CDC Demands 132 Passengers That Flew With 2nd Ebola Patient Report For Testing

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have no fear! :)
Doctors Suggest That Marijuana Can Protect You From Ebola

Maybe, If it comes from the Docta' @ Archive Seed Bank via "Hazmat Og" by way of "Reaper" ;)

Keepin' A close Eye on the specimens o_O Two weeks to go and we'll see if it cures what ails ya... sorry about the HPS light wash out :confused:




My medical statistics and facts have been erased as racist so I will refrain with anymore facts and stats as it hurts peoples feeling. Truth hurts... If I post live slides of Ebola I'll get banned for sure. So you virologist keep your opinion/facts coming.


Seriously. . . I did read that the cruise ship woman was not the nurse that was just the first reports I read. That does not sound like a nice way to go. Where does the body come up with 15 liters a day of excretion if the patient obviously isn't eating anything? Freaking horrible way to die.
Anyone with common sense will know not to be on planes and cruise ship after contact with an Ebola patient. No need to explain yourself Fractal, I think you have good points , counter comments are just people still trying dodge common sense.


My medical statistics and facts have been erased as racist so I will refrain with anymore facts and stats as it hurts peoples feeling. Truth hurts... If I post live slides of Ebola I'll get banned for sure. So you virologist keep your opinion/facts coming.

It's A Joke lino... I don't really believe smokin' my Hazmat Og will protect anybody from Ebola...

On the flip side @Medusa post #43 mentions Dr.Anthony Stephen Fauci an immunologist who has made substantial contributions to HIV/AIDS research and other immunodeficiencies, both as a scientist and as the head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.

He made the following statement and I Quote:
"Ebola is transmitted through contact — usually of bodily fluids like vomit, blood, urine or feces. The virus can infect people even after death, often resulting in the infection of morticians or mourners who come in direct contact with the body, according to Anthony Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. Ebola can also be transmitted through fruit bats or by the consumption of infected bush meat such as primates, Ebola has up to a 90% fatality rate, according to the WHO. There is currently no cure for Ebola and no vaccine to prevent it." End Quote ;)

That statement can be found here @ "USA Today"

from Wikipedia Search:

Ebola virus epidemic in West Africa

Under header:
See also:
2014 Ebola virus disease epidemic timeline

Although Ebola represents a major public health issue in sub-Saharan Africa, no cases had ever been reported in West Africa and the early cases were diagnosed as other diseases more common to the area. Thus, the disease had several months to spread before it was recognized as Ebola.[1][26]
On 19 March, the Guinean Ministry of Health acknowledged A local outbreak of an undetermined viral Hemorrhagic Fever that had sickened at least 35 people and killed 23. "We thought it was Lassa fever or another form of cholera but this disease seems to strike like lightning. We are looking at all possibilities, including Ebola, because bushmeat is consumed in that region and Guinea is in the Ebola belt."[27] By 24 March, MSF had set up an isolation facility in Guéckédou.[28]
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Living dead girl
My medical statistics and facts have been erased as racist so I will refrain with anymore facts and stats as it hurts peoples feeling. Truth hurts... If I post live slides of Ebola I'll get banned for sure. So you virologist keep your opinion/facts coming.
Uh huh. Posting "facts" like "it's airborne now" and blaming immigrants for resistant strains of bacteria? Those are facts, eh? Do you think you're the only person here on this forum who is of color, or related to someone with a degree, or a doctor, or anything like that?

Spoiler alert: You are not. Those are not facts, and you're posting racist shit that's going to get you banned with a quickness.

And stop hotlinking pix, fer Chrissakes.


I think some people don't understand the term "Hotlink" otherwise known as Copy / Paste from the web... Download those Pics to "My Photo's" on your P.C. before you post them people.... It matters / makes A difference... ;)


Some of you i know for a fact some of you read alternet so in an effort to report on both sides of the story i'll post this :D

According to a recent Gallup poll, nearly a quarter of Americans are worried about catching Ebola, despite the fact that their chances of actually getting it are vanishingly small at this point. A recent Washington Post-ABC News poll indicated that two-thirds of Americans were worried about an Ebola epidemic in the US.

When people start freaking out about something like Ebola, predictable things happen. They start doing what social researchers call “cocooning.” They don’t travel or go on vacation. They don’t go out to restaurants as much. They may disrupt their work routine or insist that schools be closed.

The fear may be wildly out of proportion to the actual threat of the disease, certainly here in the U.S., but fear comes with its own threat, and Ebola panic is worse than that of past pandemic concerns. So far, it looks like American consumer sentiment has not been affected, and October reports show that excitement over cheap gasoline is trumping Ebola panic. But that could change. If you look at what happened in Hong Kong during the SARS outbreak in 2003, you find that retail sales plunged 10 percent. All told, SARS cost Hong Kong an estimated 2.6 percentage points in terms of GDP. In places like Lagos, Nigeria, shopping centers have already seen a drop of up to 40 percent in sales, even though Ebola has been contained so far in that country.

If you own any stocks, Ebola has likely already hit you in the wallet. Shares of airline stocks like United and American have dropped as investors get nervous about the possibility of travel bans for airlines from West Africa to Europe and the U.S.

The World Bank estimates that the global economic impact could reach more than $30 billion by the end of next year unless the virus keeps going. Over the weekend, Christine Lagarde, head of the International Monetary Fund, issued warnings about the spread of panic and the importance of not isolating countries. Fear can be even more expensive than medical costs.

Marcelo Giugale, one of the authors of the World Bank report on Ebola, made this point very clearly: “What makes all this very interesting is that the final economic toll of Ebola will not be driven by the direct costs of the disease itself — expensive drugs, sick employees and busy caregivers. It will be driven by how much those who are not infected trust their governments.”

Irresponsible media outlets are ratcheting up anxiety with headlines like “Does Your Travel Seatmate Have Ebola?” Meanwhile, Internet survivalist groups are issuing warnings to people to avoid public spaces and public transportation.

All of which will only make the economy sick.


It's hardly a much media hype about ebola. The media is perpetuating and creating the panic in people. 50% of news headines are on ebola, but so far 3 people out of a population of over 300 million have had it...doesn't take a genius to do the math and see what a tiny percentage that is..


The "Economy" has been sick for A very long time... It needs A Vaccination (or Adderall?) & perhaps Washington D.C. Needs an Enema...

A Very "Sick" Economy & Millions of Workers Who Don't Count



Life is priceless, more so when it's your own or those you love...
Our Health Care System simply CAN NOT "Afford" the literal cost $$$$ of an outbreak & if you think the Economy is hurting now "You Ain't Seen Nothin' Yet"


6 of America's Most Panicky, Misinformed Overreactions to the Ebola Virus

In the U.S., there’s growing evidence that Ebola can be quarantined. But the same cannot be said about wild overreactions marked by panic, ignorance and intolerance as parents, school boards and others have responded to their fears, rather than to real outbreaks.

"Better safe than sorry” is the commonly heard refrain. But that is a poor excuse for a litany of misinformed overreactions, including some bad behavior that is bound to leave hurtful lasting impacts on the victims of these panic attacks.

Here are a half-dozen of the worst examples, starting with educators who should know better.

1. Geography Taught Here?

Howard Yocum Elementary School, in Maple Shade, New Jersey, is across the river from Philadelphia. It’s 146 miles away from a hospital in Maryland, 782 miles from a hospital in Georgia, and 1,475 miles from a hospital in Texas, where Ebola patients are located. However, when parents and school officials heard that two students from the East African country of Rwanda were enrolled, they lost it—even though Rwanda, which has no Ebola cases, is 2,846 miles from the virus’ epicenter, Liberia and Sierra Leone in West Africa.

The school’s staff told teachers (but not parents) that Rwandan students were coming and not to worry. That lit up the rumor mill, and here’s what parents told Fox News:

  • “I don’t feel comfortable sending my daughter to school with people who could be infected with Ebola.”
  • “Really concerns me. I don’t want to keep my boy out of school.”
  • “Don’t smile in my face and have a secret like that.”
  • “Stay there until all this stuff is resolved. There’s nobody affected here—let’s just keep it that way.”
As a result, the Rwandan children have been “voluntarily” quarantined by their parents for 21 days, which is the Ebola incubation period. “I don’t think it would hurt,” one parent told Fox News. “You have a lot of children that are involved, so I don’t think it would hurt.”

Really? Do they think those two Rwandan kids will return to class free of stigma?

2. Not An Isolated Incident

In Strong Elementary School in Maine, a different unfounded fear unfolded. One teacher was put on a mandatory 21-day leave after attending a conference in Dallas and staying at a hotel 9.5 miles from Texas Health Presbyterian, where Ebola patient Thomas Eric Duncan was treated before he died. Never mind that millions of people live and commute in the city. Ignorant parents and a compliant school board were quick to overreact, bending to the argument that they had not been told a teacher would be in Dallas.

“The decision to place the teacher on leave was made by the MSAD 58 school board Thursday evening, after parents and community members expressed frustration that they were not notified that the teacher would be traveling to Dallas,” Portland’s Press Herald said. “After several discussions with the staff member, out of an abundance of caution, this staff member has been placed on a paid leave of absence for up to 21 days,” the school board’s statement said.

For the record, to date, there have been no Ebola cases in Maine.

3. What’s Missing in Mississippi

More public school paranoia occurred in Hazelhurst, Mississippi, after a rumor surfaced that its middle-school principal, Lee Wannik, was in Nigeria (which, incidentally, has been declared virus-free by international health officials). The rumor, which was wrong, nonetheless prompted dozens of parents to remove their children from school. Wannik was at his brother’s funeral in Zambia, an East-Central African country which is even further from Liberia than Rwanda is.

Again, parents told school officials that they would “rather be safe than sorry,” the local news reported, adding their paranoia grew when Wannik opted to take a voluntary leave and seek medical attention—so as not to be a “distraction.”

These incidents show there is very little thinking going on when people feel that their lives are endangered, despite all evidence to the contrary. But there have been even more paranoid reactions near areas where Ebola patients have been hospitalized.

4. No Getting Sick In Public

Panic broke out and HazMat teams were dispatched to a Dallas Area Rapid Transit station on Saturday after a woman got off a train and vomited at the platform, leading police to close the station and summon emergency crews. Initially, the media incorrectly reported that she had been on an Ebola watch list, which was later retracted.

A similar reaction occurred at the Pentagon a few days before, when a woman who had been to West Africa became sick and threw up in a parking lot. That led officials there to quarantine a bus on which the woman had been traveling.

Meanwhile, in New York City, where international airports are screening travelers from West Africa by taking their temperature upon arrival—which doctors say will do little to detect the virus—the New York Post has reported a “hesitancy by health-care providers to examine patients or by laboratory workers to handle [blood] specimens.”

That kind of personal reaction seems to be irrepressible the closer one gets to a perceived threat or possibility of an infected person.

5. Carnival Cruise Nightmare

Now that a Carnival Cruise Line ship has returned to port—with passengers cheering as they disembarked in Galveston, Texas—there have been a string of news reports saying not everybody aboard the ship was panicking when they learned that one passenger was a laboratory supervisor who had handled an Ebola patient’s blood work. That person voluntarily quarantined herself, showed no signs of infection, and subsequently had her blood tested (and taken away by a Coast Guard helicopter). Consistent with what ship's officers said all along, she was found to be clear of Ebola.

However, the British Telegraph quoted many passengers who described an “utter panic,” saying some passengers were crying and feared they might be trapped on a death ship, where infections would spread, or would have to wait for weeks until being cleared to leave. “As word of an Ebola scare spread, so many passengers tried to call home that their mobile signals failed, and the Internet crashed,” the Telegraph said.

The panic deepened when Mexican officials refused to let the ship dock in Cozumel, citing the age-old maritime practice of keeping ships offshore if there is a threat of disease. “I noticed that we were pulling away,” one passenger said. “The captain finally came on and said we couldn’t get permission to port. That’s when everything hit the fan here and we realized we were quarantined.”

6. Real Ebola Victims, Not Imagined Fears

There are real Ebola victims in the U.S. They include the fiancé and children of Thomas Eric Duncan, who have been quarantined and heavily monitored for weeks after losing Duncan to the virus. As Cliff Weathers reported, those survivors have lost most of their possessions, been forced from their homes and have been treated as pariahs by many neighbors. Duncan's fiancé is very worried about how the children—who have been cleared of any infection—will be treated when they return to school this week.

TheNew York Times also had a striking report on Monday by Helene Cooper, a Pentagon correspondent and native Liberian who described how people in her country are reacting with great inner strength and dignity in the face of a crisis that’s leaving few families untouched. The difference between dealing with a real epidemic and an imagined one is night and day.


A large swathe of the American population believes we are justified in bombing and invading countries based on the fear of perceived threats- so it should be no surprise the extremes the same frightened populous will go based on the perceived threat of outbreak.

It's interesting to me how long folks have been clamoring on about FEMA camps and plastic coffins, now finally there seems like an event is possible which could trigger the need for such measures. Instead of patting government on the back for preparedness, instead everyone raises their hands and voices and says "this is what they've been waiting for!!'".

This victim's mind frame is the result of the constant state of fear Americans have been inundated under since the 1990s, and ramped up exponentially since nine eleven. No one trusts anyone, and all the people can think to do is try to buy their way to some vision of security. When that illusory vision is proven to be farcical the investors in that dream lose their ability to cope, and some ridiculous and awful things happen. Democracy and mob rule are synonyms after all.


Tens of thousands expected to get Ebola vaccines from January: WHO

GENEVA (Reuters) - Tens of thousands of people in West Africa are expected to begin getting experimental Ebola vaccines from January, but population-wide immunization is still far off, the World Health Organization (WHO) said on Tuesday.

Initial clinical trials of vaccines from GlaxoSmithKline and NewLink Genetics are already under way. Some 500 volunteers are due to take part in countries including the United States, Britain, Germany, Switzerland, Mali, Gabon and Kenya.

The tests will generate safety and immune-response data in December. The vaccines can then be rolled out early next year to groups including frontline healthcare workers, said Marie-Paule Kieny, the WHO assistant director-general for health systems and innovation.

"These data are absolutely crucial to allow decision-making on what dose level should go into efficacy testing in Africa," Kieny told a news briefing.

Determining the dosage will dictate the yield or overall amount of vaccine available for the large clinical trials in Africa, she said.

"There is still a possibility that it will fail, but everybody is putting things in order in order for being able to move to West Africa in January," Kieny said. "When I say deployed, I am not talking about mass vaccination, I am talking about utilization in the tens of thousands of doses in the first couple of months of the year."

West Africa's Ebola outbreak, which began in March, has killed 4,546 out of 9,191 known cases in Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone, according to WHO, which has declared outbreaks in Senegal and Nigeria over.

There have been a handful of Ebola cases in Spain and the United States, which on Monday issued stringent new protocols for health workers treating Ebola victims.


Vaccine makers and regulatory authorities are moving quickly to speed up trials and approval for the vaccines, Kieny said. Donors stand ready to help finance the roll-out, expected to cost hundreds of millions of dollars, she added.

"The funding scenario has not been worked out. But what we are working on for the time being is the assumption that the funding will come from the countries who are helping with the response, so indeed the U.S., UK, France, Norway, Germany and many others as well as from the GAVI," she said.

The Geneva-based GAVI alliance procures vaccines at affordable prices for use in developing countries.

While the GSK and the NewLink vaccines, the latter developed by Canada's Public Health Agency and licensed to the U.S. firm, are considered "lead candidates", others are being developed.

Johnson & Johnson has a candidate vaccine that is expected to start clinical trials in January, Kieny said.

Inovio Pharmaceuticals is developing a DNA vaccine that would enter clinical tests early next year. Protein Sciences is developing a vaccine that should reach trials in the first quarter of 2015, she said. Both are U.S.-based companies.

Russia has been developing Ebola vaccines, but their status is less clear, Kieny said.

"The best that I know is that one of the vaccines is either currently or has already been in clinical trials, in Phase I clinical trials, to assess safety and immunogenicity in Russia," she said. "We are currently discussing with them to know a bit more about what are the results and what are their plans."

Experimental drugs against Ebola include Fujifilm's flu drug Avigan, or favipiravir, the safety and efficacy of which the French government will evaluate in a clinical trial in Guinea, she said. The trials are expected to start in coming weeks, she said.

Asked whether this would be the first drug used in trials in Ebola-affected West African countries, Kieny said: "If it starts on time, as far as I am aware, yes."

British scientists said on Tuesday that Avigan might also have potential against norovirus, or the winter vomiting bug.

The U.S.-made drug ZMapp from Mapp Biopharmaceutical has been given to a handful of infected health workers evacuated from the region, but this has been on an ad hoc basis, she said.


Premium Member
Decided against flying to visit mom in law. Ebola or not.
Flying just sucks.
Will load up the Cadillac with 3 burner coleman stove, Smokey Joe Weber mini grill, pots, pans, French Press for coffee, chicken, eggs, bacon, veggies, stop at rest stops and cook up a storm.
Cheaper, better, faster than restaurant that we just cannot eat their food.
At hotels we set up kitchen in parking lot, tail gate style. dinner and breakfast, folks pass by wondering WTF????
Good break from driving...
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Premium Member
Only problem viruses mutate so vaccines cannot be reliable.
Will decline all. For me it's prevention thru nutrition, and if I get Ebola, unlikely, or any other major fatal issue, I will take matters into my own hand's for a merciful passing...
Make myself a bed by the waterside and listen to the music sing sweet songs and gently rock my soul for eternity...
Nuff babble, time to nap.....


Just so long as you don't give it to your family before you take your own life...


Living dead girl
A large swathe of the American population believes we are justified in bombing and invading countries based on the fear of perceived threats- so it should be no surprise the extremes the same frightened populous will go based on the perceived threat of outbreak.

It's interesting to me how long folks have been clamoring on about FEMA camps and plastic coffins, now finally there seems like an event is possible which could trigger the need for such measures. Instead of patting government on the back for preparedness, instead everyone raises their hands and voices and says "this is what they've been waiting for!!'".

This victim's mind frame is the result of the constant state of fear Americans have been inundated under since the 1990s, and ramped up exponentially since nine eleven. No one trusts anyone, and all the people can think to do is try to buy their way to some vision of security. When that illusory vision is proven to be farcical the investors in that dream lose their ability to cope, and some ridiculous and awful things happen. Democracy and mob rule are synonyms after all.
Long before the 90s. You forget the nuclear age and the duck & cover lessons. We've been being primed for it for well over half a century.


Premium Member
Just so long as you don't give it to your family before you take your own life...
Just saying, I know for sure I will never get E bolla, and would not undergo anything like chemo, so called health care these days is treat after the fact no prevention.
Not worried may have 25 more years or not. I will Just live for today and make each day special. Not worried too much about dying, we all have to go sometime.
Been a great life so far, lots of ups and downs. The best is yet to come, so why worry??
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Long before the 90s. You forget the nuclear age and the duck & cover lessons. We've been being primed for it for well over half a century.

Love how they still think a desk is gonna save you from a crushing building collapse ;)

Up in alaska we hada train for tsunami's more less same drill..


Long before the 90s. You forget the nuclear age and the duck & cover lessons. We've been being primed for it for well over half a century.
Sad but true.... Easy to understand the broken state of human perception with a clear view of history....Duck and cover.... From a nuclear bomb? I hope the recommended methods for preventing Ebola are not as asinine.

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