Good morning to all you tokers and growers, hope your all fine this dull grey Saturday morning.

Well, what a difference a week makes, thought it would be next week before I would be chopping down, but the OG Kush got its act together and took on a cinnamon glow through this last week.

The Buddzilla and the Chem OG were close enough last week, but I held off so I could chop the three plants together, just to save some time, and messing about.

Hanger wise, I got two off the OG Kush, as it seems to be a tip budder rather than producing donkey's, three from the Buddzilla, and two from the Chem OG, looks very productive swinging in the fans slight breeze, shame there will only be a third left next week when it dry's.

I'll gloat over my newly gained treasure, at least for a couple of days before it shrinks.

Don't know what we're growing next, or by what method, we will decide that after the clean down, going white walls again, got some spare white emulsion to use up.
OG Kush, final week.
OG Kush, two hangers on the left.
Buddzilla, three hangers from the right to left.
Chem OG, the last two hangers on the right.
Group Shot.
So next week we'll see how much dry bud we have, black plastic buckets with clip on lids are at the ready, always a bit sad chopping your plants, all that effort keeping them alive, all the time I've spent lovingly tending them, and now I've murdered them.

But I'm sure I'll get over it when I toke the first pipe full.

So if you want to see if I get over it next week, pop back and find out, until then, just keep tokin folks.