Celtic's mrdizzle inspired run

  • Thread starter CelticEBE
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hey celtic - after using phosphoload (paclobutrazol) did you notice that verticle growth stopped and sideways branching continued ? or did all growth stop all togeather and flowering started straight away ?

Did you use the paclobutrazol before or after you flipped to 12/12 ? if you used it after the flip, how many days into 12/12 did you use it ?

cheers, lookn good man.




I used the Phosphoload at the end of week 2 because my plants were reaching the 4' mark and I didn't want the tops out of light range. It did seem to stop the vertical growth and stimulate a LOT of side branching, not to mention all the little poofs began forming out into full blown buds very quickly. So far I would have to say that this product stands up to it's claims into what it is supposed to do. It does carry a BIG price tag, but I only used 200ml this run so I still have 800ml left for future runs. I've also heard that it is damn near impossible to find now. Something about importing it.

I have been slowly moving the plants away from the lights and last night I pretty much maxed things out as far as how much I can move them away. I'm gonna try to get a few "Full Room" shots tonight and post em up tomorrow.

One last thing, the other day I did some calculating and realized I didn't have enough Heavy 16, so on Sunday I put in an order through Green Coast Hydro. It arrived this morning. WOW! Those guys are ON IT. I have to admit I was a bit reluctant to try this product, having heard that it was a LOT like AN's Connoisseur. The last time I used Connie my plants got a bit scorched. Well let me say this, so far my plants are LOVING it. I was able to cut my CalMag a lot sooner than I normally do. My ph also seems to run very stable with it as well. So, I just wanted to plug not only Heavy 16 here, but GC Hydro as well. I will be doing much business with these people in the future....and no, I do not work for them. I'm just very impressed with how they deal with customers.


Heading into week 4 tomorrow and things seem to be running fairly smoothly. Grabbed a few shots for you last night dizzle....I stood on a 5 gallon bucket and did my best.

I think I want a monkey in my room....it's a damn jungle in there right now.
2011 08 31 02 49 00 925 Medium
2011 08 31 02 49 48 745 Medium
2011 08 31 02 50 07 675 Medium


likes to smell trees.
Last day of Veg and things are looking good. Here are some pics.

pic 1: This is the Alien OG, I think I am going to trim a LOT of these two back. They are bushy as hell. All the leaves are fairly small, which leads me to believe that this plant will produce a LOT of small nugs. Hopefully cutting some of the growth will pump things up a bit on them.

pic 2: Apothecary OG's, a buddy ran this pheno in his garden and I was really impressed with the density and size of his nugs. The back half of these two will be stripped.

pic 3: Trainwrecks, these things are monsters! They are pushing the 4 foot mark as it is, and I think I am going to have to do something to keep the vertical growth down on these girls. I have another bucket with two trainwrecks in it and they are just as out of control as these girls are.

So now that we have Veg out of the way, let's see what these girls can do.

pic 4: Sour Kush's, the fan leaves and stalks on these two are...well....FREAKING HUGE!!! I have been moving this station around because it is surrounded by 4k. So far that has been a good decision because the node spacing is really tight. If I had just stuck it in the middle and let it ride I can imagine that it would have stretched out all over the place.

pic 5: Blackwater's, I only took a pic of one of the stations, there are 3 more. Some of the plants are lagging behind and I think it's from the transplant. There were a few plants that the roots got a little beat up when I transplanted because the medium was still a bit moist. I should have let it dry out a bit more before transplanting. Lesson learned. Regardless, huge fans, thick stems, and lots of tightly spaced nodes on these girls.

I washed out my rez really good. Oh, the bin liner idea didn't work out so well. The pumps want to suck the damn thing up when the water level gets low.

I think I need a bigger pump to feed the girls...that or else redo the top feed manifolds that I made. Right now I have a 1000 gph pump installed and it takes 7 minutes to feed them 15 gallons. I don't have so much of an issue with how long it takes, as I do that there isn't a lot of pressure and it seems as though the tubs aren't getting fully saturated. I may pick up another 1500 from home depot this weekend. I'm seriously considering buying stock in that damn place.

In leadsleds thread on dripping in the DIY, he recommends using the danner 1800 GPH mag drive. They have them on amazon for like 120 bucks. . They are recommended by others as well.


likes to smell trees.
hey celtic - after using phosphoload (paclobutrazol) did you notice that verticle growth stopped and sideways branching continued ? or did all growth stop all togeather and flowering started straight away ?

Did you use the paclobutrazol before or after you flipped to 12/12 ? if you used it after the flip, how many days into 12/12 did you use it ?

cheers, lookn good man.


Careful with all of the PGR's if your buds get too dense you will get rot, from the inside out so you wont know until it is too late. :sad0104:


You should try different pumps. Lead uses an 1800gph mag drive. He also has online sprinkler valves which reduce the working pressure as well. Something to consider. I would just keep your mind open to experimenting with different sized pumps.



Thanks guys for the info about the pumps. I got a Flotec from Home Depot and changed my distribution lines and things are getting evenly saturated now. I'm planning on going into a bigger setup next time so I will definitely be upgrading as far as pumps go.

As far as the Phospholad goes I used it for three days at the end of week 2 and then flushed really good. It's the first time I've used it and I followed igrowhydros directions....meaning I cut back on my nutes 3/4 strength and only ran drip clean and roots excelurator with it.

On another note I'm not sure if I have shared this or not, but I am doing something new with my feeding. I have things broken down into three day periods and then a flush. I saw it as a way to gradually increase PPM's.

wk 1: 1200ppms
wk 1.5: 1250ppms
wk 2: 1300ppms
wk 2.5: 1350ppms
wk 3: 1400ppms

You guys get the picture.


Sorry for not being that active here lately folks. Things are moving along well and I broke out the trusty Canon Rebel the other day. Gonna take some more shots on Wednesday at the end of week 5 and post some pics up Thursday.

Right now I am more impressed with the Alien OG than anything else running in the room. The frost on them is INCREDIBLE. Everything else is packing on weight and frost daily. I feel like I kinda screwed myself with the Sour Kush, as I didn't really thin her out before I put the cage over her and all the growth on the inside that isn't getting much light is robbing the outside. Still nonetheless there are buds everywhere and it is IMPOSSIBLE to walk around in the room at this point. I am literally on my hands and knees to get to the closet, which is where the nutes are. Gotta start tying branches as they are drooping from the weight.

Back on Thursday with a pic update.


its been said, but worth sayin again..

in a vert run, you're better served thinning out much of the insides. i am learning this as well, although the inside buds of a vert system are much more developed than popcorn nugs in my flat garden.


Yeah....live and learn. Its just the one station. The one surrounded by 4000 watts. Everything else I can get to the back of and trim out what's not getting light.

Cest La Vie! I heard Seamaiden say something the other day....a pound of bricks or a pound of feathers....is still a pound. LOL


^development is where ya go wrong. pound of colas is far better than a pound of popcorn.

cest la vie

lets see some pics!


things are Looking beastly bro,

def a good idea to strip the back and thin out the insides, you will end up with the same weight either way, only one will be big buds and the other will be a lot of popcorn

also I like to have those lights so that the top of the bulb is just below the very top of the plant, and what you can do is when you thin them out, pull the plant back and tie it to the cage, this is give you another foot of space so that the bulb doesnt get choked out by the plants being too close


dizzle....thanks for stopping by bro. I'm gonna update pics on Thursday. I think I'm going to cut some holes in the cage on the sour kush and trim out all the small stuff that isn't getting any light. I feel like I shot myself in the toe a bit on doing this so late. I just THOUGHT that being surrounded by 4k I wouldn't need to do as much pruning to these two plants. Well live and learn.

Overall I am pleased as punch and just like each run I have done, I have learned some great things. I think in the future I am going to get away from the cages and just do yo-yo's when I see limbs going down, though I do have an idea for running more of a vertical scrog that I may test out as well. I'm also going to stick with barebulbs instead of cool tubes. Pretty sure my next run will be a combo of vertical lighting and some overhead lighting on adjust-a-wings.


Hope you know what you are doing with these pgr's. Paclobutrazol ain't the only ingredient in Phosphoload. The most active is daminozide. This one grows cancer bro.

Daminozide is considered a hazardous substance according to OSHA 29 CFR 1910. 1200. The EPA lists Daminozide as a “probable human carcinogen”. Combustion products include: carbon monoxide (CO), carbon dioxide (CO2), nitrogen oxides (NOx), and other pyrolysis products typical of burning organic material. Combustion may emit poisonous fumes. Daminozide is an S5 poison.
Daminozide is produced by reacting succinic acid ahydride with unsymmetrical dimethylhydrazine (UDMH also known as 1,1-Dimethylhydrazine). UDMH is toxic, a carcinogen and can be readily absorbed through the skin.

Although Daminozide is the active ingredient, UDMH is also present as a contaminant in both technical and formulated products. UDMH can also be present in products through hydrolysis of Daminozide and this increases as a function of time and increasing temperature. The formation of UDMH from Daminozide residues is known to occur during cooking of apples and metabolism data has shown that Daminozide hydrolyzes to UDMH in plants and in the mammalian body.

Daminozide was initially registered as a pesticide in the United States in 1963 for use on potted chrysanthemums. The first food use, apples, was registered in 1968.
In July 1984, the EPA initiated a 'Special Review' of pesticide products containing Daminozide based on findings that Daminozide and its degradate and metabolite, unsymmetrical dimethylhydrazine (UDMH), were oncogenic (caused the growth of tumors) at multiple organ sites, in multiple species and strains of test animals. The Agency issued a 'Data Call-In' in 1986 requiring additional toxicology and worker exposure data. As a result of the Special Review, the registrant, Uniroyal Chemical Company, voluntarily cancelled all food use registrations of Daminozide on November 4, 1989. The EPA revoked the tolerances (maximum residue limits) for food uses in March 1990. There are no longer any registered food or feed uses of Daminozide, and all tolerances have been revoked. The EPA had calculated the hazard of cancer among people exposed to UDMH in Alar for a lifetime is 45 per million, which is 45 times as high as the one-in-a-million hazard EPA considers "negligible."
In fact, Daminozide is perhaps one of the most controversial agrochemicals ever, eclipsed only by Agent Orange, after the “Alar scare” in 1989 in which a CBS 60 Minutes USA show labeled Alar “a potent human carcinogen”, resulting in the near bankruptcy of the US apple industry. Prior to 1989, five separate, peer-reviewed studies of Alar and its chemical breakdown product, UDMH, had found a correlation between exposure to the chemicals and cancerous tumors in lab animals. In 1984 and again in 1987, the EPA classified Alar as a probable human carcinogen.
The use of Daminozide in any consumable crop is, therefore, illegal. The dangers it poses when used to grow a short-term decidious crop, which is then ingested via inhalation, are unknown (cannabis consumers being the lab rats of shady hydroponic manufacturers and distributors who falsely market Daminozide as "phytominerals", “citrates”, tartarates”, “arginates” and “rare earth elements”).

Flower Dragon, Phosphoload and Top Load are banned already in the us an uk.




Thanks for the heads up on that. Not much I can do about this crop, and I can honestly say that I and many others in SoCal have all smoked a ton of bud that was treated with Phosphoload. I'm not saying that the FDA is wrong about it, but I will say that I read that link and one thing that kept sticking out was "PROBABLE". In the state of California.....EVERYTHING causes cancer.

Jalisco Kid


Thanks for the heads up on that. Not much I can do about this crop, and I can honestly say that I and many others in SoCal have all smoked a ton of bud that was treated with Phosphoload. I'm not saying that the FDA is wrong about it, but I will say that I read that link and one thing that kept sticking out was "PROBABLE". In the state of California.....EVERYTHING causes cancer.

I feel that is a cavalier statement. If you want to go live long and well I would think twice. Good luck with your next grow.


Jk..what should I do? Cut them all down and say oh well? How many of us have smoked weed from Mexico back in the day that was treated with far worse chemicals?

Were talking about something that got run for 3 days very early in flower. The link nuttso gave me also included Gravity and Bushmaster. The link also states that all of this is "probable". Guess what? If I went and hung out in Compton today its probable that I would get shot or harassed. Doesn't mean that I will. I've seen the FDA pull products because there pockets weren't getting lined by the companies. Yet other products like Dial antibacterial ,which has been proven to NOT work a.d is badly damaging our eco system, remain because Dial has money and too much of it invested in Triclosan.

So if you're hear to offer me help...thanks. if you're here to troll and talk shit....do it somewhere else.


Just wanted to tell you that there is dami in it. You can use whatever you wan't in flower bro. It's your buisness. As long as you are letting other now that the weed they smoke is threated wth pac & dami it's ok. Just tell em that it is PROBABLE to cause cancer and let them decide if they wan't to smoke it or not. I wouldn't smoke it.


don't wannna troll your thread mayne. tryin help. If somebody is warning me that i am supposed to smoke weed threated with questionable chems, I'd be really thankfull...


I will definitely give everyone a heads up, and I appreciate the heads up...like I said. I felt more like JK was trolling than you. He didn't offer anything of value to his post other than saying I had a "Cavalier" attitude. I mean seriously....am I supposed to cut this crop down because something got pulled off the shelf that I used for 3 days before budset even took place?

That would crush me. I would be homeless. As I said before, I seriously wonder how much bud the world has smoked that was grown with Phosphoload, Superbud, Gravity, Bushmaster?

I won't use it again. But there isn't a DAMN thing I can do about it on this run and I seriously doubt that the small dent of bud that I have grown with phosphoload is going to cause anyone cancer.

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