Brand new caregiver in need of help.

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THANKS SO MUCH for all the feedback everyone. I have followed all adevice except switching to the Pro nutes, which when I get the money i probably will if I dont get a better handle on the ph situation. Since Im so new I love the idea that it self regulates the ph. They look 100 % better. Lots of new sprouts. I havent completely flushed them just watered them with ph'd water (6.5). They need water again today so Im assuming I should flush them this watering and then fert next. I will test the run off I have a ph meter but nothing to test the EC. I will check on possibly getting a meter for that.

I think the reason I had trouble was that when I got these clones they were growing rockwool with straight nutes to the roots and I didnt rinse the roots before putting them in soil 50/50 mix FFOD and HF pretty rich soil from what I have read..What do you think?

Will post updated pics for anyone interested. Again your help and advice is invaluable to me and much appreciated!!
:) Katie

Alien Abductee

great news!

What I would do, is water them again, let them drain for 10 minutes, then feed them. If the ph and ec is within range, getting some nutes on the roots will really make your plants take off.

Dont worry to much about ec, but make sure you water good between feeding, few gallons per plant, maybe 3 or so, your pots are pretty big.

Now that you have an idea of what goes on in the soil, your grows will be much improved.

Alien Abductee

At 21 days, id assume most if not all of the nutes in the soil have been used up. Even miracle grow, for me, lasts about that long before I see yellowing. If your really worried about the nutes in the soil, feed them half strength and see how they respond, that might be a good idea.


Again great advice. One more question though, can I water them with straight unchlorinated water and then only PH the water with the nutes in it at the end? It says something to that effect in one of the replies above just want to make sure you all agree :)) This is great Im glad you all are here for me, when I get to be a master gardner I can help others with their probs :)


I don't understand such hard knowledge, I hope can be hard to get an insight into it.


THANKS SO MUCH for all the feedback everyone. I have followed all adevice except switching to the Pro nutes, which when I get the money i probably will if I dont get a better handle on the ph situation. Since Im so new I love the idea that it self regulates the ph. They look 100 % better. Lots of new sprouts. I havent completely flushed them just watered them with ph'd water (6.5). They need water again today so Im assuming I should flush them this watering and then fert next. I will test the run off I have a ph meter but nothing to test the EC. I will check on possibly getting a meter for that.

I think the reason I had trouble was that when I got these clones they were growing rockwool with straight nutes to the roots and I didnt rinse the roots before putting them in soil 50/50 mix FFOD and HF pretty rich soil from what I have read..What do you think?

Will post updated pics for anyone interested. Again your help and advice is invaluable to me and much appreciated!!
:) Katie

Again this is Noob advise( 1 time grower too) , I would think just to water with corrected PH water until all looks well. Then go with a 1/4 to half nute combo watch and observe. Like I said Many wise men here taught me to slow it down,it seems much easier to deal with a little deficiency than to deal with toxicity :fixed:

Alien Abductee

I would highly recommend ph testing everything that goes in. The ph in tap water can fluctuate a lot. mine is around 8.0 ph.

What I do is I found some old 5 gallon buckets and I fill them and set the ph on the entire bucket then water from there. Your tap water shouldn't be too far off from 6.5, but if its over 7 can cause problems. it doesnt have to be perfect, it just has to be between 6.0 and 6.8.

Have you tested your water? If its close, it would be ok, if its 8 like mine, i wouldn't, if its 6.8 or higher, I wouldn't.

lets say the water is 7.5 and your nutes are 6.5. You water with the 7.5 and your pot is now 7.5. When you pour the nutes in, its not a vacuum, about 50/50 of each will come out the bottom making your pot 7.0 which for soil is borderline N lockout.

Alien Abductee

I dont think the clone rockwool would cause a problem in the soil, at least I have never had an issue with it in 20 years.. well since rockwool has been used at least. The amount of nutes on the clone, if any at all, usually there isnt any, is insignificant.


Update....:) watered them really good, then nutes at 1/2 recommended dose. Did a PH run off test and the runoff was 5.5. So it is too low...I found this info and am using it as a guide. From what I gather I need to water my water at a higher ph (Im currently using 6.5 ph'd water) so if I raise my watering ph to 7.0 that should make the runoff 6.0 right?

Heres the info Im using

1. It's simple to find out if you are using too much food or not enough by watching the nutrient concentration levels in your tanks day to day. Don't be concerned with the exact reading, rather watch how it rises and falls from each day to the next. The differences between when you put the solution into the tank and the readings you get several hours later or the next day are what tell you if your plant is eating, drinking or happy.

Start with 1.00 EC (or a SAFE nutrient strength). Next day, if it reads 1.4, it means your plants have been using water and your nutrient solution is becoming more concentrated. This means the concentration of nutrients is too high, so you dilute.

If the meter reads lower than the previous day, 0.7 say, it tells you that the plants are eating nutrients faster than they are drinking water, so you should increase your nutrient strength. If it remains the same, your feeding schedule is on target for now. The nutrient/water intake fluctuates with the growth of the plant, so you must continually monitor it day to day.

Your plants will tell you the optimum nutrient levels. When they are receiving optimum food and water, the readings remain constant. The more you do it, the easier it gets. The reason no one can tell you what PPM/EC levels to use is because every garden is different and every plant has different requirements due to their particular environment. That's why you have a ball park starting figure, but after that your plants will tell you almost exactly what they require.
Why do you want to know your runoff pH? Simple- it's an indication of how your water, fertilizer, and grow medium are interacting chemically.

There are 3 measurements that are important to know when you are caring for plants growing in a soil or soilless medium.
The first is the pH of your source water.
Next is the pH of your nutrient solution after the fertilizers and supplements are added.
Last is the pH of your soil. But that's the hard one! You can't just stick a pH meter in the dirt and get an accurate reading, and the cheap metal-probed meters that show this are usually not all that precise.

So how does one determine soil pH accurately? With a runoff test! First, measure the pH of your tap water and record it. As an example, let's say that it is 7.0, exactly neutral.

to check soil Ph usually you can check your runoff or waste water (water from the bottom of the pot). to do this water the plant let it sit for about 10 mins then re water so you get a good cup or 2 of the runoff, then collect it. let the sediment settle for about 5-10 mins, then use a Ph tester to check the Ph of that runoff water (water from the bottom of the pot).
Now place the pot over a clean rinsed container and pour enough water through the soil to start dripping out the bottom. Collect about 4 ounces of runoff water. Check to see if it is discolored as well.

Now, if you only have liquid indicator, which is just fine, pour this water into a clean small tube or the test vial that came with your pH testing kit.Add a few drops of indicator solution, shake, and read the color change.
If you have a meter, simply stick the electrode in the water and read.

Let's say that your runoff comes out at 6.5. How did that happen? The water passed through a more acidic matrix and dropped its pH. You can assume that your true soil pH is a couple tenths of a pH point lower than the runoff in this case- I'd assume about a 6.2. If it comes out HIGHER, just go in the opposite direction. If it came out 7.5, you can assume that you need to drop down from about 7.8.

You want around 6.0-6.5 for a soilless mix, or 6.3-6.8 for soil.


Alien I have a couple questions for you if you dont mind
My water straight out of the tap is 7.0. You asked if I had my water tested do you mean by the county water dept or what... Im not slow really :)
you said 7.0 which for soil is borderline N lockout. What do I want my runoff to be at? what do I do to lower/raise it, the sensible thing to me is to raise lower the water ph or I am completely off base?
I did another runoff and this time it was 6.0 which is more likely around 5.7 or so (according to the article I posted) Im going to check a few more plants to see what reading I get from the run off..So this is a matter of treating and ph'ing each plant independantly isnt it, as they dont all absorb and behave the exact same way?

Alien Abductee

by testing, i just mean ph. hehe. Run off you want in the 6 range. 6.1 6.8. That is the ending run off. So when you first start watering, that ph usually is much lower, as you continue watering the ph will get closer to 6.5. So the ending run off will actually be closer to 6.5 than the run off when the water first comes out.

In general id say all the pots will be around the same, if they have been feed and watered the same. maybe some variation though, but not too much.

ok 5.5. Thats not horrible, though it is low.

to correct a 5.5 I would just continue watering at 6.5. The reason is you do not want to put your roots into shock by changing the ph to fast. just keep watering at 6.5. You do not have to change it all in one setting. If it was like 8, or 4.5 would be different, but your only a few points off of perfection. 5.5 isn't too bad for veg, its low, just not optimal, your plants should still recover.

Stay the course. Continue to monitor the ph of the run off and the water at 6.5. make sure all the water or food going in is at 6.5 and the problem will work out on its own.

After a few times, you will start to be able to predict what the ph will be and you will gain confidence and smile more and realize its not so hard.

With your new understanding, it isn't going to matter what nutes you use. To be honest, using the simple method i showed and some experience with it you can grow using pretty much anything. Some nutes manage certain aspects of growing better, but to me that is the lazy way and you do not learn problem solving and resolution skills, which is very important, specially if you start getting problems.

just my 2 cents.

Alien Abductee

I started to think about what your ph was before you watered with 6.5. might have been pretty low.


I have always watered with 6.5 I did at least know that much the 6.0 to 7.0 range. Im not sure why its so low. Im going to pull a few more pots and check the runoff, they already are showing signs of recovery, tons of new little nodes...dont know if thats the correct verbage but that what I call them. The big plant has shown amazing growth has colas all over it, running to post office and will takes pics and post results when i get back. Cant thank you enough alien :)

Alien Abductee

Your welcome. Glad things are working better for you. Now you know what acidic lockout looks like and how to correct it :)


Hi Alien i noticed your online I was wondering if i could pick your brain some more , just for a minute, Im loading new pics now :0


pics of healthier plants

Here are the updated pics...Now the day after tomm they will need watering again so I will give them the other half of the nutes or plain ph'd water? Im going to have to stick with the FF for now at least I will just be careful. I also have the ingredients for the bat guano tea can I supplement with the tea or will it burn them? the guy at the store said when feeding organic you cant overfeed them is that true?
heres the pics thanks again your the best!


Im going to clone some plants starting tomm. Hope its not hard, I have to go do some reading.

Alien Abductee

Just took some new pics of the last of my soil grow using tomato fertilizer and miracle grow soil hehe.
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