CLONING: A pictorial guide to what I do that works.

  • Thread starter TheTommyK
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Check this you tube video series, its where I learned to do it.

pretty sure those are right


OK ..... so here are some shots of my latest batch. They were cut 13 days ago. The BK5 mother is a smaller frailer mother. They are mostly rooted. The BK1 mother is a strong mother, all of the cones are rooted. I will wait for the others to go ... they will eventually. But after watching the videos posted here, I think I will only grow the strongest of the clones. Start adopting the best product from the start by starting with the best philosophy.

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OK ... So after 16 days I have the time to finally pot the clones, they were pushing the lid off !!!! Out of 55, 51 are rooted. The other 4 would go eventually ... but I think Ill have enough.

I am going to go thru what I do to pot them.

here is what the roots are looking like:
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So after labeling the pots I am going to use,
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I fill the pot 3/4 full with PROMIX ...
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Which I spray until moist, not soaked
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Take the rooted clone and gently place it in the pot
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Fill the remainder of the pot up with PROMIX, gently shaking the pot, to even out the soil.
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I lightly pack it.....
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Only up to the top of the puck though ...
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I spray them again till moist, but that is more to keep the soil from spilling while I take them over to the sink and water them fully in their trays with 1/4 strength GRO A&B, vitamins, and some root stimulator pH balanced to 6.5 (over the sink to let the run off into the sink)

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Rinse and Repeat....

Then they find their happy home under the lights for 5 weeks (min)
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For me, this is twice as much as I need .... I will pick the best of what is here and try to see if I can get a majority of one mother. If not .... it's generally half and half. I am grooming my moms such that I should be able to have a one mom grow show eventually.


Here the ladies are a week later these
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I am going to grow out the strong BK1 ..... I haven't done her in a while ....


give your moms carbs a few days before you take cuttings, and take your cuttings as early as possibly in the light cycle. This is when carbohydrate concentrations are highest in the plant, and carbs are what provide the cutting with energy to form roots. I usually see roots in 4-6 days and transplant day 10 or 12, whenever the roots are over an inch long.

Here is a post on the subject too ....

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