Bodhi Seeds Thread.

  • Thread starter happy b
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Hope I'm not putting this in the wrong spot, it does relate to a Bodhi strain... the other day I started noticing a little burn on my sunshine daydream but I hadn't fed them anything except for a compost tea that measured 100 parts per million on my . 5 conversion meter

Edit: I'm having trouble with my phone let me edit this when I get back to the computer


I'm only just now growing four Bodhi strains, but they're all doing well. The Clusterfunks are pretty impressive, but I got two males out of three seeds so far. The Apollo 11 f4's are very, very impressive, but I'm not sure those seeds are available right now. If they are, I'd grab some of those ASAP.

Goji, I think, would be my choice if I could only grow one strain. I haven't grown it yet (got two packs of it, though), but I've smoked plenty of it and it's pretty much replaced Sour Diesel as my favorite strain. The Green Lotus was very good, too, if you like Green Crack. The White Lotus I had wasn't really my cup of tea, as it started out a little too racy for me.

One thing I've noticed with the three Snow Lotus crosses that I've smoked is that they all kind of have the same bud structure and smell/taste. Like I said in an earlier post re: an observation that @Bulldog11 made, it seems like the Snow Lotus male dominates whatever cross it was used for. Maybe something to keep in mind.

Do you happen to know if Bodhi will be releasing another batch of the Apollo 11 G in the future?
I just missed the last release of the last Apollo 11 open pollination.
Any information would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance, Steve


Do you happen to know if Bodhi will be releasing another batch of the Apollo 11 G in the future?
I just missed the last release of the last Apollo 11 open pollination.
Any information would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance, Steve
GLG has them


RIP Prayer Tower #4.... Showed male this morning when I was watering them. I like to put them outside for their last few hours, just so they can see a little bit of real sun haha. The light at the end of the tunnel...

That leaves me with thirteen. Everything will be transplanted into three gallon smart pots tomorrow evening. I really wanted to transplant to five gallons, but I didn't expect to have this many females. No room for thirteen five gallon smart pots. Maaaayyyybeee twelve. I figured I'd get a 50/50 M/F ratio at best. So far, including the one Goldstar straggler that I trashed, I've gotten fourteen females out of eighteen seeds. That Prayer Tower was pretty late to show balls, so maybe one or three more will show male by the time I transplant tomorrow night. I'm almost kind of hoping that I get another male or two, just so I CAN transplant into five gallons. As it is right now, with the plants at around fifty days from seed, three gallons ain't gonna cut it.

Still trying to figure out how I'm gonna keep cuts around. I guess I have about 34 hours to figure it out haha, because when I transplant, I'm gonna take cuts, too. Ain't gonna transplant, wait a week for them to get established, take cuts, wait another week to recover and then flower. They'll just be too big by then.

I'm thinking I may just take cuts of the Apollos (I know I've said that before) and forget the rest, but a couple of the Prayer Towers and two of the Goldstars are really saying,"Keep me around!" haha. I dunno. Again, obviously. I dunno shit.

Whatever. First-world problems... Haha!
IMG 0377
IMG 0375


BTW, gotta love the 24% humidity in the second pic, right? This weather is driving me fucking crazy, raining with 60% humidity one day, dry as shit the next. The 82 degrees that you can see in the pic doesn't bother me, I had just gotten finished watering all the plants and put them back in the tent when I took that pic. It always gets hotter in there when I leave the tent open, no idea why. As soon as I zipped it back up, temps went right back to 75. But that humidity.... It's killing me. And it's obvious the plants don't like it too much, either. That's one of the reasons I'm reluctant to take clones of anything but the Apollos. I'm just not sure how healthy everything is. But the Apollos, in my mind anyway, are worth keeping around.


Also, just gave that Prayer Tower 4 male I put outside a good stem-rub (I don't do that with any plants that're in the tent; I try not to touch them at all, if I can help it, just cuz I'm fucking OCD haha) and it smells sooooo good. "Sharp" is the first word that comes to mind. A really biting, sharp, nostril-stinging citrus-chemical fuel with undertones of, like, a nutty "toasted almond" thing going on. Mouth-watering. Swear to gawd, my ears are ringing after the stem-rub haha. Could be because I tend to play my music crazy-loud when I'm at home, but still.... Hahaha!!!! Can't wait to start the flower. Another ten days or so....


Sorry, just so there's no confusion, I meant I like to put the plants I'm about to kill in the sun for the last few hours. The others stay in the tent. Period. But the ones I'm about to trash I put out into the sun. Seems like the right thing to do haha.

And sorry for all the posts. Day off today, been up since 330am, ripped on some Satori right now, loving life.... Posting on the farm makes it really easy to put off cleaning my entire house, which I absolutely have to do today. No dust, ever haha.
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Uh... Yeah, I'm fucked...

If any of y'all have some idea about how to flower out thirteen females that're approaching 60 days from seed, topped and bushy as a motherfucker, in a tiny-ass space (5 feet x 5 feet, minus about eight inches from the tent being sucked in by my Vortex, so really basically 4x4, plus a few inches), please, lemme know haha.

Transplanted into 3 gallon smartpots a couple hours ago, looked at the tent when all was said and done and was just like,"Shiiiiiit, maaaaan....." hahahaha!!! All I'm doing right now is visualizing what these plants are gonna look like when the stretch starts. I won't even be able to get to the back of the tent (or even see the plants in the back) unless I move each row, front to back, out of the tent and back in every time I water and shit. I'm not taking any clones this round (sorry @happy b ), just gonna flower these out and then start a new seed run with a little bit better plan in place and sprouting at the most two strains (probably more Apollos and maybe Tree of Life or Dreambeaver or perhaps SSDD). Think I bit off more than I can chew with four strains this round.

Basically, my back hurts haha! I really didn't think I'd get this many females.

Shit, man, I dunno, maybe I'll take some clones. Right now, though, I'm fucking tired.... And thinking I'm gonna go no-til ASAP. I don't wanna move anything around anymore hahaha!!

But I'm fucking loving life haha! I really like the purple overtones in the "group shot" pic I posted. No idea why it looks like that, didn't do anything different, just took a lame-ass pic with my phone. Maybe it's a poltergeist or something...

Anyway, yeah... Got a lot more thinking to do, trying to figure out exactly how I should go about this (what else is new?), but as of right now, I'm just glad I got these into the pots I'm gonna finish this round in. Took for-fucking-ever.
IMG 0383


Uh... Yeah, I'm fucked...

If any of y'all have some idea about how to flower out thirteen females that're approaching 60 days from seed, topped and bushy as a motherfucker, in a tiny-ass space (5 feet x 5 feet, minus about eight inches from the tent being sucked in by my Vortex, so really basically 4x4, plus a few inches), please, lemme know haha.

Transplanted into 3 gallon smartpots a couple hours ago, looked at the tent when all was said and done and was just like,"Shiiiiiit, maaaaan....." hahahaha!!! All I'm doing right now is visualizing what these plants are gonna look like when the stretch starts. I won't even be able to get to the back of the tent (or even see the plants in the back) unless I move each row, front to back, out of the tent and back in every time I water and shit. I'm not taking any clones this round (sorry @happy b ), just gonna flower these out and then start a new seed run with a little bit better plan in place and sprouting at the most two strains (probably more Apollos and maybe Tree of Life or Dreambeaver or perhaps SSDD). Think I bit off more than I can chew with four strains this round.

Basically, my back hurts haha! I really didn't think I'd get this many females.

Shit, man, I dunno, maybe I'll take some clones. Right now, though, I'm fucking tired.... And thinking I'm gonna go no-til ASAP. I don't wanna move anything around anymore hahaha!!

But I'm fucking loving life haha! I really like the purple overtones in the "group shot" pic I posted. No idea why it looks like that, didn't do anything different, just took a lame-ass pic with my phone. Maybe it's a poltergeist or something...

Anyway, yeah... Got a lot more thinking to do, trying to figure out exactly how I should go about this (what else is new?), but as of right now, I'm just glad I got these into the pots I'm gonna finish this round in. Took for-fucking-ever.
5x5 or especially 4x4 is tight space indeed, what I would do since your only running these once is keep your most favored females in the tent, take cuts from the ones you don't have room for and do what you will with them, and flower the cuts out at another more convenient time. Just one idea. Btw Dreambeaver is supposed to be some powerful herb I need that one
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happy b

Right heres what i used to do simply coz im a greedy bastard and only had a wee space at the time.its not ideal but here goes....IF your able to be at your house every 12 hours take out half the plants and put them somewere completely dark.u can pack em in as its just for the dark.a wee cupboard would do or even a couple here and there in different places as long as its dark.switch your light to 24/0 and swap em over every 12 hours.its FAR from ideal of course but its an option.either that or just trim back all of em so they wont out grow the tent too bad once bloomed or as kds says just pick your best.thing is theres no way of knowing which is the best until theyr well into bloom as iv found the ones that look best in veg are rarely the ones that turn out best.
if it was me i would trim em back and bloom em all.


5x5 or especially 4x4 is tight space indeed, what I would do since your only running these once is keep your most favored females in the tent, take cuts from the ones you don't have room for and do what you will with them, and flower the cuts out at another more convenient time. Just one idea. Btw Dreambeaver is supposed to be some powerful herb I need that one
Right heres what i used to do simply coz im a greedy bastard and only had a wee space at the time.its not ideal but here goes....IF your able to be at your house every 12 hours take out half the plants and put them somewere completely dark.u can pack em in as its just for the dark.a wee cupboard would do or even a couple here and there in different places as long as its dark.switch your light to 24/0 and swap em over every 12 hours.its FAR from ideal of course but its an option.either that or just trim back all of em so they wont out grow the tent too bad once bloomed or as kds says just pick your best.thing is theres no way of knowing which is the best until theyr well into bloom as iv found the ones that look best in veg are rarely the ones that turn out best.
if it was me i would trim em back and bloom em all.

Thanks for the advice. Although you crazy @happy b haha. And kind of a genius hahaha! That idea, moving one set of plants into darkness and moving the other set that was in darkness back into the tent never even occurred to me (a lot of shit doesn't ever occur to me haha), but wouldn't that mean doing it at the same exact time of day, every day? I'm dedicated to this, but not that dedicated haha. Plus, that would mean moving the all of them into and out of the tent every day. Like I said, my back hurts haha, trying not to move these fuckers at all anymore.

@kds710 Thats also good advice. But when I woke up this morning, I decided I'm gonna take cuts of the Apollos and the Goldstars. I have enough Prayer Tower and Clusterfunk seeds that I feel comfortable with just finishing those and doing another seed run with those two strains later. I have plenty of Apollo seeds left, too, but since those are the ones I'm most interested in, I wanna keep backups of every Apollo I grow.

And I've heard the same thing re: Dreambeaver @kds710 . Powerful smoke. I'm almost scared to start those seeds haha. Not really.

But kind of hahaha!!!


Just for the record..... I vote for moving them in and out every 12h! C'mon man, get dedicated! LOL! Been there done that happy b! I might have to do it again soon, hopefully I'll be in the same predicament(if you want to call having too many ladies a predicament?!) as Mintiger in a few weeks..... only I'll be dragging around some Dream Beavers!
@Mintiger nice plants BTW!, always enjoy all the pics, can't wait to see them flowering!


Just for the record..... I vote for moving them in and out every 12h! C'mon man, get dedicated! LOL! Been there done that happy b! I might have to do it again soon, hopefully I'll be in the same predicament(if you want to call having too many ladies a predicament?!) as Mintiger in a few weeks..... only I'll be dragging around some Dream Beavers!
@Mintiger nice plants BTW!, always enjoy all the pics, can't wait to see them flowering!

Hahaha!!! Yeah, man, sorry to disappoint you. I suppose my commitment's lacking....

Side note: anybody here ever try Stevie Wonder? Got some from a buddy's dispensary today and it is fucking excellent. It's got like a full-on body high to it, but with an extremely motivational side to it as well. Never experienced anything like it, to be honest. Found myself kind of melting into the couch for twenty minutes, then getting up and dancing and playing with my dogs and shit for twenty minutes, then melting again, then dancing again. Really interesting and unique. Super-impressed. Already bugging my boy to get me a cut of it haha!

And yeah yeah yeah, I fucking dance sometimes, so what?



Well it Christmas Time so we thought we would show some love!!!! This Promo starts Friday December 19 @ 6 (EST) am and ends December 31st.

Buy 2 packs of Bodhi gear and you will receive a Dragons Blood Tee-shirt for free. These are Limited and you can only get them here at GREATLAKES GENETICS.See picture on site,


Our Bodhi Christmas promo is, Buy 1 pack get a free pack of

Love Triangle (Triangle Kush x Snow Lotus)

Jungle Spice (congo (pine) x 88g13hp

Natural Mystic (Jamaican x Snow Lotus)

Pink Lotus(Pink Panther x Snow Lotus, out door)

TT NL#6 x Appalachia ) .

Buy 5 packs get 5 free packs of ( Love Triangle (Triangle Kush x Snow Lotus), Jungle Spice (congo (pine) x 88g13hp, Natural Mystic (Jamaican x Snow Lotus), Pink Lotus(Pink Panther x Snow Lotus, out door) or TT NL#6 x Appalachia ) .

Bodhi will be dropping 2 new strains and a restock of many others. The 2 new strains are.

White Lotus (the white x snow lotus)

Super Silver Hashplant (ssh x 88g13/hp)

And I would also like to mention that as of January 1st 2016,All Bodhi prices will be going up to 77 dollar's a pack. So get your order's in now!!!

There will also be 3 New strains arriving at the end of December they are,

Wookie hybrids

Space Monkey (gg4 x wookie 15)

Granola Funk (gsc forum x wookie 15) formerly named disco biscuit


China Yunnan Cangshan Mountain Sativa + Acapulco Gold freebie

And all Orders made between December 18th and December 31st ,and paid for by January 10th will be eligible to win 1 pack Of Bodhi's LIMITED NEW RELEASE

88 Cherries (cherry pie x 88g13/hp). I will pick 2 orders at random and they will both receive 1 Pack. I will announcement the winners in a news letter on January 15th.


A good promo, thought I'd let all you bodhi heads know.

Damnit, I just made a vow to not get any more seeds for at least a year.... Thanks a lot, @Limonene haha! Just kidding, good to know, probably gonna have to jump on that promo. A few of those crosses sound very interesting.


Just got done watering the tent, suuuuper-excited. They're all obviously loving the bigger pots. But the thing that's got me super-pumped is that two of the Apollos are exhibiting the tell-tale "zig-zag" Genius trait. I mean, it's totally fucking obvious, even to my newb-ass untrained eyes. The two full-on "Genius-leaning" plants have also grown about six inches higher than the next tallest plant in the last few days. That's why I even noticed the zig-zag, they're just dominating the grow, way taller than the rest. They're really ready to flower, that's super-apparent.

There's a third Apollo that's also exhibiting a milder "zig-zag" structure. Not nearly as much as the other two and not reaching for the sky like the other two, but it's there. More of a squat structure (at least compared to the other two Apollos), but you can easily see the jagged structure. Or rather, I can haha.

I'm gonna take all of them out of the tent tomorrow night after work and top them off with more soil (you know how they kind of have to "sink" for a few days after transplanting?), top-feed with a little neem meal and then mulch the fuck out of them. I'll take some really good pics of the Apollos, if not every plant. Y'all gotta see these Apollos, tho. I'm super-fucking-stoked right now. The Stevie Wonder I blazed a little earlier might have something to do with my enthusiasm, but I'm pretty sure that, thus far, I'm just glad that I got what I was hoping to find. They look gooooood.....

Said it before, saying it again right now: all of the Apollos are getting backed up, somehow someway. Not gonna risk losing what look like a couple of extremely promising plants.

And on that note, good night! Haha!


Thanks for the advice. Although you crazy @happy b haha. And kind of a genius hahaha! That idea, moving one set of plants into darkness and moving the other set that was in darkness back into the tent never even occurred to me (a lot of shit doesn't ever occur to me haha), but wouldn't that mean doing it at the same exact time of day, every day? I'm dedicated to this, but not that dedicated haha. Plus, that would mean moving the all of them into and out of the tent every day. Like I said, my back hurts haha, trying not to move these fuckers at all anymore.

@kds710 Thats also good advice. But when I woke up this morning, I decided I'm gonna take cuts of the Apollos and the Goldstars. I have enough Prayer Tower and Clusterfunk seeds that I feel comfortable with just finishing those and doing another seed run with those two strains later. I have plenty of Apollo seeds left, too, but since those are the ones I'm most interested in, I wanna keep backups of every Apollo I grow.

And I've heard the same thing re: Dreambeaver @kds710 . Powerful smoke. I'm almost scared to start those seeds haha. Not really.

But kind of hahaha!!!
Just for the record..... I vote for moving them in and out every 12h! C'mon man, get dedicated! LOL! Been there done that happy b! I might have to do it again soon, hopefully I'll be in the same predicament(if you want to call having too many ladies a predicament?!) as Mintiger in a few weeks..... only I'll be dragging around some Dream Beavers!
@Mintiger nice plants BTW!, always enjoy all the pics, can't wait to see them flowering!
I also vote for this idea.

If your back hurts you should put your pots on rolling trays. You can just wheel them in and out of your tent instead of lift them. Start at 22:40 and watch that segment
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