Cant get my humidity down

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😭🤣 note taken I will lay off on the pruning for a while. You guys are awesome I love talking about these plants and my girl is tired of hearing about em. The clawing you see in some of leaves should I be concerned? I had a nitrogen tox late in my veg stage using the wrong nutes and I had to flush both plants twice to correct it. I haven’t had any problems since. My ph is a little high but it’s coming down with every watering. Any ideas
Do we all love this or what?

Keep an eye on the curling, with possible reasons for it on the sidelines so that of it gets a little worse you can quickly hit the solution button. But your plants look good to me. :)


I'm from the government, and I'm here to help.
So what I’ve got now is it sealed off except for a small vent on the top of the tent to let hot air out, my hygrometers near my dehumidifier are saying it’s 53% at soil level. Hopefully with it sealed I can achieve that across the tent. Is 53 low enough to escape bud rot ?

Another thing, if you're worried about bud rot, you can try supplementing potassium silicate to your nutrient feed. It helps prevention of powdery mildew and mold. I even spray my plants with potassium silicate during veg (don't spray it during flower, though, just add through the soil/watering)

A good brand I like to promote is Emerald Harvest. They make very good nutrients for cannabis in general, and were started by one of the top guys from Advanced Nutrients. Emerald Harvest "Sturdy Stalk" is a great potassium silicate supplement. Just make sure you're mixing it properly. You want to add the silicate first, then adjust pH down to around 7 or neutral, then add your usual nutrients, check pH again and adjust accordingly. The reason being is the silicate will raise your pH significantly and it needs to be added to the water before other nutrients to prevent "precipitation"


What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
That's a fine setup. Very nice.

Don't overprune. You'll end up like the Captain growing plants upside down hanging from the ceiling.....
We all know I’m a real man of genius 🧐😂


He he.....yep. I know it's counter to what we've been trained, to keep that strict 12/12. But it's the 12 dark that triggers flowering, not the 12 light part. Also, unless you're dealing with an equatorial variety, think about summers where most of us live. At the end of June (the opposite for southern hemisphere) we get what? 15, 16 hours of sun? By the end of July, when almost all plants have triggered to flower, we're still getting 14 hours of light. Almost all plants will actually flower with a 13 on / 11 off schedule. But, you're STILL giving them the 12hrs of dark, you're just shifting, gradually.

Yes, I've done this, and both ways, by adfing an hour of light a day, and by subtracting an hour of light a day, depending on which way would get me to the goal faster.

Even taking all of this and putting it aside, even if it makes you wait. Wait until you've done 2 weeks of on 2pm/off 2am. Don't change anything. Then do the shift. Because then you've already put the vital first 2 weeks of signaling under your belt and they'll be on their way.

But......don't worry, you can do it. ;)
I foolishly switched my night and day last grow. I eventually considered doing what you suggest, but in smaller increments of 20 min. but I couldn’t find any confirmation that my theory was sound. Good to know it works, and I can gear-up to 1-hour increments if needed someday (but I have no intention of swapping day for night again—what a hassle that was).


im doing a first time grow and so far everything is working super well for me. Im now switched into my flower stage, All great no signs of stress or disease. however, I can’t get my humidity below 60. Normally sitting around 65% . I have wall fans inside the tent circulating air, I tried using a vevor exhaust fan which was powerful enough to suck my tent walls in but it wouldn’t lower humidity. I have dehumidifier going inside the tent and it’s clearly pulling water because I have to dump it but it’s not really dropping humidity either. I’m on a low budget and kinda maxed out what I had already for this. I live in Texas it is swamp weather here humidity levels over 70% in the house and over 80% outside. Any advice? Please help me I have some huge plants I don’t want to lose them :/
I was having same issue all you can do at that point is make sure air is moving lots I cranked my oscillating fan and run my inline fan max 24/7. If you get good air flow it should help. Good luck


i haven't read every post, but if you have a dehumidifier in your tent then all you need to do is slow down the air exchange.
in other words slow your exhaust fans down.
if you continue to pull in humidity your fighting a losing battle.
give the dehumidifier time to do it's job


i haven't read every post, but if you have a dehumidifier in your tent then all you need to do is slow down the air exchange.
in other words slow your exhaust fans down.
if you continue to pull in humidity your fighting a losing battle.
give the dehumidifier time to do it's job
You think if I have adequate moving air in my tent and i keep it clean I can escape bud rot with 57% humidity?


What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
You think if I have adequate moving air in my tent and i keep it clean I can escape bud rot with 57% humidity?
Depends on if it is a strain with humidity resistant genetics. That’s a tad high.


Depends on if it is a strain with humidity resistant genetics. That’s a tad high.
Sheesh I have no idea about genetics these came from seeds in the bottom of a bag. According to my guy it’s leftover bud shipped from Oklahoma dispos. The Strains are def top tier but I know nothing of their genetics yknow


What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
Sheesh I have no idea about genetics these came from seeds in the bottom of a bag. According to my guy it’s leftover bud shipped from Oklahoma dispos. The Strains are def top tier but I know nothing of their genetics yknow
Airflow airflow airflow. You may have to get crafty.


i'll say this 1 more time.
you have to give the dehumidifier a chance to do it's job.
it needs time to dry the air, it doesn't work by magic.
sorry to disagree with the airflow responses , but sucking in humid air , no matter how fast , won't give the dehumidifier any chance at working.
control the air exchange and i guarantee the humidity will drop.


i'll say this 1 more time.
you have to give the dehumidifier a chance to do it's job.
it needs time to dry the air, it doesn't work by magic.
sorry to disagree with the airflow responses , but sucking in humid air , no matter how fast , won't give the dehumidifier any chance at working.
control the air exchange and i guarantee the humidity will drop.
Any recommendations on the dehumidifier? I tried to run the tent sealed with just the fans going no intake and the humidity rose from 57% to 62% in like 30 mins. Should I keep it closed let it run and see if it drops after the increase


i'm sorry i thought you said you had a dehumidifier in the tent.
if not then completely ignore my posts


What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
Any recommendations on the dehumidifier? I tried to run the tent sealed with just the fans going no intake and the humidity rose from 57% to 62% in like 30 mins. Should I keep it closed let it run and see if it drops after the
I was gonna say, I don’t quite think he has one…..but carry on 😄


i'm sorry i thought you said you had a dehumidifier in the tent.
if not then completely ignore my posts
No I do it’s a small pro breeze but when I locked my tent up completely it was sucking water yes but the humidity was rising to 62%. I set my exhaust fan to the lowest setting at the very top of the tent and it slowly dropped back to 57%. Is there a better option for the dehumidifier that could maybe handle the tent being sealed


what kind of control do you have on the exhaust fans?
It’s a vevor exhaust fan with a wall control im able to change fan speed from 1-10 set auto turn off and on functions when humidity or temp reaches x amount.


No I do it’s a small pro breeze but when I locked my tent up completely it was sucking water yes but the humidity was rising to 62%. I set my exhaust fan to the lowest setting at the very top of the tent and it slowly dropped back to 57%. Is there a better option for the dehumidifier that could maybe handle the tent being sealed
give it time to work.
it won't drop humidity fast

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