Boss's light test. LEDvsHIDvs Maybe Bad boy.

  • Thread starter BOSSMAN88188
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What do you think of Ledgirl and her product.

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bottom line is do you want to grow nugs or BUDS?


Now, back on topic. Bossman, my BadBoy has buttons that allow me to run 4 or 8 lights. Does yours have this feature? I may email Quantum about the setup. Currently, I can switch on or off one side or the other. I believe being able to run the middle 4 bulbs or all 8 makes more sense. This way you can spread out the light output as your plants grow. With the current setup, you would have to move your plants when going from 4 to 8 bulbs.

Does anyone else feel this would be a better configuration?

Sun Blaze does. the Sunblaze 48 has 2 off/on switches, and the first switch does the middle 4 and the other switch does the outer bulbs on either side.

Night Howl

Thanks lost. I wonder if maybe mine was just mis-wired at the factory? It just doesn't seem right for it to switch from side to side. Shouldn't be too hard to rewire, I'll have to look into that. The switching we both describe just makes more sense. Thanks for the info. :)


Night Howl - Simple to rewire im sure. Mine is not a CAP tho, its a sunblaze. Mine is only 8 bulbs and I think the one Boss is running is 12? Mine is only 430 watts so Im using the 54 watt bulbs, but mine is a veg unit.

Night Howl

^Exact same as yours, just different brand. I'm gonna use mine for veg as well, maybe use it full cycle when I get the time to experiment with SCROG.


How many days/weeks you at now?

I am finding my buds under my LED to be extremely hard and dense. I haven't done the strain before so I don't know what the buds would look like under HID but they do seem smaller than expected. However they are much more dense than expected.

What are the smells of the buds like Bossman? Are the ones under LED giving off the same odors as the others?

You are doing a good job keeping this going. Your scrog canopy need some improvement next time but otherwise you are doing good Bossman.

As of today they are at day 43. And I usually pull them around day 56.
I have been very hesitant in admitting what I have to now. My GDP strain has been lost. I have had her for 7+ years. She seems to have some type of systemic porblem.
In the last few months she has just gone massively down hill. With help from some friends and my hydro store I tryed many things to save her. But in the end though I beleive to have solved it. She has lost all vigor. And as you all can see she doesnt seem to make any large fan leafs at all. I have been growing them in other rooms with 1000 watters and its the same thing.
And so I no longer have her. Though deeply saddened I am sure to hear from my no cal buddy at some point to get another cut.

As far as density goes I try not to squeeze the charmin.
The smell is completely different on the Led then either of the other 2. The Led has a sweet and sour smell. Witch I have never smelled from her. The other to lights are just sweet smelling. Same smelll as normall.

Overall I am not at all happy with this round.
If it was not for this thread I would have cchopped them and started over.

Hey Boss, excellent work on the test, very informative. Reading this thread is what made me join this forum. The strength of the Bad Boy convinced me to buy it. Picked up the 8 bulb model for veg. I've been using MH for veg, but from what I've seen fluoros give much tighter internode spacing. Being a Sativa junky, that will be a big help!

You will be very happy with the light.
I would suggest just like with a HID have a fan blowing across just above the tops of the plants to help with heat.

I'm just excited to see the end results! Awesome thread so far bossman!

Me too bro.
Cant wait to start over.

yeah bossman I agree the badboy is repping itself, I am stoked for your test, but having one person constantly repping their product, putting others down, I think it would nice to have a equal advertising campaign going on in here, as it is now, kinda one sided from the marketing standpoint.

thanx mary

Agreed Mary, let the product stand on it's own merit. A rep should answer ?'s and rise above the bickering. These pissing matches only serve to turn a potential customer against even wanting to try the 'next big thing'.

Now, back on topic. Bossman, my BadBoy has buttons that allow me to run 4 or 8 lights. Does yours have this feature? I may email Quantum about the setup. Currently, I can switch on or off one side or the other. I believe being able to run the middle 4 bulbs or all 8 makes more sense. This way you can spread out the light output as your plants grow. With the current setup, you would have to move your plants when going from 4 to 8 bulbs.

Does anyone else feel this would be a better configuration?

I just run it all lights on.

Sorry if I missed any ?'s or responses.
Seriously medicated.


ledgirl, are those buds already dried, or just freshly manicured? hard to tell with the led lights going, pretty buds either way


looks burnt to hell LED girl. I would be embarassed to post that.
true grit

true grit

looks burnt to hell LED girl. I would be embarassed to post that.

Not in the least.

Please only post pertinent comments, and stop trolling. Consider this your troll warning....and LED girl no harm no foul no? Beat em with dankness!


looks burnt to hell LED girl. I would be embarassed to post that.

at first i assumed the yellow leaves were just well flushed, and we all love that. upon further inspection of the pictures however, you can see that the leaves are lush and dark green with crispy burnt tips. not just a tiny bit, but about 1/4 of each leaf is fully dead.


Premium Member
>>>>Also please do not abuse the report post feature on something lame as commenting on burnt buds>>>>Really come on now people<<<<
Shit looks burnt>>>I dont see trolling here<<<

gtd :passingjoint:


Premium Member
LED running or not I can tell those are FRESH buds just manacured... tell tale is the white hairs that are still thick and well white. Not dried back and browned off. Suppose this is experience shinning throu.

Zero - I see no burning on those nice nugs... stop trying to trash this forum.

I believe LEDgirl has put out enough warning to you lot to stop trolling and generally ruining her forum.

If this continues then we will have no choice to start banning people as TOU's are breached.

Lets put this really FUCKING simple shall we....

Unless you have some thing civilized and productive to say then simple STFU. Criticism is welcome so long as its not meaningless hostilities.

Grow up guys.

And we will all see soon enough what these lights can really do as I now have a 345w waiting to go into a dr80 with 6 nice bushy plants... It will be a very regularly updated thread so you can all make an informed choice on whether to give these LED units ago. Rather than blindly procrastinating out of your arsehols.

Sorry if these seams harsh and this is obviously not pointed at anyone imparticular but if it rubs you up the wrong way then perhaps its meant for you.

NOW leave these threads unless you can be civil and really are interested in these lights.

Tobor the 8th Man

Tobor the 8th Man

I'm calling a mulligan, a do-over. I removed my grumpy old man comment.


Premium Member
Tobor... I badly worded that. I got up and had had enough of the pms from people complaining about peoples attitudes in LEDgirls forum.

I have no issues with your testing of these products nor how you journel them. As said before, in your thread I believe, It was indeed YOUR thread that made me make an investment in these lights.

My comment about procrastinating arseholes was about people commenting who have no experience. Hence one of the reasons I have stayed out of the debates, I have little experience with LED and non with this particular brand / product.

Now go smoke some bud and chill as that is what I am. Chilled.

Yet another prime example of cyber misinterpretation. And my bad polish / finnish / english translations.... lol.
Tobor the 8th Man

Tobor the 8th Man

I did chill. I read that this morning and wasn't liking it in my pre coffee state. I jumped on that like a bass on a June bug. I am relaxed about it now.

The only thing bothering me now is that your native language isn't english and you type and write in English better than I do. I would have never guessed you were not from an english speaking country. If I am not at least better looking than you I have lost my will to live. LOL!

Take it easy herbalizor! Sorry about that. To quote Maxwell Smart.... "I missed it by that much".


Oh yay!! We can't be far from seeing some picture of the finished products?!

Good times!!


Hello peep's
We are half way through weak 7.
They have been flushed. I will pull them at the end of weak 8. So for the next weak and a half when they get thirsty they will be flushed again.
The colors and trichs are starteing to come out.
And the smells are still Led sweet and sour. And the other 2 very sweet.
I am deeply saddened that these will be my last harvest of GDP. Untill I get a new cut.

Since I think we can all agree that the Led can veg a plant. So to get the next round started as soon as posible. I have 3 Purple kushes in 2 gallon pots with Coco perlite mix.
They are already 16 inches tall. So I think when the current girls are finished these will spend 1 to 2 weaks of veg under the test lites for scrogging. And then be ready to flip.

This has been a very dissapointing run IMO.
I do want everyone to understand that the issues with this run were all grower mistakes. And by no means do I blame any of the lites.
All the lites in one way or another have impressed me.

Pics 1 and 2 are the Led girls.

Pics 3 and 4 are the Hid girls.

Pics 5 and 6 are the Bad boy girls.
100 1581
100 1582
100 1583
100 1584
100 1585
100 1586
100 1587


I believe LEDgirl has put out enough warning to you lot to stop trolling and generally ruining her forum.


Not trying to start crap here, but this is in the grow diary, not in her forum. I have had almost every if not every post of mine in her forums either edited like crazy, or removed all together. I don't think the tyranny should be allowed to continue outside her forum.

Herb - I am actually pissed off because I feel that LEDgrl is ripping off people that don't know better. I don't know how many threads I have come across lately where a new grower wants to go with leds. Never mind they are blowing their entire wad on a single light thats only good for veg. I feel she is doing a mis service to this community by pushing lights thats are crap. Compare all you want to a 400 hps, bit to say you can even compete with a 1000 hps (reguardless of how many panels). Thats just an outright lie and it sucks that people are scooping up that misinformation, and making bad decisions because of it.

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