pressure. Making my abs do less work.

Later i ate much more tortellini before bed. I knew as I slept it would digest and be ready for the morning.

Sure enough morning came and after a very very slow walk around the house it wanted to be out.

Now my daily planning takes into account what kind of foods I eat and at what parts of the day to facilitate easier evacuation (with less strain/less pain).

I'm probably one of the few who made it through with no constipation medicine. I try to rely on nature's methods to aid me before I turn to certain medicines/surgery etc.

But on a side note I did buy a bottle of milk of magnesia just in case I needed it.

Like I said to @jumpincactus and my wife. "I had to engineer in safety controls". better to engineer a problem out of the equation before it occurs. Then wait for the problem to arise then correcting it. Just like how they do the safety walks on job sites.

Thanks for popping in @incogneato . Nice to have people to talk to.
OMG only dude I know could get an engineering degree on how to take a shit!!!! TMI :p


The Beast Slayer
OMG only dude I know could get an engineering degree on how to take a shit!!!! TMI :p

Would you rather me tell you how my balls are almost black from bruising from the surgery?

That hernia surgery video I posted a Lil back showed the doctor tugging on the blood vessels to the testicle along with the spermatic cords.

My nuts hurt.

Here is that video again

Not for the squeamish.
I cringe everytime I see the testicular blood vessels being pulled on :puke2::yuck::hungover:

I love you Son, Good to see your feeling better!!!!

Still getting better everyday.

The only thing holding me back is time.

All I can do is wait.

I just wish I could smoke :cry:.
This new crop looks delicious.

Here is a teaser of the SDXQ #1
For being seeded she still looks like some fire.

With flash.
20161001 122149

20161001 122243

Without flash
20161001 122301

Don't mind the wild looking flowers. I try to trim as little as possible. I don't need to carve my buds down to the bone or sacrifice potency by removing trichomes.
Cause It's only for me. I personally like the wild look with hairs everywhere.
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Would you rather me tell you how my balls are almost black from bruising from the surgery?

That hernia surgery video I posted a Lil back showed the doctor tugging on the blood vessels to the testicle along with the spermatic cords.

My nuts hurt.

Here is that video again

Not for the squeamish.
I cringe everytime I see the testicular blood vessels being pulled on :puke2::yuck::hungover:

Still getting better everyday.

The only thing holding me back is time.

All I can do is wait.

I just wish I could smoke :cry:.
This new crop looks delicious.

Here is a teaser of the SDXQ #1
For being seeded she still looks like some fire.

With flash.
View attachment 637537
View attachment 637538

Without flash
View attachment 637539
Don't mind the wild looking flowers. I try to trim as little as possible. I don't need to carve my buds down to the bone or sacrifice potency by removing trichomes.
Cause It's only for me. I personally like the wild look with hairs everywhere.
That's usually how I trim too.


The Beast Slayer
The wife helped transplant the clones into 2 gallon pots from the small pots they have been trapped in. Then into the upper chamber.

20161002 202537

Problem is that they are 7" tall.
They won't have much time to develop a rootball before hitting 10".
Maybe I'll go to 11" to be safe. But I'm unsure.

Don't hassle me too hard about the deficiencies. I was seeing how long the plants would do with just water feeding off the soil.

But I've been nursing them back with nutrients. All their new growth is coming in green and nice. The extra leg room for the roots will help a lot too.

27 cola's here I come :D.
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The Beast Slayer
Here is my game plan this grow

All the plants from my last grow were flowered under metal halide with %11 supplemental red lighting.

Now that I have 3 out of those 4 plants as clones (big bagseed # 1 & 2, and SDXQ #2). I can do another run changing the light bulb to hps.

My goal here is to document the differences between the 2. Then have it posted online for all to see.

Should be a nice comparison.
G gnome

G gnome

Here is my game plan this grow

All the plants from my last grow were flowered under metal halide with %11 supplemental red lighting.

Now that I have 3 out of those 4 plants as clones (big bagseed # 1 & 2, and SDXQ #2). I can do another run changing the light bulb to hps.

My goal here is to document the differences between the 2. Then have it posted online for all to see.

Should be a nice comparison.

Cant wait to see how it goes.....i bet ya like the hps better.....u gonna try hps and mh together after this rip?
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The Beast Slayer
Ant wait to see how it goes.....i bet ya like the hps better.....u gonna try hps and mh together after this rip?

I would love to if I could.

Sadly I don't think I could squeeze a 2nd cooltube in there.

I'd also need to shell out for new ballast, bulbs, hood, etc.

My tent is just too damn small (2×2×5) lol.

If I had the means and the space I'd be on it.
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